Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Curiosity and Non-Conformity: the Twin Pillars of Spiritual Freedom

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” —Albert Einstein

There is an old saying that sublimates a wrong idea: “Curiosity Killed the Cat.” Curiosity never hurt anyone, let alone killed them. One of the most important characteristics a cat…or a person and a seeker-of-truth…can have is curiosity!

Unfortunately, this very obvious truth won’t stop many people from remembering that nasty little slogan about how we can get killed just for asking. It’s time to change the saying to reflect reality instead of supporting a mind-control myth, so let’s say instead “Curiosity Saved the Cat” because we need curiosity to be alive inside. Without curiosity, we can become robotic, unthinking, “dumbed-down” and highly conformist. Without curiosity, we are very boring people, interested in only our microscopic world, our own immediate gratifications and interests and oblivious to what a mindless drone we have become. Without curiosity, we can have as many doctoral degrees as we can afford and still be blatantly ignorant because without curiosity, we will be closed off to finding timeless truth while we memorize textbooks that teach institutional dogma.

People are not encouraged to be curious and the aforementioned slogan has served to support the notion that being curious is foolish and bad for your health. —Which is what those with all the power want us to believe. When we don’t ask questions, we cannot threaten their authority. When we don’t challenge the status-quo, we are told by implication that we are being “good people” who don’t engage in risky, anti-social behavior.

Imagine that. Those who don’t want you to be curious want you to believe that being stupid is what makes a person safe and decent.

We all need to recognize how easily human beings can be enslaved by their mental programs. Pop-up slogans that come quickly to mind are small tidbits of the programming received over a lifetime, and these programs control the reality construct we believe to be real. In other words, our beliefs either limit or expand our potential and those that limit natural curiosity and the seeking it inspires will stand in the way of finding one’s true purpose in life.

It’ time to get very curious. It’s time to make the institutionally ignorant uncomfortable by asking lots of questions, rather than allow them to make you feel uncomfortable for asking!

Have you noticed in your life that the social systems that have dictated to you, have not wanted you to be curious? Just think about the times you have asked questions and have received either indignant or evasive answers. It’s likely that at one time or another, you were made to feel embarrassed for being curious, for asking questions, for challenging a situation, an “authority,” or a so-called fact.

I am often sad to see that many have replaced curiosity and its result, learning, with blind following, dogmatic assumptions, and the pursuit of empty fixes.  We are all on a great Cosmic adventure and many of us snooze and sleepwalk right through it. Tragic!

Life is about learning and discovery…even without the intention to learn something, every day offers something wondrous to discover. Unfortunately, many of us don’t care much about that unless we have a problem we don’t know how to fix. Instead of looking for easy (and empty) answers, when you find yourself stuck in a problem, that’s the time to let your God-given curiosity take over.

—Why am I experiencing this?  —What is to be learned from this? How do I handle things differently, what can I change or not change? What do I have to accept? Is this a pattern in my life and what is it telling me about myself?

In our fast-paced world, the majority of people don’t feel they have the time to engage in spiritual exploration or personal seeking. It’s much easier to get our beliefs about life and ourselves “out of the box.” Prepackaged answers are so very convenient, until we learn the answers that we assumed to be true are not, until the false assumptions we hold like insurance policies for tough times do not come through with the help that they promised.

Every person is destined to discover that the formula ideas and prepackaged answers are fancy gift boxes with nothing inside, hollow and void. After childhood—once our God-given curiosity had been wiped out—most of us accept what we are told about life and what we are told about ourselves. Only when adults face situations of crisis where the standard answers come up empty, are people driven to seek new truth to get them through. But we need not wait for the Universe to get our attention in that way.

We can begin now to search for the greater purpose in our lives, to understand the truth that we are all interconnected, and to know that to conform is to be utterly deadened and made empty inside, like an animated puppet without true free will or a Living Mind.

How do we cultivate curiosity and individuality when it is so strongly discouraged? Follow the guidelines below and you will be well on your way to being who and what you were born to be.

  • Recognize that first and foremost, you are a unique spiritual being having a particular physical experience. You are not your body, your occupation, your education, your bank account, your family tree or any other label you can think of.
  • Recognize that all institutions are man-made and those who serve them are acting in an imperfect human capacity, nothing more.
  • Recognize that privilege is no indicator of being special: you are not your stuff or the station you were born into. You are what you make of yourself.
  • You do not need permission from anyone to be yourself, whatever that may be in any period of your life. Being yourself is your birthright!
  • Fear of what others will think of you is a plague of mind and spirit. It was implanted in you at a young age to make you conform and let false authority go unchallenged. Ditch that fear before it ruins your life.
  • You have the right to know the truth. Others do not have the right to keep the truth from you.
  • If you will know the truth, be the truth. Be honest in thought, word, and deed.
  • Come to know that Truth is its own reward, and although it’s not easily found, it’s worth more than anything else in this world because without truth, nothing in this world is real, not even love.

It’s time to care for your Spirit by honoring who you truly are. Here’s to asking lots of questions, being insatiably curious, and at long last…changing the world into a beautiful place to be…just by being your True Self! Freedom to be authentic and make your own way through life is your birthright. We wish you a most rewarding journey!

When you need guidance and support on your journey in life, MySpiritCare is here for you. Let us provide your spiritual coaching and clairvoyant psychic readings, to help you be who you were born to be!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Stepping Above Guided Meditation: 5 Steps to a Daily Spiritual Practice

Okay, guided meditation is a cool thing, no doubt. It’s used for all kinds of reasons, with good results.

But what about the spiritual aspect of our lives? What about getting familiar with who we really are, without needing a CD or technology to try to do that? What about…just you, and Life…becoming one, moving together smoothly the way a dolphin is one with the sea or a rainbow trout is one with the river? Becoming one with Life and all things is the most ancient spiritual wisdom; shamans from the dawn of history have known and taught the greatest of all truths that everything is interconnected.

Once you learn how to relax and let go, once you learn that imagination is NOT “imaginary,” it may be time to just be with yourself and the silence. Why? Because when it gets right down to it, guided meditation is a beginning for some, but then what? To mature spiritually we will have to sometime surrender the training wheels.

Most people want to be spiritually connected. Those on the spiritual path want to ascend, for crying out loud! We tell ourselves we “should” meditate, we “should” pray, we “should” and “should”…and (sigh) let’s change the subject! So, how’s work coming along?

Yep, for many people on the spiritual path that’s about the size of it. We don’t have a spiritual practice once a week, let alone once a day. I bet some of you felt a twinge of guilt when you read the title to this article. (Some of your friends may have skipped it altogether.) See! I can read your mind!

Actually, if you don’t have a dedicated spiritual practice you would be in the majority and so my guess is merely “playing the odds.” Most people just don’t make the time to connect spiritually. Many people don’t even think about it, or even dare to hope it’s possible. Others don’t find it at all important and even more people leave this up to churches and clergy to “do it” for them!

But all of the above probably isn’t you, either. This is a spiritual site and you’re here for a reason, so for those who are open to the path to enlightenment but can’t get in the groove, maybe it’s time to make it happen for yourself.

In order to get motivated, it helps to understand how an intimate, living spiritual practice can make a difference in your life, and what that entails, exactly.

A personal, dedicated spiritual practice will lead to a sense of connection to the Divine, and to an inner strength that comes from knowing your life has a unique purpose. You will develop your own psychic awareness. You will gain clarity, wisdom, knowledge, foresight…and if you are truly successful, you will become a more loving being.

Here are a few short suggestions on how to get started:

Want to make the connection: you have to want to know what you are all about, under your skin. People with a Christian background will recall that Jesus taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. To advance spiritually, we must first know ourselves.

How you decide to have a spiritual connection is completely individual. There are no rules, only guidelines. Find a personal system, or a composite of modalities, that work best for you. So here are 5 steps to get you past “I should” to “I do!”

  • Remember, you have to want to improve your life and be willing to explore for greater truth.
  • Turn off the phone, and eliminate external distractions. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door if others in the house are used to summoning you at their fancy. Let others know this is YOUR private time.
  • Set aside 15 uninterrupted minutes, the same time each day. Why the same time? …A little discipline is needed to develop good habits, and setting the same time establishes a basis for sacred ritual, which enriches the experience over time. (If you should miss your appointment with the Divine, don’t skip that day. Find the 15 minutes somewhere else in your day before you go to bed and give that spiritual time your full, surrendered attention.)
  • Prepare to share. A relationship with the Divine, whether the Creator of All-That-Is or your own Higher Self, is a two-way street that involves expression of your feelings or intention and the reception of insight or guidance.
  • Listen. Don’t run out on yourself…allow time to just listen in quiet for the guidance from within.

Try not to think of this as work…it’s not. It’s joyful self-development! It’s an awesome experience to be on the right track, gaining solid inner guidance. Higher insight, or personal psychic connectedness, is worth more than anything in this world that money can buy.

Don’t be surprised if you realize, during your spiritual connections, that you are not alone in this world. Opening your heart in this way is to go through that “straight and narrow” Gate to Infinite Consciousness, which is your true and perfect Home. Heaven, you will find, is in your own heart and is with you all the time, right where you are, right now. 🙂