Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Road of Reality is a Head Trip: Are You Sure You Know Where You’re Going?

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.” Albert Einstein

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleOn this third installment of On Telephones, UFOs, and Spirit Guides: Close Communications of the Spiritual Kind, we’re going to look beyond our “mechanical universe” ideas that have us hooked on our five senses and have given us incorrect ideas about the nature of reality and spiritual communication. The higher dimensions of Spirit are not bound by physicality or by time and because most of us don’t understand this, we limit our access to the truths of life.

So, tell me…is your Spirit real? Well, yes, you may believe it, but can you prove it with your five senses? Ahhh! Therein lurks the ever-gnawing doubt that most people struggle with!

How about the air you breathe? You can’t see it, either…but, you believe it’s real. That’s because when you don’t have invisible air to breathe your body will tell you! You experience air as being something real, but you can’t feel it in your hands. Nevertheless, it’s everywhere all at once and it’s invisible. Despite the fact you can’t see it, no doubt we accept, for a fact, that air is a reality.

So then–why is it okay to accept some invisible, incorporeal things as real…but not others?  Why is it that people have such a difficult time believing in a Spiritual reality that is everywhere at once and can’t be seen with physical eyes but can be experienced in the same way that you experience air? The answer can be found in the content of one’s education and subsequently, our beliefs about what is—and what is not—real.

So, what is reality, to you? Is it your car that you can see and get inside of? Is it the computer keyboard in front of you that you can touch? Is it the food on the stove that you can smell and taste? Is it the chair you sit in, that you can feel?

What about your thoughts? You can’t see, smell, taste, touch, or otherwise validate their independent existence. Are your thoughts, real, then?

When you really think about it, reality is a head trip. In every way imaginable.

Humanity’s Enslavement to Materialism and Time: a Prison of Our Own Making

Until humanity can expand its awareness of what is real, we will remain spirits trapped in bodies, unaware of our spiritual nature, our spiritual power, our place in existence, and what life is about. We will remain lost, bound to believe we are hunks of flesh that die along a certain point within the relentless passage of time: marching numbly, inexorably to “the end”, “finis”.

Time is a whip-yielding slave-driver in today’s world: you know that as much as anybody. Work schedules, appointments, due dates, holiday mayhem, closings, openings, traffic jams, alarms, calendars, hairless heads and bald tires, wrinkles, bad joints, sags, bags, rust, breakage, stress, pressure and the deterioration of everything…these are the gifts that time gives to you.

Now imagine, for a moment, what it would be like without all that slavery to time. Go into your mind and imagine an earlier time when people got up at dawn and went to bed at dark. And there was no living by the clock, no panic about being late, and no worry about what will happen tomorrow, just being with the day, in the rhythm of the planet. Now that’s what people like to do on their vacations but it used to be a way of life, when humans were not ab-so-freaking-lutely obsessed with time.

Fortunately, sanity has not taken a total exit from the world stage: there are still remnants of aboriginal cultures that don’t define time like modern people do. Native cultures have what they call Dream Time, or simply the Now. Their understanding of time is closely connected to their non-linear spirituality and a sense of oneness with what they call “Great Spirit” and “all our relations.”

This is the Fourth Dimension, Not the Third—And Time is Not Your Jailer, You Are

Just as reality is not mechanical and as I am soon to explain, not solid, we need to know that time is not an all-powerful master that limits our existence and signals our end. The Greater Spiritual Reality is not bound by physicality, third dimensional configurations or by time. As spiritual beings, neither are we.

This is not the stuff we were taught about in school (a social system that doesn’t educate as much as it engineers the mind to embrace mediocrity and to parrot accepted factoids). So, according to two thousand-year-old Euclidian geometry, we were taught we live in a three dimensional reality where objects consist of length, width, and depth (or height.) Euclid was a Greek mathematician whose discoveries–and those of others, including Newton’s theories of a clock-work universe–has led people to believe that everything in the universe has only three dimensions, is made of matter, and functions like a machine. Most people also view time as a progression of events along a forward/backward line, a constant and independent reality that’s separate from 3rd dimensional space.

While we perceive reality in this antiquated manner, this viewpoint is not an accurate reflection of what reality is. As briefly mentioned in the last post about why millions of people deny spiritual reality, Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity discovered that time and space combines to form the Fourth Dimension, or “the space-time continuum”.

Einstein discovered that physical human beings are residents of the Fourth Dimension, not the Third because the 4th dimension of Time and 3-dimensional space go together. Time is not a self-existent constant in the universe: there is no big clockwork in the sky that marks the passage of time. In fact, the so-called passage of time on other planets (as we choose to measure it here on earth) is influenced by their particular gravitational forces and thus interplanetary time is different from earth time…even very different.

In addition, we have learned that the passage of time is relative in every possible way. It is relative to space, and it is relative to the one who experiences it.

What does that mean, exactly?

It means that time is a relative experience because although, you, as a person, can experience time, time itself does not exist outside of your perception of it. Although we ride time like a train through our life experience, and although it seems to take us from past to present to future, time is a servant of the human experience. It is not our master. Time is a tool that enables us to process the physical journey we’re experiencing. And like all tools, we can put it down once in awhile and live without it. We can use our Consciousness to go back in time, forward in time, or experience non-time, which is what we do when we become spiritually aware.

You experience the relativity of time every time you lose track of it, when it slows down on a bad day and speeds up while you are having fun. During periods of psychic insight or spiritual communication time is suspended, because in the Greater Reality, the past, present, and future are all happening NOW. This is absolutely an imperative understanding when you try to heal your life from past wounds, or have a spiritual healing for your body and create good experiences in your life. All connection to the Divine occurs in the NOW, because the NOW is all there is. The NOW is All-That-Is. The NOW is where you connect to the Divine Source (which is just another man-made name for what many people believe they’re talking about, when they say “God”).

I’ve figured out a way to help you understand the relativity of time by asking you a question.

When you look at yourself in the mirror and see new wrinkles or physical signs of aging, have you ever felt shocked?

Now I know that young readers will have to wait for the illusory passage of time to have that experience, but mature readers are going to know what I’m referring to. People sometimes feel shocked when they see the signs of aging in the mirror. That’s because inside of ourselves, we are timeless. Inside of ourselves, our perception of ourselves is unchanging. We’re as old as existence itself and spiritually we exist within the dimensions of cosmic non-time. Our internal, spiritual selves still feel the same as they always have despite what the calendar says. We feel, inside, like we are suspended in constancy outside of time. And that’s because we are.

We are all ageless, eternal beings, unbound by time. In Reality, there is only the Now. In cosmic truth, everything is happening at once. Since trying to process infinite happenings with our physical brains would give us a very bad case of synaptic overload and massive schizophrenia on steroids, we experience All-That-Is in micro-bites. So we can make sense of our life experience, the instantaneous Whole of reality is filtered through our faculty of perception and broken into infinitesimal, linear segments that we call time.

Think of how an entire movie is made, frame by frame. We experience the cosmic movie of life in that way, frame by frame, perceiving the frames in our personal movie as time. Our experience of time is nothing more than a slow motion thought in the Mind of God.

–Which brings me to the hummingbird. Did you know that they move so fast that when they see us, we appear to them to be moving in slow motion? Hummingbirds perceive and experience time very differently than we do.

Then there’s the dog: in one year of our time, they live seven. Do you think that your dog perceives a year the same way you do? You’re gone for 8 hours at work and the dog is hysterically, slobbery joyful to see you. That’s because in your dog’s perception, the eight hours that you’ve been gone has been over two days!

And let’s not ignore the mayfly: poor thing lives 24 hours. Gets born, has a few dozen weddings, a few thousand babies, retires from its job at the pond and in 24 hours, it’s “curtains” for the mayfly. What the mayfly perceives as a lifetime…is about a day to you.

So as you can see, time is a persistent illusion that is experienced in a wholly relative way. This understanding is necessary to expand your mind to the greater possibilities of your existence. This helps you become spiritually aware of the Greater Reality that you cannot see, but that you are an inseparable part of.

For instance, you may have psychic ability, but there is no way you can consistently access and use your gift unless you understand that something doesn’t have to concrete or immediate to be real. You may be seeking a greater spiritual connection in your life: again, without understanding that time does not exist in the spiritual dimensions and that here, in your body, time is a perception and not a hard fact, you will meet with serious obstacles in your pursuit. Perhaps you want to be better at meditation, maybe you want to become a qualified spiritual medium, an energy healer, a spiritual leader/teacher, or to receive personal spiritual guidance in your life. All of these efforts at accessing the spiritual dimension of your life cannot be attained without understanding that reality is not limited by time or physical senses. When we realize that, we unlock the door of our spiritual prison and take the first step into a new world of astonishing possibilities.

The Quantum You: Very Small, but Oh, So Mighty!

Now that you understand all that, it’s time for your diploma (it’s in the mail!) and to be informed about an even deeper layer of physics, which is the quantum level of reality.

From its discovery of atoms as the “building blocks of matter,” science has gone on to discover subatomic properties of light, called particles and waves. It has been learned that light is not either a particle or a wave (the either/or clockwork model of reality), but that light is both a particle and a wave. This opened our realizations to an inclusive reality that is altered by the expectations of the observer.

As the probing into matter continued, we then discovered that instead of atomic building blocks as the elemental structure of creation, there were so many smaller particles that the term “elementary” had lost its meaning. Experimentation showed that matter was entirely changeable, that all particles are created from energy and can transmute into other particles. In other words, reality is not a solid construct made of matter, but reality is an interconnected web of energy that responds to the one who observes it.

And that’s not all. Particles are also waves because they are probabilities—unlike physical matter, such as an ocean wave. As probabilities, they do not represent the potential to become things, but rather, they exist as potential events.

Whew! Well, this means that there is no such thing as a thing, but rather, all things (I can’t refrain from using the word, even though things don’t exist!) are events, or interconnected, interchangeable paths that take form in manifest reality as events.

This interconnectedness of all things is exemplified by your body and all things in nature. Just as a cell within your body contains the encoding to make a new body, and just as a seed contains the entire tree, so it is that any one part of the universe contains the Whole. These are examples of the holographic model of existence, which arises from interconnectedness and was proposed by the physicist David Bohm. He theorized that the reality we experience arises from the undivided Whole of existence, which he calls the implicate order. The implicate order is a sea of interconnected energy…kind of a cosmic soup…and from this energetic soup arises our manifest, physical reality, or explicate order. This scientific thought is certainly paralleled in Eastern spiritual traditions and belies our Western mechanical concept of dualism, of “you” and “I”, of “us” and “them.”

―Which brings us back down to earth. There is an Ultimate Reality where the explicate part is not separate from the implicate Whole…and then there is the dual, physical reality that we have come to identify with while in explicate human form. These states of being—the Whole and the part—appear to be irreconcilable but in fact, they do not oppose each other.

Existence is not an either/or proposition, but an inclusive, complimentary state of being both. We are physical and we are spiritual; we are living inside of time and outside of it. We are mortal and immortal; as an individual entity we are apart from the Source and are inseparably one with it. We are the created event and the creator of the event, both the observed and the observer. Life is one huge paradox. It is an endless series of ands.

Reality does not consist of separate pieces of matter suspended against a void of dead nothing, all separated by membranes of skin or surface. Instead of being like a bubble floating on the water’s surface, you are both bubble and water. The form of the bubble is a temporary, explicate manifestation of the implicate order that is the water. And in a very real way, we are our brother’s keeper because we are each an explicate manifestation—an event!—arising out of the undivided order that is a unified field of Universal Consciousness.

 We are all One. The explicate manifestations of the physical realm are actually frequencies of existence in the transient form of matter. All of life is a vibration, or frequency emanating from this universal magnetic field; which many call God.

In reality, that so-called “heaven” you were told about is not a “place.” All states of being are a frequency! When you want to feel connected to the divine in your life, you simply have to deeply connect to the right frequency, which is the Divine love in your own heart.

You Have to Know Where You’re Going to Get There!

And guess what else? When Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” he already knew about what we now call quantum Reality, he knew about frequency and about your unbreakable connection to the Divine. He knew you didn’t need anyone to lead you to God or to reconcile you to God, because there has never been a separation from God to begin with. The Unified Field is a Unified Existence between everything.

This is an accurate model of reality, but is a very foreign worldview to many people who remain trapped in old ideas and thus, stay confined within their spiritual jails.It is great irony that in a “modern” world where people take such great pride in their supposed knowledge that they are way behind the ancient and aboriginal peoples–whom they deem to be primitive–in their knowledge of reality as it truly is…and always has been.

Fortunately, there have been great minds who have tapped into spiritual guidance and higher awareness to develop great inventions when it was not looked upon favorably or with proper curiosity by the masses of ignorant people who professed to know. Mahlon Loomis, (see Part One of this series) was one of those rare and gifted individuals who was far ahead of his time.His invention of wireless communication was a first peek into the realm of interactive, unseen energies and a very early forerunner of modern discoveries in advanced physics.

So on those occasions that you hear someone make fun of all things that are “different” to what they think they know, or to all things spiritual (sometimes in the name of all things religious!) you are free to have an open mind and a loving heart. Because now, you know that Reality is far more than most people see because they have their eyes wide shut.

Spiritual communication, psychic ability, inspired inventions, energetic healing, Spirit Guides, alternate realities, and a host of other spiritually-connected experiences are not only possible, they are inevitable. Spirit, frequency, energy…this is the substance and foundation of material life. Now, you know!  With eyes wide open, you can walk your path in life with power and purpose. All you have to do is choose it.

In the words of our Lakota brothers and sisters, “May you walk the white road of the good heart”, and may you come to know the truths that have been hidden from you for so long. Only when you walk in your own truth and from your own heart, can you really know where you are going. Then, this amazing and sacred journey of life will truly belong to you.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Tips & Techniques to Have Positive Energy and a Good Aura, No Matter What!

For many people right now, creating a good aura and positive energy around them can be difficult. Although there are people who are doing fine financially, who have great careers and good health and all the marvelous amenities modern life can offer, there is a rapidly expanding gulf between the “haves” and the “have nots.” As you may have discovered, it is far easier to “be spiritual” when things are going your way. But when life gets tough, it can be very difficult to be spiritually connected and maintain positive energy.

Tough Times and Heavy Spirits

Increasing numbers are suffering greatly in body, mind and spirit. Sadly, the collective sense of social mercy and justice has left the nation: millions of people go without health care, jobs, homes, or a social safety net. Added to their immense suffering is an impersonal, self-serving social system that purports to help (in order to justify its tax burdensome existence) but does not. Millions of people live on the edge and are falling into an abyss.

The material reality is utterly heartless for precious beings, human and non. Likewise, emotional realities fair no better. Tough economies and political decay translate into shattered social connections so essential to human health and happiness. Although there are people who are happily attached to a romantic partner or enjoy a strong sense of family security and connection to others, many more find themselves without a partner of any kind, have broken family ties, or feel essentially friendless.  Epidemic isolation of people from one another is the worst kind of curse to the human spirit. Not only are we social animals who are wired to connect with one another, we are spiritual beings who long to give and receive love.

Around the globe, wars rage and diplomats arrogantly play with human life over intellectual absurdities and outright lies. Deception is the rule–not the exception. Moral and ethical decay has corroded all of our social systems: government, politics, religion, education, finance, business, media–if you can name it, you can find a lie. This creates dissonance and confusion within the human psyche, leading to mental lock-up, indecision, and despair.

You’re Not Going Crazy…The World Has Gone Crazy!

Many innocent, loving souls who strive to do good tell me that they are growing weary. They feel alienated from a world that makes no sense to them. Some think they’re going crazy because they see the world as upside down. If you feel that way, know that you are not crazy and you are correct: the world makes no sense. The insanity all around us can only make sense to the insane, who have shaped the world into what it is today.

National and global turmoil, psychopathology, and spiritual darkness are negative energies that people battle with. Every day, people are pressed upon by negative energy–whether they know it or not.

What can be done about it? How can you overcome?

Buddha taught that the the path to liberation from suffering is Truth. What many do not realize is that dogma is not the same as Truth. Dogma will let you down at some point in your life. When you no longer know what to believe or hold onto, the following Truths, and Techniques, will get you through.

Six Spiritual Truths to Know:

      1. You are an immortal, indestructible Spirit housed in a temporary physical form. The real, eternal you cannot die and you cannot be destroyed.
      2. You were born free. You are free. Whatever enslaves you, you  have given your consent. You can revoke your contracts of bondage. Be the free spirit that is your Divine Birthright.
      3. You are unconditionally loved by Life…the Infinite Creator of Life…and Love is the energy you are made of. You are never without love, even when others are unloving to you!
      4. Things, being what they are, are not what they seem to be! What you see, what you believe, what you think, what you’ve been taught are not absolutes: every intellectual certainty you own is destined for correction.
      5. The rock foundation of your life comes from knowing who you truly are and loving yourself, first.  Jesus taught, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” but almost all people fail to get the “thyself” part. Seeking love from others in order to feel loved is building your house of life upon shifting sands.Know who you are. You are worthy of love, yes, you are! So love yourself.
      6. There is humor in the absurd. When you rise above the unrelenting trial, the excruciating injustice, you will find your smile again. Don’t get stuck in the mire of resentment, revenge, and hatred. The cosmos rolls on. What is horrible now, will be remade. Don’t sacrifice yourself to darkness. That’s what it wants you to do. If you want to get even, keep yoursmile.

Seven Spiritual Techniques that Work:

  1. Master your thoughts. While how you feel influences your thoughts, your thoughts influence your actions. Realize your thoughts fuel your emotions. Emotions change for the better, but not when you are locked into negative thinking! Break that debilitating loop by disciplining yourself to keep your thoughts positive. Look at the proverbial glass as “Half full” instead of “Half empty.” You are forging a doorway out of your misery.
  2. Follow a daily spiritual practice. There is no option for you not to do this. There is no other way, if you want to change your life.
  3. Do things that are hard to do: discipline is a necessary part of a successful life. The easy way out is for losers. Life will not coddle you out of your troubles, so don’t waste yourself in complaining and whining. Want some examples of discipline? Master your thoughts and have a spiritual practice! 🙂 These take discipline at first, but they become something you love to do because they work.
  4. Serve others. Do something nice for somebody. Reach out. Give of yourself. Make the world better with your caring.
  5. Love beauty and be curious. The world is incredible even if we’ve messed it up! Listen to uplifting music and read uplifting books. Create something. Learn something new.
  6. Take care of your body. Don’t eat junk. Drink pure water without chlorine and fluoride. Get adequate sleep. Have a stress elimination routine (like a daily spiritual practice!!) and get exercise.
  7. Spend time in nature. You need nature because you came from nature.

A Final Thought

Just one more thing: don’t look to other people to make your energy better. Who you are, what you do, and the energy you have are all up to you. You have the power to accomplish amazing, beautiful things in your life and to discover the joy, peace, and purpose you’re looking for. Enjoy this incredible discovery of yourself! By so doing, you can find the Kingdom of Heaven within you.
Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

A Shaman Minute #1, Spiritual Cleansing

In addition to other MySpiritCare articles on spiritual cleansing, here, here, and here, I hope to make this an on-going series of brief spiritual practices you can easily incorporate into your daily life, whether you meditate, or seek a more active way of connecting with Spirit. I call the series “A Shaman Minute,” because it only takes a minute (or maybe a few more) to do these beautiful spiritual exercises.

Here is a sacred way of doing a brief cleansing ceremony in preparation for establishing spiritual protection for yourself and others around you. It is a wonderful way to start the day and to help develop a daily spiritual practice if you’ve been wanting to.

It’s all about water.

It is THE source of power for women, and a very effective grounding substance for men.

Our bodies are made up mostly of water, and from the water we are born.

I always teach in my classes that the first thing to do is to “clean the vessel,” that is, to wash up, to cleanse, spiritually speaking. There are dozens of ways to do this, but I’ll give you a simple and effective one.

Pour a few ounces of water into a clean bowl and hold it up as high as is comfortable while asking that it be blessed and cleansed by God, Great Spirit, or whatever divine term or team you prefer to use. Ask for your guides, angels or others you are familiar with to bless and cleanse the water.

Now, place the bowl of water on a table or, if you are outside, on a rock or somewhere up off the ground. Dip your hands into it and pause a moment to feel its life force. Then, lift your hands out of the bowl and rub them together lightly, as if tenderly washing your hands. Bring your hands to your face, with your eyes closed, and feel the pureness of the water on your face. Rub your arms with your wet hands, and pause a moment to feel the cleansing spread throughout your entire body. It is good here to also prayerfully ask for help and healing, for guidance and protection, for strength and focus. Allow yourself to feel the act of being cleansed by the sacred water.

This is the first vital step to building and maintaining a wonderful daily habit of connecting with Spirit, and it only takes a Shaman Minute!

Aho and Namaste.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Curiosity and Non-Conformity: the Twin Pillars of Spiritual Freedom

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” —Albert Einstein

There is an old saying that sublimates a wrong idea: “Curiosity Killed the Cat.” Curiosity never hurt anyone, let alone killed them. One of the most important characteristics a cat…or a person and a seeker-of-truth…can have is curiosity!

Unfortunately, this very obvious truth won’t stop many people from remembering that nasty little slogan about how we can get killed just for asking. It’s time to change the saying to reflect reality instead of supporting a mind-control myth, so let’s say instead “Curiosity Saved the Cat” because we need curiosity to be alive inside. Without curiosity, we can become robotic, unthinking, “dumbed-down” and highly conformist. Without curiosity, we are very boring people, interested in only our microscopic world, our own immediate gratifications and interests and oblivious to what a mindless drone we have become. Without curiosity, we can have as many doctoral degrees as we can afford and still be blatantly ignorant because without curiosity, we will be closed off to finding timeless truth while we memorize textbooks that teach institutional dogma.

People are not encouraged to be curious and the aforementioned slogan has served to support the notion that being curious is foolish and bad for your health. —Which is what those with all the power want us to believe. When we don’t ask questions, we cannot threaten their authority. When we don’t challenge the status-quo, we are told by implication that we are being “good people” who don’t engage in risky, anti-social behavior.

Imagine that. Those who don’t want you to be curious want you to believe that being stupid is what makes a person safe and decent.

We all need to recognize how easily human beings can be enslaved by their mental programs. Pop-up slogans that come quickly to mind are small tidbits of the programming received over a lifetime, and these programs control the reality construct we believe to be real. In other words, our beliefs either limit or expand our potential and those that limit natural curiosity and the seeking it inspires will stand in the way of finding one’s true purpose in life.

It’ time to get very curious. It’s time to make the institutionally ignorant uncomfortable by asking lots of questions, rather than allow them to make you feel uncomfortable for asking!

Have you noticed in your life that the social systems that have dictated to you, have not wanted you to be curious? Just think about the times you have asked questions and have received either indignant or evasive answers. It’s likely that at one time or another, you were made to feel embarrassed for being curious, for asking questions, for challenging a situation, an “authority,” or a so-called fact.

I am often sad to see that many have replaced curiosity and its result, learning, with blind following, dogmatic assumptions, and the pursuit of empty fixes.  We are all on a great Cosmic adventure and many of us snooze and sleepwalk right through it. Tragic!

Life is about learning and discovery…even without the intention to learn something, every day offers something wondrous to discover. Unfortunately, many of us don’t care much about that unless we have a problem we don’t know how to fix. Instead of looking for easy (and empty) answers, when you find yourself stuck in a problem, that’s the time to let your God-given curiosity take over.

—Why am I experiencing this?  —What is to be learned from this? How do I handle things differently, what can I change or not change? What do I have to accept? Is this a pattern in my life and what is it telling me about myself?

In our fast-paced world, the majority of people don’t feel they have the time to engage in spiritual exploration or personal seeking. It’s much easier to get our beliefs about life and ourselves “out of the box.” Prepackaged answers are so very convenient, until we learn the answers that we assumed to be true are not, until the false assumptions we hold like insurance policies for tough times do not come through with the help that they promised.

Every person is destined to discover that the formula ideas and prepackaged answers are fancy gift boxes with nothing inside, hollow and void. After childhood—once our God-given curiosity had been wiped out—most of us accept what we are told about life and what we are told about ourselves. Only when adults face situations of crisis where the standard answers come up empty, are people driven to seek new truth to get them through. But we need not wait for the Universe to get our attention in that way.

We can begin now to search for the greater purpose in our lives, to understand the truth that we are all interconnected, and to know that to conform is to be utterly deadened and made empty inside, like an animated puppet without true free will or a Living Mind.

How do we cultivate curiosity and individuality when it is so strongly discouraged? Follow the guidelines below and you will be well on your way to being who and what you were born to be.

  • Recognize that first and foremost, you are a unique spiritual being having a particular physical experience. You are not your body, your occupation, your education, your bank account, your family tree or any other label you can think of.
  • Recognize that all institutions are man-made and those who serve them are acting in an imperfect human capacity, nothing more.
  • Recognize that privilege is no indicator of being special: you are not your stuff or the station you were born into. You are what you make of yourself.
  • You do not need permission from anyone to be yourself, whatever that may be in any period of your life. Being yourself is your birthright!
  • Fear of what others will think of you is a plague of mind and spirit. It was implanted in you at a young age to make you conform and let false authority go unchallenged. Ditch that fear before it ruins your life.
  • You have the right to know the truth. Others do not have the right to keep the truth from you.
  • If you will know the truth, be the truth. Be honest in thought, word, and deed.
  • Come to know that Truth is its own reward, and although it’s not easily found, it’s worth more than anything else in this world because without truth, nothing in this world is real, not even love.

It’s time to care for your Spirit by honoring who you truly are. Here’s to asking lots of questions, being insatiably curious, and at long last…changing the world into a beautiful place to be…just by being your True Self! Freedom to be authentic and make your own way through life is your birthright. We wish you a most rewarding journey!

When you need guidance and support on your journey in life, MySpiritCare is here for you. Let us provide your spiritual coaching and clairvoyant psychic readings, to help you be who you were born to be!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Change in The World We Seek, We Must Be

PART ONE: “Yes, Virginia, There is a Shadow.”

There is something widely overlooked and highly underrated among spiritual seekers in today’s world: the absolute necessity of  having humility if we are to deeply change ourselves and achieve enlightenment. As we take on the New Year of 2011 and the much-heralded 2012 ahead, it might be a good time to take a thoughtful look at where our beliefs and attitudes have mistakenly taken us…and how we may want to correct our course.

If we don’t do this, then the potential of human destiny will be nothing more than a repeat of human history, with our excited expectations unrealized just the same as the ages gone before us. As the saying goes, “The definition of insanity is to do the same thing expecting different results.” If we don’t change on the inside and thus, our actions on the outside, neither will the outcome of our future change. The precedent needed to establish change is an attitude of genuine humility: we have to admit to ourselves that we don’t know it all, because if we did we wouldn’t needlessly suffer.

We all need to be asking ourselves, “Why don’t things in this world ever substantially change for the better?” Despite the teachings of endless spiritual gurus and appointed mortals claiming to speak for an infinite God; despite the so-called evolution of consciousness; despite thousands of spiritual books, conventional religious texts and their assertive interpreters along with a heaping smorgasbord of spiritual modalities; despite more restrictive laws, political promises, and lofty proclamations; despite countless charitable organizations and movements for positive change…we still have a world overflowing with injustice, violence, hatred, ignorance, inequality, corruption, deceit, and so on.

What we believe we are doing to change the world isn’t working. We need to examine why.

This is a world on the edge of precipitous change, as our treasured sense of what is real and what is true is unraveling slowly and quite naturally…because all deception and extreme corruption is destined to disintegrate eventually. Often in our history it is people and their societies that self-destruct, but even so, the very state of Existence itself perpetually seeks a state of balance and so the pendulum that swings to extremes inside of vast cosmic cycles will eventually return to rest, momentarily, at the center. A place of peace and balance.

Just how far to an extreme we have to go with our human suffering, before regaining balance in the world, is up to us. This very day is the moment of decision that will determine the world of tomorrow. Why? Because as the social systems begin to fail, (and they are) chaos will replace faux stability. The structures upon which people have so heavily relied, and which have provided an artificial perception of life and reality, will not be in place to hold them up. Even religion, philosophy, and many a person’s spiritual certainties are destined to fail the test of time and truth. The only thing that will not fail us, is the deepest truth about who we really are and what we are really capable of. Before we can know that, we have to meet and know our inner shadow self, from which the darkest experiences of being human emerge. The disintegration on the outside is not the byproduct of external forces but the result of internal forces at war with themselves.

Next Post: Part Two

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Be the Change We Seek with True Self Esteem and Humility

Humility is Essential to True Self Esteem

Continued from Part One and Part Two

As 2012 is just another year away and the expectations of social, political, environmental and spiritual changes are on the rise, it is up to each one of us to decide what we will do to ensure that any transformation to happen on this planet will have a positive effect on all the beings that share this place as a collective home. To be sure, there is cleansing that needs to occur and matters that need to be made right. Chaos and difficulty are certain to accompany any great sweeping changes because the status quo of modern life will not go down easy. The energy for change is building around the planet; just as recent events in Egypt and the Middle East signal the fight against oppression, the intense energy that is yet to come can also be harnessed to put an end to oppression and injustice for all peoples.

The concept of chaos frightens many. As human beings, one of the deepest, most compelling drives is to attain comfort and to keep it. We don’t want things that we believe are good for us to change; we don’t want to grow old; we don’t want to suffer. We fear the proverbial night…the dark scenarios that come into everyone’s life at one time or another…and all too often, we fear that by taking our focus off of our own immediate needs we will somehow lose our balance and lose what we’ve worked so hard to get and hold onto to.

This fundamental and pervasive self-protectionism and human selfishness is evident everywhere: in politics, it demonstrates as a profound lack of compassion for the unfortunate masses and a self-serving lust for power. In religion, it demonstrates as hypocrisy, fear-mongering, and lip service. In education, it demonstrates as haughty intellectual judgment and tragic social programming. In relationships, it demonstrates as possessiveness and neurotic obsessions. In diplomacy, it unwinds as treachery, intrigue, war, corruption, and assassination. In economics, it plays out as a possessing greed and the subsequent enslavement/destruction of billions of human lives. In spirituality, it demonstrates as self-serving recipes for enlightenment and regurgitated platitudes that fatten the cowering, simpleton ego while starving the ingenious, immortal Soul.

The Road to Nowhere is Paved With Flattery

Fortunes have been amassed and careers built on the promotion of the “Law of Attraction” and other self-empowerment paradigms (hijacked from uncredited metaphysical teachers who lived in the early 20th century) that victoriously declare we create our own reality and that we are gods who can summon all that we desire by mastering cosmic law. Unfortunately–being the humans that we are–we fail to question the worthiness of teachings that appeal to our most selfish, egotistical, and self-serving aspects. We fail to question the rightness of positioning ourselves in a spiritual ivory tower, that we are somehow separate from suffering because we believe we are too holy to go there.

People do have a burning interest in themselves. They will pay large sums to feel good, so the new age industry cashes in on the ache in people’s hearts to be something special. Millions of people are being used by a system that caters to their spiritual hunger and their longing for fast answers and a fast fix to ease psychological suffering. The end result is that the world at large is not improved. Nothing changes because nothing of real importance has changed.

To understand our own human nature, we must possess a heightened awareness of  the spiritual traps we will surely encounter because of our human egos…and how outside influences seduce our egos for their own motives, gain, self-importance, or power.

Every human ego has a profound need to feel “special,”  to stand out or above everyone else. The ego is always active and on the prowl, viewing the spiritual path as something it will permit as long as the illusory human self is made to feel good. In short, the ego is all about self-interest. Thus, human beings are susceptible to flattery and that which falsely inflates our sense of importance. We look for flattery from others or seek reasons to flatter ourselves, to feel good about ourselves.

Narcissism: The Modern Counterfeit of Healthy Self-Esteem

There is a difference between pathological self-absorption and essential self-esteem. Ego-driven self-reinforcement has given rise to the shadow side of self-esteem, narcissism.  Everywhere today we witness the mad pursuit of what amounts to  self-esteem substitutes: philosophies, products, and politics all about the “Great Me” or the “Greatest Us.” This has led to a brutally callous and narcissistic society, devoid of healthy humility and life-changing compassion for others.

Humble Pie is Soul Food

Many spiritual seekers have come to believe that humility is no longer a necessary virtue but rather, a detrimental teaching of a dying paradigm. We can, in fact, end up applying great effort to purge humility from our lives as we trade a religious dogma of unworthiness for a rightful understanding of our own value and place in the Universal design. Humility is assumed by many to be a shackle of spiritual oppression and control,  a stricken ruin from the fallen temple where sin and shame formed the foundation of needing a redeemer and a church to make one worthwhile in the eyes of a punishing god formed of orthodoxy’s clay.

In haste and misunderstanding we have thrown humility out with the baptismal waters, have unwittingly discarded the first foundational  principle so necessary to our spiritual growth.  Famished for evidence of self-worth and personal empowerment, people have begun to push the spiritual pendulum to it’s opposite and narcissistic extreme: gobbling up modern dogma that fattens human egos with the vanity of misplaced self-importance from “teachers” and “gurus” who have absolutely no humility and who teach none. They feed on our longing to feel worthy and they make sure that we do, without deepening our understanding of life beyond the superficial efforts at mending  our broken spirits. These new age leaders cannot teach what they do not know, and so the blind are still leading the blind. This is not the sign of a New Age: it is the same old story since the beginning of time.

Raise the Bar in Your Quest for Greater Truth

Human society has been structured to attempt order and conformity and as such, tends to break the human spirit by demanding conformity to social norms. People are accustomed to living like sheep: even metaphysical seekers who don’t conform to religious dogma can end up conforming to retail New Age beliefs, being sheep to what’s popular but not necessarily true. Conformity gives short-term comfort due to peer acceptance, but it creates long-term suffering. Conformity smothers the wild, ferocious, untamed Soul, which is forever free and forever questing.

Needless, unnatural, contrived suffering has been with us since the beginning of recorded history. “Man’s inhumanity to man” has its origins with rulers who claimed the divine right of rule, who oppressed the masses and made people into mere machines to serve punishing political/religious systems. From the Sumerians, to Egypt, to South America, to the kings of western civilization and the churches they established for political power, from every corner of the planet in all generations,  belief systems were established for the purpose of giving answers to the mysteries of life, to make unbearable conditions seem bearable for the suffering masses. Promises of a better afterlife became conciliatory beliefs, because people want answers to alleviate their misery. Countless many have provided an array of answers to the mysteries of life, but very few have been able, or allowed, to share truth.

Your Personal Mission is Highly Unique, Unlike Any Other

Life is filled with mystery. Can we learn to bear that? Can we learn to curtail our demands to know every little thing–as if we could even bear the truth if we were to really find it? The immensity of the cosmos is a good place to start our considerations in the lesson of humility. But then, we have even devised an answer to quell the discomfort of feeling so small in comparison to infinity: we made a god in our own image who made us the center of his universe. Because that came with a punishing and yes, humiliating paradigm, we have since broken through the belief of being a subject of god to being gods ourselves. We have mistaken our need to stop being humiliated for the true meaning of humility, which is the portal to all true knowledge and wisdom.

While it is very true that we are all Infinite Consciousness, and that both quantum theory and mystical tradition suggest that thoughts and awareness can shape the experience of physical reality, there is considerably more to the achievement of self-realization than the declaration that we are gods who can command power and riches with the spoken word and a wish board.

Even as you are able to change the conditions of your life (you just may get that house or money or success) remember that your personal consciousness/belief has wrought the change, not the formula you used. But then,  if your consciousness is not shaped by something far deeper than the superficial interests of a brief mortal life, then this will be just another lifetime like all the others:  eons of running the hamster wheel of a blind delusion. Despite our instilled beliefs to the contrary, the ability to manifest things is not equivalent to enlightenment. The ability to live true to who you really are…is. The “power to manifest” is not power, even though millions believe that. True power, on the other hand, is a very humbling experience as it arises from profound self-knowledge…our light and shadow, our strengths and weakness, our humanity and our divinity.

It is a fact of existence that we are, each and every one, special. There is no need of a dogma or belief system to make that so. There is only one of you, an entirely unique aspect of Divine Consciousness animating your temple of flesh and bone, living an entirely unique life and circumstance that cannot be recreated again in all of time and space. You are infinitely unique and special, yet the Universe is not centered around you. When you realize these basic truths of life, you can be a humble and effective agent for positive change.

The “Law of Love in ActionCreates Positive Change in the World

Be who you truly are. If you will be enlightened and effect a positive change in the world, you will evolve over time and you will change…you cannot remain static, safe and “comfortable.” You will take risks and know loss. You will leave the flock of sheep and assume the mantle of personal power that comes from being unique. You will light up the world because you will be authentic and loving, daring and free.
The Light of your Soul is truthful, humble, simple, and mighty. It exists to serve others because it knows that what happens to one, happens to all. We must come to see that another’s misfortune is our own. We are being called upon to take action to  lift up the lives of other people and beings on the planet–not just because this is the true path to Freedom from suffering and shadow–but because the First law of existence is to love others as we love ourselves.

We are all in this together. It is time for change in this world and it is time to be the change that we seek. This is not difficult: it’s as easy as remembering to be humble and to want the truth about ourselves, first. Then, we just need to live life sincerely, with active courage, and with an ever-expanding love in our hearts.


Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Cycles of Change

Nature’s seasonal transitions are seamless. In our yard this year, the seasonal change began with a few leaves turning yellow at the inside core of the still-green tree, slowly expanding its color outward until its full blown brilliance signaled that Autumn is deepening into Winter’s arrival. While many of us don’t like to see Winter come, we are meant to gain much inner peace by observing the rhythm and flow of the natural environment.

Wild animals don’t dread winter: they naturally accept it and make preparations for the natural change of season. As humans, we are too “civilized” for our own good, always wanting perpetual summer and for the things in our lives to which we are so attached to never change. We frequently fear change and do everything in our power to resist it. Yet change is a law of life and all change has a higher natural purpose.

Consider for a brief moment how your own life has changed over the years. Are you the exact same person–in viewpoint, appearance, and interests–that you were two decades ago? Ten years ago? Five?

In spite of the dreams that have come and gone, the ideals that were necessarily forfeited or the goals that were not achieved, you are–on this day and in this season–a unique demonstration of life’s cycles of change. Creation has wrought you.

Natural change is a sculptor and creator of breath-taking wonder. The nearby mountain might have become a valley instead, had the forces that shaped it taken a different turn. The desert might be an ocean. But who is to say which would have been better? The unique value of what is, not what might have been, is the reality brought into being by change…the incredible beauty of life right here, and right now.

Many say “If only I had done this,” or “If only I were still young” or “If only this had happened” without knowing the futility and harsh detriment of such thoughts. Who is to say that each one of us is not who we need to be right now, where we need to be right now…considering the forces that have shaped our lives and brought us to this very point in time? The outside forces of our lives are, as with the natural world, in a constant state of change and just as we accept the seasons of nature, we need to adjust to the cycles of our own lives.

Much unhappiness comes from not accepting life’s cycles of change. There is indeed a time for every season under the sun: a time to act and a time to retreat; a time to work and a time to play; a time to grow and a time to rest; a time to laugh and a time to weep; a time to be young and a time to be merely young at heart.

Too many needlessly suffer because they do not understand or accept life’s cycles of change. We are so focused on our artificial living environments instead of the natural world of which we are an inseparable part. To attune to the changes in your personal life and come to peace (even rejoicing) with the new opportunities that change brings to you, spend more time in nature. Step off the consuming treadmill of materialistic existence and spend reflective time in the presence of what is real, not man-made.

There are immense changes coming in our global and social environment. Holding on to material things and manufactured beliefs will not stop the natural, necessary cycles of change. This is the season to prepare yourself by becoming aware of the greater cycles of life and of your own spiritual purpose in this world…a part of divine nature, not apart from it.

Even during the cold and barren seasons of our lives–as with nature’s Winter–we must remember there will be seasons ahead of warmth, light, hope, and love. Springtime of the endless Soul always comes again. Always.

Change, even when we don’t want it, is its own kind of spiritual gift. Learn to not fear change and make friends with the opportunities it will bring you. Such is life…and it is very, very good.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Zen of Eating

Imagine this: a meal in which a single bowl of buttered barley is set before you and you are grateful to have it. You quietly render thanks to the Universal Provider for your sustenance, and you eat slowly, savoring each mouthful while you feel the nourishment that enters your body, from tongue to cell to quanta.

This is love in action.

You are eating a peach picked fresh from the tree. You feel the fuzz of its skin on your lips, the tender yield of its exterior as your teeth break into its taut, rosy skin. A warm syrup slides to the corners of your mouth and a heady scent curls upward, a fragrant steam of life force and raw sunshine, embracing your face.

This is love in action.

Eating with awareness and gratitude is a spiritual act in which we are conscious of the life forces that sustain us. We can take that moment to recognize and give thanks for the interdependent relationships of all life on this planet. In so doing, our bodies become vessels of heightened spiritual awareness and joyful recipients of unlimited love.

Many seek happiness by having material stuff. They look for spiritual connection through the glitter of big buildings and pompous ceremony. They seek satisfaction in a mound of frosting on the cake or a whole cow sandwiched between the buns.  Many today are consuming machines going faster, and faster, thinking less and less, losing soul parts as they go–like worn out cars flinging hubcaps along the highway.

Spiritual transcendence is attained through mindful thought and simplicity. Food today is hardly simple, as more is considered better and extravagance, best. As long as we have freedom to choose what we eat, what and and how we eat will reveal much of where we are in the frequency spectrum– or in other words, whether or not we are becoming conscious beings.

Why We Eat When We Need to Feel Loved

It’s not surprising that people often eat when they are feeling a need for love. Our unconscious minds make a connection between nourishment of the body and food for the soul.

When viewed with clairvoyance, eating for love is seen as a being a bit off the beam in our vibratory state. This imbalance will manifest as the response of reaching for food because the core part of us…deep inside…is aware that the act of taking in food is a loving exchange between multiple life forms and energies. When we eat to find love without knowing what we are doing, the result is calories, but no spiritual energy; weight, with a lean and hungry spirit.

Being Filled, Both Body and Soul

Often soul hunger can be greatly helped by slowing down, by noticing the simple things in life and bringing a reverent attitude into our lives.

My mother was mysterious, truly. I didn’t think so when I was young but in retrospect I think she was a guru. She used to tell us: “Let us dine, not feed.” I see now that this was more than a lesson in manners, but a message about simple, loving attention…and gratitude.

No doubt, she would fail to appreciate today’s fast food commercials with their busting ballistic buttons over the-one-too-many-mouthfuls, or wild-eyed eaters making gluttonous inhalations of ingredients slapped together without a shred of loving intention, a chemical mix made to part you from your money.

Television portrays our relationship to food as irreverent, self-absorbed and uncivilized. I would say “animalistic” but…have you ever watched a cat eat? They are so very dainty! In fact–other than hogs–I can’t name an animal that lacks more grace with eating than a human being in a television commercial. And when you get right down to it hogs are being the best they can be, while hoggish humans, aren’t.

So here’s food for thought: eating is an act of sustaining creation and of becoming one with that which sustains us. Next time we are tempted to “grab” something to eat let’s remember to receive rather than seize. Let’s strive to keep it simple and healthy. If we will let ourselves feel the love in the purest of food, we will soon reflect the loving consciousness that we have swallowed.

—And we will no longer be famished.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Angels & Guides: What the Retail Myth Does Not Reveal

Angels! What a beautiful word for the most wondrous, powerful and sacred of Beings!

I have to be straight with you about angels because of the deep reverence I hold for them…what I will write here is not the retail angel information you’ve heard elsewhere. Writers, publishers, “teachers” and others have popularized angels in our spiritually hungry culture. Many people who claim to know a great deal about angels are recognized by those with clairvoyant sight to not be the experts they profess to be. Money talks, and since the sight of an angel is not readily available, it’s easy to profit by claiming to know all about them, building entire careers on peppy, feel-good angel mythology.

Angel experiences are profoundly sacred, highly personal and…I speak frankly… very unique to the individual. Mainstream angel dogma presents us with an image of angels that look like gorgeous human females in “way beautiful” gowns who live in the clouds and model makeup for Mabelline.

I’m sorry, but the princess/fairy/angel/archetype is not accurate. We can choose to believe it because it’s fun, or just because we are products of a society that sadly equates physical beauty with goodness. We even may experience seeing something that appears like a limited edition angel something-or-other, but one must come to understand that spiritual experiences—human interaction with the cosmic energy soup—is shaped by human belief and what we expect to see.

Angels are a vast order of immense energy Beings that uphold Divine Intention throughout existence…and stand at the ready to help other beings achieve a state of Grace and Protection in times of great and exceptional need. When truly needed, they do respond and do so instantly.

Angels are cosmic servants of incalculable inter-dimensional responsibility, not solely concerned with our planet and its life forms. And truly, angels don’t have human names…they have a tone, a frequency as an identifier.

Although often confused with personal spiritual Guides and despite what some claim, angels are not really there to manage every second of your life, like getting you a parking place. Despite what humans crave to believe, the entire cosmos does not revolve around us and our egotistical needs. Fact is, when we finally get that, when we finally understand the Divinity within that we are meant to step into…that is when higher frequency beings of existence begin to mentor and assist us as we dedicate our lives to the service of others. Only when we learn the purpose of life is not about the little self, can we hope to resonate with the frequencies of service that angels abide.

Although many will claim they have a famous angel as their personal guide, did you know that when it comes to Divine guidance, it’s not the title or name that counts? It’s the quality and truth of the guidance that reveals what’s behind it. Divine angels don’t have an egotistic interest in throwing their “names” around and they don’t try to get credit for helping us. They are most discreet. The Energy that we humans call Archangel Michael is very real and is a mighty cosmic protector who loves us all…but has no interest in impressing us with lofty words.

As I sometimes need to explain during readings as a psychic clairvoyant at My Spirit Care, many beings from the spiritual side of existence are often mistaken for angels. When it comes to the real helpers, though, your daily protection and moment-to-moment existence is managed from the other side of this life by what is known in metaphysical shop talk as “Spirit Guides.”

Divine Spirit Guides assist you from the realm of a spiritual reality nearer to the frequency of the physical world than angels. They are beings with whom you have consented to their help during this lifetime and it is a Divine contract that you have with them.  Many Guides have lived as humans before and they fully understand what it’s like to be in this plane of existence. They know your path in this lifetime. Often their guidance comes through thought, an idea, a gut feeling or a quick impulse that averts you from danger or a poor choice.

It’s important to know that when any human has a connection to non-human intelligence, and this includes Spirit guidance, the person must evaluate the guidance with discernment. Like angels, Divine Guides are never egotistical and they will never prompt you to injure another being in any way. Although there are spiritual intelligences that will lead you down a hurtful path, or flatter and expertly deceive, your Divine Guides never will. They will give you feelings of love, peace and comfort.  They are present to lift you up and teach you the lessons of love, humility, self-empowerment and truth.

That which is Divine, is Simple Truth. Peace. Love. Hope. Protection for all. Your Divine Guides are the ones who watch over you every second! So, even though the cosmic order of angels may not be at your beck and call, your Divine Guides are. Because of their abiding presence, you can know that no matter what, you are perfectly loved and you are never alone.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Stepping Above Guided Meditation: 5 Steps to a Daily Spiritual Practice

Okay, guided meditation is a cool thing, no doubt. It’s used for all kinds of reasons, with good results.

But what about the spiritual aspect of our lives? What about getting familiar with who we really are, without needing a CD or technology to try to do that? What about…just you, and Life…becoming one, moving together smoothly the way a dolphin is one with the sea or a rainbow trout is one with the river? Becoming one with Life and all things is the most ancient spiritual wisdom; shamans from the dawn of history have known and taught the greatest of all truths that everything is interconnected.

Once you learn how to relax and let go, once you learn that imagination is NOT “imaginary,” it may be time to just be with yourself and the silence. Why? Because when it gets right down to it, guided meditation is a beginning for some, but then what? To mature spiritually we will have to sometime surrender the training wheels.

Most people want to be spiritually connected. Those on the spiritual path want to ascend, for crying out loud! We tell ourselves we “should” meditate, we “should” pray, we “should” and “should”…and (sigh) let’s change the subject! So, how’s work coming along?

Yep, for many people on the spiritual path that’s about the size of it. We don’t have a spiritual practice once a week, let alone once a day. I bet some of you felt a twinge of guilt when you read the title to this article. (Some of your friends may have skipped it altogether.) See! I can read your mind!

Actually, if you don’t have a dedicated spiritual practice you would be in the majority and so my guess is merely “playing the odds.” Most people just don’t make the time to connect spiritually. Many people don’t even think about it, or even dare to hope it’s possible. Others don’t find it at all important and even more people leave this up to churches and clergy to “do it” for them!

But all of the above probably isn’t you, either. This is a spiritual site and you’re here for a reason, so for those who are open to the path to enlightenment but can’t get in the groove, maybe it’s time to make it happen for yourself.

In order to get motivated, it helps to understand how an intimate, living spiritual practice can make a difference in your life, and what that entails, exactly.

A personal, dedicated spiritual practice will lead to a sense of connection to the Divine, and to an inner strength that comes from knowing your life has a unique purpose. You will develop your own psychic awareness. You will gain clarity, wisdom, knowledge, foresight…and if you are truly successful, you will become a more loving being.

Here are a few short suggestions on how to get started:

Want to make the connection: you have to want to know what you are all about, under your skin. People with a Christian background will recall that Jesus taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. To advance spiritually, we must first know ourselves.

How you decide to have a spiritual connection is completely individual. There are no rules, only guidelines. Find a personal system, or a composite of modalities, that work best for you. So here are 5 steps to get you past “I should” to “I do!”

  • Remember, you have to want to improve your life and be willing to explore for greater truth.
  • Turn off the phone, and eliminate external distractions. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door if others in the house are used to summoning you at their fancy. Let others know this is YOUR private time.
  • Set aside 15 uninterrupted minutes, the same time each day. Why the same time? …A little discipline is needed to develop good habits, and setting the same time establishes a basis for sacred ritual, which enriches the experience over time. (If you should miss your appointment with the Divine, don’t skip that day. Find the 15 minutes somewhere else in your day before you go to bed and give that spiritual time your full, surrendered attention.)
  • Prepare to share. A relationship with the Divine, whether the Creator of All-That-Is or your own Higher Self, is a two-way street that involves expression of your feelings or intention and the reception of insight or guidance.
  • Listen. Don’t run out on yourself…allow time to just listen in quiet for the guidance from within.

Try not to think of this as work…it’s not. It’s joyful self-development! It’s an awesome experience to be on the right track, gaining solid inner guidance. Higher insight, or personal psychic connectedness, is worth more than anything in this world that money can buy.

Don’t be surprised if you realize, during your spiritual connections, that you are not alone in this world. Opening your heart in this way is to go through that “straight and narrow” Gate to Infinite Consciousness, which is your true and perfect Home. Heaven, you will find, is in your own heart and is with you all the time, right where you are, right now. 🙂

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditate This: Loving Yourself…Do You Know How?

Have you noticed that in most talk about spiritual enlightenment there isn’t a whole lot of discussion about love?

There are discussions about spiritual techniques, about the (mysterious) love of God, about being detached and objective, even about aliens from space coming to save us and the planet, from ourselves.

There’s a lot of fancy language and a myriad of beliefs about what’s spiritual. Compared to all the claims, all the “do’s” and “don’ts,” you will not hear that much about the word “love” or what that means, exactly. In fact, people get a little uncomfortable with that word unless it is used in the most superficial way; just as they are sometimes secretly uncomfortable or suspicious when another person behaves in a loving way towards them.

And then there’s this: people often have ideas about who is okay to love, and who isn’t. There is so much bias, fear, misunderstanding, and woundedness charged around the interpretation of love that the last thing many people ever think about is loving themselves.

Although most of us have heard,  “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and most try to live up to the “love thy neighbor” part, we don’t give “love thyself” a second thought. It gets lost in what seems to be the first imperative, when loving one’s  neighbor isn’t the first imperative at all! Let’s translate the sentence so you can understand what it says: “Love yourself and love your neighbor the same.” Ah, yes, that’s it.

I tell you that I have given at least 15,000 clairvoyant/psychic readings in my long career (I stopped counting after that) and the biggest problem that people grapple with is a love of themselves. “So what?” you ask, “Why does that matter?”

It matters because self-love is the bedrock foundation of a meaningful and happy life and there can be no real love in our lives without it. Period. It matters because nothing in the universe can save us from ourselves until and unless we understand the real meaning of love, and that starts with self-love first.

This is not about conceit, which is being in love with yourself. The difference between loving yourself and being in love with yourself is that the first is a powering up of the spiritual life force; and the second, is to be centered in egotistical narcissism.

Now while it may be true that “giving is better than receiving,” it is crucial we fill up our emotional warehouse with self-love, first. Otherwise, we’ll be giving from deep-down emptiness and that can make one more unhappy, tired, and depressed. When it gets right down to it, how can you give something away that you don’t even have?

Relationships forged between two people with no self-love have a bleak outlook. Often, for all the effort we put into failed relationships that are not really based on love, we end up thinking there is something wrong with us, that somehow we have failed. Truth is, most often there was no real love there to start with; truth is, one or both partners did not have self-love. (It may have felt like love…but that’s a subject for another post.)

I’m amazed at what treatment a man or woman will put up with when they would not sanction someone to treat their best friend in the same way. Often  they wouldn’t want someone they love to suffer with the situation they willingly subject themselves to, only because they never give a second thought to self love.

There’s some pop psychology out there about “women who love too much.” Now while we need awareness about the tendency people have for destructive self-sacrifice, there really isn’t such a thing as “loving too much.” For in truth, love is an infinite force: it’s what life is made from. No, the problem isn’t “loving too much,” the problem is that we don’t know what love really is!!!

The understanding of what love is starts inside, with a feeling connection to your own true heart. And while love itself is an infinite force that is difficult to describe, we can describe the indicators of its presence in our lives.

As far as the most important obligation of loving yourself, the following are indicators that you do:

  1. You don’t need constant reinforcement from someone else that you are loved.
  2. You require respect from others the same as you give.
  3. You forgive yourself for mistakes and practice self-understanding.
  4. You allow and honor your own personal beliefs and viewpoints. Your inner voice is not a teacher, parent, or preacher, telling you how or what to be.
  5. You trust yourself.
  6. You take enough time for your own needs and have a healthy, creative inner life.
  7. You are thoughtful and wise about your choices and the impact they will have on your own personal well-being.
  8. You are comfortable being alone.
  9. You feel inner support, or self-confidence, because you stand with yourself in life.
  10. You are kind to yourself in thought and deed.

If you didn’t answer many affirmatives on the list, don’t despair. Self love is not an easy thing to learn because most people weren’t taught about that. In fact, their parents didn’t know about it, either. That’s because we live in a world where truth is not premium, but the imitation of it is everywhere.

So, the next time you find yourself engaging in self-criticism or other unloving thoughts and emotions, on one of those days you’re being hard on yourself, just look in the mirror and say right out loud,

“Be Patient! I’m not finished with me yet!”

And then from My Spirit Careto you…give yourself a great big hug!