Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Guidance and Protection of Special Children in Trying Times

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleBeing a responsible, wise parent in today’s world is anything but easy. While it’s never been easy, there is now a collective trend in society and education to interfere with parental decisions and the wise upbringing of children.

In education, there is a concerted movement to turn otherwise unique children into conformist cookie-cutter cutouts: void of creativity; stripped of individuality; deprived of the ability to think for themselves as they are trained in the ways of social planners and servants of the State. People who are educated beyond their intelligence–people who are without common sense or sound mental health–are shaping the destinies of children without a modicum of necessary restraint.

In society, children are conditioned to have no awareness of their deeper purpose in life or the greater potential that exists within them. Instead, they are influenced to consume material goods and to absorb themselves in baser physical needs without any thought of others or the long-term consequences of their socially-driven choices. Children are increasingly sexualized, medicated, forced to mature too early, and—for those confined to urban environments—removed from the magnificence of the natural world, one of life’s greatest teachers. They are immersed in all things artificial, vacuous, and destructive.

These are onerous times for innocent, little human beings. Dark times…the worst of times.

And, while many parents who can afford it are choosing private education or home schooling over public school indoctrination, there still remains a profound problem. At some point, you will have to turn your exceptional kids out into a dull-witted, psychopathic, and trollish society. How will they cope? What will become of them? How will they resist this rising tidal wave of unabashed ignorance amidst technological advancement, and…how will their true potential survive the roiling black waters of a pandemic soul sickness, certain to wash over them as they try to make their way in life?

Trying to rear a raw-material little human being into a healthy, compassionate, conscientious and educated human adult has never been so difficult, in all of written history. There are expansive, critical choices that confront every parent, concealed within the micro scale of their children’s day-to-day lives. In the small acts of daily living, in the seemingly unimportant decisions—like what is best for a child to eat and how much time they should spend at the tv/computer or how much time they share with significant adults—a long-term future for the child is being forged. We cannot be careless in these decisions, even though an escalation of time and daily pressures work mightily against conscientious adults who have children in their care.

And, rearing a child is not just about the future of that child alone: the future of all those yet-unknown people that a child will one day associate with, are destined to be influenced by the future-adult that is being molded today. Every person on this planet has a profound influence on every other person around them. There is a chain-reaction consequence in this world that begins with kind of person you are and the life you choose to live. Children are the future, and their future lives will determine the future of our planet. If you are the parent of a small child, you hold the future of the world in your arms.

What is your child destined to become? What is his/her greatest potential? How do you guide them and prepare them? Are you teaching them what they must know? How will they find happiness in life? How will they overcome obstacles? How will they handle hardships? How do you keep them safe, off the street, and out of trouble? Who is that little person in front of you? What is their Spirit doing here? Why did this child choose you to be their parent?  Do you have a problem with your kid that you can’t seem to solve? What are their karmic lessons in life? How do you train them to overcome the world?

Not all children are equal in their innate potential, but one thing is certain: there is a wondrous escalation of brilliant Spirits taking human form on this planet. They are called by some as Indigo children, Crystal children, Starseed, and assorted other labels meant to reveal their innate luminosity. These exceptionally gifted and naturally spiritual children have come here to make a difference for the inhabitants of Earth. They need special care and their rearing is both a tremendous privilege and a consuming challenge.

As an experienced and capable clairvoyant, my work with parents is my greatest and most important calling. I am here to help you understand your child’s spiritual potential and how to protect and preserve their core spiritual identity in an insane world that is bent on draining the soulful life and inner light right out of them. When you need help with your precious child, don’t hesitate to contact me.

*Copyright notice: A copyright notice is posted on this blog. All Rights Reserved. This article and all content on this website is copyright protected. Do not copy content, electronically or by any other means, without written consent from copyright holder.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

How to Be Free of Other People’s Bad Energy

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleWhy is it that some people make you feel awful just by being around them? Often, it’s an energy thing. Their energy field can bring you down.

Worse, it can happen that their bad energy follows you. It clings to you. You can’t seem to shake the creepy or depressed feelings or the physical symptoms–like cold skin or a dull headache–that come from having been near them.

When I was young, I knew a woman who was an invasive hugger, but what she gave others with her hugs wasn’t the warm fuzzies! She gave ice. Auric ice. She made me cold to my core, and from the tip of every hair to the center of every cell. An energy vampire of expert skill, she drained the life force from everyone she touched and she did it as often as she could reach out and grab another warm body. Sometimes the energy ice would last for hours, and many years later, when I saw her for the last time, she was still vampirizing the life force out of everyone around her.

Learn to Energetically Recognize Yourself from “Other”

People who are spiritually sensitive are more subject to noticeable symptoms, but everyone can be affected by another person’s bad energy even when they’re not aware of it. Many of our readers are empathetic, good people who feel the emotions of other people and the energies of places. Empathic people pick up other people’s feelings and physical problems very easily, and if they don’t know better they can perceive someone else’s energy as their own. One of my clients told me this story:

“I went to my next door neighbor’s house to visit an elderly woman, to offer consolation after the passing of her mother. I hugged her and immediately I got this overwhelming dull, sick headache! She left the room and while I was wondering what was wrong with me, her daughter came up and said, ‘Poor mama! She gets these terrible sick headaches when she gets upset!’ I was blown away to realize I was feeling my neighbor’s headache!”

By being aware of your own aura, you are taking the first step to manage the energies you allow, or don’t allow, into your life. Mindfulness is the key, awareness is the answer. You have your own energy signature. No one else is the same as you in this way. By taking the time and awareness to feel your own consciousness, you are tuning into what is “you” so then, you will also be aware of what is “not you.”

Some people, maybe you, reading this have felt the presence of a departed loved one or another spirit at some time. How is this possible, that you can recognize the presence and identity of a spirit? You can do this because every being has a unique energetic frequency; you included, that is unmistakable. When you become aware of your own Light body, aura, or energetic frequency, (all interchangeable terms) you will no longer confuse your own energy with someone else’s.

Be prepared, though. Keeping your own energy up and vibrant and free of other people’s negativity requires a conscious, deliberate, disciplined effort. It’s an easy choice, really, because by doing so you will experience what it is to feel truly alive, and truly free. Joy and freedom, spiritual, mental, physical health and aliveness to your core is what you will get.

These are the rewards of one who will consciously work to honor and protect their own sacred space, their auric boundaries.

Walk in a Bubble of Light Daily

At the start of each day, before you leave the sanctuary of your home or room, have a Light Bubble meditation exercise, or any one of the exercises mentioned on this site that places a Light barricade around your own aura. Reinforce this in your mind during the day, and especially when contact with undesirable energies can’t be avoided.

Use Discernment about Physical Contact

Most people, unaware of spiritual reality, have auras that are open and defenseless against invasion by other energies. When they have indiscriminate contact with others, such as hugging out of mere politeness, they are vulnerable to unwanted energetic exchange.

Likewise, many people don’t know there is no such thing as “casual sex.” During sexual activity, the aura is wide open and vulnerable to whatever energies are attached to the other person. Many a person has acquired negative energy, which adversely affects their life, from one-night stands and a “friendship” with “benefits.”

While this is a spiritual truth and a practical fact that is not popular in a culture that prides itself in sexual liberation, not all that is called “progress” is truly progress! If you are going to have sex with an essential stranger (someone you have not entered into a commitment with and that you do not really know that well) then the use of conscious auric protection is essential, even though this won’t be enough over the long haul. The only answer is: if you can’t have heart-centered sex with someone you truly know and truly love, don’t!

Make an Energetic Safety Zone When You Are Around People in Trouble

There are wonderful people in this world who like to take in stray puppies…and stray people. They step up to the plate to help troubled folk, which is noble, but not all people in need of a helping hand are good for you to be around. There are safe ways to help, and there are personal boundaries. Opening your life, your wallet, your house, your most personal spaces to the refugees of the world also opens your aura to an assortment of energies you may not be prepared to deal with. When you offer help of this nature, be mindful of the energies that are you and the energies that belong to the other person and keep your energetic boundaries intact.

Whenever you have involvement with people who are seriously ill, have drug addictions, alcoholic problems, psychological imbalances, psychopathic, neurotic, or severely dysfunctional behaviors, know that these beings have energies that need cleansing and you should use auric protection around yourself, otherwise you may find yourself having to deal with negative energy that has been transferred to you.

Choose Your Friends and Associates Wisely

Fact is, there are people you just should not be around! Period! Every person has their own level of tolerance and their own soul mission with regard to other people. Some of you have spiritual connections that need to be worked out with people who are challenging to be around. But remember this: never, ever are you expected by the Divine to take on other people’s energies!! Learn “self” from “other” and keep your own space sacred and inviolate. This is your spiritual duty to yourself.

Toxic relationships happen. The people you should minimize or eliminate contact with will give you certain feelings and experiences. Stay away from people who:

  1. Make you feel drained, exhausted, or give you unpleasant physical symptoms like aches, palpitations, chills, upset stomach, etc.
  2. Talk incessantly about themselves, their problems, gossip about others or dwell on negative or morbid subjects.
  3.  Demean you in any way whatsoever.
  4. Try to control you or boss you excessively.
  5. Engage in any form of deceit.
  6. Rage on about other people, their bad relationships, using hate terms and ugly or profane language.
  7. Try to pry information out of you or otherwise invade your privacy without your consent or request.

Know When to Leave and When Not to Look Back

Let’s face it: too often you keep people in your life that don’t belong there because they make you feel bad. Do something about that. You are in charge. Whether it’s a friend, family member, neighbor, whoever: if the relationship does not lift you up or contribute good things to your life, leave it! And don’t look back.

Time for a Look in the Mirror

We can’t end this article without mentioning that life often sends to us what we put out; meaning, if you want good energy from others, give good energy! Many a time I have found that those who complain the most about the bad energy of others are dripping with it, themselves! If this is a frequent problem in your life, it may be time for a good energetic cleaning within yourself, first.

By being positive and loving yourself, you are establishing a strong aura that is far less vulnerable to incoming negative energy. Like attracts like, and that’s a fact. If you are having a problem with attracting the wrong kind of people into your life and it’s been a pattern, it’s time to take the opportunity for self-reflection this brings to you. Everything in your life is geared to help you grow spiritually, and having a good attitude about bad experiences is a good way to get your life on track! 🙂

Auric and Energy Cleansing Methods

Yes, I’ll say it again: a daily spiritual practice to envision and protect your auric Light Body is absolutely essential to keeping bad energy out! Also, when you’ve had some form of contact with someone who has upset you or made you feel bad in some way; take a bath with ½ cup of salt added to it! This is your first remedy and will soothe superficial damage to your energy field.

When energetic interference from bad energy goes deeper, meditation and “decording” (which is a spiritual action of cutting cords between energy fields) can be needed. Emotional counseling may be needed to break toxic relationships apart, and certainly inner work to strengthen a healthy sense of self is almost always a necessary step toward healing.

And of course, when you need help resolving issues with bad energies from other people, it’s probably time to talk to me. I will do a clairvoyant energetic assessment and provide personal guidance relative to your situation. You can have a good life, free from the draining and damaging effects of negative energy!

If this post has been of help and assistance to you, great! Diana offers these valuable insights from her heart and with the highest intentions to be of service to you and to all. She gives freely. Please consider completing the beautiful energy exchange with her by donating if you found this article helpful. Thank you.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Psychic Clairvoyant Eye: Is This Romance True Love?

There is no more common question posed to a psychic clairvoyant than “Tell me about my love life.”

Although people long for love, that does not mean all people can give love, or are able to receive it from another. Some people have personalities where intimacy and love cannot thrive. They can get only so close before they pull away, or worse, they use a pretense of love to get what they want.

To make a love relationship work requires that partners are emotionally healthy and relatively balanced human beings. They must take responsibility for their actions and have the courage to share their hearts with another.

The Need for a Realistic Perspective

It’s wise to think about “love assumptions” before starting a relationship. Many people are in romantic arrangements, not in love, because a true love relationship is not all about how a person qualifies and performs against a checklist. It is about harmonious balance between two people who honor one another as individuals, despite their paired identity. In true love, you will at times take more than you give, other times you will give more than you get. It’s not about keeping “score,” it’s about the expansive flow of energy from your heart to your beloved’s and back again.

Since relationships involve the rise and fall of emotional states, partners often experience unhappiness with one another from time to time. This is normal. But when the unhappiness becomes chronic, it’s time to work together on the relationship.

Many people who should end a relationship hang on when they should let go. Some try to endure a bad marriage by stepping outside the relationship for relief. Some people are with an incompatible partner that they tied up with in their youth, when a rush of hormonal highs and romanticized attraction was mistaken for a lifelong love—a “soul mate.” More than a few couples are together because their current partner was grabbed on the rebound from a previously failed relationship. Some stay because of the guilt associated with dissolution, financial worries, and a fear of the unknown.

There are far more unhappy relationships than many single people realize.

So if you’re a single person, feeling like the world is overflowing with happy lovers and that you’re left out, you can take comfort in the truth that the grass isn’t greener for everyone else. And contrary to what many believe, being with the wrong person is not better than being alone!

When it comes to having the right love in your life, it’s important to give deep thought to what love means to you. You also need to be realistic and be willing to engage in the difficult personal work that may be required before a fulfilling love relationship can become a part of your life.

Will This Relationship Work? 

If you’re seeing someone, or hoping for a relationship with a certain person and you wonder if it’s going to work, ask yourself the following:

  1. Are both of you available and free to have a relationship? –No matter how strongly you feel, how much you think you are the better choice, if either one of you is with another partner; you are likely in for a very difficult path that rarely works out.
  2. Do both of you want a committed love relationship? –If your partner is emotionally available, the relationship will not see-saw “on-again, off-again.”
  3. Do both of you put effort into the relationship? –If one person does all the work to make it happen, it’s a red flag for serious trouble ahead.
  4. Can you be yourselves around each other? –Knowing what someone is really like takes time. Fast entanglements won’t give you an opportunity to know the other person. Relationships that got their start as a sexual romp often don’t stand the test of time because knowing each other was not the priority.
  5.  Do you both keep your word and are you both consistent? –Respect is a vital sign of true love, and chronic inconsistency shows an absence of respect…and thus, an absence of healthy love.
  6. Do you trust this person? Are you trusted in return? –If you are constantly wondering if this person is unfaithful, it is a powerful indicator that the elements of a good relationship are lacking.
  7.  Does the relationship have the emotional nutrient you hoped for?–Maybe there is a simple lack of understanding about your partner or yourself, but when efforts at communication fail to yield emotional nurturing, the relationship is in deep need of attention and repair.
  8. Are you honest with each other? –There can be no viable love without truth.
  9. Is this a personal, face-to-face relationship, as opposed to email, internet, or text? Virtual reality connections are not relationships, they are cyberspace pretend, an outlet for fantasy.
While it may not be easy to be honest with oneself about the quality of a relationship, a clear-headed assessment can help prevent a broken heart. Denial is not a friend in matters of love, but a balance between an open heart and honest mind will lead the way to what you seek. If you need personal clairvoyant insight about your love life and/or relationship coaching,  I’m here to help you!









Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clairvoyant Sight into the Spirit World

In my years of work as a clairvoyant, my clients ask me what “The Other Side” is really like. Most are surprised to learn that the Spirit World is very much like our own, except that truth and love reign supreme and reality is created at the speed of thought.

A consultation I gave for a client years ago is an excellent example of the parallels between the spirit world and this one. When I was clairvoyant viewing for this client, a twelve-year-old girl came to me, accompanied by her Spirit Guide. The little girl was very excited to talk to me, wanting to let her mother know that she liked it over there very much, that she was in school, had many friends and a former family dog. But most of all…most of all…she smiled for me very big, revealing the braces on her teeth. Her message was most urgent: “Be sure to tell Mommy that I got my braces!!”

The woman for whom I was reading broke down immediately in ecstatic tears. Although I had absolutely no prior knowledge of her daughter before the session began, her mother told me that this child was killed in a car accident while going to the orthodontist, on her way to a brace-fitting appointment.

Now, a rational person could ask me, “Why would she go to school in the Spirit World? Without a physical body, why would she have braces?”

Before I answer that, let’s peek behind the veil at what the Spirit World looks like and what people who have crossed over do to “entertain” themselves. Since they don’t sit on clouds and play the harp, then what do they do with their “time?”

It’s hard for us in this world to understand, but there is no time in the spirit world; or any clocks, calendars, or dates. This is a timeless dimension. Spirits do not contend with issues of time and all but the most advanced do not even understand it anymore. Many of the facets of earthly life have become like a dream to them.

Speaking of spiritual dreams, the way for you to begin to understand timelessness is by recalling your physical dreams. Time, during dreaming events, is often blurred and nonsensical. Example: In a dream, you can be in one certain place and another place a thousand miles away in a mere instant. And, you can be in the year 2011 and suddenly find yourself dreaming you are in another time period, without any sequence of time happening.  This happens because in dreamtime, you can tap into the Reality outside of linear time, where time does not exist and all potentialities exist together. As in your dreams, the Greater Reality–the spiritual foundation of our existence–operates with thought or the expression of Consciousness and all events that occur in a physical timeline happen at once in an instant.

Even though there is no time on the Other Side, no schedules, no limits, there is an infinite array of things to do, to be, and to experience. How this plays out for the individual who crosses over will depend on the level of his/her consciousness and the entrenched beliefs that splay from the root of that person’s awareness and their spiritual development achieved during the physical lifetime.

In the Spirit World, what we believe and what we expect is what we will get. Consciousness, and the beliefs that give rise to perceptions and experience, are the builders of reality in the Spirit World.

The child with braces on her teeth needed a seamless transition in order to adjust to the sudden shock of crossing. Her consciousness was focused on receiving braces at the moment of her passing. Her Guides, ever loving and immensely wise, assisted her with the construction of a reality that was comfortable and familiar for her upon her sudden transition and separation from the physical reality. Her personalized Spirit reality also assisted her mother, at her level of consciousness; to have the assurance her daughter was perfectly happy and well-cared for.

In the Spirit World there are vistas of indescribable beauty. The colors are alive with light and vibrant to an exquisite degree. People go fishing (if they loved to do so in physical life) and they walk their beloved dogs who crossed over before. They eat wonderful food, can make love and create music; because, this is the Paradise of lore. People generally assume the appearance of a physical age where they were the most comfortable and happy during their physical life, or to be recognized most easily by loved ones on earth.

Because consciousness and personal development shape the reality one experiences when crossing over, those with a more negative consciousness will experience situations that reflect their mindset and the energy emissions that were prevalent in earthly life. Some might call this Hell, although there is no such place taught by religions about eternal suffering in fire and brimstone. While these can be very unpleasant experiences, once the inner Light and the love of their being is recognized, the negative, frightening, and darker side of spiritual existence will evaporate and those persons are then lifted by their Spirit Guides into the higher frequency of proverbial Paradise.

The state of a person’s consciousness or the purity of their aura will determine their initial experience when crossing over. Some will experience Jesus, or Buddha, or the Virgin Mary: some will see Joseph Smith, Apollo, Shiva, or any other representation of their religious/philosophical convictions when they first arrive on the Other side. The early stages of spiritual existence are keyed to what we believe to be true. And no matter what people believe to be real; whether they see a red devil with a pitchfork, Biblical scenes, Muslim virgins, or a foggy “nothing,” every person that crosses over to the Other Side will share the common reality of a Life Review.

In the Life Review, one experiences–first person–the emotions, effects, and experiences that their actions caused other people to feel and experience during their physical life. Based on the intentions and actions of their lifetime, this can either be a hellish or illuminating experience. Most people experience a mixture of happiness and pain, as average people are neither “saints” nor “sinners,” exclusively.

Heaven is the Other Side. Everyone goes there on physical death. This is the place where the truth about one’s self becomes glaringly evident and for those who suffer from darkened consciousness, it can seem like less than Heaven until their awareness shifts into a realization of love: self-love and love for others. In the state of unconditional Divine Love, we are destined to know great peace, joy, and overflowing love while we are prepared to undertake yet another life, wherein our spiritual quest for full Spiritual Awakening and enlightenment will continue.

At MySpiritCare, you can gain spiritual insight into the purpose of your life. We can help you on your path!