Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

On Telephones, UFO’s and Spirit Guides: Close Communications of the Spiritual Kind

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleWhen your telephone rings or your cell phone sings, someone is at the other end of the light pipe, wanting to communicate with you. When you want to talk to someone at a distance, all you have to do is dial their phone number and wait a few seconds for them to answer. If they don’t answer, you can leave a voice message. Nifty, huh?

Of course it hasn’t always been this easy. In your progenitor’s day, the Pony Express and the telegraph revolutionized the world of communications. What was a miraculous invention for our forebears would be torturously slow to us! Our lives are entirely structured around high speed communications. We are so dependent on advancing technologies,  society would unravel without it. ―Remember that huge panic a few years back when the Blackberry fell off its wireless vine?

And I’ll bet you don’t know who invented wireless technology…the person who gifted you with instant communication. And once you find out the real truth about this person unnamed in history books, you’ll also discover some fascinating facts about the spirit world, as well.

As you are about to discover, communications, consciousness, light, the brain, Spirit, and the Spirit World all share a common gateway, a port of connectedness that is constantly interacting with our daily lives. More than any technology we believe we need, this Life Force energy is what holds everything together, and we truly could not exist without it.

But first…let’s travel back in time for a secret fact and an amazing story…

Marconi Didn’t, so Don’t Say He Did

The year was 1866. In a small West Virginia mountain town, a dentist and ingenious inventor
named Mahlon Loomis was very busy stringing copper wire in trees and other unlikely places. Dr. Loomis was the first and true inventor of wireless communication, before G. Marconi (the credited inventor) was even born. While that’s another historical fact that needs to be set right and another historical deception where attribution was given to the wrong person, suffice it to say that Dr. Loomis was the brilliant inventive genius way ahead of his time and the true inventor of wireless communication.

But that’s not the most fascinating fact about Mahlon Loomis. Things get very interesting when we also consider that his scientific discoveries were tangentially connected to otherworldly and off-planet communications. Dr. Loomis gathered his inventive information by speaking with a Spirit Guide named Francis. Further, his inventions touch upon time travel and even…UFO entry into our 3rd dimensional space. Not surprisingly, his invention was high-jacked by the U.S. Navy for military use and Dr. Loomis was never credited for his invention, nor was he financially compensated. Only a few insignificant items that belonged to Loomis remain with the Smithsonian. Most all of his equipment and documentation about his work vanished without a trace, including his diary in which he documented not only his scientific findings, but the metaphysical perspective he gained through contact with his Spirit Guide.

Those of you who read these posts are spiritual seekers. You are open-minded individuals who may even be closet-believers in things spiritual, not religious. But for the mainstream of society, contact with spirit guides is derided as “fringe” behavior and a belief in spirit guides as a fringe belief. All the while, these same people benefit from communication technologies that only fifty years ago would have been considered impossible. Why is it so hard, then, for these same people to consider that there might be a spiritual technology that they, themselves, find unbelievable and fantastic because they have not yet discovered it?

Fast to Condemn, Slow to Change

The subject of human resistance to changing belief paradigms is a post unto itself. For the moment, it’s sufficient to point  out that entrenched beliefs and widespread ignorance parade across the stage of human history, all dressed up in the robes of arrogant “knowing”.

–Which brings me briefly to Galileo. In 1633 Galileo was persecuted by the Catholic Church for his discovery that the earth revolves around the sun. Church leaders condemning him said, “The doctrine that the earth is neither the center of the universe nor immovable, but moves even with a daily rotation, is absurd, and both psychologically and theologically false, and at the least an error of faith.” Having been convicted of heresy and under threat of horrendous torture before being executed, Galileo recanted his scientific findings. While his decision to deny the truth spared his life, the Church imprisoned him in solitary confinement for the remainder of his days. Two hundred years passed, and in 1835 the Catholic Church finally took the writings by Galileo from its banned book list, long after his orbiting earth theory had been proven correct by Issac Newton. It took about 360 years for the Church to fully admit its error: in 1992 Pope John Paul begrudgingly apologized for Galileo’s wicked persecution.

Now, let’s get back to Mahlon Loomis.

Many of us know that the most innovative technology has a history of being snapped up by the powerful interests rather than being made available to the population-at-large. Long after Dr. Loomis’ records came up missing, it is most intriguing that the U.S. government utilizes practically the same location for satellite transmissions that Dr. Loomis used when he launched the world’s first wireless communication from a West Virginia mountaintop. The Etam satellite communication station in Etam, West Virginia processes over half of all international satellite communications and functioned as the world’s first earth-based communications relay system that gathered the signals from America’s first space craft and their astronauts before relaying them to Ground Control in Houston.

So while Dr. Loomis was maligned as a crackpot by many in his time, it turns out that in our day the same geographic area in which he conducted his wireless experiments is now used as a ground station for off-planet communications.

And all of this–our modern wireless and satellite communications– started with a genius inventor and a Spirit Guide named Francis.

Yes, We Can (And Do) Communicate with Spirit!

How is communication with Spirit possible? Are there energetic portals that connect us to other-worldly beings? Are there portals to other times and even, to other dimensions?

One needs only to open themselves to either ancient metaphysical teachings or modern quantum physics to get some answers to those very important questions.

In our next post, we will explain the physics of spirit communication and take a peek into the realm of spiritual science. Stay tuned and keep your antennae right here, on MySpiritCare!

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Scrubbed Your Aura Lately?

Can you imagine how unattractive—or unhealthy—you’d be if you never had a bath in your whole life? YIKES!!

Today, society pays tremendous attention to physical hygiene and it’s a billion dollar industry. What most people don’t pay one bit of attention to, though, is psychic cleanliness.

What’s that?

Your energy body—or an aura—and it needs a good scrub once in a while, too.

When was the last time you felt god-awful tired after a normal work day? Or, what about some of those strange aches and pains you’ve been having lately?  Oh, and what about the feeling you had once when your boss stood next to you and for no logical reason, you became uneasy and suddenly worried about your job?

Time for a psychic scrub!

Not only do we generate our own cascade of emotions and energies into our auras, we also pick up the energies, emotions, and characteristics of surrounding situations and nearby auras. And if they’re negative, their “link” can stick to our auras. So, if it’s not cleaned out, it can interfere with our energy and even our relationships. Compatibility between auras is the basis for attractions (and dislikes) between people.

So what is this thing called an aura that has so much influence in your life? Your aura is your spiritual body, or Light Body, and it’s literally made of light. It’s who you really are underneath your skin, your DNA, and your thinking brain: it’s your Spirit, your eternal essence, the real you.

Your aura radiates your thoughts and intentions to others and when your thoughts are loving, other people will be drawn to you. Negative thoughts, on the other hand, are very destructive energetic constructs that give out bad vibes and make for a negative, unsightly aura. Learn about thought forms and how to get rid of bad ones in the very important articles here and here.

Your aura is a colored spectrum of living light and even more than your physical body, it needs to be kept clean. People go a whole lifetime without a psychic bath and eventually…we all need a good psychic shower.

Since soap and perfume won’t do the trick, here’s what will:

Sea salt or table salt

Add salt to your bathwater (or on a shower sponge) when you are depressed, tired, feeling scattered or not quite yourself. Salt has an incredible cleansing power for your energy body and “washes away” unwanted energy with ease. A dish of salt on your desk, near your bed, and in the bathroom will help absorb negative energies and keep you, your workplace and home spiritually clean.

Sage and sage smudge sticks

The Native Americans have known about the sacredness of the sage plant and how the smoke from burning a wrapped bundle of sage works to drive away unwanted energies and clean your auric field. Same for your living space.

Chimes and singing bowls

Just as the light that makes up your auric body is a frequency, sound is a frequency also. The clear, vibrant tones of chimes and singing bowls (some people like using a tuning fork, as well) clears the air of lower frequencies (unhappy or unpleasant feelings are lower frequencies) and is a wonderful way to keep your aura clean! Just a few minutes a day with these higher frequency tools can go a long way to keep you psychically healthy.

Essential Oils and other plants

The fragrance and frequency of oils and plants such as eucalyptus, pine, lavender, and citrus purify room energies and, if properly prepared for cosmetic use, can be used on your body to help lift your mood and align your aura, thereby cleaning unwanted energies.

The Sacred Rattle

Shamans around the world have, for endless ages, used the rattle in their ceremonial spiritual work. Made from gourds, hides, etc., a sacred rattle clears the air of heavy energies and makes room for the good energies of the Universe to come to your aid. The sound produced by the rattle removes blockages from the aura, clears out dense frequencies and purifies the one who seeks cleansing through its respected and dedicated use. Rattling a few minutes a day is extremely beneficial to your spiritual health.


An altar—a special, sacred place for worship and meditation—is an excellent compliment to spiritual cleansing practices. Having one in your home generates positive energy and provides a safe, healing alcove to recover from intrusive energies and restore psychic vitality.

Crystals and stones

Crystals generate positive frequencies, especially when subjected to or programmed with positivity; and certain stones, such as obsidian or tourmaline, protect from negative energies.

A Balanced Spiritual Practice

Spiritual seeking, meditation, prayer, and the like, when practiced in balance, help keep your aura clean, clear, and free of unwanted energies. (Excessive spiritual pursuits can put you out of balance and do more harm to your aura than good.)

Connection to the Earth 

This is so important in a time when few people get into nature or even have their bare feet touch the ground anymore. Get outside to spend time with nature. When you can, remove your shoes and let the soles of your feet caress the earth: feel the love of your earth Mother coming back into you. Hug a tree…really! Trees house very wise and ancient spirits who will happily assist you to cleanse your energy body and give you great strength in difficult times.

Good Thoughts and Loving Feelings

 These are your most important defense against heavy, negative energies and the surest way to have a shiny clean aura. Remember the old saying, “Don’t worry, be happy” and that will point the way to having a beautiful, glowing energy body. Joy, courage, a positive, generous outlook, and a loving heart will make you shine like the sun and the world will be a much better place for having you here!

You Are Not Alone: We’re Here For YOU

As always, if you need further help with energy issues in your life, MySpiritCare can provide you with a personalized, expert reading. I can do a clairvoyant energy assessment,guide you further on how to get rid of bad energy, and help you fill your life with the good stuff!

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Fear: A Useful Emotion or a Negative State of Mind?


My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleThere’s a lot of talk in New Age circles about how fear is a primary emotion that human beings need to overcome in order to be enlightened. We hear some talkers tell that the great cosmic being, Archangel Michael, has a specific “job” to help humans move beyond their fear. There is an endless supply of repetitive channeled material about letting go of fear. Many spiritual people have disciplined themselves to think in these terms and often attribute a lack of spiritual progress to not overcoming their fear.

In this article, we are going to take a look at this very powerful human emotion and explore its negative impact on human life, as well as the useful, nature-induced aspect of fear that serves an important purpose in this world. But before we get down-to-earth about fear, let’s get into the high-minded stuff first. Let’s talk spiritual!

Infinite Consciousness and Eternal Spirit

We are not just human beings: we are Infinite Consciousness. We are eternal spirits with Souls that span all incarnations, in all dimensions of time and space. We are immortal beings. Yet, many people don’t tap into this personal spiritual knowledge because they remain disconnected from their true Identity as “divine spirit in human form.” Enlightenment or spiritual awakening is nothing more than an applied awareness of this truth. (The trick, here, is the word “applied” but that is a subject for another post.)

Besides being spiritual in nature, we are also physical and mortal. Humans are biological animals. It will do no good to focus on being “spiritual” if we don’t understand what it is to be human and embrace that, first! Why? Because we weren’t born into the human condition to run away from it and have our heads in the stars all the time. We were born to experience what it is to be human, and then to be the most divine human we can be!

Intrinsic to the human experience is animal instinct, and the instinct for survival tops the list. Key to the survival of our species is sexual drive, hunger, and an inbuilt ability to know fear. The fear instinct has kept humankind from extinction: our progenitors knew better than to eat their food with a pride of lions or swim with the crocodiles or sleep in a viper pit. Without fear, the biologically-based, neural instinct that signals danger, pain, injury, or annihilation, humans probably wouldn’t be here today!

Fear forces addictive and stressful hormones through the body, and motivates us to act in necessary self-protection. For example, if a person makes an inappropriate move on you, your fear instinct raises an alarm to beware and engage appropriate measures. If your health is deteriorating because of a preventable habit and your doctor tells you to change or ways or you’re outta here, the fear of dying can motivate you to make the changes you need to make. The fear of burning your house down is what makes you unplug the iron and turn off the stove before you go on vacation. So not all fear is a bad thing: it is a human survival instinct and needs to be honored for its proper place in our lives. Sadly, many look to experience fear as entertainment, for the hormonal surges it activates within the body cause reactive processes that become addictive and harmful in many ways.

Born to be a Better Kind of Human

It’s when fear becomes reactive and dominating in our lives that we need to do something about it.We were born to be a better kind of human.

In our next and final post on this topic, How to Overcome Fear with Spiritual Power, we’ll examine how to deal with fear in a constructive way to get free of its damaging consequences. Don’t miss it. 

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Tips & Techniques to Have Positive Energy and a Good Aura, No Matter What!

Be like the butterfly with the perfect auraFor many people right now, creating a good aura and positive energy around them can be difficult. Although there are people who are doing fine financially, who have great careers and good health and all the marvelous amenities modern life can offer, there is a rapidly expanding gulf between the “haves” and the “have nots.” As you may have discovered, it is far easier to “be spiritual” when things are going your way. But when life gets tough, it can be very difficult to be spiritually connected and maintain positive energy.

Tough Times and Heavy Hearts

Increasing numbers are suffering greatly in body, mind and spirit. Sadly, the collective sense of social mercy and justice has left the nation: millions of people go without health care, jobs, homes, or a social safety net. Added to their immense suffering is an impersonal, self-serving social system that purports to help (in order to justify its tax burdensome existence) but does not. Millions of people live on the edge and are falling into an abyss.

The material reality is utterly heartless for precious beings, human and non. Likewise, emotional realities fair no better. Tough economies and political decay translate into shattered social connections so essential to human health and happiness. Although there are people who are happily attached to a romantic partner or enjoy a strong sense of family security and connection to others, many more find themselves without a partner of any kind, have broken family ties, or feel essentially friendless.  Epidemic isolation of people from one another is the worst kind of curse to the human spirit. Not only are we social animals who are wired to connect with one another, we are spiritual beings who long to give and receive love.

Around the globe, wars rage and diplomats arrogantly play with human life over intellectual absurdities and outright lies. Deception is the rule–not the exception. Moral and ethical decay has corroded all of our social systems: government, politics, religion, education, finance, business, media–if you can name it, you can find a lie. This creates dissonance and confusion within the human psyche, leading to mental lock-up, indecision, and despair.

You’re Not Going Crazy…The World Has Gone Crazy!

Many innocent, loving souls who strive to do good tell me that they are growing weary. They feel alienated from a world that makes no sense to them. Some think they’re going crazy because they see the world as upside down. If you feel that way, know that you are not crazy and you are correct: the world makes no sense. The insanity all around us can only make sense to the insane, who have shaped the world into what it is today.

National and global turmoil, psychopathology, and spiritual darkness are negative energies that people battle with. Every day, people are pressed upon by negative energy–whether they know it or not.

What can be done about it? How can you overcome?

Truths and Techniques to Keep Your Energy Positive

Buddha taught that the the path to liberation from suffering is Truth. What many do not realize is that dogma is not the same as Truth. Dogma will let you down at some point in your life. When you no longer know what to believe or hold onto, the following Truths, and Techniques, will get you through.

Six Truths to Know:

  • You are an immortal, indestructible Spirit housed in a temporary physical form. The real, eternal you cannot die and you cannot be destroyed.
  • You were born free. You are free. Whatever enslaves you, you  have given your consent. You can revoke your contracts of bondage. Be the free spirit that is your Divine Birthright.
  • You are unconditionally loved by Life…the Infinite Creator of Life…and Love is the energy you are made of. You are never without love, even when others are unloving to you!
  • Things, being what they are, are not what they seem to be! What you see, what you believe, what you think, what you’ve been taught are not absolutes: every intellectual certainty you own is destined for correction.
  • The rock foundation of your life comes from knowing who you truly are and loving yourself, first.  Jesus taught, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” but almost all people fail to get the “thyself” part. Seeking love from others in order to feel loved is building your house of life upon shifting sands. Know who you are. You are worthy of love, yes, you are! So love yourself.
  • There is humor in the absurd. When you rise above the unrelenting trial, the excruciating injustice, you will find your smile again. Don’t get stuck in the mire of resentment, revenge, and hatred. The cosmos rolls on. What is horrible now, will be remade. Don’t sacrifice yourself to darkness. That’s what it wants you to do. If you want to get even, keep your smile.
Seven Techniques that Work:
  • Master your thoughts. While how you feel influences your thoughts, your thoughts influence your actions. Realize your thoughts fuel your emotions. Emotions change for the better, but not when you are locked into negative thinking! Break that debilitating loop by disciplining yourself to keep your thoughts positive. Look at the proverbial glass as “Half full” instead of “Half empty.” You are forging a doorway out of your misery.
  • Follow a daily spiritual practice. There is no option for you not to do this. There is no other way, if you want to change your life.
  • Do things that are hard to do: discipline is a necessary part of a successful life. The easy way out is for losers. Life will not coddle you out of your troubles, so don’t waste yourself in complaining and whining. Want some examples of discipline? Master your thoughts and have a spiritual practice! 🙂 These take discipline at first, but they become something you love to do because they work.
  • Serve others. Do something nice for somebody. Reach out. Give of yourself. Make the world better with your caring.
  • Love beauty and be curious. The world is incredible even if we’ve messed it up! Listen to uplifting music and read uplifting books. Create something. Learn something new.
  • Take care of your body. Don’t eat junk. Drink pure water without chlorine and fluoride. Get adequate sleep. Have a stress elimination routine (like a daily spiritual practice!!) and get exercise.
  • Spend time in nature. You need nature because you came from nature
I support your happiness, health, and spiritual empowerment! If you need to talk to me for a clairvoyant psychic reading, an auric energy reading, or spiritual coaching, make your purchase from the right-hand column and I’ll schedule an appointment with you. Namaste, dear friends.
Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

An Easy Daily Practice for Spiritual Protection and Strength


Hello, wonderful readers! Today is another blessed day to be alive.  Oh, I know it isn’t always great…life is often hard and currently, serious challenges mount in our world. Many people are out of work, many struggle with illness, loneliness, financial strain, spiritual emptiness: life throws tremendous problems our way.

When things are going great in life, most people don’t give much thought to their spiritual welfare, beyond superficial worship or brief prayers. It’s when the junk hits the fan that we start looking around for help from a Higher Power.

If―as many believe—God truly were made in the image of man, that’s when we’d really be into some trouble. For one thing, what kind of a relationship can we have if we only give someone our time and interest when we’re in need or in trouble?

Each of our readers is at a different place in their lives, with different beliefs, circumstances, personalities, and your own unique way of coping with circumstances in your life.  Some of you are ready for a greater spiritual connection: a sense of being connected to the Divine. Many of our readers are going through difficulties that require a spiritual connection to get through hard times. The meditation here also provides psychic protection and spiritual cleansing.

There are some of you who know you should take the time to spiritually connect, but don’t, or don’t feel you have the time. I realize that taking time to regularly do what I call “Light Work” requires effort, no doubt, but it’s a wonderful practice that will make a huge difference in your life. What follows is just one meditative practice among many. Find one that works best for you.

Unplug the phone, put up the cat, and get comfortably settled in a quiet place. Let go of your concerns, for you are going to let your awareness of the Divine come in.  Close your eyes, leaving a small slit to barely let the light through.Watch your thoughts and do not judge them. Relax. Focus on your breath. As you do this, envision yourself sitting in the center of a large triangle, or pyramid, floating, with its apex at the crown of your head. Envision this pyramid being flooded with brilliant golden-white Light, coming from Divine Source, filling this vessel, every cell and atom of your body. Bathe in this Light. Affirm your love. Ask for Divine Presence to surround, fill and guide you. Intend it. Trust. Listen. Be. When it is time to reenter the conscious realm, give thanks for your life and for the help you are given. Now know…go forward and know…Divine energy has responded and you are not alone.

Sometimes, you just have to believe. You have to reach out and scoop up stardust in your hands and hold it close: you don’t have to see it for it to be real. Most of what’s real cannot be seen: like air, Spirit is an invisible, ever-present reality. It’s the Force of Life that put you here. It is love.

Even when it seems that there is no love for you in this world because things are going rough, know that this, too, shall pass. Love is the sun behind the clouds and it never quits shining. I send love and support to all of you this day. And of course, I’m right by the phone to provide a clairvoyant psychic reading or spiritual coaching. All you need to do is make your purchase and I’ll arrange an appointment time convenient for you! Namaste.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clean Negative Thought Forms from Your Aura and Feel Good Again!

ImportantPlease read “The Power of Thought Forms: What Are You Doing to Your Life?” before you read the following article.

People are often hammered by negative thoughts. While they wonder why, you have learned from our previous MySpiritCare article about thought-forms and how to cleanse your aura. Negative and troubling thoughts are more than brain synapses! They are energies you either create or pick up because you have similar frequencies in your own aura!

When the mind is allowed to idly dwell or when we obsess over the same thing again and again, thought forms will be created that come back to haunt us, making it very difficult to let go of particular thoughts or behavior when we wish to stop thinking about something or acting in a certain way.

For example, a woman who thinks constantly, incessantly about an unrequited love but finally comes to the conclusion that it’s best to move on because the person is not a good romantic interest, may find that she can’t stop thinking about the person even though she wants to. “I can’t get him off my mind! So it must mean I’m not supposed to stop thinking about him! I must have a future with this person!” She assumes because she can’t stop thinking about him even though she wants to, that there is some fated purpose in her incessant thoughts… and that she is “not meant” to let go.

Far from her thoughts being some sign of cosmic purpose, she is a victim of a thought form that she herself made, as it keeps engaging her mind in an obsessive way. Terrible as it is, the thought forms made from improper thinking grow even stronger with repeated focus: their influence widens and deepens until circumstance (often unfortunate) sublimates it to other arising thought forms of similar negative frequency.  Sublimated negative thought forms remain damaging. They do not just “go away,” but influence the deeper levels of the human psyche in more complex and entangled ways.

People trap themselves into negative cycles with their unwitting use of living energy: unproductive thinking, self-centered ego fantasies and negative thoughts have hidden and serious consequences. They lead to pathological and destructive behaviors, suffering, sadness, rage, and grief.  Negative thought forms ruin lives. From a karmic and cosmic perspective, we must also know that what we send out to others, we will receive back. Negative thinking is a no-win scenario of the worst kind.

You Can Change It!

Thankfully, most people are victims of bad thought-forms only due to their complete ignorance. Knowledge provides the power to change everything.

The moment an unpleasant, obsessive, unproductive, fearful, depressed, hopeless, ugly, greedy, angry, hateful, condemnatory, jealous, wicked, injurious thought or mental out-picturing arises in your mind, immediately visualize this thought locked in a bubble of golden-white light and squeeze it until it evaporates in your mind. Say, “I negate and neutralize this idea and give it to Divine Light right NOW!” Then say, “Light, Love, Light!

Another technique is to immediately respond, “Good-bye, LIE!” and mentally whoosh your dark thought into the light of the sun.

Done as often as needed, these actions neutralize negative thought forms and render them harmless. It won’t take long, if you practice this, before your thoughts become rarified and positive on a regular basis. It is an outstanding remedy for those caught up in negative thinking and helps to heal states of feeling depressed.

This will change your life. When enough people become aware, it will change the world.

If you need further help with energy issues in your  life, I’m here to help! I will do an authentic, clairvoyant energy assessment and give you individual guidance about clearing bad energy out of your life. Working together, we can help you fill your life with the good stuff!

May beautiful thoughts belong to you, and beauty abound in your life!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Power of Thought Forms: What Are You Doing to Your Life?

We have explained in other articles on My Spirit Care about the importance of cleansing the aura to remove bad energy and maintain balance of the spiritual, emotional and physical bodies. Another equally important aspect of keeping oneself psychically clean is to think good thoughts and negate bad ones so they do not commit damage in our own lives or the lives of other beings.

That old saying “Thoughts are things” isn’t just an adage! It’s true that thoughts are things. More precisely, they are thought-forms, very real energetic constructs that you create by thinking. They are part of your auric body, although they are often mobilized to go great distances across the material barriers that limit physical form.

For example, when you have an intense moment of thinking loving thoughts about your child who is away at summer camp, a corresponding thought form will be created that contains the energy of your feelings. Made of light, colored according to the frequency and energized by your focus on your child, this lovely formation of light will rush out from you through the miles and attach to a corresponding, resonant field in your child’s aura. He/she will feel Mother’s love from afar, because it has come in the form of a flying hug. The love bounces back, as well, reinforcing the loving energies within you, increasing your own capacity to be a loving person.

The more love you give, the more love you will get.

This is the reason the wise have spoken about Love being the greatest protector. We can offer shields of protection to others with our love because of thought- forms.

Negative thoughts, on the other hand, are not a gift we like to receive and should never be given to another. These cause psychic injuries—and more—and like a boomerang, will come back to injure the sender. I’m sure you’ve heard the old stories of how tomb raiders of the Pyramids had bad things happen to them because of ancient curses. Scientific-minded people would have you believe this was due to suggestion, but in fact the Egyptians whose duty was to protect the Pyramids were masters at the creation of negative thought-forms. Those explorers who were susceptible by reason of their own auric weaknesses would experience “bad luck” from negative thought-forms that attached to their auras. Not nice at all, very nasty.

 Schematic of a Thought-Form

It would not be possible to provide an encyclopedia of what thought-forms look like because they are a lot like snowflakes: under general conditions, no two are exactly alike. Sometimes they are complex designs and sometimes they are lines, arrows, zigzags, clouds, balls, and boxes. They can look like creatures, spirals, thunderbolts, and architecture. Anyone who has looked through a kaleidoscope has had a little demonstration in how some thought forms can appear to the clairvoyant eye and how these change rapidly into something else.

They are made of living light, just like you, and there is no example in the third dimensional world that is adequate to compare their appearance.

Thought-form shapes and colors reflect the quality of the thought that made them. The pictures with this article are two dimensional drawings (made by a 3rd dimensional person!) of hyperdimensional thought forms, so while the rendition is not perfect, it will give you an idea of what they look like to the relatively few clairvoyants who can see them. The greater the intellect or the stronger the focus, the more defined their construct. The more lovely the thought, the more beautiful its form.

Public Enemy Number One: Negative Thought-Forms!

It takes an especially trained Third Eye to know what thought forms mean or represent. Positive thought forms, which arise with positive thinking, are very desirable. We all want those around us! But negative thought forms are more common to the fearful human condition and silently wreck havoc in our lives. They are created by obsessive, reckless or negative thinking and they breed like an orgy of cockroaches!! Bad thought-forms create more compulsively negative thoughts and behaviors that continue to multiply in receiving and resonant  energy fields.

What some in science call a “meme” and what sociologists call “mob mentality” a clairvoyant calls a thought-form. Truly, we are defining a mind virus. And yes, it is imminently real AND viral.

On a broad social level, repeated similar thoughts (sparked by mass belief) make thought forms larger and more intrusive, influencing things like public policy. Ever-increasing and fanatic religious fervor is an example of how thought- forms infect populations, or even how incompetent people gain positions of power, when no person “in their right mind” would support them. Powerful thought-forms created through ad campaigns and media hype push their way past reason and override conscious decision-making. The injury to society from negative thought-forms is beyond reckoning: the effects are seen, but not the energy that causes it.

The really good news is that we can cure the damage done by negative thoughts. In our next  My Spirit Care post, we will explain how toClean Negative Thought Forms from Your Aura and Feel Good Again.” Don’t miss it!

As always, when you need our psychic advice to eliminate negative and bad energy from your life, or when you need a clairvoyant psychic reading or clairvoyant energy  assessment to understand what energies are around you and what to do about it, we are here to help you.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

A Shaman Minute #1, Spiritual Cleansing

In addition to other MySpiritCare articles on spiritual cleansing, here, here, and here, I hope to make this an on-going series of brief spiritual practices you can easily incorporate into your daily life, whether you meditate, or seek a more active way of connecting with Spirit. I call the series “A Shaman Minute,” because it only takes a minute (or maybe a few more) to do these beautiful spiritual exercises.

Here is a sacred way of doing a brief cleansing ceremony in preparation for establishing spiritual protection for yourself and others around you. It is a wonderful way to start the day and to help develop a daily spiritual practice if you’ve been wanting to.

It’s all about water.

It is THE source of power for women, and a very effective grounding substance for men.

Our bodies are made up mostly of water, and from the water we are born.

I always teach in my classes that the first thing to do is to “clean the vessel,” that is, to wash up, to cleanse, spiritually speaking. There are dozens of ways to do this, but I’ll give you a simple and effective one.

Pour a few ounces of water into a clean bowl and hold it up as high as is comfortable while asking that it be blessed and cleansed by God, Great Spirit, or whatever divine term or team you prefer to use. Ask for your guides, angels or others you are familiar with to bless and cleanse the water.

Now, place the bowl of water on a table or, if you are outside, on a rock or somewhere up off the ground. Dip your hands into it and pause a moment to feel its life force. Then, lift your hands out of the bowl and rub them together lightly, as if tenderly washing your hands. Bring your hands to your face, with your eyes closed, and feel the pureness of the water on your face. Rub your arms with your wet hands, and pause a moment to feel the cleansing spread throughout your entire body. It is good here to also prayerfully ask for help and healing, for guidance and protection, for strength and focus. Allow yourself to feel the act of being cleansed by the sacred water.

This is the first vital step to building and maintaining a wonderful daily habit of connecting with Spirit, and it only takes a Shaman Minute!

Aho and Namaste.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Psychic Clairvoyant Readings and Spiritual Consultations

Questions About My Spirit Care (Or Anything Else!)Here at My Spirit Care
 my work is focused on helping people in a spiritual, meaningful way to address issues in their lives that are important to them. 

I am a clairvoyant psychic, ordained non-denominational minister, a spiritual advisor and personal coach, a “soulcologist”. I specialize in helping you with life issues from both the practical and wider spiritual perspectives. I look forward to being of service in your life!

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Mysterious Love: A Call to Look Deeper

In spite of all the practical advice about relationships, there can be relationships in our lives that defy logic. You love someone you can’t have, you love someone who does not reciprocate, you love someone that by conventional standards is not a good choice, you are in a love triangle romance, you have deep feelings about someone you barely know. These kinds of circumstances give rise to great dilemmas in one’s life, calling upon the universal principles of choice and free will like nothing else can.

These are situations of great significance for personal and spiritual growth. They are difficult love situations that challenge our beliefs about life and about love, even the meaning of religion or God. We need to know that not all of these relationships are meant to become partnerships in this life, but they are all meant to teach us something important about ourselves.

It’s unfortunate that many people are not allowed by their religions to consider the possibility of reincarnation. In other words, some conventional belief systems do not allow for an understanding of life’s cosmic nature…that we are so very much more than we are told, that there is so much reason to the “why’s” of our lives.

As a clairvoyant who sees auras and other energies clearly, I can tell you that not only are you a body and a brain that gives rise to a working mind of thought and belief…you are Light, color, energy, and spirit!! Behind the form that you think is you, you are eternal Consciousness itself and you have lived a very, very long time!

Past life recognition of a person who was significant to you is inevitable at some time in your current life. If one is unsure about the bigger picture of existence he or she may feel mystified or even troubled about an unspoken sense of connection felt with another, often upon a first meeting, because there is no current memory — no logical reason.

If this was a significant relationship in a past life, the feelings from the previous experience can carry over into this lifetime. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that feelings can speak a truth that the brain of the current body does not remember? You feel these things because of energetic connections between you and the other spirit (person) and this Consciousness does not need a physical brain to be aware.

The experience of true, mysterious love is Divinity in action, but you will be called upon to make wise and conscious decisions about the place it has in your life. At My Spirit Care, we are here to help you understand these experiences, whether through psychic readings or spiritual coaching, and to help you get through them.

So whatever joy and pain love brings your way in this life, it’s most important to know that when you don’t look for what you can get from love, love will fill your cup to overflowing. That’s the biggest mystery of all.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Free Will & Your Future

Many clients who want clairvoyant psychic readings desire a prediction for the future, so it is appropriate that we take a look at what, exactly, the future “is.” Actually–if  you want to be technical–there is only the NOW, the present, and what we think of as the future is the force of energy converging into a forming reality, made from potentialities that are unfolding in the present. The idea of the future is not what you probably believe it to be.

“HUH?” You ask.

Okay. How about this?

You and I are free-will beings, and as such, we get to make choices. All other people get to make choices, too. When you ask me what someone else will decide, like whether a love interest will pursue you or not, my vision shows the probability based upon the energy dynamic between the two of you and where the energetic trend is headed. Sometimes an outcome is a certainty, due to karmic and energetic factors, but most often your future is open to what you make of it through your choices and the choices of those connected to you.

Men and women stuck in unrequited love relationships have a hard time accepting the choices made by their love interest. Often this is taken as painful rejection by the ego when there are spiritual and energetic reasons why relationships do not work out. The one feeling lovesick can end up suspending their lives, waiting for the other person to make a different choice or to reverse a decision. Many people surrender their futures to the decisions that other people make, in whatever kind of relationship. These people make the choice not to assume self-rule over their own lives and become so invested in what another person thinks or does, that they spend years feeling unfulfilled or in a suspended state, waiting for someone else to do something they believe will make them happy. This often happens in relationships where one partner is an addict and the other cannot make the decision to move on, because they are waiting for the addict to change.

Years pass and opportunity is lost, love is locked out, growth is stunted and suffering becomes a way of life. Doesn’t sound good, does it?

We weren’t born to hinge our existence on what someone else decides. We were born to live and yes, to live it up–not surrender our futures into another person’s hands.

I think that if everyone could understand what a tremendous privilege life truly is, what precious potential we contain as individuals,  we wouldn’t waste a minute forfeiting our choices to others. We would step out with our own choices and make the very most of our lives.

There is always potential for greater goodness ahead of us, unseen potential, love, and opportunity awaits! Being alive is a great adventure with many gifts to give us, so let’s celebrate our lives by making the best decisions we can.

What is most important to know about the future is that this very day, you are creating it. Never let yourself believe that your free will choice does not matter, because you have the power to shape and direct your life in the long run.

For your immediate concerns about things to come that are set into energetic motion, give me a call. We can deal with anything and find the answers you need to know. Here at My Spirit Care, we really do care for your Spirit…now and in the future to come. 🙂


Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part One

Life is a roller coaster ride of emotions. You’ve felt so many emotions in the course of your life! Looking back on your life, you may wonder how you made it through everything. But you did.

When we are having an emotional experience we can easily lose perspective of the situation, as well as lose sight of the bigger picture of life itself. Very strong feelings distort how we perceive and what we are able to understand in the moment. This can seriously muddle our thinking and make things worse… putting us too deep in the forest to see the trees, as they say.

When we get muddled it’s time to step away from what we feel, through the process of meditation…or just getting very still…and let go of the feeling so we can find our core self. The core self is the eternal spiritual being that we are, under the emotions, behind the circumstance, and before the ego personality of this life was formed.

Family Tree of Emotions

People aren’t the only created beings with relatives. Emotions and thoughts have birthdays and relations of their own. By tracing the roots of your emotions and pairing them up with the thoughts that gave birth to them, you can get to the core cause of many of your most troubling emotions.

Relatives on your emotional family tree are much worse than slothful cousins or meddling in-laws: they can crash your best parties and whip you into a weeping puddle without a moment’s notice.

The “Family Tree of Emotions” exercise is designed to help you when you are struggling to figure out why you feel the way you do. The diagram shown here has blank boxes that spiral inward. You can sketch your own on a separate piece of paper.

Suppose you are struggling with a feeling of sadness. Write “sad” in the first box at the beginning of the spiral.

Then, ask why do you think you are sad? If your answer is something like, “I’m depressed because John won’t call me, then write that down in the next box.  If your deeper belief is “…it means he doesn’t care”, then write that perception in the next blank box.

“Nobody really cares about me”…”My brother said I was a pain in the butt” …”I remember when he…” and so on, progressively working your way to the core beliefs that are hidden behind the screen of the emotion you are dealing with.

How Emotions Happen

Emotion begins with a perception, followed by a thought that incites a feeling inside you. For example, as a kid you may have had the perception that someone was making fun of you as you saw them smile when you tripped on a shoestring. An incorrect perception (the belief you were being mocked) was followed by an incorrect thought, “she’s making fun of me!” which could have given rise to an emotion of feeling embarrassed or put down. Later in life, then, the root experience could lead you to become overly self-conscious and sensitive. —All this for nothing, since the reality at the time of the occurrence  was that the person was smiling because of your childhood charm. (You were terribly cute all the time!)

Perceptions vs. Reality

The trouble with emotions is that they can “talk” us into believing our own story. We believe that what we perceive is a fact and thus, we can believe that feelings of anger, sadness, fear, etc. are not only justified, we can believe them to be unavoidable.

We often let emotions control our outlook on life, our thoughts, our behavior and our choices. Thus, they  have an enormous effect on the way we live our lives. But there is something we can do about that, which is why at My Spirit Care we provide extended spiritual coaching to enable a balance and spiritual power over the “emotional dictator” that so often inhibits life progress.

Next Post: Part Two, Becoming the Master of Your Emotions






Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part Two

Part Two: Becoming the Master of Your Emotions

(Continued from Part One, click here to read.)

In the Grip of Emotion

When we are having a very strong emotional experience, we can feel only that emotion in the moment. Sensible perspective flies out the window! With that loss of perspective, we compound the intensity of the emotion through the power of focused attention. For example, during a powerful unhappy state we might feel as if we’ve always been miserable, always will be miserable and thereby we can literally trap ourselves in misery by faulty loop-de-loop thinking.

Avoid Reacting to Negative Emotion

At My Spirit Care we show you how to care for your own spirit, and this includes coming to the objective realization that you are not your emotions. You are eternal Spirit, Divine Consciousness, unhurt by painful emotions that are processed by your personality in this moment. When we are in terrible emotional states, we need to observe ourselves during these times and to recognize that the emotion of the moment is only a speck in the fabric of time. It will pass.

It’s what we do with the emotion we are having that counts. If we can maintain the presence of mind to remind ourselves when we are having extreme emotions that we are having a temporary state of mind that will pass and that clarity will come later, we can forgo some avoidable mistakes. —Such as lashing out at someone in rage, breaking up a relationship because we just feel like it in that moment, saying terrible things we can’t take back, etc.

Strong emotional states are not the times to make major decisions. So when I say it’s what we do with the emotion that counts, I mean we must recognize it as our own very personal experience and not make it someone else’s problem. It certainly helps to realize that emotions arise from core beliefs which are not the same as “reality as it is.”

We need to learn to control emotion rather than allow emotion to control us. We can acknowledge that emotions run very deep within us and honor ourselves by tracing the roots of our feelings. When we do that, we will find faulty beliefs or self-created deceptions that have in one way or another fueled our present emotional state. When we understand the reality of the situation (a clarity that can only come once emotions are stabilized) we can learn to cope with emotions in a balanced way.

What You Feel Is Real, But it May Not be the Truth of What Is

Reality and perceptions are most often at odds. The old saying, “Things are not what they appear to be,” is very true. Difficult emotions that arise from a resistance to “what is” are simply a symptom of denial. If you are left by a lover and then proceed to tear yourself and your life apart or injure the other person because you are emotionally  out-of-control, you are not taking into account the reality of the situation. Although pain may be unavoidable, one must live through the experience, cope with it, and in time an understanding of the situation will come…when emotions are stabilized.

Sadness is to happiness is what winter is to summer. They are partners in life. Both of these opposites are contained in the exquisite experience of being a Divine spirit in a human body; neither are bad or good…they are mere pieces of the spiraling dynamic of a cosmic existence.

Next Post: Part Three, Emotional Addiction and the Influence of Collective Emotions

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Angels & Guides: What the Retail Myth Does Not Reveal

Angels! What a beautiful word for the most wondrous, powerful and sacred of Beings!

I have to be straight with you about angels because of the deep reverence I hold for them…what I will write here is not the retail angel information you’ve heard elsewhere. Writers, publishers, “teachers” and others have popularized angels in our spiritually hungry culture. Many people who claim to know a great deal about angels are recognized by those with clairvoyant sight to not be the experts they profess to be. Money talks, and since the sight of an angel is not readily available, it’s easy to profit by claiming to know all about them, building entire careers on peppy, feel-good angel mythology.

Angel experiences are profoundly sacred, highly personal and…I speak frankly… very unique to the individual. Mainstream angel dogma presents us with an image of angels that look like gorgeous human females in “way beautiful” gowns who live in the clouds and model makeup for Mabelline.

I’m sorry, but the princess/fairy/angel/archetype is not accurate. We can choose to believe it because it’s fun, or just because we are products of a society that sadly equates physical beauty with goodness. We even may experience seeing something that appears like a limited edition angel something-or-other, but one must come to understand that spiritual experiences—human interaction with the cosmic energy soup—is shaped by human belief and what we expect to see.

Angels are a vast order of immense energy Beings that uphold Divine Intention throughout existence…and stand at the ready to help other beings achieve a state of Grace and Protection in times of great and exceptional need. When truly needed, they do respond and do so instantly.

Angels are cosmic servants of incalculable inter-dimensional responsibility, not solely concerned with our planet and its life forms. And truly, angels don’t have human names…they have a tone, a frequency as an identifier.

Although often confused with personal spiritual Guides and despite what some claim, angels are not really there to manage every second of your life, like getting you a parking place. Despite what humans crave to believe, the entire cosmos does not revolve around us and our egotistical needs. Fact is, when we finally get that, when we finally understand the Divinity within that we are meant to step into…that is when higher frequency beings of existence begin to mentor and assist us as we dedicate our lives to the service of others. Only when we learn the purpose of life is not about the little self, can we hope to resonate with the frequencies of service that angels abide.

Although many will claim they have a famous angel as their personal guide, did you know that when it comes to Divine guidance, it’s not the title or name that counts? It’s the quality and truth of the guidance that reveals what’s behind it. Divine angels don’t have an egotistic interest in throwing their “names” around and they don’t try to get credit for helping us. They are most discreet. The Energy that we humans call Archangel Michael is very real and is a mighty cosmic protector who loves us all…but has no interest in impressing us with lofty words.

As I sometimes need to explain during readings as a psychic clairvoyant at My Spirit Care, many beings from the spiritual side of existence are often mistaken for angels. When it comes to the real helpers, though, your daily protection and moment-to-moment existence is managed from the other side of this life by what is known in metaphysical shop talk as “Spirit Guides.”

Divine Spirit Guides assist you from the realm of a spiritual reality nearer to the frequency of the physical world than angels. They are beings with whom you have consented to their help during this lifetime and it is a Divine contract that you have with them.  Many Guides have lived as humans before and they fully understand what it’s like to be in this plane of existence. They know your path in this lifetime. Often their guidance comes through thought, an idea, a gut feeling or a quick impulse that averts you from danger or a poor choice.

It’s important to know that when any human has a connection to non-human intelligence, and this includes Spirit guidance, the person must evaluate the guidance with discernment. Like angels, Divine Guides are never egotistical and they will never prompt you to injure another being in any way. Although there are spiritual intelligences that will lead you down a hurtful path, or flatter and expertly deceive, your Divine Guides never will. They will give you feelings of love, peace and comfort.  They are present to lift you up and teach you the lessons of love, humility, self-empowerment and truth.

That which is Divine, is Simple Truth. Peace. Love. Hope. Protection for all. Your Divine Guides are the ones who watch over you every second! So, even though the cosmic order of angels may not be at your beck and call, your Divine Guides are. Because of their abiding presence, you can know that no matter what, you are perfectly loved and you are never alone.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

An Inside Peek: Behind the Eye of a Clairvoyant

A clairvoyant is sometimes called a psychic, but these are not interchangeable terms. A psychic is not often a clairvoyant, although the term is used about as often as “closeout” is used in selling cars! In the truest sense, clairvoyants have clairvoyance, or “clear-seeing.” This is nothing like the perfect 20-20 vision of the physical eyes, for it is a spiritual faculty that views the spiritual reality through which our material existence has taken the appearance of form.

In order to “clear see” a clairvoyant utilizes the “eye behind the eyes,” called the Third Eye in the mystical traditions. This is an energetic eye that is able to envision unseen energies that interpenetrate the physical world.

It is absolutely and utterly true that everything is made up of energy and in fact, what we perceive and believe to be a material thing is not solid at all! (More on that in upcoming posts.) To explain unseen spiritual energy,  picture for a moment an ordinary table lamp.

The electricity, or energy, that gives the lamp its light is invisible. The light that happens when you turn it on is not the electricity itself, but the evidence of it. While we don’t question the invisible realms of electricity or radar or microwave or infrared, we aren’t well informed about other energies that are the basis for all matter. Times, however, are changing and it’s a good thing to catch up with new science, which supports the truth that everything is energy. A clairvoyant can see some of that…each clairvoyant will have different abilities and a range of (limited) frequencies that can be accessed.

Clairvoyant sight does not make the one who has it infallible, nor does it make them special. Everyone has a Third Eye even though most don’t know about it, let alone how to use it. Like any ability, it is developed with intention, discipline, and to put it to proper use, a commitment to serve Divine potential.

I can tell you that the awe of seeing the energetic matrix, or web, of life never leaves me, for the Light of spirit is more beautiful than anything in this world! Upon that energy and light, all matter is brought into being. It is amazing, for instance, to witness a thought form…that energetic, often geometric, construct we create each time we think. The more focused and uplifting the thought, the more fabulous and beautiful the thought form…and the more incredible the reality it makes.

It is a privilege and a responsibility to have the gift of sight in this way, but most of all it is an incredible amazement and joy.

At one time in our very ancient history, people were commonly clairvoyant. In those times, it was impossible to tell a lie!!! –Can you imagine what the world would be like today, if the habit of lying were useless? If you can envision Utopia, perfection, or the proverbial Garden of Eden, you got it right!

As we build our spiritual connections and grow in understanding and ability, we can develop some degree of clairvoyance. Like all gifts, there are the minimally talented and the maestros…but everyone has a Third Eye and everyone can be developed to use it, under the proper circumstances.

We teach the development of the Third Eye here at My Spirit Care. For us, the greatest thing in this world that we can do is to help you achieve your greatest potential, to get you started on your personal path to seeing what you are meant to see. We know that you no longer have to “walk in the dark” when you learn to see in the dark.

Namaste, and blessings.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part Three

Part Three: Emotional Addiction and the Influence of Collective Emotions

(Continued from Part Two)

Addiction to Emotions and the Dramas They Create

Did you know that intense emotional states can be addictive? They are. For example, a person who has known mostly depression in life will feel “strange” when not depressed, as if something is not quite right because they are in an unfamiliar feeling state. There are biochemical reasons for this, but there are also energetic reasons. As a clairvoyant who sees auric and other energies, I have observed how the frequency of a particular emotion seeks itself out: sadness is drawn to sadness; happiness to happiness; love to love, and so on. This fact of energetic physics explains why it’s so hard to break out of an emotional loop and why conscious awareness in needed to do so.  At My Spirit Care, we address these energetic issues with those who seek balance in their lives.

Balance is not easy to come by: many people are addicted to energetic/emotional states. They cannot stop the dramas in their lives because they cannot feel alive or powerful unless there is high emotion at play all the time. That’s right: many people are so disconnected from their core identity that they feel dead inside unless they are all worked up about something. This is a deeply destructive pattern that blocks all genuine personal growth and higher spiritual connection. Like all problems, however, being aware of it is half the battle. 🙂

Collective Social Emotions & You

One important aspect of experiencing emotional upset is the significant historical time period in which we now live.

This is an Age of upheaval and immense change on the national and world stage. All around, events and situations seem to threaten personal stability whether through war, financial upheaval and economic uncertainty, health challenges brought on by modern stress, etc. Fear is the “emotion dujouer” served up daily in the media, in radical religions that fervently believe in horrific judgments and the End of Days. Government is not responsive to the needs of the common person and we are often frustrated by systems and programs that are inept or unjust.

Many of you are experiencing not only your own emotions, but are being impacted by the “energetic soup” of the mass mind. We are all connected energetically, and to remain emotionally stable in these intense times, one simply must have a daily, personal, spiritual practice. See the bigger picture.

Next Post: Part Four, Victory Over Self and Circumstance

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part Four

Part Four: Victory Over Self and Circumstance

(Continued from Parts One, Two, and Three)

Choosing a Spiritual Perspective

In difficult emotional states, it’s very important to know that you are loved by a Divine presence and there is a meaningful purpose in your suffering.

You may be one who is required to let go of an old idea of a punishing God, and  that good things should happen when you are good.

All of us are destined to learn that difficulty happens to everyone until we eventually understand that we are all One.  We may have mistaken beliefs about worthiness and privilege that need to be abandoned, in order to know the reality of life as it truly is.

Life is a spiritual school for all humans, to teach us how to love, to forgive and trust. —How to live true to our unique Divine purpose. Emotions are the challenging “pop quizzes” of life that reveal how much we are learning.

Wisdom Teacher in the School of Life

Children can cry over anything…have fits… and object to reality until they possibly get their way. —You know, cry over the candy they were told they couldn’t have.

Over time, we learn we can’t have all that we demand or want. Many a frustrating emotion arises from trying to pound a square peg into a round hole, so-to-speak. The passing years of life teach us how to deal with the spontaneous emotions that started in childhood, how to understand our emotions and cope with them from a wiser perspective, as follows:

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Your “My Spirit Care” Practice Includes Meditation

You Too Can Enjoy The Benefits of Meditation!

Here at My Spirit Care, our spiritual mentoring helps people with problems rooted  in the fast-paced, goal-driven way they live their lives.  We teach various meditative and spiritual practices that allow a person to have personal quiet time, a very necessary step to the achievement of material and/or spiritual success.

Make Time for Yourself!

Although many clients say they “should” meditate or they “try” to meditate, very few have actually developed the joyful habit of making contemplative “quiet time” a regular part of their lives. This is almost always because they haven’t yet realized the genuine benefit that comes from a meditative spiritual practice, like more energy, greater mental clarity, or simply feeling better.

The Joy of Having a Clear and Healthy Mind!

Any time we need to solve a problem the first thing we must do is make space in our minds. We have to have a “clean mental workspace” to identify the issues and then we can find the right solutions.

When our thoughts get cluttered, we get confused, we go from one thing to the next, in circular loop that frustrates and amplifies the problem. We can begin to have obsessive thoughts, suffer with anxieties, worries, even develop fear and phobic-like feelings simply because we have not kept our mental/spiritual house clean.

Every person needs a daily practice of relaxing the mind, body and the spirit. Far from being the “waste of time” that busy people believe it to be, taking the time to be alone in a meditative, spiritually-connected state is necessary for overall well-being.

Helping the World as We Improve Ourselves

And there’s a bonus, too! When we help ourselves, we help the world. Not only does a spiritual practice make us more conscious, caring, and stable it makes the world a better place to be for everyone. Why is that? Simply, if we want to create positive change in the world, we have to start with ourselves, first.Taking the time to be alone in a spiritually-connected, meditative moment is the first step toward creating the life you are meant to have.

So whether you are wanting to feel better–mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually–or you want to do something to make your environment and the world a better place to be, indulge yourself with a daily practice of quiet spiritual connection/nature connection/meditation time. It is a gift you give to yourself!

MySpiritCare Helps You

And remember, we’re here for you. Just give us a call, anytime, and we’ll help you get started on that very personal path to an empowered and joyful life!