Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clean Negative Thought Forms from Your Aura and Feel Good Again!

Important: Please read “The Power of Thought Forms: What Are You Doing to Your Life?” before you read the following article.

People are often hammered by negative thoughts. While they wonder why, you have learned from our previous MySpiritCare article about thought-forms and how to cleanse your aura. Negative and troubling thoughts are more than brain synapses! They are energies you either create or pick up because you have similar frequencies in your own aura!

When the mind is allowed to idly dwell or when we obsess over the same thing again and again, thought forms will be created that come back to haunt us, making it very difficult to let go of particular thoughts or behavior when we wish to stop thinking about something or acting in a certain way.

For example, a woman who thinks constantly, incessantly about an unrequited love but finally comes to the conclusion that it’s best to move on because the person is not a good romantic interest, may find that she can’t stop thinking about the person even though she wants to. “I can’t get him off my mind! So it must mean I’m not supposed to stop thinking about him! I must have a future with this person!” She assumes because she can’t stop thinking about him even though she wants to, that there is some fated purpose in her incessant thoughts… and that she is “not meant” to let go.

Far from her thoughts being some sign of cosmic purpose, she is a victim of a thought form that she herself made, as it keeps engaging her mind in an obsessive way. Terrible as it is, the thought forms made from improper thinking grow even stronger with repeated focus: their influence widens and deepens until circumstance (often unfortunate) sublimates it to other arising thought forms of similar negative frequency.  Sublimated negative thought forms remain damaging. They do not just “go away,” but influence the deeper levels of the human psyche in more complex and entangled ways.

People trap themselves into negative cycles with their unwitting use of living energy: unproductive thinking, self-centered ego fantasies and negative thoughts have hidden and serious consequences. They lead to pathological and destructive behaviors, suffering, sadness, rage, and grief.  Negative thought forms ruin lives. From a karmic and cosmic perspective, we must also know that what we send out to others, we will receive back. Negative thinking is a no-win scenario of the worst kind.

You Can Change It!

Thankfully, most people are victims of bad thought-forms only due to their complete ignorance. Knowledge provides the power to change everything.

The moment an unpleasant, obsessive, unproductive, fearful, depressed, hopeless, ugly, greedy, angry, hateful, condemnatory, jealous, wicked, injurious thought or mental out-picturing arises in your mind, immediately visualize this thought locked in a bubble of golden-white light and squeeze it until it evaporates in your mind. Say, “I negate and neutralize this idea and give it to Divine Light right NOW!” Then say, “Light, Love, Light!”

Another technique is to immediately respond, “Good-bye, LIE!” and mentally whoosh your dark thought into the light of the sun.

Done as often as needed, these actions neutralize negative thought forms and render them harmless. It won’t take long, if you practice this, before your thoughts become rarified and positive on a regular basis. It is an outstanding remedy for those caught up in negative thinking and helps to heal states of feeling depressed.

This will change your life. When enough people become aware, it will change the world.

If you need further help with energy issues in your  life, I’m here to help! I will do an authentic, clairvoyant energy assessment and give you individual guidance about clearing bad energy out of your life. Working together, we can help you fill your life with the good stuff!

May beautiful thoughts belong to you, and beauty abound in your life!




49 replies on “Clean Negative Thought Forms from Your Aura and Feel Good Again!”

Hi Diana,
Unsure you will see this or respond but after reading a bunch of your articles, this one stuck out. My partner has a lady friend who I have a bad feeling about. When he mentions her name, my entire mood/demeanor/energy changes. I become physically ill. He’s noticed and it’s caused many fights. I’ve tried so so hard to accept her, to like her, to be her friend but I feel her intentions are not pure & I don’t trust her. She is the only person in the world I feel this way about. I don’t sense any sexual or love connection between them so there is no jealousy. I just feel her spirituality is a phony front. My boyfriend doesn’t see this At All, despite being a spiritual person himself, meditating almost daily, consuming only spiritual media, and eating high vibrational foods. It’s almost like he’s under a spell, fully enchanted with her. to top it off, she grew up in esalen (which she boasts about) and I feel like that adds to her magnetic pull. others have corroborated my instincts but I’m nervous they’re wrong too. i’m nervous all of this is just a negative thought form i’ve created and strengthened over time. I don’t care to be right, I just want to know the truth and move in that direction. I don’t want to cause more conflict in my otherwise beautiful, love filled relationship of it’s all in my head! but if I’m right, I want to put my foot down and not allow her energy near me, even if he continues to see her. do I need a shaman, a healer, an online reading? Unsure where to start. Hope you see this- and thank you for your writings.

Hi, Lev, thanks for writing.
I’m not sure how you expect me to answer this, if you’ve read my other articles and perhaps the comments along with them. I’ve answered similar situations with other readers.
A partnership is tricky in so many ways: our natural concerns about the one we love can get convoluted. So, for brevity sake let me get to the point.
If you don’t feel she is sincere or authentic, then that is what you feel. Simple enough! He, on the other hand, doesn’t see it that way. Now the convoluted part: examine your own deep beliefs about what a partnership is. Does a partnership grant you management authority or is it that you have taken a lead role in this relationship before? I do completely understand the dilemma you have, here, and don’t want to minimize your suffering over this. But really, Lev, this is about a balance of power in this relationship as well as you simply being able to accept that you perceive something he does not…but that it is his choice. When it leads to fighting, you have to back off. He has his right.

Now, your right is to not associate with the woman! Without condemning her, without denigrating her or trying to convince him that she is not good for him (Didn’t work, did it?) your choice of action is to acknowledge his right to choose his own friends (your objections have been noted), as well as your right to not associate…for your own reasons. I suggest that you ask yourself why you do not trust him to learn his own lessons and have his own experiences. You see, I understand your feelings but I also see them as needing to balance with wisdom and maturity. None of us are born with those things, we gain those through hardships and trials such as the one you are experiencing.

One last thing: please, my dear, remind yourself to find the Divine Light within those that repel you. We all have egos, false personas, and we all kid ourselves about how spiritual we are. Look at all of this with eyes of compassion: for him, for her, and for yourself. She is not the enemy, she is the teacher. Your teacher as well as his. Nothing says you will be taught the same lessons, but you are all being taught together. Respect the process, and comfort and blessings to your troubled heart.

I have a unique situation if someone could help with this? I haven’t felt like myself since a few months as if my inner wisdom likes and dislikes have all vanished and my memory is distorted. once my brother or my mother come around I feel a part of me and mainly from my older sister. Generally I felt optimistic and full of life with all the inner work I did but now I feel like there is some energy within me or around and it doesn’t make sense what it is, if I talk to my family or others people seem to get upset with me fast without knowing a cause? I’ve tried energy healings etc and soul retrivals however it seems the energy comes back full force. My dad was an alcoholic and acted a lot out of character same as my sister but now they seem fine so do other family members and when I ask them what they did they just get upset with me. When I lay down I feel like a different person and then to feel a energy on my back often. No clue what is going on and at times I feel something pulling on me in the front or the back and my body literally moves back or forward. I’ve tried to get energy healings but it makes my brother mad as if the energy bounces off to him. Sorry if this is confusing but I’be tried my best to explain this. Hope someone can help on what I can do. I’ve tried meditation, praying, sage, baths etc nothing seems to work.

Please learn to understand that self-work and healing is never complete: inner work is a lifetime process. It’s good that you are open to the idea of energy healing but unlike a car, you can’t show up to a specialist appointment to “get repaired.” Healing is a vigorously mutual partnership with you doing most of the work and when at last the symptoms you describe are alleviated, then you must continue with your spiritual/emotional development toward wholeness.

Continue to do your spiritual practice and smudging, by all means (without telling yourself that it doesn’t work) and understand me when I say that none of this is a waste of time. I’m impressed to tell you that you need to get outside of yourself and stop examining every sensation under the mental microscope. Don’t obsess over yourself. Get active in an outside service project and begin to do as much as you can to be of service to others as well as yourself. Your interior world is too confining, too small, and you need to get outside of yourself, get your mind off what you think is wrong with you. No one is perfect and we don’t always feel “right”. Get your focus off your family members and how they treat you! Seek out a well-respected transpersonal counselor who understands how spirituality integrates with the psyche and who can help you sort things out. In the meantime, be positive and look outside of yourself to the amazing wonder of being alive, of being in an incredible natural world, of having a life to live and good to accomplish.

You are a loved and blessed being. If you will accept this truth, most of what you describe here will vanish.

Thank you for sharing, and love to you.

I have stumbled upon this page after researching ways to protect myself from psychic attack. Though I would like to remain discrete on some matters, I would like to seek some form of guidance please. I have been trying to overcome this for many years and feel as though everything is overpowering me and I feel so lost right now.
I know that the partners we chose in life are reflections of us and that there are life lessons to be taken from each, for personal and spiritual growth. I realise the toxicity that I have been a part of for many years and understand that I forge my own path. Yet how do I overcome the fear that has consumed me and how do I trust my own instincts? I have no idea how to protect myself from another’s energy – especially the negative.
I’ve always been a spiritual person, and it was my own experience with attachment that sparked an intense interest in the metaphysical and mystical. And while I am now aware of certain spiritual truths and have some knowledge of the abilities of my own ancestors, I do not know my own .
I am struggling and feel extremely overwhelmed by my own reality and am unable to move forward in life. Please I need some help

My first question to you is: Do you have a sincere, focused, daily, spiritual practice? Most people do not. If you are like most, Dear Reader, you don’t either and if so, this is the source of the sense of desperation that you’re having. A person can be quite spiritual in their essence and nature, yet without a daily connection to the Universal Source of All Life and Goodness, we lose our way. Darkness starts to crowd in, feelings plummet, hope dims, we get trapped and confused and begin to deteriorate in one way or the other.

We live in spiritually perilous times!! Now, more than ever, you really do need to cultivate a relationship with the Divine. –Not Spirit Guides, or the church, or a belief, none of these will substitute. And there is one more very important consideration: do you realize that the Divine abides within you??? If you have even an intellectual belief in your inner Divinity and unbroken connection to Source, this is still not enough. Your task is to experience this wonderment! Begin to feel it, know it, and walk with this awareness in your daily life.

How can you come to know this? Just as with any other relationship, the Divine needs your attention and caring. You also need to give yourself attention and caring. And how do you have a relationship with what you cannot touch or see or that is beyond scientific proof or human comprehension? Don’t think about it. Feel the Divine in your heart and go to it. I am completely certain of the Goodness in you. You know it is there! –Don’t you? Of course it is!! Look at the love inside of you, look beyond the pain and the anger and the fear and the frustration and the confusion and begin to feel your own heart, especially when it seems that it is broken, discouraged, weary, and lost. Give attention to what needs it the most: your precious feelings and the Goodness that stands immovable behind everything else. What you feel is not a reflection of the Truth, what you feel is a temporary condition of emotion and shadow. The Light is ALWAYS shining even when we can’t see it. The sun is always shining when the sky is cloudy from horizon to horizon. Whatever despair you experience, tell yourself the truth: “This too, shall pass.”

You are suffering from Spiritual injuries that can be healed fairly quickly by reaching out to the Source of Life that created you and that abides within you. A daily spiritual practice is not an option, it is an utter necessity. Begin your sacred time with smudging, if you can. If not, remove your shoes and sit quietly. Begin with thanking the Creator for the gift of life…your life. Think of all the things you are thankful for, from the bloom of a rose to the comfort of a hot bath, everything you can think of. Then, begin your talk with God! Ask for healing, understanding, strength, guidance, clarity, and release. As you do, please don’t beg! Trust! This is your lesson in a Love greater than a human can give or know. As you speak, and cry, open your heart. Feel. When your sacred time is nearly complete, thank the Creator for helping you. Ask to have help in doing good in this world, in achieving your potential for the benefit of life, and then, as you go about your days you will see a wonderful shift happening. This is your way out…by going inside your own heart, you will find what you seek.

Much love and great blessings be upon you. I know that this will be so.

I’ve been exploring my own energy for a time because something just didn’t “feel right”…I’ve always been a positive person and have been proud to say it because the energy around me has always been good…until lately, and although I know something is off, I can’t say I doubt my own aura being the problem…my husband seems to be loaded with a dark energy, both of the ancestral kind AND his own personal aura. It’s really taking a toll on me and I’ve only learned that nothing should be as important as what you tell us here, protecting my own aura and “banning” this dark force trying to poison me. I really feel like it’s choking me.

Marcela, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Did you comment because you want help? If so, here it is, please read carefully.

You say the energy around you has always been good, presumably because you’ve been a positive person, but that recently something has shifted. Know this: Energy shifts, it swings between positive and negative polarities at various times in life, depending on your mood, outlook, etc. This is not abnormal. I am a bit concerned that your first finger-point is toward another person (your husband) because, dear Marcela, we need to do our “looking” inwardly at first. All energy that you feel begins and ends with you. <3 So doubting that your own “aura” is the problem isn’t the place to begin your diagnosis. You need to question your own energy, first. Do you have resentment, for instance. –Why are you no longer feeling positive? What has changed? Are you unhappy with your husband? If so, why, exactly? I suspect there are more problems between the two of you than just energy; something else is going on that contributes to making you feel this way.

Another concern that I have is that you refer to your husband’s “ancestral” energy. Where did you come up with that assumption? Are you clairvoyant enough to discern this, or has someone told you about this or have you obtained your information some other way? You see, Marcela, it is possible to obtain “information” that seems to support some particular bias that we have, and we accept that without question. It’s human nature, as you can read from so many of these comments, to blame others for the bad energy we feel. While this certainly does happen, we can forget that we, too, might have things going on in our own minds that cloud our perceptions and keep us from discovering the real root of the problem. I don’t know what kind of energy your husband has and you may very well be correct…on the other hand, I’m pretty sure that you err in putting all the responsibility on him. Yes, there are dark forces and they come at people from many places, including our own shadow interior.These energies teach us much; as such, they are valuable experiences in the development of an evolved spiritual/emotional life.

And yes, as this article states… outside influences can and do effect, but here I also tell you what to do when that is the true problem. You have psychic defenses, so use them. In the meantime, don’t focus on what his energy is or isn’t, okay? That’s very important!! Do your inner work, about you and only you, and the authentic answers to what’s going on in your life will become apparent. The sense of being choked indicates that you are holding back on your own truth: not speaking it to yourself or to others. Again, take a look at how you feel about your life and your relationship, and do the deeper work that’s called for.

You have Divine helpers and a Divine Soul. Focus there, and begin to rebuild. Blessings, peace and protection to you…you already have all of that at your fingertips. If you want to find…you first have to see.

thank you so much!! it’s only BECAUSE I have no one to talk to about this that I have embarked on this alone, but every little bit of insight helps me see clearer of course. I have my reasons to feel & attest to certain things, but I will definately keep your kind & wise words in mind when things seem to feel funny. I am really trying to cleanse my aura and it seems like there’s some exploring to do before I begin to blame others, I’ve been working on myself for a while now and I seemed to me that I really didn’t find anything within me that would be causing so much discomfort…but I shall keep in mind that it might just be exactly this particular situation and point in time I’m just not at ease with. Thank you once again! People like you are a magnificent reminder of how humanity thrives within a community of kindness.

Bless your heart. Your reply shows a depth of sincerity and a willingness to examine self: you clearly value truth. You are a very rare being in the world today. So seldom does a person open up to being taught, to being thoughtful, to being introspective and willing to accept healthy responsibility for their own part in the reality they perceive. With this attitude, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You will succeed in your Soul-driven search because you are made of the right stuff…I’m glad I could help, however, you’re easy to help because you’re a sincere seeker of truth and a sincere person. Choice. Shine on, shine on! And many hugs of encouragement.

So my son has these beautiful abilities with seeing spirit, can talk to them back and forth in his head, he can sense when I am getting sick prior, he has been like this since he was born. I have the abilities also but I can hear, sense spirit, smell scents that are familiar from past members, I also pick up random peoples emotions when something is about to happen o happens but I don’t know who:what until later.

So it’s on both sides of my parents family having this ability and now my son is having these thoughts of anxiety of something bad is going to happen to him and he can’t stop thinking about it .. he said I do the protective bubble mom, I also ask for spirits to push negative thoughts out and he wondered what else can push the thoughts of things that could happen and remove them forever

Hi Diana,

So I absolutely love your posts. I keep reading hoping to see other physical ways, like placing a glass of water on your table to trap someones negativity, when listening and helping with their problems. I hope to start using crystals, but anymore ways to protect your aura from others negativity?

Hi, Amanda, thanks for commenting!

Psychic/spiritual protection starts with having good energy, ourselves. This has to do with (among other things) frequency resonance, but be that as it may, having a healthy, positive beautiful aura of your own is a primary defense against negativity.

And something else: relying upon empty, passive technique (such as placing a glass of water on the table) without focused and sincere, spiritual intention is essentially useless. We hear people tell us they have this technique or that object to protect against negativity…when protection originates from Source Light, which is what you are, deep within. Expansive protection from negativity comes from being connected to your Divine core, upon your awareness of that truth, and living in harmony with that.

Energy responds to intention and this requires action on our part. Passive, “easy” methods can fool us into thinking we’re protected when we’re not. Yes, it IS true that water dissipates negativity, so I can see how someone could think that the glass of water would work. But what is to make the negativity in the other person want to jump into the water and thereby dissipate itself? (Negative energy wants to expand its scope of influence, not to commit suicide!) Now, if you wash your hands or body,with intention of cleansing energy after negative encounters, that is another matter. And salt baths are very helpful for superficial attachments. But for strong protection, have a daily spiritual practice of building a golden-white barrier around yourself, live in loving alignment with your Soul, and maintain proper boundaries in everyday life as well as in your energy field. Intention is everything, and the way that you live is either the seal that cannot be broken or the wide-open gate inviting all comers into your space.

Crystals are amazing in that they absorb and store energy. We want to be mindful of what they are exposed to, and clean them often. Again…”quick” fixes are fun, but not necessarily effective.

To learn more, go to these articles below. And thank you very much for sharing with us!! I appreciate having you here on the site. And by the way…you have some good energy going for you, already. Just build on it, and defend it, and enjoy your life! Lots of Light to bring you joy! 🙂

Diana I am lost. Totally lost. Does everybody have a Guide? I look for signs but cannot find any. I want to get out of this negativity so bad, but I don’t know where to start.

Hello, Krysta! Bless your heart, slow down…take a deep breath. One step at a time.

You do, of course, have a Guide!! –More than one!! 🙂 You don’t see signs because you are upset and in chaos. Spirit has a very tiny, quiet inner voice. To hear, you have to be calm and peaceful…and even then, it takes time and practice.

Krysta, did you know that you’re not the only one who feels lost? Look around you…many people are lost, even when it seems they’re okay…they’re not. At least you can admit how you feel!! Good for you!! 🙂

My dear, bring some smiles back into your life! Take a light touch. Things will get better. Your life is a journey and at the moment the “weather” isn’t so good…cold and snowy, and you feel alone. But you aren’t. Feeling alone is your rite of passage, an initiation before you find your true self, your Divine Soul.

Read the following, and take the actions suggested. Take small steps and your life will start to change for the very-much-better!!
And there are more articles on this website to help you, so read them all if necessary.

Start to eliminate the negativity by loving yourself today. Go outside and connect with nature, and connect with an animal…do you have a pet? Do something good for yourself, and start a daily spiritual practice. This is where to start, and be very patient. This won’t be conquered in a day, but those days add up and soon, you will see a HUGE and wonderful difference in your life!

Love to you.

HI, DIana, is the violet flame efective to transmute mental tought and negative situations, or is it dangerous as many have told me? Can adicctions be healed by cleansing negative tought forms or there is something more to do (struggling with this!) ? Thank you.

The subject of addictions of whatever kind, cannot be addressed in a comment section. As for the violet flame, this generated out of New Age teachings related to Mr. Ballard’s encounters with a spiritual entity that identified itself as St. Germain… and while the color violet is the primary color of clairvoyance and is of a high and lovely frequency, it is NOT the frequency of absolute aura protection. That color is golden and/or golden-white, like sunlight. This is the frequency of cleansing and absolute shielding. As with all mental projection, your focus has to be strong and measured for it to be effective, for most people will “make” protection around themselves in a most casual manner, which is entirely ineffective. So when you want to cleanse yourself, be sure to set the tone by creating a sacred space and taking your time to visualize the Light around you. You may go here for more articles about protection: and also, here: I suggest that you book a session with me, as I cannot fully assess or help unless you do.
Thank you for taking the time to write.

Hello. I’m in great need of help as a dark thought form I unknowingly created with sexual energy is causing a depression in me. Can you please help me with this? I couldn’t find another way to contact you so I just made a comment

Dominic, I can be contacted by using one of the buttons on the right hand side of the page, where you can purchase a session. Other than that, I am unable to provide help in the comments. Your situation is far too complex and personal for that.

Diana. I feel overrun with negative thoughts and I feel Iike I repell people. Recently at a party,a stranger approached me and told me I was full of fear. I’ve noticed people suddenly move away from me. Am I creating this and how so I stop it. I want to love a d give off love not fear. This is hurting a lot as it often happens and making me socially outcast. Any help would be so appreciated

Dean, I can help you best in a private session. If you choose not to do that, then the most important thing I can tell you here is that you are placing way too much importance on what people say to you and what you believe they think of you. External events are a demonstration of your internal beliefs. Work on self love first. Build your self-acceptance and confidence in the truth that you ARE a good person and you’re going to see a big change in how the world responds to you.

How can i use any of these processes to break ancestral spirits and curses blocking my progress, giving me bad luck unexplainable hatred and rejection and terrible dream attacks?

Read the home page for my policy on free readings: surely you can understand, as well, I couldn’t possibly help you in a comment forum. Help is available by purchasing as session in the right column of this website.

Jasmine, for this website, you have to be 18 years old to have a reading. And although you didn’t say what’s going on in your life, I strongly encourage you to go to an adult that you trust…someone that you personally know… to get guidance and help with your situation. If the problem involves a family member or if you don’t have a family member or trustworthy adult to go to, then seek help from your school counselor. If you don’t live at home, or you are not in school, then seek out counseling help from your State services.

In the meantime, Jasmine, it will be very helpful for you to read the articles on this website about how to get positive energy.
There are many things you can do to help yourself, as the articles show, so why not try them? And tell yourself this truth: you’re not alone even when you feel that you are! You do have spiritual guardians that watch over you very closely, so talk to them and ask these Divine beings to help you, and to guide you, and I know they will!!

I need help with my mom, she’s in her mid 70’s, had a rough childhood, and is so full of negativity, my dad just wants to please her, but nothing makes her happy, it’s caused a lot of division in our small family, so much so that even when my brother was diagnosed with a fatal type of cancer my mom continued to hate, and blamed my sister-in-law for getting my brother sick, my brother passed in june and my mom continues to blame, hate and being so mean and ugly, I’m the oldest of 3, now 2, trying to bring peace and love and I’m met with such vileness, I’m no doing this for myself but to help my nieces to be able to visit their grandparents, that’s their only link to their dad and I feel utterly at a loss, any suggestions? I’ve tried sage and crystals, prayers and just plain love, but I’m exhausted. Thank you

Well, “Angel”, given that our connection is a website comment section I can offer some limited suggestions. I will be brief and it may seem uncaring but I assure you, it is not. You are “too much in the forest to see the trees” so here’s a birds-eye view from someone who can see what you can’t.

You say you do this for the children, so they can see their grandparents because that is the only link to their father. Without knowing exactly the relationships we’re talking about here, (and it wouldn’t matter anyway) I have a question for you.

What makes you feel responsible to intervene on behalf of these children? At such great cost to your own well-being?

Love? Concern? Duty?

All of these attributes have their place. But just their place. Meaning: they can also be displaced. In this instance, that appears to be what is going on.

Have you always felt that you carry someone else’s burdens? Is this so-called “relationship” really up to you? For that matter, should these children even be exposed to such a negative, hateful grandmother? These are hard questions for you to ask yourself and because your good energy efforts are leaving you with little improvement, it’s time you set aside your automatic answers. Set aside your assumptions that this all falls on you because it does not. And stop trying to be a savior. This is not your job.

When you feel exhausted despite your best efforts, the Universe and your Soul are giving you guidance you refuse to acknowledge. Cut the ties as much as necessary to disassociate with the extreme negativity. That’s right. And no, it isn’t wrong.

Everyone in your family has a place and a part to play. And while you’re busy trying to “fix” things, the souls of everyone involved have different plans. Your nieces have their own path: it may very well be a path of not having a connection to their father. These matters are determined before birth and they are of a cosmic significance human beings don’t understand. Let go. Step away. Live your own life and let the rest of them live theirs. If you don’t, you will not fulfill your own personal mission, which you cannot see or grasp because you’ve worn yourself out trying to be the peacemaker.

If this is not helpful, I can only suggest a private session. The only way out of this mess is to withdraw. I hope your survival instincts kick in and you choose to do the right thing for yourself, for that is your first duty and it always has been. We help others when we are in healthy balance and some people cannot be helped and they will never be fixed. Honor your mother’s choice to be negative but do not stand in her muck. If you are wiped out, you cannot and will not realize your full potential.

Hi Diana, I’m very fascinated by you. My question to you is this…how you always maintain a 100 percent alignment with the source aka universe aka god. I try to eat food with high frequency vibration such as organic fruits and vegetables, I drink lots of water with PH level of 9.5 and above, I meditate at least 20 minutes out of the day, I do chakra cleansing 3 times a week, I pray multiple times during the day on my knees and ask god to guide me and increase my vibration, and I burn white candles and incense around my house to eliminate negative energy. I’m sure I missed on some stuff but any other tips?

Also how do I become more in tuned with my psychic abilities? what can I start practicing in order for me to see aura and have better intuition.

Hi, Leon, and thanks for taking the time to comment! From what you tell me, you are deeply devoted to spiritual connection. You’re doing it, not just talking about it! 🙂

You should know, however, you really cannot have a 100% connection to Spirit all the time. You are here on Earth and to have the kind of connection you ask about…you can’t be here. You are supposed to be human and in the human experience and this means, you can’t always be spiritual. If you are connected most of the time, that’s outstanding. Good enough! (By the way, it IS possible to get “too” spiritual and to become ungrounded and out-of-balance. It’s important to be spiritually devoted but to also be balanced in the world and out of it; meaning, spiritual practice in healthy moderation.)

One thing you may not be aware of, though: not all incense repels negative vibrations and many varieties actually attract negative energy. For the purpose of purification, use Nag Champa but better yet, burn a stick of sage-sweetgrass-cedar smudge. This is an ancient and absolute best method of smoking out negativity. Go here to learn more: The Smudging Ceremony: Remove Bad Energy With Sage Smoke.

The development of psychic abilities, particularly the seeing of auras, takes time and dedicated practice. I’m sure you already have psychic insights that serve you well. Acknowledge how many times that gift helps you in your life, notice how your intuitive insights are at work already. In the future, I will publish information on developing these kinds of insights, as a continuation of this article, How to Develop Psychic Ability and Communicate With Divine Spirit. This first part of a continuing series sets the stage for you to know what is safe and what is not because until you know where you’re going, you don’t want to go there…not until you have been properly prepared. 🙂

Again, thank you for your interest and all the best to you. Keep shining!

Hello, I wonder if you have any experience with deliberate psychic attack by another human being in a form of a telepathic influence. I am currently under such attack and find it impossible to pray, meditate or use any grounding, centering, shielding or visualization techniques as she has already access to my subconscious mind and can interfere with my thoughts and alter the images I am trying to create.

Yes, Taya, psychic attack often occurs telepathically: some people have such hateful thoughts about others, these energetic barbs direct themselves toward the intended person. It has happened to everyone at one time or another; after all, we can’t be liked by everybody. However, I take issue with your assertion that this person has access to your subconscious to the extent that you cannot control your thoughts. This is not something that can be done by a living human, but rather by spiritual interference from an attached non-physical entity. And as long as you keep telling yourself that it is impossible to shield yourself, you won’t be able to do that. It’s not impossible! You ARE eternal Consciousness, inseparable from the Divine Source. Own that! Take charge immediately, do your shielding and mean it! Further, pursue energetic cleansing with sage smudge, a salt bath, and some shamanic energy extraction from a qualified practitioner of shamanic healing. Also ask this shaman for a power animal, to give you strength. You give this other person way too much power in your belief that he/she has such control over you. He/she does not. You, on the other hand, have the power to help yourself. Use it.

I am very thankful to have found this site. I have struggled with worry and negative thinking for as long as I can remember. Over the past few years I’ve tried improving my thoughts but had recently dealt with persons who have done things to be hurtful to me and my family on numerous occasions. I fear that I have thought or expressed negativity toward them in moments of anger and unclear thinking. This is worrisome for me. I do not want to be harmful to anyone or myself, and least of all having my husband and child be affected. I have prayed, Saged, showered with sea salts and tried to radiate forgiving and loving vibrations to all (and those involved). Some time has past since now finding your page and trying your technics to defuse the negative thoughts. But how do I know if any harm has been done? I don’t want any harm to come to anyone, coming back to me or my family…
Your help is greatly appreciated!

Marilyn, thank you for sharing. Your efforts to work on yourself are inspiring to all of us.

We all struggle against darkness, as human beings it’s a part of the earth trip. Life is hard and we get hurt along the way, and because of pain, we get angry sometimes. To have the realization you’ve had is a tremendous achievement, so give yourself a break by not turning guilt and worry onto yourself. Love yourself, forgive yourself, and you can’t help but radiate that positive energy to others.

You have sent out intentions to undo harm and injury. Now trust that it’s done, and don’t linger over it. LET GO! Worry can be an addiction; keep after your inner cleanse through practice of positive thoughts and trusting in goodness. Let yourself know joy again.

We don’t necessary have a “lightning bolt” break through but rather, we notice a change in ourselves once we quit thinking about things so much and just get on with our lives. Do your daily spiritual protection, remember to love yourself every day, connect with beauty, and remember to laugh and share the fruits of your good heart with others. That’s pretty simple, really…and simply forgive yourself. All is well, Marilyn.

how does one tackle physic attacks for example sour limes thrown at you? How do you prevent these attacks of dolls with pins and all sorts of nonsenses?

Hi, Brenda, thanks for taking time to comment/question.

I presume you are talking about voodo attacks, when you mention dolls and pins.

While it’s very important to recognize the reality of negative spiritual energy, it’s equally important not to be intimidated by it.

People fear these things when in fact, one’s personal auric Light naturally serves as a defense against the negativity that can be consciously projected by another individual WHEN one is positively charged. That means: right thoughts, right actions, personal strength and strong personal/auric boundaries protect one from negative psychic onslaught.

If you believe that someone has more spiritual power than you do and that this person has the ability to overcome you with their negative projections, you are resonating with fear, which is a lower energy frequency. This drops your auric protection capacity and can make you vulnerable to bad energy. So, in essence, the “head game” of sorcery, voodo, etc. is largely won by making others afraid, which makes them vulnerable to all things negative.

Parents should never allow their children to watch horror movies and they shouldn’t do it, either! Society’s dysfunctional obsession with “being scared” as entertainment is very damaging spiritually. Once the “scare factor” is programmed into the brain, it is more difficult to clear out. Fear should never be considered a thrill: it’s a weakening of the Spirit and an opening to the dark side.

Learn to fear nothing. Know who you are: Eternal Consciousness first, and a body, second. While anyone can be subject to psychic attack at any time, personal spiritual awareness and a clean aura will render these attacks to be entirely ineffective. Be the Light and the darkness won’t like your company.

I’d need to know a bit more about your situation, Greta. There are a number of factors to consider.

Remember, though, that energy is invisible and really has nothing to do with personality. For instance, psychopaths are very charming on the outside but are predators on the inside. So, what a person seems to be is not necessarily what they are. Likewise, what a person projects with words is not necessarily the unseen energy that they emit.

Energy doesn’t lie: people do. So trust your feelings. They are there for a reason. And if or when you feel negative from being around a particular person, it might make sense to limit contact…don’t you think?

I am so glad I read your article. I have had a terrible experience of negative thought forms and now i know how to cope with the problem. I feel relieved and vindicated that thought forms do play a role in the lives of people and one should always think positive thoughts.


Hi, Sally, I’m glad you found our website. Please read: about how to have positive energy and a good aura. Also read how to give your aura a bath: as this will improve your outlook. Also, read about how your thinking influences your aura:
Now, Sally, understand that there are intricate energetic reasons why people have relationship problems in their lives. So, I would need to do a clairvoyant energy exam of your aura to see what’s going on with you. You should request a reading from me if these articles don’t do the trick, so we can get to the bottom of your personal experience and get your life on track! Rejection is very painful, but I’m asking that you don’t assume it’s all your fault. Please stop beating yourself up and love yourself!! Our outside experiences are a mirror the soul holds up for us to see what we need to work on inside ourselves, sometimes, and the worst thing for you to do is to turn rejection back inward, into yourself. Do you love yourself, Sally? Read this:
Please do not despair. The way others treat you is not a reflection of your worth; there are many people with very bad auras in this world who are adored by many. Nefarious politicians, followed by blind and trusting people, are a good example…so love yourself while you learn more about why you are experiencing this.

I know this reply will sound corny but, Diana, I want you to know that having found your website has led me to understand how to free myself and escape from my mental hell. I was trapped in a state of absolute hatred and fear and sadness and almost “demonic” energy, I felt like I was utterly decaying, like I had absolutely no purpose to exist, something inside me broke, and I forgot what ecstatic love and happiness feels like, I forgot how to live and even who I am at a point. I wanted to die, I wished my mind had never been created, and I’ve been having horrible nightmares involving people that I love. Reading what you have put onto this website has literally freed me, I’ve raised up and escaped my fear and utter sadness, the pure ecstatic and secure love floods through me to the point of joyous tears as it once did. I remember now, and I’ll never be afraid and saddened so much ever again. Thank you thank you thank you, there are no words to express how thankful I am. I think I was led here by my guides, literally to save me from myself. I’m so thankful it happened, thank you so much again.

yohoo and read the books are change our bad thoughts
parents speaking are improve ourgood habits
but this gentrason peoples are donot hear their words
and their speaking against
so our bad thoughts are early grow up
so we are stop the against for parents its my small request.

[…] Your aura radiates your thoughts and intentions to others and when your thoughts are loving, other people will be drawn to you. Negative thoughts, on the other hand, are very destructive energetic constructs that give out bad vibes and make for a negative, unsightly aura. Learn about thought forms and how to get rid of bad ones in the very important MySpiritCare articles here and here. […]

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