Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Tips & Techniques to Have Positive Energy and a Good Aura, No Matter What!

For many people right now, creating a good aura and positive energy around them can be difficult. Although there are people who are doing fine financially, who have great careers and good health and all the marvelous amenities modern life can offer, there is a rapidly expanding gulf between the “haves” and the “have nots.” As you may have discovered, it is far easier to “be spiritual” when things are going your way. But when life gets tough, it can be very difficult to be spiritually connected and maintain positive energy.

Tough Times and Heavy Spirits

Increasing numbers are suffering greatly in body, mind and spirit. Sadly, the collective sense of social mercy and justice has left the nation: millions of people go without health care, jobs, homes, or a social safety net. Added to their immense suffering is an impersonal, self-serving social system that purports to help (in order to justify its tax burdensome existence) but does not. Millions of people live on the edge and are falling into an abyss.

The material reality is utterly heartless for precious beings, human and non. Likewise, emotional realities fair no better. Tough economies and political decay translate into shattered social connections so essential to human health and happiness. Although there are people who are happily attached to a romantic partner or enjoy a strong sense of family security and connection to others, many more find themselves without a partner of any kind, have broken family ties, or feel essentially friendless.  Epidemic isolation of people from one another is the worst kind of curse to the human spirit. Not only are we social animals who are wired to connect with one another, we are spiritual beings who long to give and receive love.

Around the globe, wars rage and diplomats arrogantly play with human life over intellectual absurdities and outright lies. Deception is the rule–not the exception. Moral and ethical decay has corroded all of our social systems: government, politics, religion, education, finance, business, media–if you can name it, you can find a lie. This creates dissonance and confusion within the human psyche, leading to mental lock-up, indecision, and despair.

You’re Not Going Crazy…The World Has Gone Crazy!

Many innocent, loving souls who strive to do good tell me that they are growing weary. They feel alienated from a world that makes no sense to them. Some think they’re going crazy because they see the world as upside down. If you feel that way, know that you are not crazy and you are correct: the world makes no sense. The insanity all around us can only make sense to the insane, who have shaped the world into what it is today.

National and global turmoil, psychopathology, and spiritual darkness are negative energies that people battle with. Every day, people are pressed upon by negative energy–whether they know it or not.

What can be done about it? How can you overcome?

Buddha taught that the the path to liberation from suffering is Truth. What many do not realize is that dogma is not the same as Truth. Dogma will let you down at some point in your life. When you no longer know what to believe or hold onto, the following Truths, and Techniques, will get you through.

Six Spiritual Truths to Know:

      1. You are an immortal, indestructible Spirit housed in a temporary physical form. The real, eternal you cannot die and you cannot be destroyed.
      2. You were born free. You are free. Whatever enslaves you, you  have given your consent. You can revoke your contracts of bondage. Be the free spirit that is your Divine Birthright.
      3. You are unconditionally loved by Life…the Infinite Creator of Life…and Love is the energy you are made of. You are never without love, even when others are unloving to you!
      4. Things, being what they are, are not what they seem to be! What you see, what you believe, what you think, what you’ve been taught are not absolutes: every intellectual certainty you own is destined for correction.
      5. The rock foundation of your life comes from knowing who you truly are and loving yourself, first.  Jesus taught, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” but almost all people fail to get the “thyself” part. Seeking love from others in order to feel loved is building your house of life upon shifting sands.Know who you are. You are worthy of love, yes, you are! So love yourself.
      6. There is humor in the absurd. When you rise above the unrelenting trial, the excruciating injustice, you will find your smile again. Don’t get stuck in the mire of resentment, revenge, and hatred. The cosmos rolls on. What is horrible now, will be remade. Don’t sacrifice yourself to darkness. That’s what it wants you to do. If you want to get even, keep yoursmile.

Seven Spiritual Techniques that Work:

  1. Master your thoughts. While how you feel influences your thoughts, your thoughts influence your actions. Realize your thoughts fuel your emotions. Emotions change for the better, but not when you are locked into negative thinking! Break that debilitating loop by disciplining yourself to keep your thoughts positive. Look at the proverbial glass as “Half full” instead of “Half empty.” You are forging a doorway out of your misery.
  2. Follow a daily spiritual practice. There is no option for you not to do this. There is no other way, if you want to change your life.
  3. Do things that are hard to do: discipline is a necessary part of a successful life. The easy way out is for losers. Life will not coddle you out of your troubles, so don’t waste yourself in complaining and whining. Want some examples of discipline? Master your thoughts and have a spiritual practice! 🙂 These take discipline at first, but they become something you love to do because they work.
  4. Serve others. Do something nice for somebody. Reach out. Give of yourself. Make the world better with your caring.
  5. Love beauty and be curious. The world is incredible even if we’ve messed it up! Listen to uplifting music and read uplifting books. Create something. Learn something new.
  6. Take care of your body. Don’t eat junk. Drink pure water without chlorine and fluoride. Get adequate sleep. Have a stress elimination routine (like a daily spiritual practice!!) and get exercise.
  7. Spend time in nature. You need nature because you came from nature.

A Final Thought

Just one more thing: don’t look to other people to make your energy better. Who you are, what you do, and the energy you have are all up to you. You have the power to accomplish amazing, beautiful things in your life and to discover the joy, peace, and purpose you’re looking for. Enjoy this incredible discovery of yourself! By so doing, you can find the Kingdom of Heaven within you.
Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

How to Be Free of Other People’s Bad Energy

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleWhy is it that some people make you feel awful just by being around them? Often, it’s an energy thing. Their energy field can bring you down.

Worse, it can happen that their bad energy follows you. It clings to you. You can’t seem to shake the creepy or depressed feelings or the physical symptoms–like cold skin or a dull headache–that come from having been near them.

When I was young, I knew a woman who was an invasive hugger, but what she gave others with her hugs wasn’t the warm fuzzies! She gave ice. Auric ice. She made me cold to my core, and from the tip of every hair to the center of every cell. An energy vampire of expert skill, she drained the life force from everyone she touched and she did it as often as she could reach out and grab another warm body. Sometimes the energy ice would last for hours, and many years later, when I saw her for the last time, she was still vampirizing the life force out of everyone around her.

Learn to Energetically Recognize Yourself from “Other”

People who are spiritually sensitive are more subject to noticeable symptoms, but everyone can be affected by another person’s bad energy even when they’re not aware of it. Many of our readers are empathetic, good people who feel the emotions of other people and the energies of places. Empathic people pick up other people’s feelings and physical problems very easily, and if they don’t know better they can perceive someone else’s energy as their own. One of my clients told me this story:

“I went to my next door neighbor’s house to visit an elderly woman, to offer consolation after the passing of her mother. I hugged her and immediately I got this overwhelming dull, sick headache! She left the room and while I was wondering what was wrong with me, her daughter came up and said, ‘Poor mama! She gets these terrible sick headaches when she gets upset!’ I was blown away to realize I was feeling my neighbor’s headache!”

By being aware of your own aura, you are taking the first step to manage the energies you allow, or don’t allow, into your life. Mindfulness is the key, awareness is the answer. You have your own energy signature. No one else is the same as you in this way. By taking the time and awareness to feel your own consciousness, you are tuning into what is “you” so then, you will also be aware of what is “not you.”

Some people, maybe you, reading this have felt the presence of a departed loved one or another spirit at some time. How is this possible, that you can recognize the presence and identity of a spirit? You can do this because every being has a unique energetic frequency; you included, that is unmistakable. When you become aware of your own Light body, aura, or energetic frequency, (all interchangeable terms) you will no longer confuse your own energy with someone else’s.

Be prepared, though. Keeping your own energy up and vibrant and free of other people’s negativity requires a conscious, deliberate, disciplined effort. It’s an easy choice, really, because by doing so you will experience what it is to feel truly alive, and truly free. Joy and freedom, spiritual, mental, physical health and aliveness to your core is what you will get.

These are the rewards of one who will consciously work to honor and protect their own sacred space, their auric boundaries.

Walk in a Bubble of Light Daily

At the start of each day, before you leave the sanctuary of your home or room, have a Light Bubble meditation exercise, or any one of the exercises mentioned on this site that places a Light barricade around your own aura. Reinforce this in your mind during the day, and especially when contact with undesirable energies can’t be avoided.

Use Discernment about Physical Contact

Most people, unaware of spiritual reality, have auras that are open and defenseless against invasion by other energies. When they have indiscriminate contact with others, such as hugging out of mere politeness, they are vulnerable to unwanted energetic exchange.

Likewise, many people don’t know there is no such thing as “casual sex.” During sexual activity, the aura is wide open and vulnerable to whatever energies are attached to the other person. Many a person has acquired negative energy, which adversely affects their life, from one-night stands and a “friendship” with “benefits.”

While this is a spiritual truth and a practical fact that is not popular in a culture that prides itself in sexual liberation, not all that is called “progress” is truly progress! If you are going to have sex with an essential stranger (someone you have not entered into a commitment with and that you do not really know that well) then the use of conscious auric protection is essential, even though this won’t be enough over the long haul. The only answer is: if you can’t have heart-centered sex with someone you truly know and truly love, don’t!

Make an Energetic Safety Zone When You Are Around People in Trouble

There are wonderful people in this world who like to take in stray puppies…and stray people. They step up to the plate to help troubled folk, which is noble, but not all people in need of a helping hand are good for you to be around. There are safe ways to help, and there are personal boundaries. Opening your life, your wallet, your house, your most personal spaces to the refugees of the world also opens your aura to an assortment of energies you may not be prepared to deal with. When you offer help of this nature, be mindful of the energies that are you and the energies that belong to the other person and keep your energetic boundaries intact.

Whenever you have involvement with people who are seriously ill, have drug addictions, alcoholic problems, psychological imbalances, psychopathic, neurotic, or severely dysfunctional behaviors, know that these beings have energies that need cleansing and you should use auric protection around yourself, otherwise you may find yourself having to deal with negative energy that has been transferred to you.

Choose Your Friends and Associates Wisely

Fact is, there are people you just should not be around! Period! Every person has their own level of tolerance and their own soul mission with regard to other people. Some of you have spiritual connections that need to be worked out with people who are challenging to be around. But remember this: never, ever are you expected by the Divine to take on other people’s energies!! Learn “self” from “other” and keep your own space sacred and inviolate. This is your spiritual duty to yourself.

Toxic relationships happen. The people you should minimize or eliminate contact with will give you certain feelings and experiences. Stay away from people who:

  1. Make you feel drained, exhausted, or give you unpleasant physical symptoms like aches, palpitations, chills, upset stomach, etc.
  2. Talk incessantly about themselves, their problems, gossip about others or dwell on negative or morbid subjects.
  3.  Demean you in any way whatsoever.
  4. Try to control you or boss you excessively.
  5. Engage in any form of deceit.
  6. Rage on about other people, their bad relationships, using hate terms and ugly or profane language.
  7. Try to pry information out of you or otherwise invade your privacy without your consent or request.

Know When to Leave and When Not to Look Back

Let’s face it: too often you keep people in your life that don’t belong there because they make you feel bad. Do something about that. You are in charge. Whether it’s a friend, family member, neighbor, whoever: if the relationship does not lift you up or contribute good things to your life, leave it! And don’t look back.

Time for a Look in the Mirror

We can’t end this article without mentioning that life often sends to us what we put out; meaning, if you want good energy from others, give good energy! Many a time I have found that those who complain the most about the bad energy of others are dripping with it, themselves! If this is a frequent problem in your life, it may be time for a good energetic cleaning within yourself, first.

By being positive and loving yourself, you are establishing a strong aura that is far less vulnerable to incoming negative energy. Like attracts like, and that’s a fact. If you are having a problem with attracting the wrong kind of people into your life and it’s been a pattern, it’s time to take the opportunity for self-reflection this brings to you. Everything in your life is geared to help you grow spiritually, and having a good attitude about bad experiences is a good way to get your life on track! 🙂

Auric and Energy Cleansing Methods

Yes, I’ll say it again: a daily spiritual practice to envision and protect your auric Light Body is absolutely essential to keeping bad energy out! Also, when you’ve had some form of contact with someone who has upset you or made you feel bad in some way; take a bath with ½ cup of salt added to it! This is your first remedy and will soothe superficial damage to your energy field.

When energetic interference from bad energy goes deeper, meditation and “decording” (which is a spiritual action of cutting cords between energy fields) can be needed. Emotional counseling may be needed to break toxic relationships apart, and certainly inner work to strengthen a healthy sense of self is almost always a necessary step toward healing.

And of course, when you need help resolving issues with bad energies from other people, it’s probably time to talk to me. I will do a clairvoyant energetic assessment and provide personal guidance relative to your situation. You can have a good life, free from the draining and damaging effects of negative energy!

If this post has been of help and assistance to you, great! Diana offers these valuable insights from her heart and with the highest intentions to be of service to you and to all. She gives freely. Please consider completing the beautiful energy exchange with her by donating if you found this article helpful. Thank you.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

An Easy Daily Practice for Spiritual Protection and Strength


Hello, wonderful readers! Today is another blessed day to be alive.  Oh, I know it isn’t always great…life is often hard and currently, serious challenges mount in our world. Many people are out of work, many struggle with illness, loneliness, financial strain, spiritual emptiness: life throws tremendous problems our way.

When things are going great in life, most people don’t give much thought to their spiritual welfare, beyond superficial worship or brief prayers. It’s when the junk hits the fan that we start looking around for help from a Higher Power.

If―as many believe—God truly were made in the image of man, that’s when we’d really be into some trouble. For one thing, what kind of a relationship can we have if we only give someone our time and interest when we’re in need or in trouble?

Each of our readers is at a different place in their lives, with different beliefs, circumstances, personalities, and your own unique way of coping with circumstances in your life.  Some of you are ready for a greater spiritual connection: a sense of being connected to the Divine. Many of our readers are going through difficulties that require a spiritual connection to get through hard times. The meditation here also provides psychic protection and spiritual cleansing.

There are some of you who know you should take the time to spiritually connect, but don’t, or don’t feel you have the time. I realize that taking time to regularly do what I call “Light Work” requires effort, no doubt, but it’s a wonderful practice that will make a huge difference in your life. What follows is just one meditative practice among many. Find one that works best for you.

Unplug the phone, put up the cat, and get comfortably settled in a quiet place. Let go of your concerns, for you are going to let your awareness of the Divine come in.  Close your eyes, leaving a small slit to barely let the light through.Watch your thoughts and do not judge them. Relax. Focus on your breath. As you do this, envision yourself sitting in the center of a large triangle, or pyramid, floating, with its apex at the crown of your head. Envision this pyramid being flooded with brilliant golden-white Light, coming from Divine Source, filling this vessel, every cell and atom of your body. Bathe in this Light. Affirm your love. Ask for Divine Presence to surround, fill and guide you. Intend it. Trust. Listen. Be. When it is time to reenter the conscious realm, give thanks for your life and for the help you are given. Now know…go forward and know…Divine energy has responded and you are not alone.

Sometimes, you just have to believe. You have to reach out and scoop up stardust in your hands and hold it close: you don’t have to see it for it to be real. Most of what’s real cannot be seen: like air, Spirit is an invisible, ever-present reality. It’s the Force of Life that put you here. It is love.

Even when it seems that there is no love for you in this world because things are going rough, know that this, too, shall pass. Love is the sun behind the clouds and it never quits shining. I send love and support to all of you this day. And of course, I’m right by the phone to provide a clairvoyant psychic reading or spiritual coaching. All you need to do is make your purchase and I’ll arrange an appointment time convenient for you! Namaste.