Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Do Animals Have Consciousness? What a Clairvoyant, Stephen Hawking, and Your Good Heart Knows

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleAs a professional clairvoyant and spiritual minister, people have often asked me if animals have souls. They are asking if animals have a spiritual source and a lasting spiritual essence. They ask if their pets will go to heaven.

Why Do We Wonder If Animals Have Souls?

The people who ask these questions have invariably loved an animal in their lives. They seek an answer because the vast majority of human beings have been taught that animals, as well as their pets, are lesser beings than humans. Official religion–which has been the Belief-Maker and Taskmaster over spiritually subservient humans across the planet–has indoctrinated people that human beings are above animals on creation’s ladder. They’ve been told that humans are God the Father’s “children” but that animals are not. People have been taught that animals were made by God for us to herd and dominate…to name, to tame, and to kill…at whim or will.

They have likely been taught that animals will not go to heaven because, they say, “dumb” animals do not have souls and are not conscious beings.

Now, before I address this question about animal souls on a spiritual level, I need to point out that for many people, a spiritual answer to the question about animals having souls won’t be enough.  For them, it just becomes just another heated argument for which there is no “tangible proof.” (Please read, Spiritual Reality: Why Millions of People Deny its Existence for further insight into our collective fixation on materialism.)  Enough argument: our arguments over God and questions about spiritual “facts” have caused untold suffering and death on this planet, for human and non-human life forms. There has been more destruction in the name of God (and associated imperialistic pursuits) than for any other reason, and before humankind destroys itself and the entirety of Earth, it’s time we all recognize that divisive religious beliefs have been the primary causation of unrelenting, diabolical torment on this planet. Even more than what we do to each other, animals have gotten the hardest kick of the human boot, far and wide.

Considering where society’s entrenched beliefs have taken us, we might want to put the blame where it belongs: we’ve been blinded by our profound ignorance. We all want the world to change for the better and to have that happen, we have to see where our ideas have taken us; we have to systematically discard all those dogmatic beliefs that cause us harm, layer, after layer…after layer of them.

People who are spiritual, not just religious, will likely tell you they feel deeply connected to animals and that they recognize all life on this planet is Conscious, including the Earth itself. But, for a moment, let’s suspend the spiritual viewpoint about animal souls and take a look at what our loving experiences tell us about animals. Then, let’s take a good, hard look at recent scientific findings about animal consciousness.

Evidence is Everywhere

Very recently, there was a story about a man who was walking his dog along the beach, when the two of them came upon a dead dog in the sand. The man was astonished when his own dog went over to the dead dog and began to bury its corpse. Using its nose, the living dog proceeded to cover the dead dog with sand.

This behavioral display should give humans who claim animals have no consciousness or feelings some pause.  On the other hand, people who have deeply loved “pets” won’t be too surprised by this, having experienced the
love and devotion their animals have extended to them. Many of you reading this could share your own stories of your mystical and loving connections to the animals in your life.

The Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness in Non-Human Animals

For the scientific-minded who are left-brained skeptical about the presence of animal awareness, you need to know that an international team of scientists has come together to proclaim that all animals are conscious and aware to the extent that humans are. The Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness in Non-Human Animals, signed by such notables as Stephen Hawking, reads in part as follows:

The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness

On …July 7, 2012,  a prominent international  group  of  cognitive  neuroscientists,neuropharmacologists, neurophysiologists, neuroanatomists and computational neuroscientists gathered at The University of  Cambridge to  reassess the neurobiological substrates of  conscious experience and related behaviors in human and non-human animals…the following observations  can be stated unequivocally:

  • The field of Consciousness research is rapidly evolving. Abundant new techniques and strategies for human and non-human animal research have been developed. ..
  • … subcortical neural networks aroused during affective states in humans are also  critically important for generating emotional behaviors in animals. Artificial arousal of the same brain regions generates corresponding behavior and feeling states in both humans and non-human animals.  Wherever in the brain one evokes instinctual emotional behaviors in non-human animals, many of the ensuing behaviors are consistent with experienced feeling states, including those internal states that are rewarding and punishing. Deep brain stimulation of these systems in humans can  also  generate similar affective states….Young human and nonhuman animals without neocortices retain these brain-mind functions…
  • Birds appear to offer, in their behavior, neurophysiology, and neuroanatomy a striking case of parallel evolution of consciousness. (Emphasis mine.) Evidence of near human-like levels of consciousness has been most dramatically observed in African grey parrots. Mammalian and avian emotional networks and cognitive microcircuitries appear to be far more homologous than previously thought. Moreover, certain species of birds have been found to exhibit neural sleep patterns similar to those of mammals, including REM sleep and, as was demonstrated in zebra finches,  neurophysiological patterns, previously thought to require a mammalian neocortex. Magpies in particular have been shown to exhibit striking similarities to humans, great apes, dolphins, and elephants in studies of mirror self-recognition.
  • In humans, the effect of certain hallucinogens appears to be associated with a disruption in cortical feedforward and feedback processing.  Pharmacological interventions in non-humananimals with compounds known to affect conscious behavior in humans can lead to similar perturbations in behavior in non-human animals…

We declare the following: “The absence of a neocortex does not appear to preclude an organism from experiencing affective states. Convergent evidence indicates that  non-human  animals have the neuroanatomical,  neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors. Consequently, the weight of evidence  indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Nonhuman animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these neurological substrates.”

Evolution Through Living Ancient Knowledge

As so often the case, new science is barely beginning to acknowledge what the ancient peoples knew in their everyday life: animals have awareness that parallels the awareness in humans. To the ancients, to the aboriginals who gave thanks to an animal before needing to slay it for food…animals were fully worthy of respect and reverence. Further, they saw the human relationship with animals as a sacred spiritual balance and a cooperative Soul contract between variant physical forms of One Divine Consciousness.

And that’s really the way it is. Yes, animals have a spiritual essence, a soul if you will, and they have a path of Divine purpose and growth, not one whit less than the human animal on this planet. They reincarnate, they evolve, they learn, they love, they feel, they speak, they know. And their energy/consciousness lives on after their passing, same as we.

When we learn to love and reverence animals unconditionally, we will learn to treat each other with love and respect.  As seen by the Native Americans and other aboriginal cultures, we are all children of the great Earth Mother, made of her elements, and we are all brief travelers here for but a short time. In the lost traditions and knowledge of the ancient ones, let us also begin to walk in the ways of wisdom and peace.

As always, if you require clairvoyant help, even with an animal, schedule a session with me and we’ll get the answers you need. In the meantime, remember that “dog” spelled another way, spells “god” and give the animals of this world your love; and every day, give them the tremendous respect they deserve.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clean Negative Thought Forms from Your Aura and Feel Good Again!

ImportantPlease read “The Power of Thought Forms: What Are You Doing to Your Life?” before you read the following article.

People are often hammered by negative thoughts. While they wonder why, you have learned from our previous MySpiritCare article about thought-forms and how to cleanse your aura. Negative and troubling thoughts are more than brain synapses! They are energies you either create or pick up because you have similar frequencies in your own aura!

When the mind is allowed to idly dwell or when we obsess over the same thing again and again, thought forms will be created that come back to haunt us, making it very difficult to let go of particular thoughts or behavior when we wish to stop thinking about something or acting in a certain way.

For example, a woman who thinks constantly, incessantly about an unrequited love but finally comes to the conclusion that it’s best to move on because the person is not a good romantic interest, may find that she can’t stop thinking about the person even though she wants to. “I can’t get him off my mind! So it must mean I’m not supposed to stop thinking about him! I must have a future with this person!” She assumes because she can’t stop thinking about him even though she wants to, that there is some fated purpose in her incessant thoughts… and that she is “not meant” to let go.

Far from her thoughts being some sign of cosmic purpose, she is a victim of a thought form that she herself made, as it keeps engaging her mind in an obsessive way. Terrible as it is, the thought forms made from improper thinking grow even stronger with repeated focus: their influence widens and deepens until circumstance (often unfortunate) sublimates it to other arising thought forms of similar negative frequency.  Sublimated negative thought forms remain damaging. They do not just “go away,” but influence the deeper levels of the human psyche in more complex and entangled ways.

People trap themselves into negative cycles with their unwitting use of living energy: unproductive thinking, self-centered ego fantasies and negative thoughts have hidden and serious consequences. They lead to pathological and destructive behaviors, suffering, sadness, rage, and grief.  Negative thought forms ruin lives. From a karmic and cosmic perspective, we must also know that what we send out to others, we will receive back. Negative thinking is a no-win scenario of the worst kind.

You Can Change It!

Thankfully, most people are victims of bad thought-forms only due to their complete ignorance. Knowledge provides the power to change everything.

The moment an unpleasant, obsessive, unproductive, fearful, depressed, hopeless, ugly, greedy, angry, hateful, condemnatory, jealous, wicked, injurious thought or mental out-picturing arises in your mind, immediately visualize this thought locked in a bubble of golden-white light and squeeze it until it evaporates in your mind. Say, “I negate and neutralize this idea and give it to Divine Light right NOW!” Then say, “Light, Love, Light!

Another technique is to immediately respond, “Good-bye, LIE!” and mentally whoosh your dark thought into the light of the sun.

Done as often as needed, these actions neutralize negative thought forms and render them harmless. It won’t take long, if you practice this, before your thoughts become rarified and positive on a regular basis. It is an outstanding remedy for those caught up in negative thinking and helps to heal states of feeling depressed.

This will change your life. When enough people become aware, it will change the world.

If you need further help with energy issues in your  life, I’m here to help! I will do an authentic, clairvoyant energy assessment and give you individual guidance about clearing bad energy out of your life. Working together, we can help you fill your life with the good stuff!

May beautiful thoughts belong to you, and beauty abound in your life!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Power of Thought Forms: What Are You Doing to Your Life?

We have explained in other articles on My Spirit Care about the importance of cleansing the aura to remove bad energy and maintain balance of the spiritual, emotional and physical bodies. Another equally important aspect of keeping oneself psychically clean is to think good thoughts and negate bad ones so they do not commit damage in our own lives or the lives of other beings.

That old saying “Thoughts are things” isn’t just an adage! It’s true that thoughts are things. More precisely, they are thought-forms, very real energetic constructs that you create by thinking. They are part of your auric body, although they are often mobilized to go great distances across the material barriers that limit physical form.

For example, when you have an intense moment of thinking loving thoughts about your child who is away at summer camp, a corresponding thought form will be created that contains the energy of your feelings. Made of light, colored according to the frequency and energized by your focus on your child, this lovely formation of light will rush out from you through the miles and attach to a corresponding, resonant field in your child’s aura. He/she will feel Mother’s love from afar, because it has come in the form of a flying hug. The love bounces back, as well, reinforcing the loving energies within you, increasing your own capacity to be a loving person.

The more love you give, the more love you will get.

This is the reason the wise have spoken about Love being the greatest protector. We can offer shields of protection to others with our love because of thought- forms.

Negative thoughts, on the other hand, are not a gift we like to receive and should never be given to another. These cause psychic injuries—and more—and like a boomerang, will come back to injure the sender. I’m sure you’ve heard the old stories of how tomb raiders of the Pyramids had bad things happen to them because of ancient curses. Scientific-minded people would have you believe this was due to suggestion, but in fact the Egyptians whose duty was to protect the Pyramids were masters at the creation of negative thought-forms. Those explorers who were susceptible by reason of their own auric weaknesses would experience “bad luck” from negative thought-forms that attached to their auras. Not nice at all, very nasty.

 Schematic of a Thought-Form

It would not be possible to provide an encyclopedia of what thought-forms look like because they are a lot like snowflakes: under general conditions, no two are exactly alike. Sometimes they are complex designs and sometimes they are lines, arrows, zigzags, clouds, balls, and boxes. They can look like creatures, spirals, thunderbolts, and architecture. Anyone who has looked through a kaleidoscope has had a little demonstration in how some thought forms can appear to the clairvoyant eye and how these change rapidly into something else.

They are made of living light, just like you, and there is no example in the third dimensional world that is adequate to compare their appearance.

Thought-form shapes and colors reflect the quality of the thought that made them. The pictures with this article are two dimensional drawings (made by a 3rd dimensional person!) of hyperdimensional thought forms, so while the rendition is not perfect, it will give you an idea of what they look like to the relatively few clairvoyants who can see them. The greater the intellect or the stronger the focus, the more defined their construct. The more lovely the thought, the more beautiful its form.

Public Enemy Number One: Negative Thought-Forms!

It takes an especially trained Third Eye to know what thought forms mean or represent. Positive thought forms, which arise with positive thinking, are very desirable. We all want those around us! But negative thought forms are more common to the fearful human condition and silently wreck havoc in our lives. They are created by obsessive, reckless or negative thinking and they breed like an orgy of cockroaches!! Bad thought-forms create more compulsively negative thoughts and behaviors that continue to multiply in receiving and resonant  energy fields.

What some in science call a “meme” and what sociologists call “mob mentality” a clairvoyant calls a thought-form. Truly, we are defining a mind virus. And yes, it is imminently real AND viral.

On a broad social level, repeated similar thoughts (sparked by mass belief) make thought forms larger and more intrusive, influencing things like public policy. Ever-increasing and fanatic religious fervor is an example of how thought- forms infect populations, or even how incompetent people gain positions of power, when no person “in their right mind” would support them. Powerful thought-forms created through ad campaigns and media hype push their way past reason and override conscious decision-making. The injury to society from negative thought-forms is beyond reckoning: the effects are seen, but not the energy that causes it.

The really good news is that we can cure the damage done by negative thoughts. In our next  My Spirit Care post, we will explain how toClean Negative Thought Forms from Your Aura and Feel Good Again.” Don’t miss it!

As always, when you need our psychic advice to eliminate negative and bad energy from your life, or when you need a clairvoyant psychic reading or clairvoyant energy  assessment to understand what energies are around you and what to do about it, we are here to help you.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clairvoyant Sight into the Spirit World

In my years of work as a clairvoyant, my clients ask me what “The Other Side” is really like. Most are surprised to learn that the Spirit World is very much like our own, except that truth and love reign supreme and reality is created at the speed of thought.

A consultation I gave for a client years ago is an excellent example of the parallels between the spirit world and this one. When I was clairvoyant viewing for this client, a twelve-year-old girl came to me, accompanied by her Spirit Guide. The little girl was very excited to talk to me, wanting to let her mother know that she liked it over there very much, that she was in school, had many friends and a former family dog. But most of all…most of all…she smiled for me very big, revealing the braces on her teeth. Her message was most urgent: “Be sure to tell Mommy that I got my braces!!”

The woman for whom I was reading broke down immediately in ecstatic tears. Although I had absolutely no prior knowledge of her daughter before the session began, her mother told me that this child was killed in a car accident while going to the orthodontist, on her way to a brace-fitting appointment.

Now, a rational person could ask me, “Why would she go to school in the Spirit World? Without a physical body, why would she have braces?”

Before I answer that, let’s peek behind the veil at what the Spirit World looks like and what people who have crossed over do to “entertain” themselves. Since they don’t sit on clouds and play the harp, then what do they do with their “time?”

It’s hard for us in this world to understand, but there is no time in the spirit world; or any clocks, calendars, or dates. This is a timeless dimension. Spirits do not contend with issues of time and all but the most advanced do not even understand it anymore. Many of the facets of earthly life have become like a dream to them.

Speaking of spiritual dreams, the way for you to begin to understand timelessness is by recalling your physical dreams. Time, during dreaming events, is often blurred and nonsensical. Example: In a dream, you can be in one certain place and another place a thousand miles away in a mere instant. And, you can be in the year 2011 and suddenly find yourself dreaming you are in another time period, without any sequence of time happening.  This happens because in dreamtime, you can tap into the Reality outside of linear time, where time does not exist and all potentialities exist together. As in your dreams, the Greater Reality–the spiritual foundation of our existence–operates with thought or the expression of Consciousness and all events that occur in a physical timeline happen at once in an instant.

Even though there is no time on the Other Side, no schedules, no limits, there is an infinite array of things to do, to be, and to experience. How this plays out for the individual who crosses over will depend on the level of his/her consciousness and the entrenched beliefs that splay from the root of that person’s awareness and their spiritual development achieved during the physical lifetime.

In the Spirit World, what we believe and what we expect is what we will get. Consciousness, and the beliefs that give rise to perceptions and experience, are the builders of reality in the Spirit World.

The child with braces on her teeth needed a seamless transition in order to adjust to the sudden shock of crossing. Her consciousness was focused on receiving braces at the moment of her passing. Her Guides, ever loving and immensely wise, assisted her with the construction of a reality that was comfortable and familiar for her upon her sudden transition and separation from the physical reality. Her personalized Spirit reality also assisted her mother, at her level of consciousness; to have the assurance her daughter was perfectly happy and well-cared for.

In the Spirit World there are vistas of indescribable beauty. The colors are alive with light and vibrant to an exquisite degree. People go fishing (if they loved to do so in physical life) and they walk their beloved dogs who crossed over before. They eat wonderful food, can make love and create music; because, this is the Paradise of lore. People generally assume the appearance of a physical age where they were the most comfortable and happy during their physical life, or to be recognized most easily by loved ones on earth.

Because consciousness and personal development shape the reality one experiences when crossing over, those with a more negative consciousness will experience situations that reflect their mindset and the energy emissions that were prevalent in earthly life. Some might call this Hell, although there is no such place taught by religions about eternal suffering in fire and brimstone. While these can be very unpleasant experiences, once the inner Light and the love of their being is recognized, the negative, frightening, and darker side of spiritual existence will evaporate and those persons are then lifted by their Spirit Guides into the higher frequency of proverbial Paradise.

The state of a person’s consciousness or the purity of their aura will determine their initial experience when crossing over. Some will experience Jesus, or Buddha, or the Virgin Mary: some will see Joseph Smith, Apollo, Shiva, or any other representation of their religious/philosophical convictions when they first arrive on the Other side. The early stages of spiritual existence are keyed to what we believe to be true. And no matter what people believe to be real; whether they see a red devil with a pitchfork, Biblical scenes, Muslim virgins, or a foggy “nothing,” every person that crosses over to the Other Side will share the common reality of a Life Review.

In the Life Review, one experiences–first person–the emotions, effects, and experiences that their actions caused other people to feel and experience during their physical life. Based on the intentions and actions of their lifetime, this can either be a hellish or illuminating experience. Most people experience a mixture of happiness and pain, as average people are neither “saints” nor “sinners,” exclusively.

Heaven is the Other Side. Everyone goes there on physical death. This is the place where the truth about one’s self becomes glaringly evident and for those who suffer from darkened consciousness, it can seem like less than Heaven until their awareness shifts into a realization of love: self-love and love for others. In the state of unconditional Divine Love, we are destined to know great peace, joy, and overflowing love while we are prepared to undertake yet another life, wherein our spiritual quest for full Spiritual Awakening and enlightenment will continue.

At MySpiritCare, you can gain spiritual insight into the purpose of your life. We can help you on your path!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Mysterious Love: A Call to Look Deeper

In spite of all the practical advice about relationships, there can be relationships in our lives that defy logic. You love someone you can’t have, you love someone who does not reciprocate, you love someone that by conventional standards is not a good choice, you are in a love triangle romance, you have deep feelings about someone you barely know. These kinds of circumstances give rise to great dilemmas in one’s life, calling upon the universal principles of choice and free will like nothing else can.

These are situations of great significance for personal and spiritual growth. They are difficult love situations that challenge our beliefs about life and about love, even the meaning of religion or God. We need to know that not all of these relationships are meant to become partnerships in this life, but they are all meant to teach us something important about ourselves.

It’s unfortunate that many people are not allowed by their religions to consider the possibility of reincarnation. In other words, some conventional belief systems do not allow for an understanding of life’s cosmic nature…that we are so very much more than we are told, that there is so much reason to the “why’s” of our lives.

As a clairvoyant who sees auras and other energies clearly, I can tell you that not only are you a body and a brain that gives rise to a working mind of thought and belief…you are Light, color, energy, and spirit!! Behind the form that you think is you, you are eternal Consciousness itself and you have lived a very, very long time!

Past life recognition of a person who was significant to you is inevitable at some time in your current life. If one is unsure about the bigger picture of existence he or she may feel mystified or even troubled about an unspoken sense of connection felt with another, often upon a first meeting, because there is no current memory — no logical reason.

If this was a significant relationship in a past life, the feelings from the previous experience can carry over into this lifetime. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that feelings can speak a truth that the brain of the current body does not remember? You feel these things because of energetic connections between you and the other spirit (person) and this Consciousness does not need a physical brain to be aware.

The experience of true, mysterious love is Divinity in action, but you will be called upon to make wise and conscious decisions about the place it has in your life. At My Spirit Care, we are here to help you understand these experiences, whether through psychic readings or spiritual coaching, and to help you get through them.

So whatever joy and pain love brings your way in this life, it’s most important to know that when you don’t look for what you can get from love, love will fill your cup to overflowing. That’s the biggest mystery of all.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Angels & Guides: What the Retail Myth Does Not Reveal

Angels! What a beautiful word for the most wondrous, powerful and sacred of Beings!

I have to be straight with you about angels because of the deep reverence I hold for them…what I will write here is not the retail angel information you’ve heard elsewhere. Writers, publishers, “teachers” and others have popularized angels in our spiritually hungry culture. Many people who claim to know a great deal about angels are recognized by those with clairvoyant sight to not be the experts they profess to be. Money talks, and since the sight of an angel is not readily available, it’s easy to profit by claiming to know all about them, building entire careers on peppy, feel-good angel mythology.

Angel experiences are profoundly sacred, highly personal and…I speak frankly… very unique to the individual. Mainstream angel dogma presents us with an image of angels that look like gorgeous human females in “way beautiful” gowns who live in the clouds and model makeup for Mabelline.

I’m sorry, but the princess/fairy/angel/archetype is not accurate. We can choose to believe it because it’s fun, or just because we are products of a society that sadly equates physical beauty with goodness. We even may experience seeing something that appears like a limited edition angel something-or-other, but one must come to understand that spiritual experiences—human interaction with the cosmic energy soup—is shaped by human belief and what we expect to see.

Angels are a vast order of immense energy Beings that uphold Divine Intention throughout existence…and stand at the ready to help other beings achieve a state of Grace and Protection in times of great and exceptional need. When truly needed, they do respond and do so instantly.

Angels are cosmic servants of incalculable inter-dimensional responsibility, not solely concerned with our planet and its life forms. And truly, angels don’t have human names…they have a tone, a frequency as an identifier.

Although often confused with personal spiritual Guides and despite what some claim, angels are not really there to manage every second of your life, like getting you a parking place. Despite what humans crave to believe, the entire cosmos does not revolve around us and our egotistical needs. Fact is, when we finally get that, when we finally understand the Divinity within that we are meant to step into…that is when higher frequency beings of existence begin to mentor and assist us as we dedicate our lives to the service of others. Only when we learn the purpose of life is not about the little self, can we hope to resonate with the frequencies of service that angels abide.

Although many will claim they have a famous angel as their personal guide, did you know that when it comes to Divine guidance, it’s not the title or name that counts? It’s the quality and truth of the guidance that reveals what’s behind it. Divine angels don’t have an egotistic interest in throwing their “names” around and they don’t try to get credit for helping us. They are most discreet. The Energy that we humans call Archangel Michael is very real and is a mighty cosmic protector who loves us all…but has no interest in impressing us with lofty words.

As I sometimes need to explain during readings as a psychic clairvoyant at My Spirit Care, many beings from the spiritual side of existence are often mistaken for angels. When it comes to the real helpers, though, your daily protection and moment-to-moment existence is managed from the other side of this life by what is known in metaphysical shop talk as “Spirit Guides.”

Divine Spirit Guides assist you from the realm of a spiritual reality nearer to the frequency of the physical world than angels. They are beings with whom you have consented to their help during this lifetime and it is a Divine contract that you have with them.  Many Guides have lived as humans before and they fully understand what it’s like to be in this plane of existence. They know your path in this lifetime. Often their guidance comes through thought, an idea, a gut feeling or a quick impulse that averts you from danger or a poor choice.

It’s important to know that when any human has a connection to non-human intelligence, and this includes Spirit guidance, the person must evaluate the guidance with discernment. Like angels, Divine Guides are never egotistical and they will never prompt you to injure another being in any way. Although there are spiritual intelligences that will lead you down a hurtful path, or flatter and expertly deceive, your Divine Guides never will. They will give you feelings of love, peace and comfort.  They are present to lift you up and teach you the lessons of love, humility, self-empowerment and truth.

That which is Divine, is Simple Truth. Peace. Love. Hope. Protection for all. Your Divine Guides are the ones who watch over you every second! So, even though the cosmic order of angels may not be at your beck and call, your Divine Guides are. Because of their abiding presence, you can know that no matter what, you are perfectly loved and you are never alone.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

An Inside Peek: Behind the Eye of a Clairvoyant

A clairvoyant is sometimes called a psychic, but these are not interchangeable terms. A psychic is not often a clairvoyant, although the term is used about as often as “closeout” is used in selling cars! In the truest sense, clairvoyants have clairvoyance, or “clear-seeing.” This is nothing like the perfect 20-20 vision of the physical eyes, for it is a spiritual faculty that views the spiritual reality through which our material existence has taken the appearance of form.

In order to “clear see” a clairvoyant utilizes the “eye behind the eyes,” called the Third Eye in the mystical traditions. This is an energetic eye that is able to envision unseen energies that interpenetrate the physical world.

It is absolutely and utterly true that everything is made up of energy and in fact, what we perceive and believe to be a material thing is not solid at all! (More on that in upcoming posts.) To explain unseen spiritual energy,  picture for a moment an ordinary table lamp.

The electricity, or energy, that gives the lamp its light is invisible. The light that happens when you turn it on is not the electricity itself, but the evidence of it. While we don’t question the invisible realms of electricity or radar or microwave or infrared, we aren’t well informed about other energies that are the basis for all matter. Times, however, are changing and it’s a good thing to catch up with new science, which supports the truth that everything is energy. A clairvoyant can see some of that…each clairvoyant will have different abilities and a range of (limited) frequencies that can be accessed.

Clairvoyant sight does not make the one who has it infallible, nor does it make them special. Everyone has a Third Eye even though most don’t know about it, let alone how to use it. Like any ability, it is developed with intention, discipline, and to put it to proper use, a commitment to serve Divine potential.

I can tell you that the awe of seeing the energetic matrix, or web, of life never leaves me, for the Light of spirit is more beautiful than anything in this world! Upon that energy and light, all matter is brought into being. It is amazing, for instance, to witness a thought form…that energetic, often geometric, construct we create each time we think. The more focused and uplifting the thought, the more fabulous and beautiful the thought form…and the more incredible the reality it makes.

It is a privilege and a responsibility to have the gift of sight in this way, but most of all it is an incredible amazement and joy.

At one time in our very ancient history, people were commonly clairvoyant. In those times, it was impossible to tell a lie!!! –Can you imagine what the world would be like today, if the habit of lying were useless? If you can envision Utopia, perfection, or the proverbial Garden of Eden, you got it right!

As we build our spiritual connections and grow in understanding and ability, we can develop some degree of clairvoyance. Like all gifts, there are the minimally talented and the maestros…but everyone has a Third Eye and everyone can be developed to use it, under the proper circumstances.

We teach the development of the Third Eye here at My Spirit Care. For us, the greatest thing in this world that we can do is to help you achieve your greatest potential, to get you started on your personal path to seeing what you are meant to see. We know that you no longer have to “walk in the dark” when you learn to see in the dark.

Namaste, and blessings.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Meditate This: Loving Yourself…Do You Know How?

Have you noticed that in most talk about spiritual enlightenment there isn’t a whole lot of discussion about love?

There are discussions about spiritual techniques, about the (mysterious) love of God, about being detached and objective, even about aliens from space coming to save us and the planet, from ourselves.

There’s a lot of fancy language and a myriad of beliefs about what’s spiritual. Compared to all the claims, all the “do’s” and “don’ts,” you will not hear that much about the word “love” or what that means, exactly. In fact, people get a little uncomfortable with that word unless it is used in the most superficial way; just as they are sometimes secretly uncomfortable or suspicious when another person behaves in a loving way towards them.

And then there’s this: people often have ideas about who is okay to love, and who isn’t. There is so much bias, fear, misunderstanding, and woundedness charged around the interpretation of love that the last thing many people ever think about is loving themselves.

Although most of us have heard,  “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and most try to live up to the “love thy neighbor” part, we don’t give “love thyself” a second thought. It gets lost in what seems to be the first imperative, when loving one’s  neighbor isn’t the first imperative at all! Let’s translate the sentence so you can understand what it says: “Love yourself and love your neighbor the same.” Ah, yes, that’s it.

I tell you that I have given at least 15,000 clairvoyant/psychic readings in my long career (I stopped counting after that) and the biggest problem that people grapple with is a love of themselves. “So what?” you ask, “Why does that matter?”

It matters because self-love is the bedrock foundation of a meaningful and happy life and there can be no real love in our lives without it. Period. It matters because nothing in the universe can save us from ourselves until and unless we understand the real meaning of love, and that starts with self-love first.

This is not about conceit, which is being in love with yourself. The difference between loving yourself and being in love with yourself is that the first is a powering up of the spiritual life force; and the second, is to be centered in egotistical narcissism.

Now while it may be true that “giving is better than receiving,” it is crucial we fill up our emotional warehouse with self-love, first. Otherwise, we’ll be giving from deep-down emptiness and that can make one more unhappy, tired, and depressed. When it gets right down to it, how can you give something away that you don’t even have?

Relationships forged between two people with no self-love have a bleak outlook. Often, for all the effort we put into failed relationships that are not really based on love, we end up thinking there is something wrong with us, that somehow we have failed. Truth is, most often there was no real love there to start with; truth is, one or both partners did not have self-love. (It may have felt like love…but that’s a subject for another post.)

I’m amazed at what treatment a man or woman will put up with when they would not sanction someone to treat their best friend in the same way. Often  they wouldn’t want someone they love to suffer with the situation they willingly subject themselves to, only because they never give a second thought to self love.

There’s some pop psychology out there about “women who love too much.” Now while we need awareness about the tendency people have for destructive self-sacrifice, there really isn’t such a thing as “loving too much.” For in truth, love is an infinite force: it’s what life is made from. No, the problem isn’t “loving too much,” the problem is that we don’t know what love really is!!!

The understanding of what love is starts inside, with a feeling connection to your own true heart. And while love itself is an infinite force that is difficult to describe, we can describe the indicators of its presence in our lives.

As far as the most important obligation of loving yourself, the following are indicators that you do:

  1. You don’t need constant reinforcement from someone else that you are loved.
  2. You require respect from others the same as you give.
  3. You forgive yourself for mistakes and practice self-understanding.
  4. You allow and honor your own personal beliefs and viewpoints. Your inner voice is not a teacher, parent, or preacher, telling you how or what to be.
  5. You trust yourself.
  6. You take enough time for your own needs and have a healthy, creative inner life.
  7. You are thoughtful and wise about your choices and the impact they will have on your own personal well-being.
  8. You are comfortable being alone.
  9. You feel inner support, or self-confidence, because you stand with yourself in life.
  10. You are kind to yourself in thought and deed.

If you didn’t answer many affirmatives on the list, don’t despair. Self love is not an easy thing to learn because most people weren’t taught about that. In fact, their parents didn’t know about it, either. That’s because we live in a world where truth is not premium, but the imitation of it is everywhere.

So, the next time you find yourself engaging in self-criticism or other unloving thoughts and emotions, on one of those days you’re being hard on yourself, just look in the mirror and say right out loud,

“Be Patient! I’m not finished with me yet!”

And then from My Spirit Careto you…give yourself a great big hug!