Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Free Will & Your Future

Many clients who want clairvoyant psychic readings desire a prediction for the future, so it is appropriate that we take a look at what, exactly, the future “is.” Actually–if  you want to be technical–there is only the NOW, the present, and what we think of as the future is the force of energy converging into a forming reality, made from potentialities that are unfolding in the present. The idea of the future is not what you probably believe it to be.

“HUH?” You ask.

Okay. How about this?

You and I are free-will beings, and as such, we get to make choices. All other people get to make choices, too. When you ask me what someone else will decide, like whether a love interest will pursue you or not, my vision shows the probability based upon the energy dynamic between the two of you and where the energetic trend is headed. Sometimes an outcome is a certainty, due to karmic and energetic factors, but most often your future is open to what you make of it through your choices and the choices of those connected to you.

Men and women stuck in unrequited love relationships have a hard time accepting the choices made by their love interest. Often this is taken as painful rejection by the ego when there are spiritual and energetic reasons why relationships do not work out. The one feeling lovesick can end up suspending their lives, waiting for the other person to make a different choice or to reverse a decision. Many people surrender their futures to the decisions that other people make, in whatever kind of relationship. These people make the choice not to assume self-rule over their own lives and become so invested in what another person thinks or does, that they spend years feeling unfulfilled or in a suspended state, waiting for someone else to do something they believe will make them happy. This often happens in relationships where one partner is an addict and the other cannot make the decision to move on, because they are waiting for the addict to change.

Years pass and opportunity is lost, love is locked out, growth is stunted and suffering becomes a way of life. Doesn’t sound good, does it?

We weren’t born to hinge our existence on what someone else decides. We were born to live and yes, to live it up–not surrender our futures into another person’s hands.

I think that if everyone could understand what a tremendous privilege life truly is, what precious potential we contain as individuals,  we wouldn’t waste a minute forfeiting our choices to others. We would step out with our own choices and make the very most of our lives.

There is always potential for greater goodness ahead of us, unseen potential, love, and opportunity awaits! Being alive is a great adventure with many gifts to give us, so let’s celebrate our lives by making the best decisions we can.

What is most important to know about the future is that this very day, you are creating it. Never let yourself believe that your free will choice does not matter, because you have the power to shape and direct your life in the long run.

For your immediate concerns about things to come that are set into energetic motion, give me a call. We can deal with anything and find the answers you need to know. Here at My Spirit Care, we really do care for your Spirit…now and in the future to come. 🙂


Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part One

Life is a roller coaster ride of emotions. You’ve felt so many emotions in the course of your life! Looking back on your life, you may wonder how you made it through everything. But you did.

When we are having an emotional experience we can easily lose perspective of the situation, as well as lose sight of the bigger picture of life itself. Very strong feelings distort how we perceive and what we are able to understand in the moment. This can seriously muddle our thinking and make things worse… putting us too deep in the forest to see the trees, as they say.

When we get muddled it’s time to step away from what we feel, through the process of meditation…or just getting very still…and let go of the feeling so we can find our core self. The core self is the eternal spiritual being that we are, under the emotions, behind the circumstance, and before the ego personality of this life was formed.

Family Tree of Emotions

People aren’t the only created beings with relatives. Emotions and thoughts have birthdays and relations of their own. By tracing the roots of your emotions and pairing them up with the thoughts that gave birth to them, you can get to the core cause of many of your most troubling emotions.

Relatives on your emotional family tree are much worse than slothful cousins or meddling in-laws: they can crash your best parties and whip you into a weeping puddle without a moment’s notice.

The “Family Tree of Emotions” exercise is designed to help you when you are struggling to figure out why you feel the way you do. The diagram shown here has blank boxes that spiral inward. You can sketch your own on a separate piece of paper.

Suppose you are struggling with a feeling of sadness. Write “sad” in the first box at the beginning of the spiral.

Then, ask why do you think you are sad? If your answer is something like, “I’m depressed because John won’t call me, then write that down in the next box.  If your deeper belief is “…it means he doesn’t care”, then write that perception in the next blank box.

“Nobody really cares about me”…”My brother said I was a pain in the butt” …”I remember when he…” and so on, progressively working your way to the core beliefs that are hidden behind the screen of the emotion you are dealing with.

How Emotions Happen

Emotion begins with a perception, followed by a thought that incites a feeling inside you. For example, as a kid you may have had the perception that someone was making fun of you as you saw them smile when you tripped on a shoestring. An incorrect perception (the belief you were being mocked) was followed by an incorrect thought, “she’s making fun of me!” which could have given rise to an emotion of feeling embarrassed or put down. Later in life, then, the root experience could lead you to become overly self-conscious and sensitive. —All this for nothing, since the reality at the time of the occurrence  was that the person was smiling because of your childhood charm. (You were terribly cute all the time!)

Perceptions vs. Reality

The trouble with emotions is that they can “talk” us into believing our own story. We believe that what we perceive is a fact and thus, we can believe that feelings of anger, sadness, fear, etc. are not only justified, we can believe them to be unavoidable.

We often let emotions control our outlook on life, our thoughts, our behavior and our choices. Thus, they  have an enormous effect on the way we live our lives. But there is something we can do about that, which is why at My Spirit Care we provide extended spiritual coaching to enable a balance and spiritual power over the “emotional dictator” that so often inhibits life progress.

Next Post: Part Two, Becoming the Master of Your Emotions