Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

11 Steps to Protect Your Innocent Child from Negative Energy

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of People

In a previous article, I wrote about the very serious difficulties of exposing your priceless and beautiful children to a psychopathic and degraded world. As a psychic clairvoyant, I’m going to tell you how you can protect your child’s innocent energy field. This is useful spiritual information for anyone who has a small child in their charge. Useful, for certain…but for some of you, the juxtaposition of spiritual fact against the 3-D material reality of the world we live in will seem old-fashioned, perhaps disturbingly defiant and even impractical.

A spiritual lifestyle, needed to help your child stay energetically safe, is becoming a somewhat rebellious lifestyle because it challenges the consensus reality and many other blanket assumptions of our society. While religious fundamentalism is on the increase and society continues to unravel along with that, the awareness of spiritual truth and the way out of our mess is becoming more on the fringe. So, any determination to help a child stay energetically safe and achieve his or her life’s potential is going to require that the parent or guardian take a much deeper look at where society (and the consensus belief system) is taking our children. A spiritual lifestyle is not complicated, unlike the highly convenient but very complicated society that enslaves people to its increasingly stressful, draconian demands.

An Overview of the Soul-Sick Territory that Surrounds You and the Children You Love

More adults and children are manifesting the byproducts of stress caused by an overcomplicated and spiritually disconnected social order. We are sick in our Souls. It’s even harder on kids, whose inborn innocence comes under attack at very early ages, and who are driven forward without having first been taught to know themselves or their connection to Spirit. And driven they are: driven to achieve, driven to mature, driven to compete…on and on it goes. There is even talk of placing children in outside education as early as two years of age, which is nothing but wresting kids away from early family influence: in truth, education has nothing to do with it. This is about indoctrination. It’s about the shaping of future adults who will be molded into conformity and unquestioning compliance, beginning not long after infancy. It’s about the cold, calculating State making itself a child’s primary care-giver and their chief authority once they become adults.

Society, whether you are dealing with government, schools, or any number of other institutions, expects people to conform without questioning–and children are most certainly expected to conform. It’s now frequent for children to pressure their parents to conform to social norms as well, having been taught in school that personal adult behaviors such as tobacco use are “very bad” or that not recycling the garbage is “bad” or that global warming is caused by Dad mowing the lawn. So, what’s wrong with that, you wonder?

A lot. While on the surface this may appear to have good intention on the part of the system that shapes your children, it’s a millimeter deep. Not only are many of the suppositions questionable when viewed from an informed point of view, look a little further under the surface of these intentions and you will see that education is an important component of the larger social system that is structured to control people’s lives, beginning very early in life. Those in power, who implement these strategies, have deemed that it’s appropriate for children to lecture their parents regarding their lifestyles knowing full well that this will ultimately undermine parental authority and children’s respect. In point of fact, children are viewed by social planners as living clay, they are considered as property of the “global village” and they are taught only what is necessary to service the social machine. (Some adults who are aware of what’s happening call this the “dumbing down” of kids; an accurate description even if the phrase is, ironically, poor English.)

Consequently, our children are reprimanded and labeled as problematic when they question authority or think outside the box. They are not given permission to disagree with the memes…the prevalent, conformist ideas that the system wants people to adopt as fact. Thanks in part to the DSM IV (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the Holy Writ of the psychiatric industry) children (and adults) who question authority or who are argumentative and free-thinking, could have “oppositional defiant disorder” or “ODD”.  In the vein of everything being upside down in the world, now mainstream therapeutics can label a free-thinking child as having a mental illness, or label a free-thinking adult a “conspiracy nut”–as in “nutty”, delusional, and mentally ill.

For those who are waking up to the nightmare the world has become, it’s a bitter irony that the same system which claims to care about children ignores a plethora of authentic issues that if addressed, would give children the opportunities in life they most certainly deserve. We live in a society that gives lip service to the welfare of children, but that acts in countless ways that damage children very much. –Often irreparably.

Building a Beautiful Future from a Wrecked Social Order

Many parents, particularly very young parents, have also been shaped by the same society that is now molding their children, and these parents don’t have any idea of the many ways their children’s physical, psychological and spiritual welfare is being damaged. For one example, (and there are many) most children today have cell phones, as do their parents, despite the fact that there is abundant research which shows that radiation exposure from cell phones causes brain cancer, and that children are especially vulnerable to this. –Not to mention the harmful spiritual effects on the human aura caused by constant electromagnetic radiation! So, then: why do we give our kids cellular phones? Because the social current has carried us away. We go lurching along a raging river of social conformity and hypnotic consumption, believing it will be okay even when evidence is contrary. And we do these harmful things because we surrender to what is advertised…and because “everybody else is doing it.”

To have a joyful and productive life, to have good spiritual energy and good physical/mental health, we have to stop “going along to get along.” If you want what’s good for you, stop following what everybody else is doing. And teach your kids the same. The number one rule for protecting your child’s spiritual energy is to teach them individuality and to back away from situations and circumstances that are harmful, even if their peers and society-at-large choose to be ignorant and oblivious. There is NO “safety in numbers”, but safety in standing apart from the crowd when it is necessary to do so.

In a more perfect world, adopting a healthy and spiritual lifestyle would happen with greater ease, but today it’s increasingly difficult. There is a precipitous slide happening in economic equality, which imposes limits on a child’s economic and career potential as well as their physical health. There are many families comprised of kids from one mother and several different fathers, which can influence a child’s psychological make-up. And there are millions of parents who are still psychologically children themselves, because they did not have a chance to mature before having babies. Children who are born to under-developed parents experience limitations in their emotional, psychological, and spiritual development. This gives rise to the intergenerational stunting of human potential, a primary cause of the certain devolution of the human condition happening now before our eyes.

So what are we to do? How do we really help the children of our world??

Love Has Everything to Do With It

In all of these paragraphs, there has been no mention of love. That’s because when we examine what society thinks about kids, the word “love” just isn’t in the mix. Pay attention to what’s said about children’s welfare, and you’ll see that the so-called “authorities” over children don’t talk about love. They would be uncomfortable or embarrassed …how “unprofessional”…and yet, love is the number one need of every child on the planet. Ask yourself this: does a child receive love from those around them who are afraid to talk about it? Can someone who is uncomfortable with the word, really understand love and give it?

Why have we become so uncomfortable with the word “love”? Why have we, as a society, become so clinical and detached from love, from nature, and from Spirit? How did we get to our present state of looking at children as a statistic, as a test score, as a badge of honor for someone who smugly takes credit for the way they turned out–or conversely, as a burden or a social problem? How did we, as adults, manage to lose our way so badly, that society’s children have almost no hope of ever having the kind of life we say we want for them?

We are lost because we have allowed ourselves to be swept away by a deeply dysfunctional system, filled with materialism, disrespect, fear, injustice, hypocrisy, corruption, selfishness, deceit, vulgarity, arrogance, violence, an infinity of superficialities, and unquestioning conformity. We no longer honor the sanctity of all life, we no longer respect the chain of life, including respect for the aged, and we no longer understand the nature of Spirit and our spiritual connection to one another. We have fallen for every substitute and have tossed away what is real. We got religion and we left our Souls on the side of the road.

The Energy of Life and the Sanctity of the Child

Most people don’t know where life comes from. Some think it’s simply a process of cell division, or that they have something called a Soul because the preacher told them so, (without knowing what a Soul really is, mind you) but in any event…most people just know they’re here. That’s about it!

No wonder we’ve gotten ourselves in a mess.

When a woman gives birth to a child, she calls that baby, “My child.” Everybody knows that, of course, but what everybody doesn’t know is that the spiritual energy that gave rise to the creation of that baby’s body belongs to no one. It is a free-will agent, and it chose its parents for multiple metaphysical and biological reasons. Children, in a sane world, would be deeply respected for the unique Spiritual Beings that they are. They have their own mission and purpose for being here. And that mission is not for the purpose of being a parental prize…or a drone for the political state.

Our children do not belong to us. They are not our property. They do not belong to society. They belong to LIFE because they ARE life. They are a trust. They are a charge. They are an opportunity for a parent’s personal growth. They are hard work and an unmatched responsibility. We should know that they may, or may not, be connected to us spiritually: they may seem disconnected from us all our lives. Children may choose to become what we don’t like or approve of. Conversely, they can grow into people we are proud of and still not be good to their parents somewhere down the road. The bottom line is that when we have a child, we roll the dice.

To be worthy of a child is to know the sanctity of that child’s individual purpose. To support the sanctity of a child’s life is to understand that all children, like you, are Souls with a body. They are made of an eternal Light; of energy, frequency, and Consciousness that is a deep-seated part of the Divine. To know this, is to be reverent for the life that stands before you, whether or not you understand who or what they will become.

Your duty is to help them the best you can and from the beginning of their lives, they need simple demonstrations of love and spiritual guidance. They need to be taught to be themselves and allowed to express their innate gifts, without being molded by social norms.Society does not know what’s best for your child: you were given the privilege of that special insight, as a parent.You just have to tap into it…and trust it.

Is Your Child’s Aura Healthy?

At birth, a fully mature spirit emerges into the world, housed in an infant body. The spiritual body itself has an electromagnetic force field, otherwise called an aura. A child’s aura is a living portrait of its Soul, constructed of pure and incredibly beautiful Light. It is the energy of the Eternal Being of the infant and holds all memory of its existence, in this life, in other lifetimes, and from the initial point of Creation when that child’s spirit first emerged from the Source of All Life.

In very young children, the predominant colors of the aura speak of the child’s spiritual and personal mission in this lifetime—their purpose for birth on this planet. Divine guardians are very close to small children, very near their auric force field.  We are all born with clean auras and a close connection to Divine Source, but as a child matures, traumas begin to be reflected in the originally-pure aura. A serious bump on the head, fighting and screaming of family members, very loud discordant music, a painful case of constipation…all of these things cause a temporary disruption in the energy field. This will alter the colors for a bit. The change in color is a reflection of a drop in the frequency of the auric vibration (the rate at which light oscillates) and this drop in frequency will lower auric defenses to a greater or lesser degree. Lessened auric defenses mean that harmful energies can enter a person’s aura and cause psychic, emotional or physical imbalance, much like bacteria and viruses attack the physical cells when an immune system is compromised, thereby causing a physical infection.

Damage to the aura is cumulative, unless corrections are made along the way. This manifests in physicality, for instance, as a gradual deterioration of a child’s “psychological profile” or a child’s physical health.

Negative energy that gets rooted in a child’s aura can cause symptoms such as panic attacks, phobias, depression, withdrawal, violent behavior, unmanageable behavior that stands apart from normal developmental rebellion, hyperactivity, and a multitude of other problems, including physical symptoms. If a child’s problems cannot be diagnosed, chances are there is an energetic issue–and even diagnosed conditions often have a hidden energetic cause.

Eleven Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Child’s Energy Field

You are here because you want to know how to protect a child from the hazards of the world and all the negative energy associated with it. Now, the reason I’ve written so much about social conditioning before we get to the heart of this article is because you must understand what opposes you. You must be willing to go against the current of prevalent forces, if you want to spiritually help a child. For additional information about protecting a spiritual energy field, please  be sure to read my articles, here, hereherehereherehere, and here.

1. Limit your child’s exposure to mass media. Television programs, movies, popular music (be especially mindful that so-called “rap” is very destructive to the energy fields of all things), and Internet are all geared to shape young minds into the negative amalgam of clinical psychopathy (cold, heartless, deceitful, narcissistic, and harmful behavior) that society today is largely comprised of.

2. Expose your child to nature on a daily basis. Get them out of their rooms, out of the house and into constructive outside activities. Take them on nature walks. Take them on picnics and other secluded outings. Teach them how to grow plants, care for animals, and be at home in an outdoor environment. Have them play outside…without cell phones in their pockets!! If you live in a city apartment, fill your rooms and patios with plants and living things, and take your children into nature every chance you get.

3. Don’t allow your children to be involved in adult drama. Don’t carry on about your problems in front of your kids. Don’t say negative things about other people. Don’t involve them in your relationship problems. Don’t treat them like adults because they are not!

4.  Don’t get drunk or take mind-altering drugs around your children! These actions can severely damage your own energy field and will make your children very susceptible to negative energies when they are around you. If you have a problem with substance abuse, get help and make some changes. If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for your kids.

5.  Be sexually responsible. This is a topic that is difficult to present, particularly given the open and promiscuous climate of our time and the astonishing sexual hang-ups of our society. There is way too much repressed guilt about sexuality and I don’t want to add to that. At the same time, you deserve to know the facts. Also, what I’m going to tell you is not about religious judgment, which is a negative energy in itself. What people are never told, is that there are negative spiritual forces that act upon human lives and that can infiltrate the auras of people who have casual sex, without love. Sexual energy is sacred, but it’s not treated that way in our society. When we defile the sacred, we open ourselves to soul sickness and negative energy. Because you and your children are energetically linked, irresponsible sexual conduct exposes your child to a plethora of unhealthy energies. No matter what the world tells you, casual sex is not good for your Spirit and this will affect your children.

6.  Please don’t expose children to filthy language. There is very powerful energy in the sounds of words. Ugly language has terrible, dark energy. Learn to say “Shoot!” instead of “Sh-t!” and “Froggle!” instead of “F–k!” Your own energy field will be much cleaner, and you will protect your children from the emanations of darkness that you are sure to emit when you use angry, demeaning, or destructive language.

7.  Tell the truth, teach the truth, and demand the truthBe the truth. This is so fundamental it stands alone. Where there is truth, there is Light. Where there is deception and dishonesty, there is darkness. Your kids will follow what you do: so, are you honest and truthful?

8. Live generously and teach your children the same. A generous, unselfish heart is a beautiful sight to the clairvoyant eye. Surround your children with an environment of mutual cooperation, unselfish behavior, and a concern for other life: people, animals, plants, and the earth itself. Teach them to be considerate, respectful, giving, and unselfish. Your example leads the way.

9.  Choose carefully the people you allow to have access to your children. Don’t ever leave your kids with someone you don’t know very well, and do not leave them alone in the presence of people who are deeply negative.

10. Teach your child energetic protection. From a very early age, teach your child to see the warm, happy, and loving Sun in their minds, sending dancing sunbeams down all around them. Have them do this before they sleep, before school or at the start of their day. Have them make this picture in their minds when they are sad, afraid, or troubled. Have them make a big sunny space all around them, as far as their little arms can reach, and tell them this is a special place that only holy beings and good people can come into. Do this with them, and by the time they are in school, they will have a powerful defense against negative energy, all the time. Tell them they have your permission to avoid people that make them feel uncomfortable.

11. Love, love, love!!! This is the first rule and the last rule for positive energy. It trumps all the others. Show your children lots of love and show them how to love in return. Be supportive, never abusive. Never treat them harshly. Never show disrespect. Some parents treat their kids like they treat a dog that gets in the way, ripping apart not just the psyche of their child, but the spiritual aura as well .No matter how stressed or upset you get, one glance at your child should remind you of the one thing that is really important in this world: love.

No parent is perfect because no human being is perfect. Falling short of a code of conduct is going to happen, but at least you can have a code and do your best to live by it. Being a parent can make you a much better person, which is an important objective of those pure spirits that offer to inhabit bodies and come to be with you in this lifetime.

Children are about love. See that. Look softly and long into their little child eyes. They need you to love them back. They need you to help them find their way safely through this dark world…while they help you find your way back to the Divine.

When you need guidance about protecting your child’s energy, give me a call. I will take a clairvoyant look and give specific recommendations that can help. It’s a privilege to help you.

If this post has been of help and assistance to you, great! Diana offers these valuable insights from her heart and with the highest intentions to be of service to you and to all. She gives freely. Please consider completing the beautiful energy exchange with her by donating if you found this article helpful. Thank you.

*Copyright notice: A copyright notice is posted on this blog. All Rights Reserved. This article and all content on this website is copyright protected. Do not copy content, electronically or by any other means, without written consent from copyright holder.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Road of Reality is a Head Trip: Are You Sure You Know Where You’re Going?

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.” Albert Einstein

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleOn this third installment of On Telephones, UFOs, and Spirit Guides: Close Communications of the Spiritual Kind, we’re going to look beyond our “mechanical universe” ideas that have us hooked on our five senses and have given us incorrect ideas about the nature of reality and spiritual communication. The higher dimensions of Spirit are not bound by physicality or by time and because most of us don’t understand this, we limit our access to the truths of life.

So, tell me…is your Spirit real? Well, yes, you may believe it, but can you prove it with your five senses? Ahhh! Therein lurks the ever-gnawing doubt that most people struggle with!

How about the air you breathe? You can’t see it, either…but, you believe it’s real. That’s because when you don’t have invisible air to breathe your body will tell you! You experience air as being something real, but you can’t feel it in your hands. Nevertheless, it’s everywhere all at once and it’s invisible. Despite the fact you can’t see it, no doubt we accept, for a fact, that air is a reality.

So then–why is it okay to accept some invisible, incorporeal things as real…but not others?  Why is it that people have such a difficult time believing in a Spiritual reality that is everywhere at once and can’t be seen with physical eyes but can be experienced in the same way that you experience air? The answer can be found in the content of one’s education and subsequently, our beliefs about what is—and what is not—real.

So, what is reality, to you? Is it your car that you can see and get inside of? Is it the computer keyboard in front of you that you can touch? Is it the food on the stove that you can smell and taste? Is it the chair you sit in, that you can feel?

What about your thoughts? You can’t see, smell, taste, touch, or otherwise validate their independent existence. Are your thoughts, real, then?

When you really think about it, reality is a head trip. In every way imaginable.

Humanity’s Enslavement to Materialism and Time: a Prison of Our Own Making

Until humanity can expand its awareness of what is real, we will remain spirits trapped in bodies, unaware of our spiritual nature, our spiritual power, our place in existence, and what life is about. We will remain lost, bound to believe we are hunks of flesh that die along a certain point within the relentless passage of time: marching numbly, inexorably to “the end”, “finis”.

Time is a whip-yielding slave-driver in today’s world: you know that as much as anybody. Work schedules, appointments, due dates, holiday mayhem, closings, openings, traffic jams, alarms, calendars, hairless heads and bald tires, wrinkles, bad joints, sags, bags, rust, breakage, stress, pressure and the deterioration of everything…these are the gifts that time gives to you.

Now imagine, for a moment, what it would be like without all that slavery to time. Go into your mind and imagine an earlier time when people got up at dawn and went to bed at dark. And there was no living by the clock, no panic about being late, and no worry about what will happen tomorrow, just being with the day, in the rhythm of the planet. Now that’s what people like to do on their vacations but it used to be a way of life, when humans were not ab-so-freaking-lutely obsessed with time.

Fortunately, sanity has not taken a total exit from the world stage: there are still remnants of aboriginal cultures that don’t define time like modern people do. Native cultures have what they call Dream Time, or simply the Now. Their understanding of time is closely connected to their non-linear spirituality and a sense of oneness with what they call “Great Spirit” and “all our relations.”

This is the Fourth Dimension, Not the Third—And Time is Not Your Jailer, You Are

Just as reality is not mechanical and as I am soon to explain, not solid, we need to know that time is not an all-powerful master that limits our existence and signals our end. The Greater Spiritual Reality is not bound by physicality, third dimensional configurations or by time. As spiritual beings, neither are we.

This is not the stuff we were taught about in school (a social system that doesn’t educate as much as it engineers the mind to embrace mediocrity and to parrot accepted factoids). So, according to two thousand-year-old Euclidian geometry, we were taught we live in a three dimensional reality where objects consist of length, width, and depth (or height.) Euclid was a Greek mathematician whose discoveries–and those of others, including Newton’s theories of a clock-work universe–has led people to believe that everything in the universe has only three dimensions, is made of matter, and functions like a machine. Most people also view time as a progression of events along a forward/backward line, a constant and independent reality that’s separate from 3rd dimensional space.

While we perceive reality in this antiquated manner, this viewpoint is not an accurate reflection of what reality is. As briefly mentioned in the last post about why millions of people deny spiritual reality, Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity discovered that time and space combines to form the Fourth Dimension, or “the space-time continuum”.

Einstein discovered that physical human beings are residents of the Fourth Dimension, not the Third because the 4th dimension of Time and 3-dimensional space go together. Time is not a self-existent constant in the universe: there is no big clockwork in the sky that marks the passage of time. In fact, the so-called passage of time on other planets (as we choose to measure it here on earth) is influenced by their particular gravitational forces and thus interplanetary time is different from earth time…even very different.

In addition, we have learned that the passage of time is relative in every possible way. It is relative to space, and it is relative to the one who experiences it.

What does that mean, exactly?

It means that time is a relative experience because although, you, as a person, can experience time, time itself does not exist outside of your perception of it. Although we ride time like a train through our life experience, and although it seems to take us from past to present to future, time is a servant of the human experience. It is not our master. Time is a tool that enables us to process the physical journey we’re experiencing. And like all tools, we can put it down once in awhile and live without it. We can use our Consciousness to go back in time, forward in time, or experience non-time, which is what we do when we become spiritually aware.

You experience the relativity of time every time you lose track of it, when it slows down on a bad day and speeds up while you are having fun. During periods of psychic insight or spiritual communication time is suspended, because in the Greater Reality, the past, present, and future are all happening NOW. This is absolutely an imperative understanding when you try to heal your life from past wounds, or have a spiritual healing for your body and create good experiences in your life. All connection to the Divine occurs in the NOW, because the NOW is all there is. The NOW is All-That-Is. The NOW is where you connect to the Divine Source (which is just another man-made name for what many people believe they’re talking about, when they say “God”).

I’ve figured out a way to help you understand the relativity of time by asking you a question.

When you look at yourself in the mirror and see new wrinkles or physical signs of aging, have you ever felt shocked?

Now I know that young readers will have to wait for the illusory passage of time to have that experience, but mature readers are going to know what I’m referring to. People sometimes feel shocked when they see the signs of aging in the mirror. That’s because inside of ourselves, we are timeless. Inside of ourselves, our perception of ourselves is unchanging. We’re as old as existence itself and spiritually we exist within the dimensions of cosmic non-time. Our internal, spiritual selves still feel the same as they always have despite what the calendar says. We feel, inside, like we are suspended in constancy outside of time. And that’s because we are.

We are all ageless, eternal beings, unbound by time. In Reality, there is only the Now. In cosmic truth, everything is happening at once. Since trying to process infinite happenings with our physical brains would give us a very bad case of synaptic overload and massive schizophrenia on steroids, we experience All-That-Is in micro-bites. So we can make sense of our life experience, the instantaneous Whole of reality is filtered through our faculty of perception and broken into infinitesimal, linear segments that we call time.

Think of how an entire movie is made, frame by frame. We experience the cosmic movie of life in that way, frame by frame, perceiving the frames in our personal movie as time. Our experience of time is nothing more than a slow motion thought in the Mind of God.

–Which brings me to the hummingbird. Did you know that they move so fast that when they see us, we appear to them to be moving in slow motion? Hummingbirds perceive and experience time very differently than we do.

Then there’s the dog: in one year of our time, they live seven. Do you think that your dog perceives a year the same way you do? You’re gone for 8 hours at work and the dog is hysterically, slobbery joyful to see you. That’s because in your dog’s perception, the eight hours that you’ve been gone has been over two days!

And let’s not ignore the mayfly: poor thing lives 24 hours. Gets born, has a few dozen weddings, a few thousand babies, retires from its job at the pond and in 24 hours, it’s “curtains” for the mayfly. What the mayfly perceives as a lifetime…is about a day to you.

So as you can see, time is a persistent illusion that is experienced in a wholly relative way. This understanding is necessary to expand your mind to the greater possibilities of your existence. This helps you become spiritually aware of the Greater Reality that you cannot see, but that you are an inseparable part of.

For instance, you may have psychic ability, but there is no way you can consistently access and use your gift unless you understand that something doesn’t have to concrete or immediate to be real. You may be seeking a greater spiritual connection in your life: again, without understanding that time does not exist in the spiritual dimensions and that here, in your body, time is a perception and not a hard fact, you will meet with serious obstacles in your pursuit. Perhaps you want to be better at meditation, maybe you want to become a qualified spiritual medium, an energy healer, a spiritual leader/teacher, or to receive personal spiritual guidance in your life. All of these efforts at accessing the spiritual dimension of your life cannot be attained without understanding that reality is not limited by time or physical senses. When we realize that, we unlock the door of our spiritual prison and take the first step into a new world of astonishing possibilities.

The Quantum You: Very Small, but Oh, So Mighty!

Now that you understand all that, it’s time for your diploma (it’s in the mail!) and to be informed about an even deeper layer of physics, which is the quantum level of reality.

From its discovery of atoms as the “building blocks of matter,” science has gone on to discover subatomic properties of light, called particles and waves. It has been learned that light is not either a particle or a wave (the either/or clockwork model of reality), but that light is both a particle and a wave. This opened our realizations to an inclusive reality that is altered by the expectations of the observer.

As the probing into matter continued, we then discovered that instead of atomic building blocks as the elemental structure of creation, there were so many smaller particles that the term “elementary” had lost its meaning. Experimentation showed that matter was entirely changeable, that all particles are created from energy and can transmute into other particles. In other words, reality is not a solid construct made of matter, but reality is an interconnected web of energy that responds to the one who observes it.

And that’s not all. Particles are also waves because they are probabilities—unlike physical matter, such as an ocean wave. As probabilities, they do not represent the potential to become things, but rather, they exist as potential events.

Whew! Well, this means that there is no such thing as a thing, but rather, all things (I can’t refrain from using the word, even though things don’t exist!) are events, or interconnected, interchangeable paths that take form in manifest reality as events.

This interconnectedness of all things is exemplified by your body and all things in nature. Just as a cell within your body contains the encoding to make a new body, and just as a seed contains the entire tree, so it is that any one part of the universe contains the Whole. These are examples of the holographic model of existence, which arises from interconnectedness and was proposed by the physicist David Bohm. He theorized that the reality we experience arises from the undivided Whole of existence, which he calls the implicate order. The implicate order is a sea of interconnected energy…kind of a cosmic soup…and from this energetic soup arises our manifest, physical reality, or explicate order. This scientific thought is certainly paralleled in Eastern spiritual traditions and belies our Western mechanical concept of dualism, of “you” and “I”, of “us” and “them.”

―Which brings us back down to earth. There is an Ultimate Reality where the explicate part is not separate from the implicate Whole…and then there is the dual, physical reality that we have come to identify with while in explicate human form. These states of being—the Whole and the part—appear to be irreconcilable but in fact, they do not oppose each other.

Existence is not an either/or proposition, but an inclusive, complimentary state of being both. We are physical and we are spiritual; we are living inside of time and outside of it. We are mortal and immortal; as an individual entity we are apart from the Source and are inseparably one with it. We are the created event and the creator of the event, both the observed and the observer. Life is one huge paradox. It is an endless series of ands.

Reality does not consist of separate pieces of matter suspended against a void of dead nothing, all separated by membranes of skin or surface. Instead of being like a bubble floating on the water’s surface, you are both bubble and water. The form of the bubble is a temporary, explicate manifestation of the implicate order that is the water. And in a very real way, we are our brother’s keeper because we are each an explicate manifestation—an event!—arising out of the undivided order that is a unified field of Universal Consciousness.

 We are all One. The explicate manifestations of the physical realm are actually frequencies of existence in the transient form of matter. All of life is a vibration, or frequency emanating from this universal magnetic field; which many call God.

In reality, that so-called “heaven” you were told about is not a “place.” All states of being are a frequency! When you want to feel connected to the divine in your life, you simply have to deeply connect to the right frequency, which is the Divine love in your own heart.

You Have to Know Where You’re Going to Get There!

And guess what else? When Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” he already knew about what we now call quantum Reality, he knew about frequency and about your unbreakable connection to the Divine. He knew you didn’t need anyone to lead you to God or to reconcile you to God, because there has never been a separation from God to begin with. The Unified Field is a Unified Existence between everything.

This is an accurate model of reality, but is a very foreign worldview to many people who remain trapped in old ideas and thus, stay confined within their spiritual jails.It is great irony that in a “modern” world where people take such great pride in their supposed knowledge that they are way behind the ancient and aboriginal peoples–whom they deem to be primitive–in their knowledge of reality as it truly is…and always has been.

Fortunately, there have been great minds who have tapped into spiritual guidance and higher awareness to develop great inventions when it was not looked upon favorably or with proper curiosity by the masses of ignorant people who professed to know. Mahlon Loomis, (see Part One of this series) was one of those rare and gifted individuals who was far ahead of his time.His invention of wireless communication was a first peek into the realm of interactive, unseen energies and a very early forerunner of modern discoveries in advanced physics.

So on those occasions that you hear someone make fun of all things that are “different” to what they think they know, or to all things spiritual (sometimes in the name of all things religious!) you are free to have an open mind and a loving heart. Because now, you know that Reality is far more than most people see because they have their eyes wide shut.

Spiritual communication, psychic ability, inspired inventions, energetic healing, Spirit Guides, alternate realities, and a host of other spiritually-connected experiences are not only possible, they are inevitable. Spirit, frequency, energy…this is the substance and foundation of material life. Now, you know!  With eyes wide open, you can walk your path in life with power and purpose. All you have to do is choose it.

In the words of our Lakota brothers and sisters, “May you walk the white road of the good heart”, and may you come to know the truths that have been hidden from you for so long. Only when you walk in your own truth and from your own heart, can you really know where you are going. Then, this amazing and sacred journey of life will truly belong to you.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

An Easy Daily Practice for Spiritual Protection and Strength


Hello, wonderful readers! Today is another blessed day to be alive.  Oh, I know it isn’t always great…life is often hard and currently, serious challenges mount in our world. Many people are out of work, many struggle with illness, loneliness, financial strain, spiritual emptiness: life throws tremendous problems our way.

When things are going great in life, most people don’t give much thought to their spiritual welfare, beyond superficial worship or brief prayers. It’s when the junk hits the fan that we start looking around for help from a Higher Power.

If―as many believe—God truly were made in the image of man, that’s when we’d really be into some trouble. For one thing, what kind of a relationship can we have if we only give someone our time and interest when we’re in need or in trouble?

Each of our readers is at a different place in their lives, with different beliefs, circumstances, personalities, and your own unique way of coping with circumstances in your life.  Some of you are ready for a greater spiritual connection: a sense of being connected to the Divine. Many of our readers are going through difficulties that require a spiritual connection to get through hard times. The meditation here also provides psychic protection and spiritual cleansing.

There are some of you who know you should take the time to spiritually connect, but don’t, or don’t feel you have the time. I realize that taking time to regularly do what I call “Light Work” requires effort, no doubt, but it’s a wonderful practice that will make a huge difference in your life. What follows is just one meditative practice among many. Find one that works best for you.

Unplug the phone, put up the cat, and get comfortably settled in a quiet place. Let go of your concerns, for you are going to let your awareness of the Divine come in.  Close your eyes, leaving a small slit to barely let the light through.Watch your thoughts and do not judge them. Relax. Focus on your breath. As you do this, envision yourself sitting in the center of a large triangle, or pyramid, floating, with its apex at the crown of your head. Envision this pyramid being flooded with brilliant golden-white Light, coming from Divine Source, filling this vessel, every cell and atom of your body. Bathe in this Light. Affirm your love. Ask for Divine Presence to surround, fill and guide you. Intend it. Trust. Listen. Be. When it is time to reenter the conscious realm, give thanks for your life and for the help you are given. Now know…go forward and know…Divine energy has responded and you are not alone.

Sometimes, you just have to believe. You have to reach out and scoop up stardust in your hands and hold it close: you don’t have to see it for it to be real. Most of what’s real cannot be seen: like air, Spirit is an invisible, ever-present reality. It’s the Force of Life that put you here. It is love.

Even when it seems that there is no love for you in this world because things are going rough, know that this, too, shall pass. Love is the sun behind the clouds and it never quits shining. I send love and support to all of you this day. And of course, I’m right by the phone to provide a clairvoyant psychic reading or spiritual coaching. All you need to do is make your purchase and I’ll arrange an appointment time convenient for you! Namaste.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Psychic Clairvoyant Eye: Is This Romance True Love?

There is no more common question posed to a psychic clairvoyant than “Tell me about my love life.”

Although people long for love, that does not mean all people can give love, or are able to receive it from another. Some people have personalities where intimacy and love cannot thrive. They can get only so close before they pull away, or worse, they use a pretense of love to get what they want.

To make a love relationship work requires that partners are emotionally healthy and relatively balanced human beings. They must take responsibility for their actions and have the courage to share their hearts with another.

The Need for a Realistic Perspective

It’s wise to think about “love assumptions” before starting a relationship. Many people are in romantic arrangements, not in love, because a true love relationship is not all about how a person qualifies and performs against a checklist. It is about harmonious balance between two people who honor one another as individuals, despite their paired identity. In true love, you will at times take more than you give, other times you will give more than you get. It’s not about keeping “score,” it’s about the expansive flow of energy from your heart to your beloved’s and back again.

Since relationships involve the rise and fall of emotional states, partners often experience unhappiness with one another from time to time. This is normal. But when the unhappiness becomes chronic, it’s time to work together on the relationship.

Many people who should end a relationship hang on when they should let go. Some try to endure a bad marriage by stepping outside the relationship for relief. Some people are with an incompatible partner that they tied up with in their youth, when a rush of hormonal highs and romanticized attraction was mistaken for a lifelong love—a “soul mate.” More than a few couples are together because their current partner was grabbed on the rebound from a previously failed relationship. Some stay because of the guilt associated with dissolution, financial worries, and a fear of the unknown.

There are far more unhappy relationships than many single people realize.

So if you’re a single person, feeling like the world is overflowing with happy lovers and that you’re left out, you can take comfort in the truth that the grass isn’t greener for everyone else. And contrary to what many believe, being with the wrong person is not better than being alone!

When it comes to having the right love in your life, it’s important to give deep thought to what love means to you. You also need to be realistic and be willing to engage in the difficult personal work that may be required before a fulfilling love relationship can become a part of your life.

Will This Relationship Work? 

If you’re seeing someone, or hoping for a relationship with a certain person and you wonder if it’s going to work, ask yourself the following:

  1. Are both of you available and free to have a relationship? –No matter how strongly you feel, how much you think you are the better choice, if either one of you is with another partner; you are likely in for a very difficult path that rarely works out.
  2. Do both of you want a committed love relationship? –If your partner is emotionally available, the relationship will not see-saw “on-again, off-again.”
  3. Do both of you put effort into the relationship? –If one person does all the work to make it happen, it’s a red flag for serious trouble ahead.
  4. Can you be yourselves around each other? –Knowing what someone is really like takes time. Fast entanglements won’t give you an opportunity to know the other person. Relationships that got their start as a sexual romp often don’t stand the test of time because knowing each other was not the priority.
  5.  Do you both keep your word and are you both consistent? –Respect is a vital sign of true love, and chronic inconsistency shows an absence of respect…and thus, an absence of healthy love.
  6. Do you trust this person? Are you trusted in return? –If you are constantly wondering if this person is unfaithful, it is a powerful indicator that the elements of a good relationship are lacking.
  7.  Does the relationship have the emotional nutrient you hoped for?–Maybe there is a simple lack of understanding about your partner or yourself, but when efforts at communication fail to yield emotional nurturing, the relationship is in deep need of attention and repair.
  8. Are you honest with each other? –There can be no viable love without truth.
  9. Is this a personal, face-to-face relationship, as opposed to email, internet, or text? Virtual reality connections are not relationships, they are cyberspace pretend, an outlet for fantasy.
While it may not be easy to be honest with oneself about the quality of a relationship, a clear-headed assessment can help prevent a broken heart. Denial is not a friend in matters of love, but a balance between an open heart and honest mind will lead the way to what you seek. If you need personal clairvoyant insight about your love life and/or relationship coaching,  I’m here to help you!









Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clean Negative Thought Forms from Your Aura and Feel Good Again!

ImportantPlease read “The Power of Thought Forms: What Are You Doing to Your Life?” before you read the following article.

People are often hammered by negative thoughts. While they wonder why, you have learned from our previous MySpiritCare article about thought-forms and how to cleanse your aura. Negative and troubling thoughts are more than brain synapses! They are energies you either create or pick up because you have similar frequencies in your own aura!

When the mind is allowed to idly dwell or when we obsess over the same thing again and again, thought forms will be created that come back to haunt us, making it very difficult to let go of particular thoughts or behavior when we wish to stop thinking about something or acting in a certain way.

For example, a woman who thinks constantly, incessantly about an unrequited love but finally comes to the conclusion that it’s best to move on because the person is not a good romantic interest, may find that she can’t stop thinking about the person even though she wants to. “I can’t get him off my mind! So it must mean I’m not supposed to stop thinking about him! I must have a future with this person!” She assumes because she can’t stop thinking about him even though she wants to, that there is some fated purpose in her incessant thoughts… and that she is “not meant” to let go.

Far from her thoughts being some sign of cosmic purpose, she is a victim of a thought form that she herself made, as it keeps engaging her mind in an obsessive way. Terrible as it is, the thought forms made from improper thinking grow even stronger with repeated focus: their influence widens and deepens until circumstance (often unfortunate) sublimates it to other arising thought forms of similar negative frequency.  Sublimated negative thought forms remain damaging. They do not just “go away,” but influence the deeper levels of the human psyche in more complex and entangled ways.

People trap themselves into negative cycles with their unwitting use of living energy: unproductive thinking, self-centered ego fantasies and negative thoughts have hidden and serious consequences. They lead to pathological and destructive behaviors, suffering, sadness, rage, and grief.  Negative thought forms ruin lives. From a karmic and cosmic perspective, we must also know that what we send out to others, we will receive back. Negative thinking is a no-win scenario of the worst kind.

You Can Change It!

Thankfully, most people are victims of bad thought-forms only due to their complete ignorance. Knowledge provides the power to change everything.

The moment an unpleasant, obsessive, unproductive, fearful, depressed, hopeless, ugly, greedy, angry, hateful, condemnatory, jealous, wicked, injurious thought or mental out-picturing arises in your mind, immediately visualize this thought locked in a bubble of golden-white light and squeeze it until it evaporates in your mind. Say, “I negate and neutralize this idea and give it to Divine Light right NOW!” Then say, “Light, Love, Light!

Another technique is to immediately respond, “Good-bye, LIE!” and mentally whoosh your dark thought into the light of the sun.

Done as often as needed, these actions neutralize negative thought forms and render them harmless. It won’t take long, if you practice this, before your thoughts become rarified and positive on a regular basis. It is an outstanding remedy for those caught up in negative thinking and helps to heal states of feeling depressed.

This will change your life. When enough people become aware, it will change the world.

If you need further help with energy issues in your  life, I’m here to help! I will do an authentic, clairvoyant energy assessment and give you individual guidance about clearing bad energy out of your life. Working together, we can help you fill your life with the good stuff!

May beautiful thoughts belong to you, and beauty abound in your life!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part One

Life is a roller coaster ride of emotions. You’ve felt so many emotions in the course of your life! Looking back on your life, you may wonder how you made it through everything. But you did.

When we are having an emotional experience we can easily lose perspective of the situation, as well as lose sight of the bigger picture of life itself. Very strong feelings distort how we perceive and what we are able to understand in the moment. This can seriously muddle our thinking and make things worse… putting us too deep in the forest to see the trees, as they say.

When we get muddled it’s time to step away from what we feel, through the process of meditation…or just getting very still…and let go of the feeling so we can find our core self. The core self is the eternal spiritual being that we are, under the emotions, behind the circumstance, and before the ego personality of this life was formed.

Family Tree of Emotions

People aren’t the only created beings with relatives. Emotions and thoughts have birthdays and relations of their own. By tracing the roots of your emotions and pairing them up with the thoughts that gave birth to them, you can get to the core cause of many of your most troubling emotions.

Relatives on your emotional family tree are much worse than slothful cousins or meddling in-laws: they can crash your best parties and whip you into a weeping puddle without a moment’s notice.

The “Family Tree of Emotions” exercise is designed to help you when you are struggling to figure out why you feel the way you do. The diagram shown here has blank boxes that spiral inward. You can sketch your own on a separate piece of paper.

Suppose you are struggling with a feeling of sadness. Write “sad” in the first box at the beginning of the spiral.

Then, ask why do you think you are sad? If your answer is something like, “I’m depressed because John won’t call me, then write that down in the next box.  If your deeper belief is “…it means he doesn’t care”, then write that perception in the next blank box.

“Nobody really cares about me”…”My brother said I was a pain in the butt” …”I remember when he…” and so on, progressively working your way to the core beliefs that are hidden behind the screen of the emotion you are dealing with.

How Emotions Happen

Emotion begins with a perception, followed by a thought that incites a feeling inside you. For example, as a kid you may have had the perception that someone was making fun of you as you saw them smile when you tripped on a shoestring. An incorrect perception (the belief you were being mocked) was followed by an incorrect thought, “she’s making fun of me!” which could have given rise to an emotion of feeling embarrassed or put down. Later in life, then, the root experience could lead you to become overly self-conscious and sensitive. —All this for nothing, since the reality at the time of the occurrence  was that the person was smiling because of your childhood charm. (You were terribly cute all the time!)

Perceptions vs. Reality

The trouble with emotions is that they can “talk” us into believing our own story. We believe that what we perceive is a fact and thus, we can believe that feelings of anger, sadness, fear, etc. are not only justified, we can believe them to be unavoidable.

We often let emotions control our outlook on life, our thoughts, our behavior and our choices. Thus, they  have an enormous effect on the way we live our lives. But there is something we can do about that, which is why at My Spirit Care we provide extended spiritual coaching to enable a balance and spiritual power over the “emotional dictator” that so often inhibits life progress.

Next Post: Part Two, Becoming the Master of Your Emotions