Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clairvoyant Sight into the Spirit World

In my years of work as a clairvoyant, my clients ask me what “The Other Side” is really like. Most are surprised to learn that the Spirit World is very much like our own, except that truth and love reign supreme and reality is created at the speed of thought.

A consultation I gave for a client years ago is an excellent example of the parallels between the spirit world and this one. When I was clairvoyant viewing for this client, a twelve-year-old girl came to me, accompanied by her Spirit Guide. The little girl was very excited to talk to me, wanting to let her mother know that she liked it over there very much, that she was in school, had many friends and a former family dog. But most of all…most of all…she smiled for me very big, revealing the braces on her teeth. Her message was most urgent: “Be sure to tell Mommy that I got my braces!!”

The woman for whom I was reading broke down immediately in ecstatic tears. Although I had absolutely no prior knowledge of her daughter before the session began, her mother told me that this child was killed in a car accident while going to the orthodontist, on her way to a brace-fitting appointment.

Now, a rational person could ask me, “Why would she go to school in the Spirit World? Without a physical body, why would she have braces?”

Before I answer that, let’s peek behind the veil at what the Spirit World looks like and what people who have crossed over do to “entertain” themselves. Since they don’t sit on clouds and play the harp, then what do they do with their “time?”

It’s hard for us in this world to understand, but there is no time in the spirit world; or any clocks, calendars, or dates. This is a timeless dimension. Spirits do not contend with issues of time and all but the most advanced do not even understand it anymore. Many of the facets of earthly life have become like a dream to them.

Speaking of spiritual dreams, the way for you to begin to understand timelessness is by recalling your physical dreams. Time, during dreaming events, is often blurred and nonsensical. Example: In a dream, you can be in one certain place and another place a thousand miles away in a mere instant. And, you can be in the year 2011 and suddenly find yourself dreaming you are in another time period, without any sequence of time happening.  This happens because in dreamtime, you can tap into the Reality outside of linear time, where time does not exist and all potentialities exist together. As in your dreams, the Greater Reality–the spiritual foundation of our existence–operates with thought or the expression of Consciousness and all events that occur in a physical timeline happen at once in an instant.

Even though there is no time on the Other Side, no schedules, no limits, there is an infinite array of things to do, to be, and to experience. How this plays out for the individual who crosses over will depend on the level of his/her consciousness and the entrenched beliefs that splay from the root of that person’s awareness and their spiritual development achieved during the physical lifetime.

In the Spirit World, what we believe and what we expect is what we will get. Consciousness, and the beliefs that give rise to perceptions and experience, are the builders of reality in the Spirit World.

The child with braces on her teeth needed a seamless transition in order to adjust to the sudden shock of crossing. Her consciousness was focused on receiving braces at the moment of her passing. Her Guides, ever loving and immensely wise, assisted her with the construction of a reality that was comfortable and familiar for her upon her sudden transition and separation from the physical reality. Her personalized Spirit reality also assisted her mother, at her level of consciousness; to have the assurance her daughter was perfectly happy and well-cared for.

In the Spirit World there are vistas of indescribable beauty. The colors are alive with light and vibrant to an exquisite degree. People go fishing (if they loved to do so in physical life) and they walk their beloved dogs who crossed over before. They eat wonderful food, can make love and create music; because, this is the Paradise of lore. People generally assume the appearance of a physical age where they were the most comfortable and happy during their physical life, or to be recognized most easily by loved ones on earth.

Because consciousness and personal development shape the reality one experiences when crossing over, those with a more negative consciousness will experience situations that reflect their mindset and the energy emissions that were prevalent in earthly life. Some might call this Hell, although there is no such place taught by religions about eternal suffering in fire and brimstone. While these can be very unpleasant experiences, once the inner Light and the love of their being is recognized, the negative, frightening, and darker side of spiritual existence will evaporate and those persons are then lifted by their Spirit Guides into the higher frequency of proverbial Paradise.

The state of a person’s consciousness or the purity of their aura will determine their initial experience when crossing over. Some will experience Jesus, or Buddha, or the Virgin Mary: some will see Joseph Smith, Apollo, Shiva, or any other representation of their religious/philosophical convictions when they first arrive on the Other side. The early stages of spiritual existence are keyed to what we believe to be true. And no matter what people believe to be real; whether they see a red devil with a pitchfork, Biblical scenes, Muslim virgins, or a foggy “nothing,” every person that crosses over to the Other Side will share the common reality of a Life Review.

In the Life Review, one experiences–first person–the emotions, effects, and experiences that their actions caused other people to feel and experience during their physical life. Based on the intentions and actions of their lifetime, this can either be a hellish or illuminating experience. Most people experience a mixture of happiness and pain, as average people are neither “saints” nor “sinners,” exclusively.

Heaven is the Other Side. Everyone goes there on physical death. This is the place where the truth about one’s self becomes glaringly evident and for those who suffer from darkened consciousness, it can seem like less than Heaven until their awareness shifts into a realization of love: self-love and love for others. In the state of unconditional Divine Love, we are destined to know great peace, joy, and overflowing love while we are prepared to undertake yet another life, wherein our spiritual quest for full Spiritual Awakening and enlightenment will continue.

At MySpiritCare, you can gain spiritual insight into the purpose of your life. We can help you on your path!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Psychic Clairvoyant Readings and Spiritual Consultations

Questions About My Spirit Care (Or Anything Else!)Here at My Spirit Care
 my work is focused on helping people in a spiritual, meaningful way to address issues in their lives that are important to them. 

I am a clairvoyant psychic, ordained non-denominational minister, a spiritual advisor and personal coach, a “soulcologist”. I specialize in helping you with life issues from both the practical and wider spiritual perspectives. I look forward to being of service in your life!

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Change in The World We Seek, We Must Be

PART ONE: “Yes, Virginia, There is a Shadow.”

There is something widely overlooked and highly underrated among spiritual seekers in today’s world: the absolute necessity of  having humility if we are to deeply change ourselves and achieve enlightenment. As we take on the New Year of 2011 and the much-heralded 2012 ahead, it might be a good time to take a thoughtful look at where our beliefs and attitudes have mistakenly taken us…and how we may want to correct our course.

If we don’t do this, then the potential of human destiny will be nothing more than a repeat of human history, with our excited expectations unrealized just the same as the ages gone before us. As the saying goes, “The definition of insanity is to do the same thing expecting different results.” If we don’t change on the inside and thus, our actions on the outside, neither will the outcome of our future change. The precedent needed to establish change is an attitude of genuine humility: we have to admit to ourselves that we don’t know it all, because if we did we wouldn’t needlessly suffer.

We all need to be asking ourselves, “Why don’t things in this world ever substantially change for the better?” Despite the teachings of endless spiritual gurus and appointed mortals claiming to speak for an infinite God; despite the so-called evolution of consciousness; despite thousands of spiritual books, conventional religious texts and their assertive interpreters along with a heaping smorgasbord of spiritual modalities; despite more restrictive laws, political promises, and lofty proclamations; despite countless charitable organizations and movements for positive change…we still have a world overflowing with injustice, violence, hatred, ignorance, inequality, corruption, deceit, and so on.

What we believe we are doing to change the world isn’t working. We need to examine why.

This is a world on the edge of precipitous change, as our treasured sense of what is real and what is true is unraveling slowly and quite naturally…because all deception and extreme corruption is destined to disintegrate eventually. Often in our history it is people and their societies that self-destruct, but even so, the very state of Existence itself perpetually seeks a state of balance and so the pendulum that swings to extremes inside of vast cosmic cycles will eventually return to rest, momentarily, at the center. A place of peace and balance.

Just how far to an extreme we have to go with our human suffering, before regaining balance in the world, is up to us. This very day is the moment of decision that will determine the world of tomorrow. Why? Because as the social systems begin to fail, (and they are) chaos will replace faux stability. The structures upon which people have so heavily relied, and which have provided an artificial perception of life and reality, will not be in place to hold them up. Even religion, philosophy, and many a person’s spiritual certainties are destined to fail the test of time and truth. The only thing that will not fail us, is the deepest truth about who we really are and what we are really capable of. Before we can know that, we have to meet and know our inner shadow self, from which the darkest experiences of being human emerge. The disintegration on the outside is not the byproduct of external forces but the result of internal forces at war with themselves.

Next Post: Part Two

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Part Two: The Change We Seek, We Are What We Wait For!

WE Are the Ones We Keep Waiting For!

Continued from Part One

The hard conditions in the world, set in motion by our deeply internal thrashing about, will force needed changes within some of us–but it is much better to change before we are compelled to do so. It will be very difficult for the majority of people to discover themselves in the chaos to come: many will not. What we need right now is a solid understanding of ourselves (both the  light of the soul and the shadow of the ego) and a strong connection to our inner Light so that when chaos comes we will know how to rebuild a New Earth. Only when we have already rebuilt ourselves, will we be ready and up to that glorious task.

While we can easily define countless things in the world that need changing, deep inner work is hard work and most of us prefer to look outside of ourselves for seemingly easier answers. That’s not hard to understand, because any call to examine the shadows inside ourselves feels too much like self-punishment. Few on a spiritual path are ready to do that, because the first step to attaining spiritual freedom is to climb over the decades of inculcated feelings of unworthiness heaped upon us by both a demanding artificial society and judgmental religious philosophies.  Because (superficially) the two objectives appear to be contradictory, we can easily ignore the deeper inner work of knowing our shadow, thinking we can preempt it all with positive affirmations and declarations of being Divine. Talk of painful things or negative aspects can  seem like old Heresy to a new spiritual paradigm, which by its very nature offers many teachings on the necessary rejection of “negativity.”

Hoping for a Spiritual Bailout from the Universe

Embracing the whole truth about ourselves is not heresy, though many react as if it were. Bare truth is the only gospel that counts. So while many people wait to be bailed out of misery by Rapture, a Millennial Christ, 2012, benevolent aliens, etc., those who are spiritual promise keepers with a soul path to change this planet will be doing the inner work to pave the way for positive change.

Yes, “We are the ones we”ve been waiting for.”

A glance over human history proves that we cannot just be passive and count on any exceptional cycle of time to force enlightenment upon the world. In all ages people have looked to the sky, to prophets and to social reversals to save them from their suffering.

Prophecies have come and gone in the history of the world, but the going of them…the failure to happen…escapes the fervent believers of today. We humans have not yet evolved enough to learn that we cannot depend on any so-called Age to save us from ourselves because it is our own beliefs and actions that determines the Age that is upon us.

Sacrifice Beliefs on the Altar of Truth

What we deeply believe directs our actions and paves the way for what comes next. And even a positive belief, if not grounded in understanding and truth, will not bring truly positive results. There is a lot of positive thinking going on within the new spiritual paradigm and while this is all very hopeful, it is coming up profoundly short when it comes to making the world a just and enlightened place to be.

To find out what’s gone wrong with our spiritual professions and why there is so much suffering in this world, there are missing pieces of truth we need to find– not out in the open, not understood or even talked about–but hidden from many. Spiritual truth is so simple, so basic, and yes, unglamorous…but not all that glitters is gold. There is a simple starting point we all must return to and once we understand how to do it and why we need to, we really can begin to change the world for the better!

Next Post: Part Three, the Conclusion

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Be the Change We Seek with True Self Esteem and Humility

Humility is Essential to True Self Esteem

Continued from Part One and Part Two

As 2012 is just another year away and the expectations of social, political, environmental and spiritual changes are on the rise, it is up to each one of us to decide what we will do to ensure that any transformation to happen on this planet will have a positive effect on all the beings that share this place as a collective home. To be sure, there is cleansing that needs to occur and matters that need to be made right. Chaos and difficulty are certain to accompany any great sweeping changes because the status quo of modern life will not go down easy. The energy for change is building around the planet; just as recent events in Egypt and the Middle East signal the fight against oppression, the intense energy that is yet to come can also be harnessed to put an end to oppression and injustice for all peoples.

The concept of chaos frightens many. As human beings, one of the deepest, most compelling drives is to attain comfort and to keep it. We don’t want things that we believe are good for us to change; we don’t want to grow old; we don’t want to suffer. We fear the proverbial night…the dark scenarios that come into everyone’s life at one time or another…and all too often, we fear that by taking our focus off of our own immediate needs we will somehow lose our balance and lose what we’ve worked so hard to get and hold onto to.

This fundamental and pervasive self-protectionism and human selfishness is evident everywhere: in politics, it demonstrates as a profound lack of compassion for the unfortunate masses and a self-serving lust for power. In religion, it demonstrates as hypocrisy, fear-mongering, and lip service. In education, it demonstrates as haughty intellectual judgment and tragic social programming. In relationships, it demonstrates as possessiveness and neurotic obsessions. In diplomacy, it unwinds as treachery, intrigue, war, corruption, and assassination. In economics, it plays out as a possessing greed and the subsequent enslavement/destruction of billions of human lives. In spirituality, it demonstrates as self-serving recipes for enlightenment and regurgitated platitudes that fatten the cowering, simpleton ego while starving the ingenious, immortal Soul.

The Road to Nowhere is Paved With Flattery

Fortunes have been amassed and careers built on the promotion of the “Law of Attraction” and other self-empowerment paradigms (hijacked from uncredited metaphysical teachers who lived in the early 20th century) that victoriously declare we create our own reality and that we are gods who can summon all that we desire by mastering cosmic law. Unfortunately–being the humans that we are–we fail to question the worthiness of teachings that appeal to our most selfish, egotistical, and self-serving aspects. We fail to question the rightness of positioning ourselves in a spiritual ivory tower, that we are somehow separate from suffering because we believe we are too holy to go there.

People do have a burning interest in themselves. They will pay large sums to feel good, so the new age industry cashes in on the ache in people’s hearts to be something special. Millions of people are being used by a system that caters to their spiritual hunger and their longing for fast answers and a fast fix to ease psychological suffering. The end result is that the world at large is not improved. Nothing changes because nothing of real importance has changed.

To understand our own human nature, we must possess a heightened awareness of  the spiritual traps we will surely encounter because of our human egos…and how outside influences seduce our egos for their own motives, gain, self-importance, or power.

Every human ego has a profound need to feel “special,”  to stand out or above everyone else. The ego is always active and on the prowl, viewing the spiritual path as something it will permit as long as the illusory human self is made to feel good. In short, the ego is all about self-interest. Thus, human beings are susceptible to flattery and that which falsely inflates our sense of importance. We look for flattery from others or seek reasons to flatter ourselves, to feel good about ourselves.

Narcissism: The Modern Counterfeit of Healthy Self-Esteem

There is a difference between pathological self-absorption and essential self-esteem. Ego-driven self-reinforcement has given rise to the shadow side of self-esteem, narcissism.  Everywhere today we witness the mad pursuit of what amounts to  self-esteem substitutes: philosophies, products, and politics all about the “Great Me” or the “Greatest Us.” This has led to a brutally callous and narcissistic society, devoid of healthy humility and life-changing compassion for others.

Humble Pie is Soul Food

Many spiritual seekers have come to believe that humility is no longer a necessary virtue but rather, a detrimental teaching of a dying paradigm. We can, in fact, end up applying great effort to purge humility from our lives as we trade a religious dogma of unworthiness for a rightful understanding of our own value and place in the Universal design. Humility is assumed by many to be a shackle of spiritual oppression and control,  a stricken ruin from the fallen temple where sin and shame formed the foundation of needing a redeemer and a church to make one worthwhile in the eyes of a punishing god formed of orthodoxy’s clay.

In haste and misunderstanding we have thrown humility out with the baptismal waters, have unwittingly discarded the first foundational  principle so necessary to our spiritual growth.  Famished for evidence of self-worth and personal empowerment, people have begun to push the spiritual pendulum to it’s opposite and narcissistic extreme: gobbling up modern dogma that fattens human egos with the vanity of misplaced self-importance from “teachers” and “gurus” who have absolutely no humility and who teach none. They feed on our longing to feel worthy and they make sure that we do, without deepening our understanding of life beyond the superficial efforts at mending  our broken spirits. These new age leaders cannot teach what they do not know, and so the blind are still leading the blind. This is not the sign of a New Age: it is the same old story since the beginning of time.

Raise the Bar in Your Quest for Greater Truth

Human society has been structured to attempt order and conformity and as such, tends to break the human spirit by demanding conformity to social norms. People are accustomed to living like sheep: even metaphysical seekers who don’t conform to religious dogma can end up conforming to retail New Age beliefs, being sheep to what’s popular but not necessarily true. Conformity gives short-term comfort due to peer acceptance, but it creates long-term suffering. Conformity smothers the wild, ferocious, untamed Soul, which is forever free and forever questing.

Needless, unnatural, contrived suffering has been with us since the beginning of recorded history. “Man’s inhumanity to man” has its origins with rulers who claimed the divine right of rule, who oppressed the masses and made people into mere machines to serve punishing political/religious systems. From the Sumerians, to Egypt, to South America, to the kings of western civilization and the churches they established for political power, from every corner of the planet in all generations,  belief systems were established for the purpose of giving answers to the mysteries of life, to make unbearable conditions seem bearable for the suffering masses. Promises of a better afterlife became conciliatory beliefs, because people want answers to alleviate their misery. Countless many have provided an array of answers to the mysteries of life, but very few have been able, or allowed, to share truth.

Your Personal Mission is Highly Unique, Unlike Any Other

Life is filled with mystery. Can we learn to bear that? Can we learn to curtail our demands to know every little thing–as if we could even bear the truth if we were to really find it? The immensity of the cosmos is a good place to start our considerations in the lesson of humility. But then, we have even devised an answer to quell the discomfort of feeling so small in comparison to infinity: we made a god in our own image who made us the center of his universe. Because that came with a punishing and yes, humiliating paradigm, we have since broken through the belief of being a subject of god to being gods ourselves. We have mistaken our need to stop being humiliated for the true meaning of humility, which is the portal to all true knowledge and wisdom.

While it is very true that we are all Infinite Consciousness, and that both quantum theory and mystical tradition suggest that thoughts and awareness can shape the experience of physical reality, there is considerably more to the achievement of self-realization than the declaration that we are gods who can command power and riches with the spoken word and a wish board.

Even as you are able to change the conditions of your life (you just may get that house or money or success) remember that your personal consciousness/belief has wrought the change, not the formula you used. But then,  if your consciousness is not shaped by something far deeper than the superficial interests of a brief mortal life, then this will be just another lifetime like all the others:  eons of running the hamster wheel of a blind delusion. Despite our instilled beliefs to the contrary, the ability to manifest things is not equivalent to enlightenment. The ability to live true to who you really are…is. The “power to manifest” is not power, even though millions believe that. True power, on the other hand, is a very humbling experience as it arises from profound self-knowledge…our light and shadow, our strengths and weakness, our humanity and our divinity.

It is a fact of existence that we are, each and every one, special. There is no need of a dogma or belief system to make that so. There is only one of you, an entirely unique aspect of Divine Consciousness animating your temple of flesh and bone, living an entirely unique life and circumstance that cannot be recreated again in all of time and space. You are infinitely unique and special, yet the Universe is not centered around you. When you realize these basic truths of life, you can be a humble and effective agent for positive change.

The “Law of Love in ActionCreates Positive Change in the World

Be who you truly are. If you will be enlightened and effect a positive change in the world, you will evolve over time and you will change…you cannot remain static, safe and “comfortable.” You will take risks and know loss. You will leave the flock of sheep and assume the mantle of personal power that comes from being unique. You will light up the world because you will be authentic and loving, daring and free.
The Light of your Soul is truthful, humble, simple, and mighty. It exists to serve others because it knows that what happens to one, happens to all. We must come to see that another’s misfortune is our own. We are being called upon to take action to  lift up the lives of other people and beings on the planet–not just because this is the true path to Freedom from suffering and shadow–but because the First law of existence is to love others as we love ourselves.

We are all in this together. It is time for change in this world and it is time to be the change that we seek. This is not difficult: it’s as easy as remembering to be humble and to want the truth about ourselves, first. Then, we just need to live life sincerely, with active courage, and with an ever-expanding love in our hearts.


Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Cycles of Change

Nature’s seasonal transitions are seamless. In our yard this year, the seasonal change began with a few leaves turning yellow at the inside core of the still-green tree, slowly expanding its color outward until its full blown brilliance signaled that Autumn is deepening into Winter’s arrival. While many of us don’t like to see Winter come, we are meant to gain much inner peace by observing the rhythm and flow of the natural environment.

Wild animals don’t dread winter: they naturally accept it and make preparations for the natural change of season. As humans, we are too “civilized” for our own good, always wanting perpetual summer and for the things in our lives to which we are so attached to never change. We frequently fear change and do everything in our power to resist it. Yet change is a law of life and all change has a higher natural purpose.

Consider for a brief moment how your own life has changed over the years. Are you the exact same person–in viewpoint, appearance, and interests–that you were two decades ago? Ten years ago? Five?

In spite of the dreams that have come and gone, the ideals that were necessarily forfeited or the goals that were not achieved, you are–on this day and in this season–a unique demonstration of life’s cycles of change. Creation has wrought you.

Natural change is a sculptor and creator of breath-taking wonder. The nearby mountain might have become a valley instead, had the forces that shaped it taken a different turn. The desert might be an ocean. But who is to say which would have been better? The unique value of what is, not what might have been, is the reality brought into being by change…the incredible beauty of life right here, and right now.

Many say “If only I had done this,” or “If only I were still young” or “If only this had happened” without knowing the futility and harsh detriment of such thoughts. Who is to say that each one of us is not who we need to be right now, where we need to be right now…considering the forces that have shaped our lives and brought us to this very point in time? The outside forces of our lives are, as with the natural world, in a constant state of change and just as we accept the seasons of nature, we need to adjust to the cycles of our own lives.

Much unhappiness comes from not accepting life’s cycles of change. There is indeed a time for every season under the sun: a time to act and a time to retreat; a time to work and a time to play; a time to grow and a time to rest; a time to laugh and a time to weep; a time to be young and a time to be merely young at heart.

Too many needlessly suffer because they do not understand or accept life’s cycles of change. We are so focused on our artificial living environments instead of the natural world of which we are an inseparable part. To attune to the changes in your personal life and come to peace (even rejoicing) with the new opportunities that change brings to you, spend more time in nature. Step off the consuming treadmill of materialistic existence and spend reflective time in the presence of what is real, not man-made.

There are immense changes coming in our global and social environment. Holding on to material things and manufactured beliefs will not stop the natural, necessary cycles of change. This is the season to prepare yourself by becoming aware of the greater cycles of life and of your own spiritual purpose in this world…a part of divine nature, not apart from it.

Even during the cold and barren seasons of our lives–as with nature’s Winter–we must remember there will be seasons ahead of warmth, light, hope, and love. Springtime of the endless Soul always comes again. Always.

Change, even when we don’t want it, is its own kind of spiritual gift. Learn to not fear change and make friends with the opportunities it will bring you. Such is life…and it is very, very good.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditation, Guided Meditation, The Shamanic Journey #1





Meditation, Guided Meditation and the Shamanic Journey

By Bob

I’ll write many articles about meditation, guided meditation and the shamanic journey, but this first one is to provide you with a quick overview.

Few people can agree on what constitutes a state of mind different from either the waking or sleeping states. Generally though, I’ll use the term “altered state of consciousness (ASC),” which indicates a state of awareness different from the normal waking state. (More on Wikipedia) And that’s where meditation and the shamanic journey can both be loosely classified. Anthropologist Michael Harner further delineates a “shamanic state of consciousness” in his classic book, Way of the Shaman.

Both practices can be quite beneficial to one’s well being. Research on positive gains resulting from meditation are widespread, while results from more and more studies are currently being reported on the benefits of shamanic-like practices, including drumming. These include the powerful production of helpful endorphins and other naturally-produced body chemicals that boost the immune system.

Generally, meditation induces relaxation, peace of mind and a sense of well being, and is undertaken as a service to one’s self, where healing, understanding and wisdom can grow. This, of course, will eventually influence those around you in positive ways, so your practice is a service to others, in one way of considering it.

The shamanic meditation / journey is undertaken to broaden one’s awareness beyond ordinary reality in order to actively be of service to one’s self or to someone else through healing procedures or ceremonies, and to discover knowledge or to otherwise connect with archetypal beings or energies which shamans have identified for thousands of years. Often, in seeking healing for someone, a shaman will encounter spiritual beings who agree to return with the shaman in order to be of service to the shaman’s patient. In other instances, the shaman may seek to recover a patient’s soul part that splintered away during a traumatic experience in the person’s past. This is called “soul retrieval.” And in still other cases, the shaman may, while in the altered state of consciousness, attempt to remove through a ceremony known as “extraction” an illness, disease or other energy matrix which may be harming the patient.

These practices, while potentially seeming odd to some people in modern America and other Western cultures, have successfully served humankind since the beginning of its collective consciousness. And now, thanks to Harner and others in indigenous and traditional cultures who are willing to share their knowledge, these practices are making a comeback.

Though I don’t see meditation or shamanism as complete alternatives to modern medicine, they are certainly effective aids in any healing process, and can be seen as complimentary approaches in a rather recent trend in medicine to incorporate treatment for the “whole person,” mind, body and spirit. This “integrative medicine” approach is certainly well overdue, and is bringing civilization full circle to the roots of healing.


Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

My Spirit Care: Your Psychic Reading is a Psychic Partnership

When you call My Spirit Care for a psychic reading, we form a partnership to get to the bottom of what concerns you. You will find the experience to be relaxed and comfortable, like being with a good friend.

I do this work from a personal devotion to serving others. Expressing love is what I do best and because this is the energy that I put into psychic readings and all of my other services, this is the energy that comes out of it. You can be assured of an uplifting and truly meaningful experience or you don’t pay…no hard feelings because we are dedicated to what’s best for you.

This intention and philosophy stands out in a world where loving helpers are very hard to come by. We begin all our services, and psychic readings, with the component of mutual cooperation…mutual trust… and our genuine concern for your highest welfare. What’s really cool is that during your psychic reading, your Divine Guides, my Divine Guides, you and us…all form a circle of support around your life and issues. You are surrounded by beings who are truly “pulling for you.” It doesn’t get any better than that!

So why do we care so much? We know who you really are: a good, loving, Divine Being having a challenging earthly experience. Life on Earth is the “A” Ticket Ride of the cosmos…thrills and chills, joy and despair, pleasure and pain, sunsets and cheeseburgers and crocus in the Spring. Life on Earth is chock-full of purpose, meaning, tremendous challenge and sometimes, overwhelming confusion and difficulty. The hardest part is that we weren’t born with a handbook and at times we don’t know where to turn for the answers. With eyes trained to see in the dark, I will help you know which steps can be taken to make this life the best it can possibly be.

So then, are you ready for a more happy and purposeful life? I’m ready when you are!! 🙂

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Mysterious Love: A Call to Look Deeper

In spite of all the practical advice about relationships, there can be relationships in our lives that defy logic. You love someone you can’t have, you love someone who does not reciprocate, you love someone that by conventional standards is not a good choice, you are in a love triangle romance, you have deep feelings about someone you barely know. These kinds of circumstances give rise to great dilemmas in one’s life, calling upon the universal principles of choice and free will like nothing else can.

These are situations of great significance for personal and spiritual growth. They are difficult love situations that challenge our beliefs about life and about love, even the meaning of religion or God. We need to know that not all of these relationships are meant to become partnerships in this life, but they are all meant to teach us something important about ourselves.

It’s unfortunate that many people are not allowed by their religions to consider the possibility of reincarnation. In other words, some conventional belief systems do not allow for an understanding of life’s cosmic nature…that we are so very much more than we are told, that there is so much reason to the “why’s” of our lives.

As a clairvoyant who sees auras and other energies clearly, I can tell you that not only are you a body and a brain that gives rise to a working mind of thought and belief…you are Light, color, energy, and spirit!! Behind the form that you think is you, you are eternal Consciousness itself and you have lived a very, very long time!

Past life recognition of a person who was significant to you is inevitable at some time in your current life. If one is unsure about the bigger picture of existence he or she may feel mystified or even troubled about an unspoken sense of connection felt with another, often upon a first meeting, because there is no current memory — no logical reason.

If this was a significant relationship in a past life, the feelings from the previous experience can carry over into this lifetime. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that feelings can speak a truth that the brain of the current body does not remember? You feel these things because of energetic connections between you and the other spirit (person) and this Consciousness does not need a physical brain to be aware.

The experience of true, mysterious love is Divinity in action, but you will be called upon to make wise and conscious decisions about the place it has in your life. At My Spirit Care, we are here to help you understand these experiences, whether through psychic readings or spiritual coaching, and to help you get through them.

So whatever joy and pain love brings your way in this life, it’s most important to know that when you don’t look for what you can get from love, love will fill your cup to overflowing. That’s the biggest mystery of all.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Free Will & Your Future

Many clients who want clairvoyant psychic readings desire a prediction for the future, so it is appropriate that we take a look at what, exactly, the future “is.” Actually–if  you want to be technical–there is only the NOW, the present, and what we think of as the future is the force of energy converging into a forming reality, made from potentialities that are unfolding in the present. The idea of the future is not what you probably believe it to be.

“HUH?” You ask.

Okay. How about this?

You and I are free-will beings, and as such, we get to make choices. All other people get to make choices, too. When you ask me what someone else will decide, like whether a love interest will pursue you or not, my vision shows the probability based upon the energy dynamic between the two of you and where the energetic trend is headed. Sometimes an outcome is a certainty, due to karmic and energetic factors, but most often your future is open to what you make of it through your choices and the choices of those connected to you.

Men and women stuck in unrequited love relationships have a hard time accepting the choices made by their love interest. Often this is taken as painful rejection by the ego when there are spiritual and energetic reasons why relationships do not work out. The one feeling lovesick can end up suspending their lives, waiting for the other person to make a different choice or to reverse a decision. Many people surrender their futures to the decisions that other people make, in whatever kind of relationship. These people make the choice not to assume self-rule over their own lives and become so invested in what another person thinks or does, that they spend years feeling unfulfilled or in a suspended state, waiting for someone else to do something they believe will make them happy. This often happens in relationships where one partner is an addict and the other cannot make the decision to move on, because they are waiting for the addict to change.

Years pass and opportunity is lost, love is locked out, growth is stunted and suffering becomes a way of life. Doesn’t sound good, does it?

We weren’t born to hinge our existence on what someone else decides. We were born to live and yes, to live it up–not surrender our futures into another person’s hands.

I think that if everyone could understand what a tremendous privilege life truly is, what precious potential we contain as individuals,  we wouldn’t waste a minute forfeiting our choices to others. We would step out with our own choices and make the very most of our lives.

There is always potential for greater goodness ahead of us, unseen potential, love, and opportunity awaits! Being alive is a great adventure with many gifts to give us, so let’s celebrate our lives by making the best decisions we can.

What is most important to know about the future is that this very day, you are creating it. Never let yourself believe that your free will choice does not matter, because you have the power to shape and direct your life in the long run.

For your immediate concerns about things to come that are set into energetic motion, give me a call. We can deal with anything and find the answers you need to know. Here at My Spirit Care, we really do care for your Spirit…now and in the future to come. 🙂


Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Zen of Eating

Imagine this: a meal in which a single bowl of buttered barley is set before you and you are grateful to have it. You quietly render thanks to the Universal Provider for your sustenance, and you eat slowly, savoring each mouthful while you feel the nourishment that enters your body, from tongue to cell to quanta.

This is love in action.

You are eating a peach picked fresh from the tree. You feel the fuzz of its skin on your lips, the tender yield of its exterior as your teeth break into its taut, rosy skin. A warm syrup slides to the corners of your mouth and a heady scent curls upward, a fragrant steam of life force and raw sunshine, embracing your face.

This is love in action.

Eating with awareness and gratitude is a spiritual act in which we are conscious of the life forces that sustain us. We can take that moment to recognize and give thanks for the interdependent relationships of all life on this planet. In so doing, our bodies become vessels of heightened spiritual awareness and joyful recipients of unlimited love.

Many seek happiness by having material stuff. They look for spiritual connection through the glitter of big buildings and pompous ceremony. They seek satisfaction in a mound of frosting on the cake or a whole cow sandwiched between the buns.  Many today are consuming machines going faster, and faster, thinking less and less, losing soul parts as they go–like worn out cars flinging hubcaps along the highway.

Spiritual transcendence is attained through mindful thought and simplicity. Food today is hardly simple, as more is considered better and extravagance, best. As long as we have freedom to choose what we eat, what and and how we eat will reveal much of where we are in the frequency spectrum– or in other words, whether or not we are becoming conscious beings.

Why We Eat When We Need to Feel Loved

It’s not surprising that people often eat when they are feeling a need for love. Our unconscious minds make a connection between nourishment of the body and food for the soul.

When viewed with clairvoyance, eating for love is seen as a being a bit off the beam in our vibratory state. This imbalance will manifest as the response of reaching for food because the core part of us…deep inside…is aware that the act of taking in food is a loving exchange between multiple life forms and energies. When we eat to find love without knowing what we are doing, the result is calories, but no spiritual energy; weight, with a lean and hungry spirit.

Being Filled, Both Body and Soul

Often soul hunger can be greatly helped by slowing down, by noticing the simple things in life and bringing a reverent attitude into our lives.

My mother was mysterious, truly. I didn’t think so when I was young but in retrospect I think she was a guru. She used to tell us: “Let us dine, not feed.” I see now that this was more than a lesson in manners, but a message about simple, loving attention…and gratitude.

No doubt, she would fail to appreciate today’s fast food commercials with their busting ballistic buttons over the-one-too-many-mouthfuls, or wild-eyed eaters making gluttonous inhalations of ingredients slapped together without a shred of loving intention, a chemical mix made to part you from your money.

Television portrays our relationship to food as irreverent, self-absorbed and uncivilized. I would say “animalistic” but…have you ever watched a cat eat? They are so very dainty! In fact–other than hogs–I can’t name an animal that lacks more grace with eating than a human being in a television commercial. And when you get right down to it hogs are being the best they can be, while hoggish humans, aren’t.

So here’s food for thought: eating is an act of sustaining creation and of becoming one with that which sustains us. Next time we are tempted to “grab” something to eat let’s remember to receive rather than seize. Let’s strive to keep it simple and healthy. If we will let ourselves feel the love in the purest of food, we will soon reflect the loving consciousness that we have swallowed.

—And we will no longer be famished.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part One

Life is a roller coaster ride of emotions. You’ve felt so many emotions in the course of your life! Looking back on your life, you may wonder how you made it through everything. But you did.

When we are having an emotional experience we can easily lose perspective of the situation, as well as lose sight of the bigger picture of life itself. Very strong feelings distort how we perceive and what we are able to understand in the moment. This can seriously muddle our thinking and make things worse… putting us too deep in the forest to see the trees, as they say.

When we get muddled it’s time to step away from what we feel, through the process of meditation…or just getting very still…and let go of the feeling so we can find our core self. The core self is the eternal spiritual being that we are, under the emotions, behind the circumstance, and before the ego personality of this life was formed.

Family Tree of Emotions

People aren’t the only created beings with relatives. Emotions and thoughts have birthdays and relations of their own. By tracing the roots of your emotions and pairing them up with the thoughts that gave birth to them, you can get to the core cause of many of your most troubling emotions.

Relatives on your emotional family tree are much worse than slothful cousins or meddling in-laws: they can crash your best parties and whip you into a weeping puddle without a moment’s notice.

The “Family Tree of Emotions” exercise is designed to help you when you are struggling to figure out why you feel the way you do. The diagram shown here has blank boxes that spiral inward. You can sketch your own on a separate piece of paper.

Suppose you are struggling with a feeling of sadness. Write “sad” in the first box at the beginning of the spiral.

Then, ask why do you think you are sad? If your answer is something like, “I’m depressed because John won’t call me, then write that down in the next box.  If your deeper belief is “…it means he doesn’t care”, then write that perception in the next blank box.

“Nobody really cares about me”…”My brother said I was a pain in the butt” …”I remember when he…” and so on, progressively working your way to the core beliefs that are hidden behind the screen of the emotion you are dealing with.

How Emotions Happen

Emotion begins with a perception, followed by a thought that incites a feeling inside you. For example, as a kid you may have had the perception that someone was making fun of you as you saw them smile when you tripped on a shoestring. An incorrect perception (the belief you were being mocked) was followed by an incorrect thought, “she’s making fun of me!” which could have given rise to an emotion of feeling embarrassed or put down. Later in life, then, the root experience could lead you to become overly self-conscious and sensitive. —All this for nothing, since the reality at the time of the occurrence  was that the person was smiling because of your childhood charm. (You were terribly cute all the time!)

Perceptions vs. Reality

The trouble with emotions is that they can “talk” us into believing our own story. We believe that what we perceive is a fact and thus, we can believe that feelings of anger, sadness, fear, etc. are not only justified, we can believe them to be unavoidable.

We often let emotions control our outlook on life, our thoughts, our behavior and our choices. Thus, they  have an enormous effect on the way we live our lives. But there is something we can do about that, which is why at My Spirit Care we provide extended spiritual coaching to enable a balance and spiritual power over the “emotional dictator” that so often inhibits life progress.

Next Post: Part Two, Becoming the Master of Your Emotions






Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part Two

Part Two: Becoming the Master of Your Emotions

(Continued from Part One, click here to read.)

In the Grip of Emotion

When we are having a very strong emotional experience, we can feel only that emotion in the moment. Sensible perspective flies out the window! With that loss of perspective, we compound the intensity of the emotion through the power of focused attention. For example, during a powerful unhappy state we might feel as if we’ve always been miserable, always will be miserable and thereby we can literally trap ourselves in misery by faulty loop-de-loop thinking.

Avoid Reacting to Negative Emotion

At My Spirit Care we show you how to care for your own spirit, and this includes coming to the objective realization that you are not your emotions. You are eternal Spirit, Divine Consciousness, unhurt by painful emotions that are processed by your personality in this moment. When we are in terrible emotional states, we need to observe ourselves during these times and to recognize that the emotion of the moment is only a speck in the fabric of time. It will pass.

It’s what we do with the emotion we are having that counts. If we can maintain the presence of mind to remind ourselves when we are having extreme emotions that we are having a temporary state of mind that will pass and that clarity will come later, we can forgo some avoidable mistakes. —Such as lashing out at someone in rage, breaking up a relationship because we just feel like it in that moment, saying terrible things we can’t take back, etc.

Strong emotional states are not the times to make major decisions. So when I say it’s what we do with the emotion that counts, I mean we must recognize it as our own very personal experience and not make it someone else’s problem. It certainly helps to realize that emotions arise from core beliefs which are not the same as “reality as it is.”

We need to learn to control emotion rather than allow emotion to control us. We can acknowledge that emotions run very deep within us and honor ourselves by tracing the roots of our feelings. When we do that, we will find faulty beliefs or self-created deceptions that have in one way or another fueled our present emotional state. When we understand the reality of the situation (a clarity that can only come once emotions are stabilized) we can learn to cope with emotions in a balanced way.

What You Feel Is Real, But it May Not be the Truth of What Is

Reality and perceptions are most often at odds. The old saying, “Things are not what they appear to be,” is very true. Difficult emotions that arise from a resistance to “what is” are simply a symptom of denial. If you are left by a lover and then proceed to tear yourself and your life apart or injure the other person because you are emotionally  out-of-control, you are not taking into account the reality of the situation. Although pain may be unavoidable, one must live through the experience, cope with it, and in time an understanding of the situation will come…when emotions are stabilized.

Sadness is to happiness is what winter is to summer. They are partners in life. Both of these opposites are contained in the exquisite experience of being a Divine spirit in a human body; neither are bad or good…they are mere pieces of the spiraling dynamic of a cosmic existence.

Next Post: Part Three, Emotional Addiction and the Influence of Collective Emotions

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Angels & Guides: What the Retail Myth Does Not Reveal

Angels! What a beautiful word for the most wondrous, powerful and sacred of Beings!

I have to be straight with you about angels because of the deep reverence I hold for them…what I will write here is not the retail angel information you’ve heard elsewhere. Writers, publishers, “teachers” and others have popularized angels in our spiritually hungry culture. Many people who claim to know a great deal about angels are recognized by those with clairvoyant sight to not be the experts they profess to be. Money talks, and since the sight of an angel is not readily available, it’s easy to profit by claiming to know all about them, building entire careers on peppy, feel-good angel mythology.

Angel experiences are profoundly sacred, highly personal and…I speak frankly… very unique to the individual. Mainstream angel dogma presents us with an image of angels that look like gorgeous human females in “way beautiful” gowns who live in the clouds and model makeup for Mabelline.

I’m sorry, but the princess/fairy/angel/archetype is not accurate. We can choose to believe it because it’s fun, or just because we are products of a society that sadly equates physical beauty with goodness. We even may experience seeing something that appears like a limited edition angel something-or-other, but one must come to understand that spiritual experiences—human interaction with the cosmic energy soup—is shaped by human belief and what we expect to see.

Angels are a vast order of immense energy Beings that uphold Divine Intention throughout existence…and stand at the ready to help other beings achieve a state of Grace and Protection in times of great and exceptional need. When truly needed, they do respond and do so instantly.

Angels are cosmic servants of incalculable inter-dimensional responsibility, not solely concerned with our planet and its life forms. And truly, angels don’t have human names…they have a tone, a frequency as an identifier.

Although often confused with personal spiritual Guides and despite what some claim, angels are not really there to manage every second of your life, like getting you a parking place. Despite what humans crave to believe, the entire cosmos does not revolve around us and our egotistical needs. Fact is, when we finally get that, when we finally understand the Divinity within that we are meant to step into…that is when higher frequency beings of existence begin to mentor and assist us as we dedicate our lives to the service of others. Only when we learn the purpose of life is not about the little self, can we hope to resonate with the frequencies of service that angels abide.

Although many will claim they have a famous angel as their personal guide, did you know that when it comes to Divine guidance, it’s not the title or name that counts? It’s the quality and truth of the guidance that reveals what’s behind it. Divine angels don’t have an egotistic interest in throwing their “names” around and they don’t try to get credit for helping us. They are most discreet. The Energy that we humans call Archangel Michael is very real and is a mighty cosmic protector who loves us all…but has no interest in impressing us with lofty words.

As I sometimes need to explain during readings as a psychic clairvoyant at My Spirit Care, many beings from the spiritual side of existence are often mistaken for angels. When it comes to the real helpers, though, your daily protection and moment-to-moment existence is managed from the other side of this life by what is known in metaphysical shop talk as “Spirit Guides.”

Divine Spirit Guides assist you from the realm of a spiritual reality nearer to the frequency of the physical world than angels. They are beings with whom you have consented to their help during this lifetime and it is a Divine contract that you have with them.  Many Guides have lived as humans before and they fully understand what it’s like to be in this plane of existence. They know your path in this lifetime. Often their guidance comes through thought, an idea, a gut feeling or a quick impulse that averts you from danger or a poor choice.

It’s important to know that when any human has a connection to non-human intelligence, and this includes Spirit guidance, the person must evaluate the guidance with discernment. Like angels, Divine Guides are never egotistical and they will never prompt you to injure another being in any way. Although there are spiritual intelligences that will lead you down a hurtful path, or flatter and expertly deceive, your Divine Guides never will. They will give you feelings of love, peace and comfort.  They are present to lift you up and teach you the lessons of love, humility, self-empowerment and truth.

That which is Divine, is Simple Truth. Peace. Love. Hope. Protection for all. Your Divine Guides are the ones who watch over you every second! So, even though the cosmic order of angels may not be at your beck and call, your Divine Guides are. Because of their abiding presence, you can know that no matter what, you are perfectly loved and you are never alone.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

An Inside Peek: Behind the Eye of a Clairvoyant

A clairvoyant is sometimes called a psychic, but these are not interchangeable terms. A psychic is not often a clairvoyant, although the term is used about as often as “closeout” is used in selling cars! In the truest sense, clairvoyants have clairvoyance, or “clear-seeing.” This is nothing like the perfect 20-20 vision of the physical eyes, for it is a spiritual faculty that views the spiritual reality through which our material existence has taken the appearance of form.

In order to “clear see” a clairvoyant utilizes the “eye behind the eyes,” called the Third Eye in the mystical traditions. This is an energetic eye that is able to envision unseen energies that interpenetrate the physical world.

It is absolutely and utterly true that everything is made up of energy and in fact, what we perceive and believe to be a material thing is not solid at all! (More on that in upcoming posts.) To explain unseen spiritual energy,  picture for a moment an ordinary table lamp.

The electricity, or energy, that gives the lamp its light is invisible. The light that happens when you turn it on is not the electricity itself, but the evidence of it. While we don’t question the invisible realms of electricity or radar or microwave or infrared, we aren’t well informed about other energies that are the basis for all matter. Times, however, are changing and it’s a good thing to catch up with new science, which supports the truth that everything is energy. A clairvoyant can see some of that…each clairvoyant will have different abilities and a range of (limited) frequencies that can be accessed.

Clairvoyant sight does not make the one who has it infallible, nor does it make them special. Everyone has a Third Eye even though most don’t know about it, let alone how to use it. Like any ability, it is developed with intention, discipline, and to put it to proper use, a commitment to serve Divine potential.

I can tell you that the awe of seeing the energetic matrix, or web, of life never leaves me, for the Light of spirit is more beautiful than anything in this world! Upon that energy and light, all matter is brought into being. It is amazing, for instance, to witness a thought form…that energetic, often geometric, construct we create each time we think. The more focused and uplifting the thought, the more fabulous and beautiful the thought form…and the more incredible the reality it makes.

It is a privilege and a responsibility to have the gift of sight in this way, but most of all it is an incredible amazement and joy.

At one time in our very ancient history, people were commonly clairvoyant. In those times, it was impossible to tell a lie!!! –Can you imagine what the world would be like today, if the habit of lying were useless? If you can envision Utopia, perfection, or the proverbial Garden of Eden, you got it right!

As we build our spiritual connections and grow in understanding and ability, we can develop some degree of clairvoyance. Like all gifts, there are the minimally talented and the maestros…but everyone has a Third Eye and everyone can be developed to use it, under the proper circumstances.

We teach the development of the Third Eye here at My Spirit Care. For us, the greatest thing in this world that we can do is to help you achieve your greatest potential, to get you started on your personal path to seeing what you are meant to see. We know that you no longer have to “walk in the dark” when you learn to see in the dark.

Namaste, and blessings.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Stepping Above Guided Meditation: 5 Steps to a Daily Spiritual Practice

Okay, guided meditation is a cool thing, no doubt. It’s used for all kinds of reasons, with good results.

But what about the spiritual aspect of our lives? What about getting familiar with who we really are, without needing a CD or technology to try to do that? What about…just you, and Life…becoming one, moving together smoothly the way a dolphin is one with the sea or a rainbow trout is one with the river? Becoming one with Life and all things is the most ancient spiritual wisdom; shamans from the dawn of history have known and taught the greatest of all truths that everything is interconnected.

Once you learn how to relax and let go, once you learn that imagination is NOT “imaginary,” it may be time to just be with yourself and the silence. Why? Because when it gets right down to it, guided meditation is a beginning for some, but then what? To mature spiritually we will have to sometime surrender the training wheels.

Most people want to be spiritually connected. Those on the spiritual path want to ascend, for crying out loud! We tell ourselves we “should” meditate, we “should” pray, we “should” and “should”…and (sigh) let’s change the subject! So, how’s work coming along?

Yep, for many people on the spiritual path that’s about the size of it. We don’t have a spiritual practice once a week, let alone once a day. I bet some of you felt a twinge of guilt when you read the title to this article. (Some of your friends may have skipped it altogether.) See! I can read your mind!

Actually, if you don’t have a dedicated spiritual practice you would be in the majority and so my guess is merely “playing the odds.” Most people just don’t make the time to connect spiritually. Many people don’t even think about it, or even dare to hope it’s possible. Others don’t find it at all important and even more people leave this up to churches and clergy to “do it” for them!

But all of the above probably isn’t you, either. This is a spiritual site and you’re here for a reason, so for those who are open to the path to enlightenment but can’t get in the groove, maybe it’s time to make it happen for yourself.

In order to get motivated, it helps to understand how an intimate, living spiritual practice can make a difference in your life, and what that entails, exactly.

A personal, dedicated spiritual practice will lead to a sense of connection to the Divine, and to an inner strength that comes from knowing your life has a unique purpose. You will develop your own psychic awareness. You will gain clarity, wisdom, knowledge, foresight…and if you are truly successful, you will become a more loving being.

Here are a few short suggestions on how to get started:

Want to make the connection: you have to want to know what you are all about, under your skin. People with a Christian background will recall that Jesus taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. To advance spiritually, we must first know ourselves.

How you decide to have a spiritual connection is completely individual. There are no rules, only guidelines. Find a personal system, or a composite of modalities, that work best for you. So here are 5 steps to get you past “I should” to “I do!”

  • Remember, you have to want to improve your life and be willing to explore for greater truth.
  • Turn off the phone, and eliminate external distractions. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door if others in the house are used to summoning you at their fancy. Let others know this is YOUR private time.
  • Set aside 15 uninterrupted minutes, the same time each day. Why the same time? …A little discipline is needed to develop good habits, and setting the same time establishes a basis for sacred ritual, which enriches the experience over time. (If you should miss your appointment with the Divine, don’t skip that day. Find the 15 minutes somewhere else in your day before you go to bed and give that spiritual time your full, surrendered attention.)
  • Prepare to share. A relationship with the Divine, whether the Creator of All-That-Is or your own Higher Self, is a two-way street that involves expression of your feelings or intention and the reception of insight or guidance.
  • Listen. Don’t run out on yourself…allow time to just listen in quiet for the guidance from within.

Try not to think of this as work…it’s not. It’s joyful self-development! It’s an awesome experience to be on the right track, gaining solid inner guidance. Higher insight, or personal psychic connectedness, is worth more than anything in this world that money can buy.

Don’t be surprised if you realize, during your spiritual connections, that you are not alone in this world. Opening your heart in this way is to go through that “straight and narrow” Gate to Infinite Consciousness, which is your true and perfect Home. Heaven, you will find, is in your own heart and is with you all the time, right where you are, right now. 🙂

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part Three

Part Three: Emotional Addiction and the Influence of Collective Emotions

(Continued from Part Two)

Addiction to Emotions and the Dramas They Create

Did you know that intense emotional states can be addictive? They are. For example, a person who has known mostly depression in life will feel “strange” when not depressed, as if something is not quite right because they are in an unfamiliar feeling state. There are biochemical reasons for this, but there are also energetic reasons. As a clairvoyant who sees auric and other energies, I have observed how the frequency of a particular emotion seeks itself out: sadness is drawn to sadness; happiness to happiness; love to love, and so on. This fact of energetic physics explains why it’s so hard to break out of an emotional loop and why conscious awareness in needed to do so.  At My Spirit Care, we address these energetic issues with those who seek balance in their lives.

Balance is not easy to come by: many people are addicted to energetic/emotional states. They cannot stop the dramas in their lives because they cannot feel alive or powerful unless there is high emotion at play all the time. That’s right: many people are so disconnected from their core identity that they feel dead inside unless they are all worked up about something. This is a deeply destructive pattern that blocks all genuine personal growth and higher spiritual connection. Like all problems, however, being aware of it is half the battle. 🙂

Collective Social Emotions & You

One important aspect of experiencing emotional upset is the significant historical time period in which we now live.

This is an Age of upheaval and immense change on the national and world stage. All around, events and situations seem to threaten personal stability whether through war, financial upheaval and economic uncertainty, health challenges brought on by modern stress, etc. Fear is the “emotion dujouer” served up daily in the media, in radical religions that fervently believe in horrific judgments and the End of Days. Government is not responsive to the needs of the common person and we are often frustrated by systems and programs that are inept or unjust.

Many of you are experiencing not only your own emotions, but are being impacted by the “energetic soup” of the mass mind. We are all connected energetically, and to remain emotionally stable in these intense times, one simply must have a daily, personal, spiritual practice. See the bigger picture.

Next Post: Part Four, Victory Over Self and Circumstance

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditating About, Understanding, and Coping With Emotions, Part Four

Part Four: Victory Over Self and Circumstance

(Continued from Parts One, Two, and Three)

Choosing a Spiritual Perspective

In difficult emotional states, it’s very important to know that you are loved by a Divine presence and there is a meaningful purpose in your suffering.

You may be one who is required to let go of an old idea of a punishing God, and  that good things should happen when you are good.

All of us are destined to learn that difficulty happens to everyone until we eventually understand that we are all One.  We may have mistaken beliefs about worthiness and privilege that need to be abandoned, in order to know the reality of life as it truly is.

Life is a spiritual school for all humans, to teach us how to love, to forgive and trust. —How to live true to our unique Divine purpose. Emotions are the challenging “pop quizzes” of life that reveal how much we are learning.

Wisdom Teacher in the School of Life

Children can cry over anything…have fits… and object to reality until they possibly get their way. —You know, cry over the candy they were told they couldn’t have.

Over time, we learn we can’t have all that we demand or want. Many a frustrating emotion arises from trying to pound a square peg into a round hole, so-to-speak. The passing years of life teach us how to deal with the spontaneous emotions that started in childhood, how to understand our emotions and cope with them from a wiser perspective, as follows: