Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

How to Be Free of Other People’s Bad Energy

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleWhy is it that some people make you feel awful just by being around them? Often, it’s an energy thing. Their energy field can bring you down.

Worse, it can happen that their bad energy follows you. It clings to you. You can’t seem to shake the creepy or depressed feelings or the physical symptoms–like cold skin or a dull headache–that come from having been near them.

When I was young, I knew a woman who was an invasive hugger, but what she gave others with her hugs wasn’t the warm fuzzies! She gave ice. Auric ice. She made me cold to my core, and from the tip of every hair to the center of every cell. An energy vampire of expert skill, she drained the life force from everyone she touched and she did it as often as she could reach out and grab another warm body. Sometimes the energy ice would last for hours, and many years later, when I saw her for the last time, she was still vampirizing the life force out of everyone around her.

Learn to Energetically Recognize Yourself from “Other”

People who are spiritually sensitive are more subject to noticeable symptoms, but everyone can be affected by another person’s bad energy even when they’re not aware of it. Many of our readers are empathetic, good people who feel the emotions of other people and the energies of places. Empathic people pick up other people’s feelings and physical problems very easily, and if they don’t know better they can perceive someone else’s energy as their own. One of my clients told me this story:

“I went to my next door neighbor’s house to visit an elderly woman, to offer consolation after the passing of her mother. I hugged her and immediately I got this overwhelming dull, sick headache! She left the room and while I was wondering what was wrong with me, her daughter came up and said, ‘Poor mama! She gets these terrible sick headaches when she gets upset!’ I was blown away to realize I was feeling my neighbor’s headache!”

By being aware of your own aura, you are taking the first step to manage the energies you allow, or don’t allow, into your life. Mindfulness is the key, awareness is the answer. You have your own energy signature. No one else is the same as you in this way. By taking the time and awareness to feel your own consciousness, you are tuning into what is “you” so then, you will also be aware of what is “not you.”

Some people, maybe you, reading this have felt the presence of a departed loved one or another spirit at some time. How is this possible, that you can recognize the presence and identity of a spirit? You can do this because every being has a unique energetic frequency; you included, that is unmistakable. When you become aware of your own Light body, aura, or energetic frequency, (all interchangeable terms) you will no longer confuse your own energy with someone else’s.

Be prepared, though. Keeping your own energy up and vibrant and free of other people’s negativity requires a conscious, deliberate, disciplined effort. It’s an easy choice, really, because by doing so you will experience what it is to feel truly alive, and truly free. Joy and freedom, spiritual, mental, physical health and aliveness to your core is what you will get.

These are the rewards of one who will consciously work to honor and protect their own sacred space, their auric boundaries.

Walk in a Bubble of Light Daily

At the start of each day, before you leave the sanctuary of your home or room, have a Light Bubble meditation exercise, or any one of the exercises mentioned on this site that places a Light barricade around your own aura. Reinforce this in your mind during the day, and especially when contact with undesirable energies can’t be avoided.

Use Discernment about Physical Contact

Most people, unaware of spiritual reality, have auras that are open and defenseless against invasion by other energies. When they have indiscriminate contact with others, such as hugging out of mere politeness, they are vulnerable to unwanted energetic exchange.

Likewise, many people don’t know there is no such thing as “casual sex.” During sexual activity, the aura is wide open and vulnerable to whatever energies are attached to the other person. Many a person has acquired negative energy, which adversely affects their life, from one-night stands and a “friendship” with “benefits.”

While this is a spiritual truth and a practical fact that is not popular in a culture that prides itself in sexual liberation, not all that is called “progress” is truly progress! If you are going to have sex with an essential stranger (someone you have not entered into a commitment with and that you do not really know that well) then the use of conscious auric protection is essential, even though this won’t be enough over the long haul. The only answer is: if you can’t have heart-centered sex with someone you truly know and truly love, don’t!

Make an Energetic Safety Zone When You Are Around People in Trouble

There are wonderful people in this world who like to take in stray puppies…and stray people. They step up to the plate to help troubled folk, which is noble, but not all people in need of a helping hand are good for you to be around. There are safe ways to help, and there are personal boundaries. Opening your life, your wallet, your house, your most personal spaces to the refugees of the world also opens your aura to an assortment of energies you may not be prepared to deal with. When you offer help of this nature, be mindful of the energies that are you and the energies that belong to the other person and keep your energetic boundaries intact.

Whenever you have involvement with people who are seriously ill, have drug addictions, alcoholic problems, psychological imbalances, psychopathic, neurotic, or severely dysfunctional behaviors, know that these beings have energies that need cleansing and you should use auric protection around yourself, otherwise you may find yourself having to deal with negative energy that has been transferred to you.

Choose Your Friends and Associates Wisely

Fact is, there are people you just should not be around! Period! Every person has their own level of tolerance and their own soul mission with regard to other people. Some of you have spiritual connections that need to be worked out with people who are challenging to be around. But remember this: never, ever are you expected by the Divine to take on other people’s energies!! Learn “self” from “other” and keep your own space sacred and inviolate. This is your spiritual duty to yourself.

Toxic relationships happen. The people you should minimize or eliminate contact with will give you certain feelings and experiences. Stay away from people who:

  1. Make you feel drained, exhausted, or give you unpleasant physical symptoms like aches, palpitations, chills, upset stomach, etc.
  2. Talk incessantly about themselves, their problems, gossip about others or dwell on negative or morbid subjects.
  3.  Demean you in any way whatsoever.
  4. Try to control you or boss you excessively.
  5. Engage in any form of deceit.
  6. Rage on about other people, their bad relationships, using hate terms and ugly or profane language.
  7. Try to pry information out of you or otherwise invade your privacy without your consent or request.

Know When to Leave and When Not to Look Back

Let’s face it: too often you keep people in your life that don’t belong there because they make you feel bad. Do something about that. You are in charge. Whether it’s a friend, family member, neighbor, whoever: if the relationship does not lift you up or contribute good things to your life, leave it! And don’t look back.

Time for a Look in the Mirror

We can’t end this article without mentioning that life often sends to us what we put out; meaning, if you want good energy from others, give good energy! Many a time I have found that those who complain the most about the bad energy of others are dripping with it, themselves! If this is a frequent problem in your life, it may be time for a good energetic cleaning within yourself, first.

By being positive and loving yourself, you are establishing a strong aura that is far less vulnerable to incoming negative energy. Like attracts like, and that’s a fact. If you are having a problem with attracting the wrong kind of people into your life and it’s been a pattern, it’s time to take the opportunity for self-reflection this brings to you. Everything in your life is geared to help you grow spiritually, and having a good attitude about bad experiences is a good way to get your life on track! 🙂

Auric and Energy Cleansing Methods

Yes, I’ll say it again: a daily spiritual practice to envision and protect your auric Light Body is absolutely essential to keeping bad energy out! Also, when you’ve had some form of contact with someone who has upset you or made you feel bad in some way; take a bath with ½ cup of salt added to it! This is your first remedy and will soothe superficial damage to your energy field.

When energetic interference from bad energy goes deeper, meditation and “decording” (which is a spiritual action of cutting cords between energy fields) can be needed. Emotional counseling may be needed to break toxic relationships apart, and certainly inner work to strengthen a healthy sense of self is almost always a necessary step toward healing.

And of course, when you need help resolving issues with bad energies from other people, it’s probably time to talk to me. I will do a clairvoyant energetic assessment and provide personal guidance relative to your situation. You can have a good life, free from the draining and damaging effects of negative energy!

If this post has been of help and assistance to you, great! Diana offers these valuable insights from her heart and with the highest intentions to be of service to you and to all. She gives freely. Please consider completing the beautiful energy exchange with her by donating if you found this article helpful. Thank you.

228 replies on “How to Be Free of Other People’s Bad Energy”

How can you tell your aura has changed for the better? Is it a good sign if you don’t feel a desire to involve yourself in other people’s emotional state? I had a relationship with someone that lasted five years on and off. When ever we would be together for the first 5 or 6 months it would be good and then due to the petty bickering and emotional trip he would have being mean, arrogant and haughty complaining about me not being appreciative of him and him saying he didn’t believe I cared about the relationship it would drive a wedge between us. It would usually come after a disagreement between us. He would feel like I had no right to think differently than he do that I would have to agree and accept his way of dealing with things, I would go numb. Then I would be convinced that maybe I didn’t love him as much as he love me. I would break up with him and five to six months later we would be back together because I would remember the good times and we would communicate. This happened 3 times. The final time was a month ago, he and I broke up because of a decision he didn’t want to comply with on my behalf. It wasn’t anything unreasonable. My brother is living at my house. My brother was explaining to me how uncomfortable he felt about my ex coming around when I wasn’t home. He would go into the house and my brother would have no clue he would be coming. My brother said it made him uncomfortable. I didn’t know that he was coming over when I wasn’t there. I was surprised to hear it but I asked my ex to call before coming if I wasn’t there. He became so angry that he took all of his stuff from my house and said my brother didn’t have to worry about him being there anymore. I felt like since he took his stuff he should have just given me my key. There is more stuff I can elaborate on but I don’t want to. Just that after that relationship I feel no desire to get mixed up with anyone who creates drama because they have issues within themselves.

Hmmm….not sure what you’re asking, here. How can you tell your aura has changed for the better? Don’t worry what your aura looks like because 99% of the people around you can’t see it anyway. What might concern you, is how you are progressing in your personal relationships, which is revealed in the aura (that most people can’t see) but that you experience in your as life as a state of harmony, or a life in chaos.
The best way you can tell if you have stopped engaging in drama is probably when you get to the point you can’t talk/write about it in such detail. The bottom line for you is: “Too much drama. I’m outta here” long before the saga unfolds, like it already has. So, good for you to make this pledge to yourself. Now, don’t talk about it anymore and you’re half-way there! Keep it up! Thanks for writing!

I work closely with a coworker who’s energy is extremely negative. She is constantly complaining about her personal life, likes talking about herself, puts others down, and asks too many personal questions. It’s extremely difficult to tune her out as I have to work with her on a daily basis. She’s very forceful with how she gets personal information and at the end of the conversation I somehow always find myself telling her more than I actually want. I noticed in the past three years her negativity has drained my mind, body and soul. I constantly get tons of migraines and at times I feel really uneasy to be around her. I have always been a positive person, but lately I feel like her negativity brings me down and I am becoming miserable. I have never dealt or been around a person who has such control of my environment. I try so hard to ignore her and be patient but there’s times that I can’t stand to be around her. I want to work in a environment that’s free of judgment and negativity…Any advice would be appropriated. Thank you!

I like you .I feel that you are wonderful person who is healing ones who are reading this. thank you. .there is so much of positivity which can be sensed. Feeling relieved and light…you have healed me.thank you

Hi diana
I used to be best friends with this person for about 3 years.but over the past 6 months whenever im around her or start talking to her i feel so uncomfortable and negative. Like every cell in my body is repelled from her .its so hard to explain this to others because no one seems to get it normal ?

Well, Sanju, my dear, things happen. People drift apart. I assume you don’t know the reason for the change in your feelings because you don’t mention that. Don’t try to compare your feelings with what you consider “normal” but pay attention to what you feel and accept it. Things change. She’s changed. You’ve changed. Don’t force a friendship when the feelings are no longer there. Be polite, don’t talk to others about it, and graciously let her go and move on with your life. This is a lesson for you in life, a part of growing up. “BFF” or “Best Friends Forever” is a youthful ideal but not realistic because people change over time, including the way they feel about each other.

Hi Diana
I do my best thing be kind and non judgmental
To others . However I seem to be repulsive like
I repel others who either stay away or are mean to
Me I feel I am the classic kid in school that someone
Will tape a Kick me sign to , and no one will tell
Me . It seems the more I try to defy the negativity,
The harder people kick.
I was a physically, sexually and emotionally abused
As a child
I’m also empathic and can feel people thoughts
About me.
Many time those those thoughts are rage and
And rise above the negativity the harder people
Will kick
I’m pretty determined and stubborn. I won’t back
But my heart breaks that I get treated like this.
Can u help me…. thank you and bless you for your kindness

Thank you, Louise, for your tender trust. I hope to earn it by helping as much as I can in a limited forum with limited information. <3

It's perfectly natural to want love and acceptance and kindness, but far too often we look for those things in the wrong places. We seek kindness and acceptance from those who are profane, those people who are not deserving to interact with us because they offer no respect or warmth. We've made the mistake of looking for love in all the wrong places.

Human beings are often cruel and judgmental, unloving and callous. It is a problem for us, though, if that is all that we are able to see in others or when that becomes our primary experience. We've engaged in harmful associations. In many cases, harmful associations from our past have followed us forward and have become a lens, the perceptive filter, through which we now look at others and the world at large.

You say, "I’m also empathic and can feel people thoughts about me." Hmmmmm.....are you absolutely certain of that? You cannot be certain of that!!! Feelings are not the same as facts. Just because you think and/or feel something doesn’t make it so, “empathic” or not. Our idea of what it is to be empathic is highly subjective and given what you are suffering, it’s time to question your certainty about what people think about you. Don’t be so sure about what you think/”feel” they are thinking!!! Allow that this is your perceptual filter deceiving you.

Secondly, a fact of life is that not everyone is going to like you, even when you want them to–and, SO WHAT?!! How many people know you WELL ENOUGH to have either rage or disgust about you?? –Have you DONE anything to illicit such powerful negative feelings–such as mass murder, for instance? Truth is, 99.999% of people could care less about you because they have a million other things on their self-centered minds…mostly themselves. It isn’t all about you.

It’s also interesting that in this segment of your post, you write in poetry style, with these words emphasized through their placement: “As a child”, “About me.”, “Disgust”, “Will kick”, “Down”. Early life experiences such as yours are bound to taint your self-esteem and your sense of relationship with the world. Begin to consider that your perceptions are colored by those early, very painful experiences. Your first step toward peace, healing, and loving relationships begins with your realization that things are not what they seem to be, that your life as you experience it today may a hold-over from past experiences. When you see life through the lens of the past, then the past may repeat itself because you are cycling through the same emotions.

How I would love to tell you that the human society respects and protects innocence! But I cannot, because it does not. Your job is to recognize cruelty without becoming cruel and without being crushed by cruelty, but rather to be “wise” while continuing on with your pure heart. Be who you are, at your best, but protect the best within you. Do not seek out love in those who cannot give it, and turn your face into the sun of hope, right relationships, and expanding self-esteem. When you love yourself, learn respect for self, and can still see the world as a place where your heart and soul is not meant to be offered up to anyone except those who will honor and treasure you…only those worthy of you will be able to enter the holy place that is your heart and soul.

Don’t be stubborn about anything. Be strong, and be unmoved with inner strength, but not stubborn in your insistence to gain acceptance from those who are not worthy of you.

Seek counseling from a transpersonal therapist for deeper healing and guidance. Living in this world requires that you never give up, but that you are wise enough to bend gracefully in the raging storms, without breaking. Love to you.

This is a beautiful article. I am aware of being energy ‘vampired’ by a neighbour who walks past my apartment within 1 metre’s distance for the past 2 years. Because of intrusive actions I entered into conflict with him via official channels. This made the situation so much worse. The negativity is so severe I am often crying and his ex wife gets completely buried in the same feeling. It has taken over both of our lives. He does not leave the mind. This is the part I am yet to get around – feeling so out of control of what is happening in my own head! His ‘drain’ has crushed us. I believe in the tactics you are talking of. I need to get positive. Currently I am adding water features and prayer flags and security cameras at the front of the home. I am a woman living alone at the end of a dark footpath and next to a huge spare block that the man enters and builds intrusive structures on that look into my garden. Thank you, Diane 🙂 I appreciate the kind gesture of reaching out to answer your reader’s comments X


Thanks for this very informative article! In fact,it’s the best answer for a question that was haunting me for a long time.
Years back,I had a crush for a boy in my class.I shared my thoughts with him,but instead of rejecting me ,he said he need time. I was eagerly waiting for his reply.By this time,another girl came to the scenario. I came to know from my classmates that my crush proposed her and she accepted.With a heavy heart,I moved on.

But the problems started only after this.The boy deliberately tried to make chances to talk with me and attract me again. I never minded him.His girlfriend stared at me whenever she saw me,but I never cared.Slowly,I started dreaming about both of them at night.The mornings that followed gave me scorching pain in my head and tiredness! The very sight of them made me feel nausea….I couldn’t bear the sleepiness in my eyes.

I started developing diseases like diarrhoea and vomiting recurrently. I lost many classes…and I felt totally energy drained in their presence.They are still my classmates. I am afraid how to deal with these evil souls who drain my energy and direct negative energy to me…please help!

Meira, there are many articles here to help you, including this one. By the way, there is no such thing as an “evil soul”. All Souls are Divine. Try to see through people’s behavior–an expression of their personality construct–to see the Divinity within. Please work to see more good in life, in the people around you…don’t build all this up so dramatically. Consider the power of your own imagination and work to minimize your own negative projections. Develop a meaningful spiritual practice (articles on this website to get you started) and begin to see your pattern of dramatizing small things into bigger ones. Thanks for writing. Blessings, Peace, and Understanding come to you.

Hi There! Do you, or anyone reading here, have suggestions on how to deal with family that causes these feelings that you can’t cut out of your life? I am off for days after spending time with my Father-in-law but it’s not possible to excommunicate him. He is very close to my husband and I find that I’m feeling the same way around my husband after he is with my FIL, even if I wasn’t present or a part of their QT and/or conversations. It is getting to be quite difficult to deal with.

Wow, Jamie, you give me a lot to answer in a space that can’t match your needs. I have to recommend a live session, if you really want to solve this.

On a parting note, do you have and maintain a daily spiritual practice? You need one. In addition, there are many other articles on this site that can be of help to you. I hope you read them all.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

I stumbled on this post while googling “how to protect yourself from negative, evil people” I was hoping to find something proactive.
I have in the last month to 8 weeks gone through quiet the traumatic experience and although I’d experienced and seen red flag several times over the past few years the “friend” associated with this trauma I have finally cut off from completely including most who are associated with her. I am still receiving awful messages and texts that are really deeply hurting me, especially since they are coming from people who dont know the real story.
Ive blocked them all on social media in my phone and texts contacts but they are still getting through.
How can I completely cut myself off from all these horrible people. Moving is not an option and neither is changing my phone number unfortunately.
I want them to forget I exist like I’d like to forget they do.
I dont expect you to conduct miracles and erase the past but I hope you can help me in cutting any energetic ties or links and also help me protect my energy field and soul from them.

Hi, Lisa.
The article is pretty self-explanatory, as well as the information here,here, and here.Also, Lisa, other people don’t have all that much power over your energy if you will take command of yourself. The only way someone can influence your energy field is if you let them: so, stop thinking about them. Don’t be afraid or repulsed, either. Simply practice the peace of letting go firmly and stand in that. It doesn’t matter whether they think about your or not: what matters is that you have accepted your right to move on. Erase the texts and do not emotionally react. Stop the drama by ceasing to react to it. What’s done is done. Make it so in your own head and heart…you are strong enough to do this and if you are not, then this is an opportunity for you to learn how to be strong. Our thoughts and focus keep these ties alive. Clear them out of your head and stop your emotional charge. Simple. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

I’m sorry for you, I truly am, that you hold that opinion as an absolute fact. You may do that, of course, even though this belief will give you great suffering.

Do you even know what a Soul is? Hmmmm…..did “God” make Souls? Would “God” make an evil Soul? What is a Soul made of? If God made a Soul and did not make it evil, then what made it evil, exactly? Can the primary foundation of a life form change, can a sunflower turn into a cow? Does the fact that the physical, mortal, brain-originated personality can choose to do evil therefore cause the eternal, spiritual, energetic Soul of that person to be evil? Can you really declare that a Soul–which you cannot see, define, or know–is evil? Did a religious authority teach you that evil Souls go to Hell? –Is that it?

Some Souls appear in this physical world as human incarnations that perpetrate evil. But what a human being does, is not proof of what that person’s essence is. –Just because the garbage man handles filth for a living, doesn’t make the garbage man a filthy person.

There are spiritual, unseen, evil forces. They do not originate from human Souls but rather attempt to afflict them. In rare cases, these forces can appear to hold total sway over a human life. But until we have the Sight to see beyond the illusions that we hold as fact, we will all be subject to evil…even the best among us. Thankfully, though, your own Soul (despite its earthly evils) will remain a pure Divine Light, waiting through eons of time for you to discover and embrace the Divinity that lies deeply hidden within yourself ..and all others.

Thank you, Izzy, for taking the time to write. Blessings to you.

I’ve always been too empathetic and I remember stuations as early as 4 years old. I often feel when something or someone is not okay, even by the slightest look or word. I sometimes suffer in advance when I feel something less good is about too happen, and I suffer deeply even the loss of our four-pawed friends (for as long I can remember, I’ve always been this way). Yet, I didn’t know much about these energy fields, etc. I had read and heard something in the past but I never paid too much attention to it. I the last few years, I began to read a little more about the subject and to try to understand more as well. Things I used to do (and enjoy) are now difficult to accomplish and there are things I am aware I procrastinate (which I didn’t). I may have the intention to finish a project or part of it during a 3 or 4 days pause but, when the time comes, something generally happens: either with family members either with me. Normally, I get a terrible headache, or a stomach ache, or feel dizzy and with vertigo… I have no idea why it happens out of the blue, despite everything I read. Sometimes I even think that my husband’s energy has something to do with it. I may not be paying attention at all but as he enters the room, I feel it even before I notice his presence. Is this even possible? I tend to feel worse when we are together at home… I read about vampire people who drain us out… Well, it makes sense but what can I do? Not only he wouldn’t believe me as he would think I’m crazy… Any enlightment on this would really help. thank you.

Sue, you are in need of empathy discipline and a daily spiritual practice in which you put up a spiritual boundary around yourself. Soaking up all the distress in the world does not help anyone, least of all you. There is much suffering in this world and if you let that in, it will wreck you. You can help yourself as well by becoming more grounded: focus far less on the energy outside yourself and focus intently on the divine energy within you. You need to have a sense of your place in existence. Go here for a start to a spiritual practice that protects your energy field. Do this daily, and train yourself not to sense energies randomly, without purpose or objective. Always use your light boundary whenever you do set out to sense energy and make sure you are not energetically wandering into other’s energy fields…which you DO when you are sensing them. One last thing: without proper training, you will also mistake other’s energies for your own. Yes! That’s right! So, focus on having the best energy you can possibly experience within yourself, visualize a strong light boundary around you, and these symptoms will clear up. Thanks for writing.

Hi Diana.
I’ve been dating a guy for about 6 months. I believe he has negative energy around his love chakra from past hurts. I haven’t said anything to him about it. I feel it’s keeping us from moving forward. Is there anything i can do to clear this?
Thank you, Cathy

Gee, Cathy, I hardly know where to start with this. No, there is nothing you can do to clear this, if your perception is even accurate. It is improper to interfere with another’s energy field unless they ask you, and only then if you are properly and extensively trained as a healer. Don’t dare to mess with this: it can come back on you in a bad way. I would be far more concerned about you than him, as you should also be. You see, he has his path and hurt is a part of everyone’s life. It will heal when he is ready for it to happen, and he has Guides and a path which may not include you over the long term. If you are not moving forward with him because he is not emotionally ready, then you should seriously consider moving on. Perhaps when he is more ready, he will want to take up a relationship with you later. Not ready now means: Not Ready. Read the writing on the wall and take heed. Blessings and clarity to you. Thank you for writing.

Hi Diana, 3 years ago I had a strange experience that I never thought was possible. I only talked to my best guy friend on Twitter since the day we met 8 years ago. Then suddenly, 3 years ago I started to feel this negative energy while on Twitter. It made me feel sick enough that I had to stop using the social media platform for a few months. During this time, he was having problems with his then girlfriend. I knew the girlfriend as I met her at the same time I met my friend and I grew to not like her over a spand of a week as she probbed me about said guy friend asking if I have romantic feelings for him. Shortly thereafter (about a year later), they started to date. Needless to say, my guy friend eventually found out of my feelings but we did remain friends until 3 years ago on Christmas Day. He is no longer with this woman by the way, but I feel like she sucked the goodness and beautiful energy he used to have. Even our few mutual friends have noticed his bad energy as he disassociated from our mutual friends after his 5 year romance with the evil woman. One mutual friend tried to mention me in conversation and he suddenly turned cold and ended the conversation. Him holding a 3 year grudge (that is unwarranted) is not healthy in my opinion.

So my question is: Is it possible, having no contact with my former friend (as he blocked me on Twitter), that he could eventually change his ways, become a positive light again and talk to me? Thank you for your insight.

Donna, I’m hopeful that by this time you’ve worked this out within yourself. Hopefully, you’ve realized that this man’s life is not your business, nor his energy. He didn’t want your influence, he has this right, and you have the imperative to completely let go. Once someone has blocked contact with you, the message of “please leave me alone” seems clear.

Once someone has asked us to withdraw contact, it is not our right to even have thoughts about how to help their energy. It is not even our right to interfere or help,as such is against his will and therefore is against spiritual principle.

As best I can understand what you wrote (it is not clear), is this someone you knew only on Twitter? If this was totally a Twitter “relationship” then I ask you: do you really believe that “knowing” someone on Twitter could ever be a real relationship, other than one that exists in your head? Obviously, you once did. For a long time, apparently.

In the future, for your own well-being, please begin to have your relationships in person, in body, and in reality. Not in “virtual reality”, which is not real.

Problem solved.

Blessings to you in the healing of your heart. Thank you for writing.

Hi! There’s this girl in my friends group that I used to be really good friends with but I’m not because I feel like she transfer bad energies to me. The things you said about friends you should stay away from all apply to her. Like when I look at her I see an evil person but I feel like no one else sees it because even how rude she is and how much shit she talks about everyone else they always stay. Before when I used to tell her something exciting that was going to happen or that I was going to do she would just look at me or she’d laugh and say what if it wouldn’t happen. And then most of the times after telling her the thing I was excited for wouldn’t happen or it would go completely wrong. And I can see she get’s joy from seeing people suffer. I don’t know if she just does this about me or other people in my friend group. Like it can just be coincidences but everytime I didn’t tell her everything I did would go as it’s supposed to. Like it might be someone else that thinks that but I’m pretty sure it’s her because I can see how fake she is and how rude she actually is. She sits with us in the classroom so when I talk to my friends she’ll hear. And we were talking about which schools we would get into and I was talking and she was looking at me. I’m maybe overthinking but idk I don’t want her negative energies and whatever else she thinks on me. So is there any way to remove that kind of negative energy? Where people want you to fail. – Thanks!

Negative energy is not specific to “kinds”, such as “people want you to fail”, it’s just negative energy. Please read the post above again and apply the steps provided. Thanks for commenting.

I truly thank you for writing this. I am becoming more aware of my own energy and trying to keep it in a positive place because like truly does attract like. However, I’m in a relationship with a person who’s energy is bad especially when it comes to me. I’m no victim but I understand forgiveness and gratitude are key for just being a better person. This man complains about me also much and I can see how I attracted him in the first place because we were the same I wasn’t as extreme in my behavior but our behavior parallels. I’m at a point that I really don’t know how to deal with this, I feel psychologically beat down. We have 2 children together. I have 2 older children he’s been around since they were 5 & 7 and they’re now 14 & 16. He’s wonderful to them it’s me he feels is ruining or has ruined his life and has been horrible to be with. It’s been no walk in the Park for me by any means. I feel like an addict chasing that first high because he was wonderful in the beginning and I haven’t seen that guy since and he blames me for it. He says I don’t make myself loveable. Everyone is loveable maybe I’m just not the person for him to love. Anyway thank you, your post truly helped me. I greatly appreciate it and needed it today. Nothing happens by accident.

I’m so glad to have helped, Maria. <3. You are led by Spirit to find your answers. Blessings and love to you.

Hi Diana,

I strongly believe in energy healing as its the frequencies that keep us going on a day to basis. Would you say or believe someone is truly just a negative, person? Im dating someone for 6 years now, at first the relationship was great as all relationships are in the beginning… then i started to see slight changes. In behaviour, and more or less become toxic. I feel he is truly broken inside and he cant find it in himself to just be happy internally. Its draining, he sucks the positive energy out of me. Hes so negative and that energy is not inviting to be around. I started to cleanse my home with sage, use a singing bowl.. and just pray for peace. I feel like its not working. What more can i do? His negativity brings nothing but bad luck. I just want to feel happy again-i havent been for a very long time. Please advise me what can i do to release his negativity.

Jen, you’re a smart girl…but you’re overlooking the obvious. You can’t release his negativity from him and this means…do you know? I think you do. 6 years or 20 years, sometimes relationships just don’t work out…they cannot work out. Maybe you should ask if your Soul is telling you something. Open your eyes, your ears, and your heart to the possibilities you ignore. Thanks for commenting, and strength and wisdom be with you.

Hi Diana, my gf is feeling negative energy from me . She was hiding it but know she said she dont want relationship with me coz she dont feel positive with me ( i use to give her extra care all the tym)

Manik, you have a couple of choices. You can ask her what you can do or change to improve the relationship. If that doesn’t work, then you’ll have to accept that her feelings have changed and let go of the relationship. There is a world full of women looking for a mate. Move on if you must.

Recently at a family holiday I was around family members that I think hate, are jealous, and want me to be hurt or sucking up to them. I left the holiday with such a dirty feeling. I felt so dirty, it was so weird. Later that night a fever started and I’ve been having ill symptoms ever since the encounter a week ago. I can’t focus on my work, and have suffered in my work this week because I keep second guessing myself. The ill symptoms are still there slightly, but I have a feeling they came on by the energy realm, it’s an intense horrible dirty feeling, like I’m having major mental blocks. My stomach has been queasy and I thought I had a full fledged flu and fever, but I just know that it wasn’t the flu, I’m completely sure of it. An emotional sadness is around me, anger, and pit in my stomach, that just shouldn’t be there still after having left, I have to reiterate the complete dirty feeling too after leaving. I know this dirty feeling is legitimate because after the last family holiday encounter with the same people, I had the exact same dirty feeling that lingered for a day or two, but this one wont seem to clear. If you have any suggestions as to what I can do to gain my clarity, and heal from this energy from this family encounter, I could use the advice.

Britney, the advise you ask for is in this post. Perhaps you can read it again, slowly, and take some steps in the right direction. The help is here but somehow you didn’t see it. Thanks for commenting.

Wow, you are beautiful! Look at all this time and energy you have given to the world. And your truth! It just made me smile. And reading these comments made me realise some of my own misjudgments. Thank you!
Lots of love and thoughts of world peace!

Thank you, Olivia. Keep giving your love and good thoughts to the world. It takes beauty and truth to recognize this in others, so shine on! Love to you, as well.

Hello Mrs. Diana
I’ve had many ppl tell me that I have a very negative bad energy that surrounds me on a daily basis. And that it was casted by someone with jealous n envious feelings towards me . Possibly a family member around the age of 13. . And I believe it… seems like Ive had and have nothing but bad luck ..Nothing hardly ever goes my way and when it starts to look like there is a light at the end of the tunnel BAM! There it goes more bad luck ..Plse can you help me?

Hey, there, Corrina! Goodness, you’ve had some trouble, haven’t you? Bless your heart. Now, Corrina, take in those words: Bless Your Heart. –Are you feeling it, yet? Okay, let’s do this one more time: Bless Your Heart.

Now, look away from the screen and say that to yourself, over and over, until you feel tender goodness touch your heart. Then come back here and read the rest because I have some things to tell you. But first!!!! Soak up these words, “Bless Your Heart”.

Now, say to yourself, “Bless My Heart!!”

Did you do it?

I hope so, because this is where your luck will start to change.

For your luck to change you have to change what you believe. You have a blessed heart, not a cursed one!! Your first trouble is believing other negative, silly, unintelligent people who tell you that you have a “very negative bad energy” that was cast by someone who was jealous of you.

–I hardly know where to start, here.

First, most people have been the object of somebody’s jealousy at one time or another! If what you say is true, then following your logic, every person alive should have “very negative bad energy” because just about everyone has been jealous or has had someone jealous of them. Think about it, Corrina. Be sensible and see the correlation between what you believe and the way your life has been going.

Now, there are also other things that could have reinforced your belief, for as you say, you’ve had repeated bad luck. In other words, every time something goes wrong, your original belief gets reinforced, making it stronger…and this also strengthens the chances that your hard luck will continue. Your belief is empowering this “bad energy” and making it stronger.

The reason is fairly simple: your thoughts and beliefs are very powerful catalysts for what happens in your life. Our belief can make things happen, and our thoughts can direct our own energy to play out in a certain way. Perhaps you haven’t had a life of advantage, perhaps your beginnings in this world were difficult. –Life isn’t fair, after all. Good people and innocent, beautiful babies often don’t get the good things they so rightly deserve. But hardship and disadvantage can also make people great and good, in ways that people who have “had it all” cannot achieve. It takes hardship, difficulty and a fair amount of “bad luck” to make an ordinary human being into a great one. That’s because the hardness of life works like a grinding stone to polish the facets of our inner Light. It’s time that you begin to see yourself as a precious gemstone, to see yourself as someone who is loved by the Creator of Life, and that your hardships are not evidence that there is something “wrong” with you, but are the opportunities that call forth the positivity you have not yet found, to become what you think you cannot be, to have what you think you cannot have.

If you will begin to believe in yourself (no matter what your family circumstances were) and REFUSE to be discouraged or to FEEL cursed, everything WILL change for the unimaginable better. I am telling you the truth. I surely desire that you will believe this, and live in joy and peace.

hey there diana
Hope all is well. I have this dilema with my sister in law. Her energy is awful and draining. She claims to be happy anytime anything good happens in my life but the truth is the minute she finds out about anything positive in my life things for bad including if she visits my home (which i limit as much as i can) the minute she leaves her energy is left. The last time i ran into her in a mall she was at a store where i shop (sge tends to want a lot of the things i have) she started critisizing me and was ranting about her over and over again. When i walked away from her i had nausea,a slight headache,dizzyness and got in a really bad mood. Not only was her energy negative but she was dressed like me from head to toe and had the nerve to say it to my face. I have caught her with pictures of me and my home on her phone. She is constantly trying to one up anything i do. And most of the time critisizes me to then do the same. It seems like she wants to be me. I am a personal trainer and she has even gone as far as getting into fitness to try and prove a point although she has no odea what she ia doing. I just want it to stop she is really affecting me to the point where i wanna close my fb so she doesnt see anything about my life. Please help…

Hi, Liz…well now….do you really think there is anything you can do to change this woman? No? That’s right, you cannot change her.

Other than the specific suggestions in this article, I have to say that this boils down to your choice to not allow her to get to you. Is it weird that she copies you? Why do you think she does that? Can you see that she has some problems, and that you need distance from her for your own peace of mind? Your only choice is to ignore her behavior and withdraw from her association until you can handle this. –It may be a permanent disconnect, I don’t know, because as the article states, if you’re not compatible with someone, you’re not compatible. Accept it.

Also accept there is nothing you can do to prevent her from imitating you. You also need to very honestly ask yourself if there is anything you have done to encourage this, for example: is it important to you for others to admire you? If so, you may have gotten what you are asking for! You cannot solve this without asking yourself what you do to prompt other people to envy you. Be honest!

Also, Luz, you should consider closing your Face-Book for more reasons than your sister-in-law. When you bare your soul to the world, you willingly sacrifice your sacred space. I hope all the readers here, as well as you, will begin to see the folly of sharing everything about their lives online. “Social Media” is nothing more than a geekish term for Phoney Relationships, or maybe even, “sheep who saunter to slaughter”.

You have many choices. Change your life, reassess and regroup.

Blessings to you and thank you for commenting.

I just want to say thank you for your encouraging words, Diana. When I read Corrina’s comment, I had to do a double take because it seems similar to mine. I was told that I had a heavy energy attached to me in my youth. My life intentions have always been centered on wisdom, truth, and love, and while not perfect I always wanted to walk through the world with these as my guide.

So, to hear that I had negative energy always through me through a loop because I consciously always tried to be genuine and kind to others. This would make me spiral down, as I believed everything was self-determination and was, therefore, my fault. I have pretty heavy cycles of self-doubt, guilt, and a loud inner critic and thought I had done something to deserve the negative energy that felt not so great…I’m minimizing…pretty terrible.

I couldn’t figure why some didn’t receive me well without me having opened my mouth. Was it my dreadlocks? My skin color?

I was hearing constant things about the Law of Attraction and it seemed to solidify the negative self-belief. I’ve always been one to take responsibility for my stuff, so figured in spite of trying to be genuinely helpful to folks, I was in for a bad lot at life.

I’m still figuring it all out, but this response helps me feel better and reinforces a lesson I’ve been feeling lately, that I am worthy.

Thank you, Simone, for sharing. You are worthy! And I’m happy you’re beginning to understand…and grow…and overcome. Blessings and love to you.

I also wanted to say that obviously if people are toxic to me, I know I shouldn’t be around them or invite them into my life. But this was just supposed to be a quick experience and the mental blocks haven’t cleared. I also have a heaviness in my chest. Someone I was with unrelated to the family members, came home feeling the exact same dirty feeling. I know there is jealousy, deceit on their side toward me; but I didn’t think they could effect my spirit like this, with something like blocks preventing me from thinking straight, and actuall physical illness symptoms similar to the flu. I have to function, and use my mind for me. I need to know what to do as any professional advice in this area couldn’t hurt. Some would say Id have to cut the spiritual ties, and they are stronger if in the blood line, and cut them through mediation. Some would think I have some demon or omen. So would think I have a spell on me. I have yet to take a salt water bath, will do tomorrow see if it helps. If you know what this dirtiness in my spirit could be, or have any clue as to what I’m talking about, that could help. Alright thanks!

In addition to my answer to you earlier, you can understand, I’m sure, that I can’t provide extensive help in a comment section. You should have an appointment with me if following the guidance in this post does not help you.

Hi diana! I feel that I have been carrying around bad karmic energy from my family tree and from people I have been connected with. I even feel that late last year bad energy was around the house. 9 of our dogs suddenly died and the remaining ones got skin disease that transferred to us. My business also closed and all of a sudden, everyone left. What is your thoughts about this? I feel someone casted a spell on me.

J, what you feel is not the same as what is true.

You need to discover yourself and your innate spiritual connection, and for awhile, why don’t you forget about “karma”? This is a mere philosophy, no different than the philosophy of Christian sacrifice or heaven and hell. People believe many things, they assert many beliefs to be truth, but that doesn’t make it true. So don’t heap these ideas upon yourself as if they are a fact, and begin to work with what you can know. You can know that you have needs to line out your life. We are not victims, J, we have choices and we have power to change the energies around us. Further, you’ve had a run of adversity, something that happens to all of us!! This does not mean that you have bad karma or have “offended the gods”. Let’s leave that kind of thinking to the primitives and be practical. And, girl, there are no spells that have been cast. Will you start with that?

Read this, this, this, and this.

In addition, there are many more articles here that will help you center yourself close to Divine Spirit, invite truth into your life, give strength and courage in adversity, and show you ways to love yourself (and others) so that healing and happiness can occur. Blessings, and thank you for commenting.

Hi Diana,
I’m normally a very nice patient person. But since I got pregnant my bedside or temper has become worse. I just recently moved . My baby’s dad told me it’s hormones but I have zero tolerance for manipulation or lies. I feel like I’m carrying negative energy from my surroundings. I don’t get mad at anyone but him because he lies sometimes.

Hey, Angie, you’ve been under stress: moving, pregnancy…and relationship problems. And of course, Angie, pregnancy affects hormones. You can’t lump everything into one pile, here. There isn’t one magic solution, by finding one thing or one person at fault.

–And I have to ask you, is there anything wrong with having “zero tolerance” for manipulation and lies? –I don’t think so! The world would be much better off if we all had less tolerance for manipulation and lies….provided these are real and not imagined.

When you feel like you’re “carrying negative energy” ask yourself to be more specific about what’s going on with you. (“Negative energy” is a simplistic, catch-all term for a whole range of stressed emotions, and feeling negative does not always mean a person has discernible negative energy, depending on the projection of their feelings and other things.) Be kind to yourself as you begin to sort out the real problems…if he is lying to you and manipulating you then what are you going to do about that? Will you state your conditions for having a relationship? Will you ask him to go to couples counseling? Will you speak with your doctor about your emotions and get a medical perspective? Will you recognize the stress you’ve been under and begin a daily spiritual practice to release stress and bring peace and clarity/good energy into your life? Are you excessively intolerant and if so, can you practice more patience and open communication? –And so on.

Your life is in your hands, not your boyfriend’s. Take awhile to sort yourself out and take action to fix what only you can fix. Blessings to you.

Hi Diana, this is a major issue for me at home too. Not only home, but my whole city or state is filled with negative energy. My father especially has a toxic energy, he has intense hatred and jealousy towards me in his heart. Everyone here gets the winter blues. I was a lot stronger at not letting ppl’s energies effect me all my life, but I stopped loving myself at one point and forgot how to. I also forgot how to let go and accept. I also feel my self identity is a lot weaker and I become confused at times and question myself a lot now. I feel as tho, my root chakra is wounded with a bit of anxiety and fears, my sacral is closed off and my solar plexus may be damaged. My soul is telling me to run away to nature for a while and be alone, but right now it’s. Not an option. I remember starting to feel evil within me , but I never let it control me, I would feel lots of low energy just because of using soo much willpower just so I don’t look at ppl with hate, because that’s not me. The evil has gotten ALOT weaker, but this was totally un-invited energy, I never let it in not did I think of evil thoughts to lead to this. I hope nothing has attached itself to me. God no. I also feel random feelings of lust towards certain types of dudes, which makes no sense, because I’m not gay and I know I’m not. I never felt this way before ever before this energy breach. It’s truly crazy. I love women. But since I know it’s not my energy, I feel it and let it pass on and it too has gotten a lot weaker. The girls i attract into my life are either arrogant or insecure. I also pay attention to my reflections(everyone I’m around) all on lower vibes. Almost no living being in plain sight is at all on higher vibes, and I know because I was once enlightened. I ruined it by (comment edited). That’s where it started. I also notice an energy transfer when I go into a rage on ppl who are trying to belittle me. I put fear in their hearts, but then I noticed later that I absorbed their fears and some racist perceptions that previously I never even thought of. My mind is very influential and weak, I desperately need help. But I don’t know what else to do. It’s freezing cold out here and it can get to negative 20 degrees. No nature here that I can go to.

Adrian, I had to edit your comment for privacy and appropriateness. You know what you wrote as do I, and my first advice to you is to seek out a professional counselor without delay. You are in a stage of life, like many others, where you’re experiencing a lot of confusion. You need a professional to help you sort things out. I’m sure there is some kind of free counseling available in your area if money is an issue and so please begin to seek help from someone who is really trained to help you work through these many emotions and conflicts. What I will say to you is this: you are making many incorrect assumptions. You are looking at reality through distortions that skew your judgment. Start helping yourself by accepting yourself in a loving way and by thinking differently. You talk about energy and chakras as if you are knowledgeable but you are not. Forget about chakras, and “energy” and all that stuff and “back up the truck’ and begin to plug yourself into 3D reality.Get back to the basics of living, rebuild your self-esteem, practice tolerance and understanding for yourself and others while you undertake a program of therapy to help you gain a more healthy perspective. Please do this, and hope and healing to you.

Dear Mrs. Diana,
Lately a serious of unfortunate events have been occurring in my life and I would like to discuss the particulars . Is there any way I could email you or you could email me ? I could really use your help . Thank you so much and Hope to hear from you soon .

Alexis, so sorry to hear you’re having some trouble. I’d like to help if I can, and to have a session with me, look to the column on the right-had side of the page. I will contact you by email for an appointment once you’ve purchased your session.

Hi Diana , I discovered that I’m an impath two years ago , and since then I started to feel others energy and thoughts, last Saturday I was at an old coligue house and I reveled a good news about having a job aportuntiy in other country ( I always keep this things to my self until I got the prossuiger done) I told my friend about it thought he was a good friend of mine but suddenly he started to feel upset and angry and telling me it’s a redicules idea and felt his energy since then I started to feel like electristy inside my head and not feeling well and afried that I will lose this job apportunity and the face of my friend is always in my head and I know it’s his energy who is effecting me although I live far from him but it’s like his energy is effecting me tell now while I’m writing to you , so can you help me please. What should I do ?

Hi, and thanks for taking the time to comment. You need to read more articles on this website that will broaden your understanding of your own part in what you’re experiencing. Yes, other people can have bad energy, BUT, we have to be careful to not put blame. Your energy always starts and ends with you, meaning, others are not in charge of what you see in your head or what fears happen to come up. You need better self-esteem and more self-confidence! And, perhaps you’re learning that not everyone you thought was a good friend is all that good for you.

As it stands, you have simply put too much importance on what this person says, how they say it, and what they think. You say you felt “his” energy but in this case, I’m pretty certain that this “energy” was your sense of his antagonistic criticism, coupled with your own woundedness/disappointment at his reaction/rejection of your plans. You got your feelings hurt and you weren’t expecting that. Honey, at this point it’s not his energy, it’s yours. Pull yourself together, don’t build this up out of proportion. Learn what you are meant to learn from this experience: that people can surprise you, that you sometimes don’t know people as well as you think you do; that your own opinion is what counts and that you alone are the captain of your destiny. See your fear as very irrational for it surely is!! Again, pull yourself together, put this person in the rear view mirror until you have a built a self-identity strong enough to withstand an unpleasant disagreement, and go on with your life. Don’t kid yourself by telling yourself he is in your head or has control over you. This is simply not true.

You should look forward to your future, be positive, have confidence in the well-made plans, and press on. Don’t spend another minute of your precious life thinking about him or his imagined power over you. Much love to you.

i have always felt different than everyone as a child. I was always quiet, observed & listened, connected with animals as I still do (I feel like I can actually understand them and communicate) around the age of 15 I started having dreams that would have images of wolves & soon after I started experiencing night terrors. These night terrors were horrifying because there will be a small demon man in the corner of the room & he gets closer if I stop trying to wake my unconscious body. Lately I’ve been feeling tingly all over & I became obsessed with the idea I was infested with parasites. I felt dirty & helpless. I have never felt so alone. I lost my mind mentally from it, my once calm mind became crazed. Filled with rage, I would lash out at those close to me. I wanted to kill my self. This wasn’t me, I got to my breaking point where I was in the hospital yet again with doctors basically laughing in my face that I need to seek counselling. That’s when I seen my deceased grandmother (who I was never very close with since I was too young when she passed. She had a very very rough life, has native ancestory, & very wise woman I wish I knew better) she brought me in touch with my spirituality, which I haven’t paid much attention to since I was a kid. I have been through many awful things experiences in my life, mainly revolving around bad people taking advantage of me & me letting them & not speaking up. I feel no one understands me & I even feel crazy sometimes. I have seen spirits before my grandmother, The first spirit I encountered was my other grandmother who reassured me things were okay. I also seen my husbands grandmothers mom although I didn’t know how to communicate with her. I have started meditating in an attempt just to clear my mind, I am tired of lashing out at the people closest to me. Always such a calm patient person, this person I am now scares me. Meditating has been an experience like none other. I have started to remember surpressed memories – I have recently started having the same dream I used to have when I was 4 or 5 years old. In this dream I am in a house with my older brother & sister who are playing & are unaware I am screaming for their attention because the man watching us is bad. And my mom and dad are not there & I am screaming this man is bad but no one hears. It has been very scary to learn through meditating that I was a victim of sexual abuse as a child. I believe I blocked it out because I didn’t quite understand what was happening. Anyways In this recent dream I am back to that house except as an adult & this man is holding me down. I can see above me the angels in a circle of light trying to get me to stand up & take control. I seen both my grandmothers but I couldn’t get up. He had me & the dream became sexual. He was having his way with me i front of them & worse, I was enjoying it. The next day I felt possessed. I didn’t smile all day. I ignored everyone & isolated myself in my bedroom. I have two kids 5 and 9 months & I wanted nothing to do with them. I felt after that dream that that man still had me. I have since done more meditation which has gotten more intense. I now get an intense vibration in the palms of my hands & especially my temples. I thought my temples were going to Errupt. My head kept moving this way and that way, my hands kept moving up so that my head and hands would touch together. This was all involuntarily. I kept trying to resist because I got scared and my heart started to race but my mind wouldn’t let me stop. My upper lip started to tingle, my eyes kept opening bigger and bigger, my brain was explanding. I seen a light. I was so scared I ended up just stopping & left to do something else but I started to bawl instead (I never cry, I never deal with my emotions or the heart break I’ve experienced in my life. I keep it all inside. Since the birth of my second son I have been unable to hold in my emotions.) the next morning I woke up feeling 10 pounds lighter. I could breathe into my chest. I had so much energy. My skin was breaking out though, & I was so sweaty the whole next day. My family is not spiritual at all but I have always felt connected somehow though I have always surpressed it. Instead caring more about looks and material items. I am so lost and confused. I am scared. What is happening to me? I am trying to work on getting in touch with my root chakra which is helping a lot. I am very much trapped in my head & I am trying to reconnect body & mind. But I am so scared & feeling so alone & crazy please respond. Please help.

Kelli, dearest, spiritual experiences and disturbed psychological states often occur together. We can make the mistake of resenting the medical advice to get counseling because of the spiritual nature of our experiences; because we think that there is nothing wrong with our minds, but that we are spiritually gifted …and that is all. What we fail to understand is that these two conditions often go hand-in-hand. This does not mean that having a spiritual experience means that you’re crazy! It does mean that you are having difficulty sorting out ordinary reality from greater reality…the spiritual realms that most people don’t see…and this requires professional psychological help. When you’ve felt like harming yourself, you know it’s time to do what the doctors told you to do! I suggest that you make an appointment with a Transpersonal psychiatrist, someone who has studied the spiritual nature of experiences and can help you sort things out.

Kelli, meditation is not the right thing for you to do right now. In fact, it can be damaging to you. Your job at the moment is to root yourself into ordinary reality and heal from the fear and feeling alone, as well as other things. <3 Spirit will gladly wait for you to balance yourself back into everyday reality before you resume a meditation practice. When you are healthy again, get the permission of your therapist before you take up meditation. Any meditations in your future should not involve deep altered states of consciousness, in any event. This is not the right spiritual practice for you.

Do not be discouraged by what you're going are in a temporary rough patch. Life can get much better...and it will!! Please reach out to other people in your family or community right away, and explain that you need help and then...receive it gladly. There is only one of you in all of existence and you are special. You are loved by Life, so take heart and accept help. We all need a little help now and then. Much love and help and healing to you, Kelli.

I havn a business neighbor who copied everything about my store since she began hmerscan few doo
rs away about 5 years ago. I ha v e had mine for 34 years. I sell and make jewelry and artifacts from around the world. Antique beads and specimen sea shells. This woman has copied from the start the physical layout displays and some of my jewelry styles. She has several accociates who work with her and I like then and we are cordial. This particular woman somehow pitches the worst energy at me and my shop and it is totally disruptive and I believe intentional. I just feel totally attacked. I am an empath but this is just too much to handle and I feel discouraged and crazy angry. I know it is her energy I am just weary from it. Nothing has totally shut this stream off. Have any ideas? She hides from me if I begin to approach her after an intense attack and prompts one of her workers to ask me to go away. Once my sister went into her shop and she was helping her try on a necklace and I could see her putting black energy all over her. Help I am stuck.

Susan, it has been said that “Imitation is the best form of flattery”. It appears that this woman likes your store! –Why are you allowing this to make you feel so hateful? You say you can “see” her “putting black energy all over” your sister. –If you are that clairvoyant, then you wouldn’t ask for my help because clairvoyance reveals the good in others, not just the negative. So I have to say that you are neither clairvoyant nor capable of determining where bad energy comes from. In your case, you are being victimized by your own vitriol. No one can help you until you see what you are doing to yourself with this obsession and begin to see your own lower energies projected onto this woman. Take responsibility for your own resentment and ill will. Have a talk with yourself. Let this woman live her life without you projecting your bad energy onto her, while you redirect your thinking into more productive and positive directions. You don’t have to like her. You just have to stop fixating on her. If you can’t do that, the bad energy problem is within you.

If you knew anything about spirits and enlightenment and finding inter peace within before you judge this person for reaching out to you on an energy forum T that I see you professional inexperienced response but how damaging you can be to A confused soul. Shame

You are experienced at scolding if nothing else. 🙂 Do you finger-wag, as well? Have you burned anyone at the stake …in another lifetime, perhaps? You clearly think that some need shaming, so a burst of fiery outrage would “teach ’em!” and satisfy your self-righteous indignation. I’m sorry you feel this way.

It would be wise to learn to think things through, to properly compose yourself and your sentences before you fly off and react inappropriately about that which you, yourself, know nothing.

This is not an energy forum, it’s the comment section of my website, where many people reach out for help or advice. I trade in truth and compassion, not judgment, nor psychic fluff, nor New Age rumor, nor amateur supposition. My responses take a great deal of time, even beyond what others might choose to give freely. They are highly specific to the transitional energy and apparent development of the person and of necessity, they may be abrupt from the limitation posed by a public forum and for the need to arrive at the bottom line of any given issue. They are often edited of content that is inappropriate for public sharing, which means that readers may not be privy to the reason for a specific response. Thus, it would be fair to say that you are the one here doing the judging.

I easily forgive you.

Confused souls are my clairvoyant spiritual profession, I offer service to Soul and Spirit in my replies, in truth and with compassion. Your shaming is utterly wasted here; but thank you for taking the time to comment, anyway. May you learn to see fairly and walk in balance.

After a trip i took back home i got caught i. The middle of a problem between a good friend of mine and someone he was once close to. I knew him as well be we weren’t as close he would call me to bad mouth my friend and since me and my friend had been at odds with each other i tried my best to understand his friends point of view. Nevertheless his friend became hostile telling me things almost to try and make me hate my friend. After traveling back home i had neck back pain head aches that weren’t their before i took my trip. I was told by others that my friends ex friend was just upset because he wasn’t being included in the group activities because he was on some kind of drugs and would have these jealous and volatile out burst accusing people of being against him and spreading lies about him ect. After trying to defuse the situation i felt my physical symptoms getting worse. In the morning before work i was awakened by multiple calls from my friends ex friend when i didn’t answer he then proceeded to text me saying that i started up a bunch of drama. When he was the one reaching out to me and all i tried to do was tell him i understand why he felt the way he did because our friend had made me feel left out before too. Literally i came across your page searching for answers as to how he was able to effectively mess up my energy and cause me physical pain with just an exchange over the phone i believe in energy and typically i come off as a hard person but I’m really a good hearted person and helpful and understanding i guess that’s why i tried to understand his point of view but the fact that it is effecting me so much i need answers as to how to get rid of this person in a way where they are not mad at me. Or trying to start problems with me . Coincidentally you and i have the same name it was meant for me to read this i will continue to read the different articles on this page and tonight i will bathe with the half a cup of salt but any other suggestions will be so greatly appreciated

Hi, and thanks for sharing. It’s quite simple, really: life happens, and people disagree. They misunderstand and they get worked up. Most people get into drama, and from the sound of it, you’ve done your share of this or you’d let it all go. Physical symptoms/reactions can come with interpersonal upheaval, but it’s best not to make too much out of this. It’s best not to argue the point sometimes, nor try to explain yourself or what you said or why you said it…this leads to more conflict, as you try to get the other person to “see it” your way. Please consider that your own emotions are powerful energies that influence you far more than what other people do, say, or think. So put yourself in a positive space by not focusing on his energy,turn your attention to your own reactions. It doesn’t matter who is right or who thinks what or even if they don’t understand your good intentions. People often don’t think another person is well-intended when something goes haywire: people react before they think. You are learning about human nature as well as your own. I hope you’ve learned to stay out of the middle of another person’s conflict, a wisdom hard-learned.And it’s time you learn not to fall apart when others don’t like you or have an issue with something you said.

This article was never meant to give anyone permission to blame others or to hit the panic button when emotions run amok and conflict happens. Perhaps you could have recognized at the outset that the real bad energy was in the beginning, when someone tried to suck you into taking sides or turning against another person. A big no-no if you want to have good energy in your life. You can also read the rest of the website, as you said, for there are articles to help you.

Thank you, Diana, for reaching out and sharing. Hope this helps.

Hi Diana, I’ve been having a lot of bad energy being sent from my neighbors across the road from me. They have such hatred and vengeance towards me due to me having to take legal & personal action against them (fraud, verbal/elder abuse & stalking) hence I do not speak with them at anytime. I have had spiritual attacks from them daily, in addition they watch me & my place like a hawk, listen in on my conversations, make people visiting me so uncomfortable they don’t want to come around my place anymore. I’ve been verbally abuse by one of them (gay son) at every opportunity & he entered in my sleep one night over 18 months ago, I could not breath & felt someone holding me down, I fort back & woke shaken. A couple of days later (when we were on speaking terms) I saw bruising on both his arms & I ask him how it happen”” he replied Ï don’t know” but I sense he new exactly what had caused it, seeing that confirmed it was his energy I fort back with. Now his energy along with his mother have attached themselves & refuse to leave & move on with their own lives. His energy smells like toilet odor & his mother energy smell like urine. Since June 2016 up to and & including today has become so bad that they refuse to listen to the police & or any other authority except for themselves regardless of the consequences to all involved. I’ve had so many healing, cleansing (myself & home) etc. that its made little effect that my health is depleting (physically), (medical practitioners don’t know why). I’ve found throughout my life that a lot of people are and or can be fixated on my physical presence & they become resentful and or vengeful (I don’t understand that kind of thinking & or behavior). I would like to add that I’ve had a lot of spiritual attacks in the past but was able to manage but now my aura is being forced open that I can no longer keep it closed that the negative attachments is making me physically sick. Throughout my life I’ve tried to help & guide people when asked, always been kind & non judgmental towards others.
I liked who I was and accepted my faults and learnt to work on myself regularly (spiritually & physically) to become a better me. Due to my health issues I’m experiencing has made me aware it’s time now to put myself and my needs first yet these hanging on for grim life is making sure I don’t succeed to move forward on a physical, emotional & spiritual level. Any advise & or suggestions with the above issues to find and or bring back into balance would be greatly received.

I have modified your name for your protection. (In the future, you should consider not using your full name when your explicit comments in a public form might be identified by others involved.)
I certainly want to be gentle with you, but I will not spare you from truth. Truth can sting.
Perhaps it’s time for you to face the truth that you do not see yourself in an entirely accurate way. For example, you are, most definitely, demonstrating a decidedly judgmental attitude as you present your complaints here. Thus, it appears that you are not “non-judgmental”. I know this will shock you, and because I cannot explain this to you in a comment section…for the moment, take my word for it. You are already wired to have problems with these people because of your views and judgments toward them. Right off the bat. This is fueling your obsessive focus and what (frankly) appears to be certain imaginations.
Why am I writing to you like this? For your own good, you need someone to shake you and make you stop. This situation has blown up all out of proportion, and YES, it HAS. Stop defending your position to others and stop defending yourself to yourself! Stop thinking about these people!! They are not Satan incarnate. Until you accept that, you’ll never get better. So can you begin the healing of your life by letting this crazy feud go?
Your health issues call for your attention and rule #1 is to stop blaming others for where you are right now. I understand you are a good person, but you are not a victim. Almost every word you write screams, “victim”. Read the articles on this website about spiritual cleansing, and positive focus. Read my article, “Tips and Techniques to Have Positive Energy and a Good Aura, No Matter What”.
Negative energy comes from within us far more often than it does from outside of us, or from other people. You will only know peace and improvement as you come to terms with the truths about yourself that you have not yet discovered. By all means, be kind to yourself. As you learn to feel a level neutrality toward others who smell bad, who are ignorant, rowdy, menacing…or the other 100,000 distasteful descriptors you could name. Every soul, every person, has an inner Divine Light, something that you, in your situation need to understand before the first step in resolution and deliverance can happen. May you find your solution in forgiveness, balance and reason, moving ahead with your life as this conflict with your annoying neighbors becomes a diminished memory in your mind.

hi. I feel as though I can pick up energies. I sometimes feel like I can speak to spirits and hear them through my feelings. my most pressing problem in life is my boyfriend . we have 5 kids together 1 is not mine biologicallyrics, I was known as being the down to earth chilled out friend, I felt free. and then I met him. he was so stressed amd anxious, hiding insecurities with anger. I fear our future because his attitudes and behaviours are disgusting to me, but more worse, I feel as though I can act like him, and as years go by, my behaviour becomes worse. I feel negative when he’s around, free when he’s not. I fear he is causing stress to us all. what can I do? please.

Read this article and other articles on this website. There are many articles here that can help you. Thanks for commenting.

Diana, this is one of the best articles on the Internet about this topic on energy exchange. Thank you for being “the channel” through which I got these very important information.

I just went through​ a very bad toxic relationship for a year & a half. It really drained me & I’m trying to get myself​ back together. He has all the qualities of what you described in a toxic person it even became abusive so I don’t plan on returning. I don’t understand how I could leave myself so vulnerable to such a snake I tried to see the good in him, I really wanted to help him. He’s very intelligent when it comes to spiritual energies. I believe he wanted to break me down. At times I would separate myself from him for period of times cause I felt so drained and just not myself I didn’t realize it was him but each time I felt stronger & more alive being surrounded by different energies. Now that I’m more aware of his true colors is it too late for me to get back to myself?

Of course it’s not too late!! The sense of losing oneself is reflective of energetic drainage but know that you can’t really lose yourself. Now, don’t dwell on him further. Put this experience in your rear view mirror and go about doing the things, thinking the things, and feeling the things that make you feel energetically healthy.

Hey Diana,

I just saw your posts, and thought of commenting about my experience today, I saw a friend today and every time I see this girl I feel a bad thing and there’s something happening to my car when I leave (like my car keys stops working) I feel like she gives me bad energy. Does it mean it’s a toxic relationship? I don’t feel comfortable around her. she’s a friend from university. I think she can help me in some work im making, but all I feel from her is bad energy, and i feel tired. I come to her with great mind, and good spirit, it’s not an idea that I took of her but it happen when I meet her.

Amy, the fact that your car keys don’t work has nothing to do with bad energy from this woman. Just because you “feel” that “she” gives you bad energy doesn’t mean that she does. Simply put, if you do not feel comfortable around her, this is straightforward, without adding a metaphysical component. Don’t be around people that make you uncomfortable, and please be aware of the fact that it sounds like you are wanting something from her, such as work. In other words, you are wanting some advantage in this relationship, which means you are looking for what you can get out of it. –That in and of itself is not a friendship. Your answer is to look within yourself for the source of the bad energy, which sometimes can be called negative thinking of one kind or another. The complexity lies within you, you need to develop your spiritual growth. Please read: develop positive energy in yourself. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Best wishes to you.

Dear Diana,

I came across your site as I was searching for help as I have a strong sense of negative energy being emitted when I’m with my husband. I feel that it’s really cosmic energy that brought me to your site and I can feel your genuinely interested in sharing and helping people and everything you mentioned resonates with me.

I have been in an unhappy marriage for the past 8 years . I feel my husband demeans me in his actions and speech, is chauvinistic,doesn’t respect me, mentally abuse me and I felt he is staying together with me to make use of me to extract whatever use he can of me. In fact, I feel he does that to everybody in his life. He analyses how much use they are if him and accord his time and attention only on what he can extract in return. Prior to marriage, I’m a very happy and positive person ,but ever since I got married, I feel I’m suppressed, oppressed, depressed . I feel like he’s an energy vampire that sucks my life force out with every negativity I encountered from him and even his immediate family. I feel I lost myself and my life purpose during the past few years of marriage. Nothing I do seems to be good enough for him no matter how i try. I’m realistic to know we entered into this marriage not because of our love for each other. For him, maybe he thinks I have the good upbringing, educational level, and presentable enough to help him in his career climb. For me, I thought I was at the marriageable age and he seemed like a stable family oriented man I could respect when I married him. But things turned out different from what I expected.

It’s only recently I started to a higher energy force coming into my life, giving me the urge and courage to fight back all the negativity I’m facing from him in my life. And I’m not sure it’s a the Universe answering my calling, but my ex who I had not seen for over 12 years came back into my life in ways which I can’t think of anything else but through the hands of fate. We had only communicated via texting, but during that period, I feel a flood of love and hope flooding through me and it makes me aware that that is how a proper relationship should be. Mutual support, trust, sharing and love between both parties. And that is what I deserve. Cos I’m worth it.

However, as my ex is married, I do not want to be a home wrecker though I feel we have the soul mate connection. I also have strong views of maintaining my integrity as well as the respect of my children and family by not entering into an affair though my ex had been suggesting into. I can’t deny I’m in a dilemna. The attraction between my ex and I is so strong even though we haven’t seen each other for 12 years and am just texting and not that regularly too. But on the other hand, I have my family ties to think of though I’m now of the view that divorce seems to be eventual direction I’m heading with my Husband as I would really like to shake free of all the negatively and love my life’s true purpose. But I can’t deny I’m still a bit lost .I had also been looking into horoscopes to try to seek what is Universe trying to tell me.. what is my path.. what is my purpose in life. What should be my next step
in life. But it still seems so conflicting to me. It appears that both men have a soul mate connection to me but my relationship with my Husband may be one of a karmic relationship. I was advised that problems arising was due to lack of communication and things will work out.

I have 2 beautiful children from our marriage and I wanted to go in the right direction for their benefit. Ideally, staying in the marriage will be beneficial as they would have a complete family. However, on the other hand,I feel that with the negativity between my Husband and me is not
good for their wellbeing too is they can feel that we could barely stand each other. And I do frankly feel ,to even consider living a lifetime in my current situation,just enduring for the sake of the children in a loveless marriage, just feels me with dread. I don’t feel I’m living.. but more like I’m just a dead person breathing and living.. until the time where death do us part.

I really do hope you can give me some guidance on what I should be doing..I’m so lost 🙁

Thank you so much in advance. May the blessings of the Universe be with you.

Best regards,

Audrey, thank you for writing but I have to say that this is best dealt with in a private session. My heart goes out to you, and I will attempt to assist but understand that I cannot be comprehensive in a forum.

First things first, Audrey. You have to begin to untangle the knots of confusion and circular thinking. I will start with your “ex”. These situations often arise during unhappy marriages. I understand that he is a relief to you, something that brings hope and feelings of romance in your life when it does not exist in your marriage. However, understand that this cannot be assumed to be real, even though it feels real. You should assume that the purpose of this is to serve as a contrast to your present state of mind, a slap-in-the-face wakeup call to make you confront and deal with the real problem you have: a miserable marriage. This man has his own family. You are wise and good to consider that you “don’t want to be a home wrecker” and so, I advise you to not tempt him or yourself with further communication. While there may be an opportunity in the future, this is not the time and this is not the reason he showed up in your life. We don’t fix a mess by making another one. Further, you are truly unable to see this from a state of reality, but only from a state of feeling, and these are very confusing waters. Allow what you have learned from the connection–what a relationship should be like and what you deserve–to now motivate the changes you need to make in your own life, without involving your “ex” further. You will not regret this course of action, but you may very well live to regret an affair, for a number of reasons you cannot now forsee.

We have many dreams, many expectations about what our lives “should” be like. For example, we want our children to have a perfect home with a happy mom and dad but this wish, hope, and dream is often like a pharmaceutical ad that shows happy, smiling people strolling through the sunshine while in fact, that same “happy and healthy” drug is the subject of a lawsuit for wrongful deaths. Unrealistic dreams and brainwashed ideals with impossible promises are never an answer because they are a form of self-deception. Embrace the truth and then, follow that…and only that. Real life is not a fairytale, it never has been and it never will be.

Your children have Divine Souls that opted to enter this life under these circumstances. If it should prove out that divorce is the right decision for you, their Souls are up for it! You will be called upon to make it as graceful and loving as possible, and to keep yourself stable and productive so the children adjust through the process. As for you, you are strong and honest enough to admit that there was no love between you and your husband from the start: and as such, the root of your problem is evident. Hopefully, you have learned from this and although it may have been a poor choice…mistakes can be unmade.

At no time, ever, does life expect you to live “like I’m just a dead person breathing and living…until the time where death do us part.”. This is tantamount to “soul murder”. It does not undo a mistake: it layers yet another terrible decision over the top of the first one.

My advice is that you undertake psychological counseling immediately, to sort these things out in a safe environment, with a therapist that will help you gain clarity and peace of mind. And of course, you should demand that your husband join you in marital counseling, as well. If he refuses, then things become a bit more clear. You should see a therapist on your own, regardless, before you make decisions that you are not ready for and do not have the confidence to see through.

One last thing: this business of soul mates and karma is not so clear-cut as it might seem, even though people speak of these things as if they were as real and as clearly understood as night and day…so I ask that you suspend these esoteric ideas and get down to practical thinking. Do not make decisions based on any of that and don’t let it confuse your thinking. You mention you were “advised that problems arising was due to lack of communication and things will work out”. –Was this a psychic or a similar person who told you this? Through marital therapy you could get to the bottom of “problems arising”, but this sounds to me like dime-store psychic advice. Remember, you entered this marriage without love. It’s pretty clear that is where the problem arises.

There you have it, what I believe you should be doing. Above all, determine that you will not continue to live in misery. This serves no one, least of all your children.

Life loves you, Audrey. You were born for beautiful things. If possible, give your marriage a chance through therapeutic intervention, and if you cannot find love and cannot find peace… then unmake the mistakes and move to rebuild. Walk in integrity and have integrity for yourself. Love, strength, good guidance and blessings to you and yours.

I’ve been feeling ill for the last 3 months… since I started in a new job. On the begging was just a flu, and than it got up and down, better and worst, but now is a sinusitis…. everytime I stop the medication I start feeling sick again. On my workplace There is one person that really gets on my nerves. I don’t speak the same language, we don’t talk to each other, and I don’t see her so often… but whenever I look at her I feel my day going down the drain… is it possible the things are connected? How can I avoid that feeling? And at the same time I moved to a new rental apartment, around the same period … how can I do an energy clean up on my home? Thank you so much.

Please don’t read so much into this article that it makes you overreact to someone who gets on your nerves. There will always be people that don’t resonate well with you; this does not mean they have bad energy. Often, we drain our own energy by rejecting another person or projecting our negative perceptions about them. Make yourself find something something nice about this woman, and let go of the idea that she is the instigator of this energy drain. You have to be stronger than this. You are stronger than this. Just looking at her would not cause an energy drain on her part, there is some judgment within you that needs correcting.

Also, let me be clear that having a physical body means that there are physical reasons for illness: i.e. not all headaches come from someone’s bad energy. Further, you have gone through some major change in your life, which induces reactions such as you describe. Please read other articles on this website, such as this one on how to cleanse yourself and your house, this one and this one, to help you get back on track. I’m sure you’ll be better in no time! Thank you for commenting.

I can pick up on other peoples energy and every time I go to watch my friends dog i get headaches from being in her home its just the one room of the house all i can sense is negativity and anger it causes me to have migraines every time I’m in that one room, How can I prevent myself from picking everyones energy?

Well, Jo the answers are here…you just commented to the article that tells you how. I suggest you read more articles on this website to help you further, and by the way….given what you have to say about your friend, maybe you should not go into that person’s house anymore. –Just a thought. Thanks for commenting.

Ms Diana my Name is jasmine and I have been dealing with energy I think where when I say somthing or think something it becomes true and it feels like people can hear my thoughts all the way from the other room or my energy even when I’m watching tv like things seem to move with my movement and crows have been around me and I’m just wanted to know what u think about it some days I’m having a good day the unverise agree with me other days they don’t what may u think going on??

Jasmine, your mind appears to be confabulating disconnected ideas to try to make sense of things when in fact, many people see crows, have good days and bad days, etc. Feeling that other people hear your thoughts, however, along with things happening while you watch TV may indicate a need for some professional counseling to help you sort things out. There is a concrete reality, this reality that average people “agree” on, and there is a Greater Reality that does not necessarily operate on the laws of physics as the average person understands it. When these two realities merge, it is very confusing for the people who experience it, and often we mix things up and become confused about what is spiritual and what is psychological. To understand what’s going on, I recommend therapy with a transpersonal therapist who could help you in a number of ways. Thank you for commenting.

Hi ms diana, i really need your help to cleanse the negative energy that i felt lately, though slowly i can pull it out with me. I dont know why do i feel all the negative energy with me, like in my auntie’s wake before i felt that when she passed away she was not happy, i dont know why do i feel that, and second is this energy that i felt with my eldest sister who got a mental illness. I really need your help on how to cleanse and get back my positive thoughts and good energy.Ive got a headache and the body of feeling so heavy lately. Appreciate your advice and help. Thank u

Hi Diana, I am a believer of signs and know for certain that nothing happens accidentally; therefore it’s my belief that I came across your website because it was meant to be. I mean I keep going through the Internet looking for spiritual topics and many a times I’ve been looking for articles on protecting myself from energy vampires. Also many articles out there provide similar solutions to dealing with energy vampires as you have done in your article. So most of these suggestions aren’t new to me. Despite all that I felt a deep stir inside me when I read this piece of yours. I am a Reiki practice and I believe that intention is very important, so I guess the intention with which you wrote this article was pure enough to have raised such feelings in me and many others who have commented here, compelling us all in acknowledging how helpful they found your article to be. Also I feel that perhaps the time has now come for me to take that next step in trying to change my life. My primary concern in life is trying to protect myself and my 13 month old son from negative people in the family. I have been surrounded by them for the past few years (being discreet over here about their relationship with me as this is a public forum and they are extremely close family members) and they are so passive aggressive that I often doubt that I am wrong in thinking bad about them. But the more I face them the more drained I feel plus I have noticed that my baby is not his usual self around them and I am afraid their presence might hinder his proper mental and spiritual growth. Mind you, these are people I have to face every day and often compelled to stay with them for many days at a stretch. I want your guidance in this regard. How can I protect myself and my son from such energy vampires?

Have you applied the suggestions in this article? Energy protection takes practice, resolve, and most of all…a positive attitude with an ability to keep others at a respectable distance. Despite being physically near these people, there is the option of not allowing yourself to be drawn into their dramas and the emotion-charged details of their lives. Be emotionally distant. Also, read the articles, here, here, and here, as well as other articles on this website. Family dynamics are the toughest to overcome but it’s a start for you to recognize these people do not own you, they were never meant to have a part of you, and it’s time you think about the energy, interest, and power you have given them precisely because they are relatives and because you felt you were “supposed” to be a “good girl” by allowing their psychological/energetic/material intrusions into your life. “Family” means that you share genetically-related bodies (no big deal) but family members are never entitled to intrude upon the territory of your Soul. Keep that in mind.

how can i get rid of bad spirits around my family which has given us lot of headaches lately??
cannot know what did i do wrong with this problem but is like getting after me all the time.
specially my family getting problems…..????? also have move looking better life but still is like going after me.
one time i remove some sneakers from electrical wires near my house and that is when all started but didnot know if i made something wrong with that. thks again
recently one of my family got into a nervous meltdown and i feel like very worry about it

My mom has either bad/negative energy or dying energy aura. Every time I am around her or she enters the room I get a very bad creepy almost deathly and I explicitly uncomfortable energetic feeling that emanates from her aura. What is this? She does take a lot of medicines and had tumors but is apparently healthy but there is just something dead or sickly about her energy. Please help me to understand.

Janice, I’m sorry that your mother has not been well. It appears you are picking up on the fact that she has had physical illness, yet you lack the experience to pinpoint exactly what this is. I cannot do a clairvoyant assessment of your mother in this forum, obviously! Nor would I, without her permission.

To lift this energy, how about you give yourself a good smudging, enter her presence with a prayer of love and healing in your heart, and ask Divine Spirit to help lift your mother’s energy to one of greater vitality and healing energy. It sounds as if she needs that! (You might also, depending on her mindset, ask her if she would like to have you smudge her and her house as an act of healing and help, to bring in Divine spiritual energies to assist her.)

You are revealing your revulsion and a degree of fear…this is a good time to work within yourself about whatever issues of death and dying that you have. Almost everyone fears death and this is something we all have to deal with at one time or another. If you will focus on Love, Janice, the fear will evaporate, and add to that a daily spiritual practice to discover your constant connection to Divine Source and the eternal nature of existence and the love that drives out fear.

We moved a month ago from our old house into a new place. In the old house I was sick almost the hole day. Vomating, and Cramps and just felt bad all day. Since we moved I dont feel bad anymore. my first reaction was that somebody maybe did something bad to me.
I am scared there is somebody out there that I know, and it will happen again.

Amelda, fear is not a helpful response…so put your overworked imagination in check! You feel okay now! So, be in the present and don’t go looking for psychic trouble from someone else, from the past… when there is none. You will have sick days in your life because this is what happens in life. Simple. Let’s start with a reality check, here, and don’t go off the deep end…this is far more unhealthy for you than any energy from anything else. Wash your mind, and learn to know peace.

Diana I had just dealt with a family. Using strong language today. Please give me some spiritual input as to how I should deal with it. I am in the process of leaving when I’m 21 years old and I’m 19 years old. There are times where I wish I was living in a home that fears god instead of the people I’m currently around. And please can you give me your email address or phone number I would appreciate that.

Hakim, surely you can understand that you are very unclear, here, about your problem. I have no information to go on. But I can tell you that wishing won’t help, so what you need is some patience, some abstinence from “strong language” and from confrontation with others. Refuse to be a part of conflict: make the most of your life as it is today. Make it your personal goal to manifest the energy of harmony in your life…shift your focus from what you don’t like about these people to all of the things in life that you can appreciate. A positive attitude and a positive nature does not depend on outside circumstances! Focus each day on building your life because the way you live each day will create what happens tomorrow, so dream wonderful things for yourself and do something each day to make good things happen.

Hi Diana,

Thanks for really great and spot on articles. I have read a bunch but is still got a question for you and would be really Happy if you Could give me some advice.

My case: I have experienced unwanted feelings, bad presence from places here and there for serveral years. Doctors would call it stress and spiritual people bad energies for another dimensions. This also hasppens when connecting and socializing with other people, or just passing by a large group. Sometimes I get this pressure on my chest for minuters, sometimes days. I have visited doctors, spiritual healers but nothing still helps. I have always had great empathy but the last years this has triggered to something i no longer can control. The trigger Could be unwanted visitors Durling night at an apartments i hade together with other signs that were so impossible that i just had to accept that i wont know.

Anyway. Other things in my life are great (thats what i think). Good salary, Job, education, girlfriend, friends, family, money, travels, traning, yoga, meditation, harmony (by myself or with good souls) and such. But still.

How can i instantly handle bad energy when it happends to protect myself? Both people and “empty” places.

Except for morning meditation and salt scrubs which really work in the moment. But not for me during the day when the energy strikes…As you write im more protected in a mental state but for me that doesnt help in quite some cases.

Best regards

hi with no ego and only love and light. i am beginning to think i have specael positive abilities. but im not perfect far from it. i am something of an enigma.
can i develop these powers? this is not a joke, at this point i truly am convinced. And also why me i kno everyone else is capable of doing it with some faith. but how do i undertsand it all so clearly. i already kno its because i am connected to this universal coniousness . if i try to do anything out of ego it doesnt work.

Hi, John! Your comment does not appear to be a reply to Andy, at all, but I will publish it nevertheless.
So, first off, John, you DO have an ego and it’s going to take the rest of your life to learn about it and to heal it. So when you get to feeling all dreamy about how special you are, remember that everyone is special. We are all special, we all have spiritual abilities and we are all made of Divine Light, each person is a one-of-a-kind in this whole Universe. So, in feeling your specialness, let’s make sure we don’t develop a Messiah complex, okay? The “powers” you speak of are not “powers”, by the way. All healing and “power” comes from the Divine Spirit, human beings do not command these energies, but with time, training, devotion, and subjection of the ego we can be a conduit for these energies. In other words, humility is something we have to learn before we can achieve a state of harmonious union with the Divine. Learn, listen, and hold what you learn in suspension because only time, hard work, study, maturity and conditioning–along with an earnest desire to do good– will determine how and if your abilities develop.

Hi Diana.. 🙂 your article was really self soothing to me.. It makes sense to me.. Thank you for such a great article…
I have been friends with two very important friends whom I thought would be friends but ended up as enemies and strangers right now.. We have ended up the relationship between us and it’s been 5 months… This is one of the worst experience’s in my life till now I haven’t experienced it yet.. It hurted me very deeply to the core for leaving them because I couldn’t tolerate their behavior’s at any cost.. I feel like I was drawn into some kind of negative energies pulled towards them.. The problems errupted as when we were in relationship I started suffering from health issues for no reason which I couldn’t understand why I started vomiting, coughing, frequent fever,stomach aches, headaches always in some sort of anxious feeling and fear.. first, I thought its my negative thoughts that’s leading to unwanted problems… but finally I realized it was because of the wrong friends… I had this feeling like I have been drawn into some negative energy so I finally decided to walk away from them as soon as possible.. But I tried maintaining the relation for 2 years but it ended up as my greatest lesson’s for my life..
But now the only problem for me is the relation is over and I stay happy but sometimes I get heavy feeling’s in chest and severe headache’s apparently for no reason irrespective of day and time I get it.. And it sometimes lasts for 2-3 days and then it finally reduces and I become completely normal and happy without any negative feeling’s.. What I want to know is.. Is it because they think about me that I get such changes in me? And next I still love them no matter how bad they treated me.. I want to reconnect but I’am way to scared that something will happen to me again because again they will start behaving negative..
So please kindly advice me for this.. I will be waiting for your reply ma’am!! 🙂

Priya, read the articles on personal energy cleansing here, here, and here as well as many other articles on this website. Finally, “loving” someone does not mean you should associate with them. In this case, what you call fear of reconnecting is more like common sense coming to your rescue. –Are you afraid to put your hand on the burner of a hot stove even though you really want the soup you just heated on that stove? Someone once said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over again and expect to get different results. Learn from experience and make a habit of putting your mind on things that are constructive to your life and stop looking back.

Hi .. I am really thankful that I have found this post.

Why is it that whenever I listen to a person’s voice or just being with a person whom slouches even though they dont say any harmful words to me, I feel like I am more tired? It really depressing because I can’t seem to get much done with my lack of energy.

The story is that I am always with my 60 years old aunty and she is just not a motivating person to be with . I am planning to stop being with her . But I dont think I have the choice, if I dont have the choice but have to stay with these people , how can I handle it? By doing more yoga and exercising? thats not a habit yet.

Hope you can help

Ree Ree, perhaps you need to go back over this article and read it more slowly so that you understand what it’s telling you.
Also, Ree Ree, elderly people can inadvertently make young people feel tired, either out of boredom with their company or because older people sometimes have a lower energy threshold. But there’s something more: you appear to have a habit of drawing other people’s energy from them in order to feel energized but your aunt has nothing extra to give you. As you say “…she is just not a motivating person to be with” but I ask you, why should you expect this from her? You need to develop a daily spiritual practice of protecting your aura with a Light boundary, paying attention to how much energy you take from others and how they take from you. People do this to each other all the time, not meaning harm, but when human beings are not mindful of their Soul energy they tend to try to get life energy from others. So my point is: perhaps your aunt tries to get energy from you but you may, unconsciously, also do the same to her. It’s time to discover your divine Soul and lean on that for strength and vitality. Read other articles on this website, there is guidance for you there. More in-depth guidance, Ree Ree, will require a session but do please read the article again…while you once again ask your questions and look for answers provided in the content.

Hey Diana , we were left with my husbands grandmothers house who has recently passed. My husband has been struggling with an addiction although he doesn’t want to admit it , and he’s been telling me lately that he gets a bad feeling when he gets to the house. I have been noticing that I’ve been feeling the same way , when I leave my home I dread stepping foot back into it . We have let alot of people in our home who have stabbed us in the back and it makes it feel as if my home is not “safe”. I need some advice on what I could do to get rid of this feeling and the negative energy out of our home. Please help

Mariah, read my articles on smudging, here and here. Continue doing this practice if necessary–including the smudging of your family and even articles owned through inheritance–until the energy is clear and your feelings are once again peaceful. I’m certain this will make apositive difference.

Hey Diana, im back but I just wanted to bother you with one more thing because I really do appreciate your time.. Lately I have been kind of insecure in my relationship with my fiancé. I don’t know why I have such a problem trusting people in general. I have been with him since we were very young. Since we’ve been engaged he’s never given me a reason to think he is doing something behind my back or being unfaithful. But my mentality is that eventually there is someone in the relationship who will stray (and ofcourse I don’t think it’s me) but again I don’t know why that is just the way I think. Like eventually he will lose interest or just make a dumb decision just cause he’s not happy with his life or something. And he has been at his job for over a year and he interacts with females all day (males also but obviously females is all I think about) for awhile I was pretty content in my relationship, very comfortable but then last year I was going through a tough time (it was a personal thing… nothing to do with my relationship between me and my fiancé) so I called my friends “spiritual healer” to try and calm me down with my burst of anxiety and depression that I was experiencing .. And this so called “healer” actually made matters worse. Even though it had nothing to do with my relationship and I didn’t ask anything about him … She changed the subject and asked me when we were getting married, I said maybe next summer nothing is set yet because I’m still not sure on a couple of things like a profession etc then she said “I don’t see it happening then, you should really get married this summer before things start falling apart” … That comment honestly triggered something in me to become even more depressed and anxious. I stopped talking to my best friend who gave me her number because I somehow blamed her even though I’m the one who called this lady, but I took it out on her.. Now we don’t speak. I became an emotional disaster… (I mentioned in my last comment to you how I went through a tough time and felt like I lost a lot of me) And I then had it fixed in my mind and was obsessively thinking that the reason me and my fiances relationship will “fall apart” as she said, is due to him not wanting me anymore or him stepping out with someone else, or me catching him texting or liking another female our us just in general falling out of love with eachother etc etc. I had trust issues to begin with but On top of that, hearing that comment just pushed them over the edge. And since then it’s been more then a year and I’m continuing to work on my trust for him but I can’t say I am really too good. For example: his company is having a Holiday party soon with just the employees and I really hate that he is going. It’s not even that I want to go to enjoy myself, I would want to go just to monitor every situation. Like a freaking body guard. This is no way to be. It’s not fair for him either, and I absolutely recognize that. Waking up in the middle of the night not able to sleep cause constantly worried about if your other half is being untrustworthy or unloyal but I don’t know why thats how I feel. Thank you again for your time reading this Diana.

I forgot to mention that in general we do have a very well balanced relationship. We always try our best to be there for one another emotionally and physically. I can’t say that he’s never been there for me, because he truly always does his best to support me always. No major problems thankfully other then the occasional fight here and there but the fights we get into that are triggered from my trust problems Get really intense and really bad. He truly has become so fed up with the lack of trust :/ … Sorry again for being a pest but thanks for your time!

Jay, step back from your thoughts. –How much time do you spend alone in simple contemplation about things other than your personal worries? –Do you ever look up at the stars and think about the immensity of existence and the miracle of your existence on this planet? –What do you deeply desire to achieve with this precious life? The kinds of things that you choose to focus on destabilizes your psyche. There is so much more to life…will you dare to expand beyond all those concerns that you allow to consume you?

I try to focus on the beautiful miracles everyday. I used to look up at the stars randomly and felt such beauty and such a light shine through my body, I felt connected to nature and I was in touch with my soul, I absolutely felt it. My depression (I call it depression to most people but honestly I don’t know how to explain it, it didn’t feel like true depression. It was instantly out of no where one day. Like someone just snapped their fingers and BAM! It was downhill from there. It was a very powerful negative out of body experience I felt) took me down a really bad path and I lost a lot of myself and my connection to higher power and my faith. But I do hope and I believe sooner than later I will be able to stop myself from dwelling and thinking such negative thoughts whether it’s my own self loathing or the relationships with my loved ones who I value very much in this life. Thanks Diana and have a very healthy and happy holiday season and new year =)

Hello, Dear Jay! It’s taken me awhile to respond as I’ve thought about you, considering what to say in a forum, how best to help catapult you toward healing with limited space, time, and out of context of a session. Any further advice will have to be given in session, Jay, so keep that in mind as I attempt to be thorough on your best behalf.

Over your series of comments, a more complete picture unfolds. In a previous comment you mentioned your encounter with a healer and first off I want to say to you…and to all readers…do not ever put stock in psychic readings or “healing” sessions that send you into an emotional tailspin, that are negative and that leave you feeling despaired. All of you, understand that psychics and all people who you turn to for help are human beings like yourself, with misperceptions, flaws, egos, misdirected beliefs, and unseen motivations and influences. While there are those who are sincere, spiritual-minded people, there are others who are not, and those in-between. Even a good reading can go South when something is said that triggers intense emotional responses which are not the fault of the psychic (for if people were realistic in their dealings with psychics/healers a sufficient defense against such vulnerability would be in place) but can be an unintended backlash which brings out into the open an area of our lives in need of healing.

If only people could know at the time of the troubling event that this is a blessing in disguise. –A tough lesson in unearned trust, given too readily; and a revelation of deeper insecurities and lack of trust in one’s self and a lack of awareness of the inherent goodness of each person’s Divine path. (There is an unseen spiritual security in each person’s life but they do not know this. I assure you it is there.) This “blessing in disguise” is what Spirit does, all the time: Spirit turns a negative event into a positive one. Most often, it’s up to the blind-sided individual to hang on and push through, because usually this amazing fact is discovered in retrospect…after the crisis is over.

In your case, Jay, you have been set upon a very important search of self-discovery. You are fortunate. Countless millions never do this and are completely unaware of their authentic selves, living instead with the superficialities of physical life. Now, of course I understand that you feel that you have lost yourself, but this is not true…because it is literally impossible! The feeling that we have lost ourselves is not uncommon and in this, Jay, you are not alone. This is a rite of passage, a opportunity for spiritual emergence that is already underway.You are a Soul who is what it has always been: it is impossible to lose your Core self because you cannot be separated from that, anymore than you can lose yourself by running away as fast as you can. Your Soul is strong and beautiful and luminous and wise. And you are the good and positive person you always were, you have just lost sight of that, for awhile. Spiritual Emergence is difficult and sometimes feels more like a spiritual emergency. In this time, you must suspend self-judgment and be kind to yourself. You must will yourself to let go of regrets and have mercy on what you consider to be losses and shortcomings. Observing the beauty in nature will help you re-set, bring peace and blessings to your eyes and into your heart. Let yourself go silent, within. Pursue your intention to heal while soothing yourself with a spiritual poultice of love, hope, and renewal. You are being taught humility about the mortality and vulnerability of the ego-self…a gift…so embrace it and look for the good that is sure to come to you. Your job is to listen to the goodness that is your heart. Your job is to breathe through the panic mode, and allow yourself the peace of self-acceptance. Your job is to see the beauty that will heal you. Have a daily spiritual light protection practice as written on this website. Do this much without fail. And celebrate your life!!! It is the right start to a re-newed and wiser you. For all else (and there is) you will have to contact me for an appointment. Much Love to you!!

I came across your sight after googling something a psychic told me that I wasnt sure how to undetstand it. She said ” you need to let go of that energy.its not yours” I suffer from anxiety, for years on and off. I believe its my overall health causing it. When eat right and exercise my anxiety gets a little better. Im on an antianxiety med that was working but as usual some how my anxiety breaks through. I havent been healthy or exercising. Your article made a lot of sense to me. Can you recommend a good bookor website or advise on meditation.

I forgot to ask could my years of anxietybe from me puking up on othets peoples enegy? Because I live life, I love my husband and kids and Im generally a happy person. Thank you

Not that simple. While other people’s energy can influence, we are very complicated beings. Far more likely that there are experiences, beliefs, etc. buried within you that are causing this anxiety. We are not at all what we seem to be on the surface, but so much more. Discussions with a trans-personal therapist as to the deeper origins of this anxiety would be helpful. Best of everything to you and thanks for commenting.

Hi, Erin and thanks for commenting. You present a complex issue and while your question to me presents itself as something of a self-diagnoses on what you think the answer might be, I ask you to read my article on meditation before you undertake a meditation practice. Begin all of your altered-state anxiety remediations with a daily spiritual protection, as explained here. Don’t skip this step in your healing as it is fundamental. Also, Erin, keep in mind that the mass consciousness of which we are all a part and connected with is in an extreme state of anxiety. This does bleed into an individual’s personal experience. Strive for balance in body, mind, and spirit. Yes, care for the body, bring balance into your thinking, perceiving, and outlook…expand your personal philosophy about life and your place in this world, avoid over-exposure to anxiety-inducing media/mind memes, have quiet personal spiritual time each day, and as I’ve said to others here, anxiety is as much about the unseen workings of beliefs and buried workings within the mind as much as it is about energy. Your struggle is a call from your Soul to “know yourself” and to find your spiritual power. When you do that, anxiety will no longer be a chronic issue. I know you can heal, and as a first step in exercising your spiritual power, ask your Divine Guidance to lead you to the next connection. For instance, you were led here! 🙂 May you come to feel the stirrings within, drawing you forward to find what you seek: healing through an awakening to your Soul

hi Diana,sorry for bothering you but I wanna ask u a question, why is it that people I love doesn’t love me back or even if they did they will stop loving me for no apparent reason ,I wanna if am giving a negative vibes and don’t get me wrong am loving and caring ,I just don’t why I can’t be in a relationship.Thank you

Ella, do you really think there is a simple answer to this? There are many reasons why “relationships” (as we define them) are not happening “right now”. Best thing for you to do is to stop (sorry, honey) feeling sorry for yourself. And maybe…oh, yes…you are trying too hard to get the wrong people to accept you. Stop feeling so awful about yourself and start over with something like, “Maybe I’m better off without those people who don’t ‘want’ me, because they don’t see me for the beauty I am and they don’t know what they’re missing.”

Hi Diana, really liked de post! thank you very much (sorry for my bad english)
By reading this I kind of realized how afraid I am of a certain person and I though that you may be able to give me some advice…without putting too much detail into the story, let´s say there is this guy who used to be my friend, we went to highshcool together but he was extremely manipulative,mean, and for most part with really bad and aggressive vibes. He was kicked out of our school because he wasn´t taking his meds (later on we found out that he had several mental health issues, not only depression and anxiety as he used to tell us), it was because me and my friends stood up against his manipulative behaviors and told the teachers and counselor about him.
We get rid of him,luckily, at the beginning of classes and it was a blessing for everyone (everyone of us felt the same about him, even teachers but we would say a word because he kind of brainwashed us)
Now I found out that we are going to work at the same place. The guy hates me, he blocked me from every social media, and from what I’ve heard he blames me for what happened at school. Im really concerned about him being manipulative again and talking s*it about me with our coworkers but most importantly: because of his super bad vibes. I can ignore his hate comments (I had to before, on school) but i can definitely not ignore his vibes. You wouldn’t believe how fu*ked they are… super creepy, aggressive, invasive, and exhausting…. I think a lot have to do with his mental instability and problems, my friends tell me not to worry about him, not to give him so much power and I agree with that but I can’t stop feeling scared. I truly feel like Im in great danger when Im around him, Its something that never, EVER, happened to me before, just seeing his face makes me want to start running away from him and Im not exaggerating. Even tho I really appreciate your post and Im definitely putting your advice into practice I feel its not enough for this situation…do you think the problem is mine? would you recommend something in particular to keep me protected? you won’t believe how terrified I am of him (I know… It sounds pathetic, but still..)

thanks you very much in advance!!

Kelly, time for some tough love and some straight truth. You need it.

Do you know one of the primary meanings of the word, “drama”? Let me help you. It means: “a situation or sequence of events that is highly emotional, tragic, or turbulent”. Meaning further, of course, that you (as well as others) got yourself pretty worked up over this.

Drama is a word that generally applies to play-acting or fiction, but all-too-often the players in life build situations to a crescendo, which amplifies the energy, blows things out of proportion, and makes the possibility of a balanced outcome unlikely. In fact, drama acted out in real life is very often destructive to the characters involved and is harmful to bystanders who don’t steer clear, as well.

You are young, and as adolescents often do (along with many adults who have adolescent personalities), you got caught up in drama. This experience is part of your life’s training, so now is your chance to learn to stay out of drama…hopefully adopting this rule as a principle to live by for the rest of your life.

It’s time to recognize and own the things you did to make matters worse, to amplify this irrational fantasy that is building, which can make matters even worse, still.

To begin with, you and your classmates “ganged up” on this person and no doubt gossiped frequently about him, building a horror profile as you went along. –I’m not saying you should not have taken your concerns to school authorities, but this should have been done between you and school personnel, and then not discussed ad nauseam with your friends. You joined a “click” of “us against him”…a sure way to heighten negativity in any form. You were all sending out some very undesirable vibes, a sure way to attract them right back. –If not from the source of your disdain, then from other energetic frequencies that oscillate in tandem with your own disharmonious energies…energies that are not calm and are inappropriately focused.

At this point, you are experiencing the results of your own outpourings, not his.

Then, for some truly inexplicable reason, you expected him to not “block” you on social media. Really, my dear, are you serious? –Really?!

When I wrote this article a few years back, the world was a different place than it is today. As of this writing, November 19th, 2016, the world has finally arrived at the razor precipice of calamity. The swirling terror within the collective energetic mindset is congealing into a frenzy of paranoia, division, extremism, and irrationality so grave, so dire, that a genuine collective psychosis is now underway. I am not using a metaphor, here, this is not an opinion, but a fact of astonishing concern to every living thing on this planet. The crazies are in control of the asylum. The answer this time is not, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!” but to remain sane if we are, and to somehow get sane if we aren’t. When I wrote this back then, the comments from readers reflected something very different than they do today. Today, I can see that this article appears to reinforce the present divisions and misperceptions of a stressed social collective which has been influenced to see “badness” in other human beings to an unprecedented degree. We are becoming reflexive in our judgment, our blame, our branding, and our fear. This article in no way supports any of that, but instead is meant to teach people how to conduct their lives from a point of personal power and even-handed action.

So, Kelly, the world today gives you no stable or sane platform upon which to build your life, upon which to see goodness as the underpinning of all life. I want you to try to understand the ways in which you have worked yourself into a frenzy of fear, and the part you play in your own troubles.

I want you to see and understand how you dehumanized this person and inflated his “badness”, sometimes sending mixed signals as you implied when you mentioned being blocked by him (were you trying to initiate contact at that point? –with someone you didn’t like?), which is a mild cruelty in itself. Most of all, I want you to understand that you cannot discover the divinity within yourself if you will not work at trying to see it within others. No one is ALL bad, as each living being has a spark of Divine life within them that animates their existence. In the worst human beings, the spark may be all but gone out, but as long as there is breath, there is a God presence in there, somewhere. It’s time for you to let this go, if you want peace in your life. He is not stalking you, Kelly, you are inviting him into your mind, begging for his presence with your terrified thoughts, and he may very well say bad things about you to others…but so what?! —So what?

To answer your question, yes, the problem is yours. Make peace with this person in your head, learn from your mistakes, do not pretend to be a friend or try to be a friend insincerely and leave him alone. Do not gossip about him. Do not empower the negative past by living it in your mind in the present. Let this person be and get on with your job–and do a good job. Get on with your life. You say, “Even tho I really appreciate your post and Im definitely putting your advice into practice I feel its not enough for this situation” and I say, “Yes, you’re right, if you don’t get control of your own head then there is nothing that can help you because you refuse to learn.”

If, in the highly unlikely chance that he should make a move to actually DO something threatening, report it to authorities. Otherwise, it’s time for you to recognize that it rains on the just and the unjust, the sun shines on all the crazies…including those of us who know just enough truth to confuse us, but not enough to cure us. Allow life to be, Kelly, allow other people to live as they must, (you don’t have to like it) and keep your pointing finger in your pockets.

I felt very enlighted by your article. I feel conflicted. My mom, has had issues with drugs, and diabetes. I feel frustrated because her health has spiraled out of hand and these past few years have been tramontuous for me. She has had multiple surgeries and even had her leg cut off. I feel frustrated and drained trying to help her. I’ve made meal plans, research holistic remedies for her but to no avail. She’s now on dialysis, still eating candy and doing drugs. I feel she pulls me down. I feel guilty for saying that but I just feel drained. My personal life has taken a hit, I lost my home & now live in an attic with my brother and I fear my own health failing. Even still, I feel scared step away from her because I feel if I do it will hurt her and she will surely die. I’m exhasted though. It hurts me to see her this way & she won’t do anything serious to get back on track. I feel my life is paused or in limbo waiting to see what will happen. How do I manage being a supportive loving daughter & getting myself back on track? Also I live with my brother who’s diagnosed schizophrenic. I feel drained talking to him. I want to help but he won’t look for work & spends most his time online. I work 12 hours a day and people often call me sunshine, I try to be kind to everyone and fair but I feel frustrated because I can’t seem to get my own stuff done trying to be there for everyone else. I appreciate any advice you may have.

Michelle, I’m sorry but I couldn’t possibly help you in a comment forum. You would need a session with me, as the complexity cannot be answered here. Simplify your thinking, don’t let yourself go to the point of exhaustion and know/accept that you cannot live another person’s life for them. Take care of yourself, first, and do a good job of that. This is the right thing and the only thing for you to do. Don’t give more than you can, and don’t try to.

Thanks so much for the confirmation and the tip with the salt. I am new to the meta physics term but my soul taught me everything that I am now reading about and even asking about. I knew a lot of it. This is a journey that I have ben on for a very long time with thinking and feeling I as just made this way, I am an old soul who loss there soul and I am now awakening with a clear consciousness of everything around me. I can remember from 5 years of age and I’m 50 this year. I am interested in finding others like myself because I am a empath too, I cant go everywhere and when I do its only to improve me or to build up my son, I am often entertained by the energies around me and also by my 27 year old that rebirth who was an old spirit and lost control by calcifying her gland through addiction instead of channeling her powers through the sun. as I said I’m exited and glad to find others of love. please help me to find an awakening community in the area trust issues are few and the web sites in my area I am not feeling good about. I am in Louisiana if you know of anyone who will tell you of someone near me please help. and if you can help me on this journey any more I am open for suggestions Thanks for everything and your peace.

For you, Constance, you need to have a daily spiritual practice as written elsewhere on this website and to take your needs to Spirit for personal guidance and direction. Allow yourself to be led to find what is needed and you will find it. Your life is a learning curve and your beliefs are meant to expand as you gain more truth through study and the hard work of personal development. Not having others of like mind to associate with is indeed difficult, but you are meant to see that your spiritual development does not depend on others, but on your own heartfelt connection to the sacred within you, your own Divine Soul. In other words, recognize the fullness within and then completion in the material realm will follow. Peace and guidance be with you.

Hello there… Found your article and it meant a lot for me.

I dont know if this is part of an awakening or spiritual vibes but i feel so sick of this world.

Usually i used to deal good with my classmates.. De 90 percent are toxic… Just loke you described. LATELY i wake uo and say its going to be an amazing day and im goong to ne happy but as soon as i get there… I start being super pessimistic.. Serious.. Cant laugh…. Everything anoys me… Its crazy i have never been like that before.. Why is this caused..?
I meditate daily… Workout daily… Im a vegetarian… It feels like its taking over me


Oh, Carla, your email address is so revealing. You take pride in being a rebel, and in that sense you are setting yourself up for the downspiral you describe. Let me explain, ever so briefly: you are young and feeling your way through life. Actually… being a rebel is a pretty good thing, except you have to know that there are consequences. With maturity, time, and experience, one learns to be a rebel without self-destructing. But early on, the symptoms are profound dissatisfaction with society that if not collared, can turn inward. This may not make any sense to you, but if you think my words over very carefully, you will begin to understand.

The world, especially today, is very sick. But this should not make you feel sick!! Just because the world and others around you are showing a sickness of soul, don’t catch it!! 🙂 You don’t have to catch it!! You have to understand it, and with time, you will. Observe, don’t react. Learn, don’t jump to conclusions. Don’t judge harshly. Don’t criticize and condemn. Don’t get on a pedestal.

Practice understanding, work to get the bigger and bigger picture. Ask, how can I serve this world best? What are my gifts to help others and the planet? Spend time and energy building a good life of service, and watching others receive the gifts you have to give, both big and small.

Count your blessings, develop humility. Don’t take things for granted. Admit your own flaws and weaknesses, and learn the greatest truth of all: we are all one and we’re all in this together. The world doesn’t soil you: it conditions you. Get your hands in it an learn to love it for what it is, because I promise you there is priceless treasure in all the places you are not looking because it seems so unpleasant to look at.

Practice love. Without love, all the “spiritual” efforts in all dimensions of time and space amounts to nothing at all. Nothing. Nothing at all.

May you choose to know love because you have found the love you are made of, and in that, discover the love in every person who appears so negative to your ego’s eyes.

Hi Dana, thank you so much for enlightening us all with this amazing article. Very helpful! I have some concerns.
Two seperate psychics i have been to have told me i have “negative energy” on my aura. And that many people are very jealous of me. I do know that i have had very jealous people in my life,, and cut most of them out. However, I do not consider myself to be negative. I have had some traumatic experiences in my life, but i am extremely grateful for the good i’ve experienced and always focus on the good rather than the bad. My grandmother has some religious powers and cleanses me of the evil eye which she sees i occasionally catch ( common in my culture) My boyfriend of two years claims that ever since i came into his life he has been depressed, and claims that negative energy is rubbed off on him. However, we have broken up for months at a time, and his energy had not improved so im not sure if that even has to do with me? And also like i said, i always maintain a very positive, greatful, and generous attitude so im not sure if i am actually projecting any negativity on others. I do consider myself very emotional and empathetic.I try to picture a golden white bubble around myself along with a mirror every day, is their anything else i can do to protect or cleanse my aura in my situation? Thank you so much

Your problem is with your beliefs, and your choices. You don’t see the contradictions going on within you, so here they are:

Number one: Do not believe psychics who tell you such things, in fact, you need to stop going to psychics. You are too impressionable and you are being played. Meaning, they were wrong…the sure sign of fake/bad psychics is when they tell you that you have bad energy or you’re cursed, and that people are jealous of you. This is a predictable charlatan script used millions of times, and it’s as fake as it gets.

Number two: “My grandmother has some religious powers and cleanses me of the evil eye which she sees i occasionally catch” Religious powers? This is a contradiction in terms. Religion does not bring power. In fact, psychic ability is not a “power”. This is such a common misconception. With all due respect to your culture, it’s time that you decide whether you want to know the truth about life or you want to settle for inherited superstitions and live with the consequences. You do not have “the Evil Eye”…but you, like most everyone else in this world, can benefit from an energy cleanse and a good scrubbing of your beliefs. This doesn’t make you defective, it means you’re human. –Which is a very good thing, by the way!

Number Three: This boyfriend makes for an abusive relationship. Period. No ands, ifs, or buts. Why, my dear, do you put any stock in anything he says to you? And if you’re still speaking to him at all…not good for you.

Number Four and Most Important: Despite your assertion that you see the good over the bad, that’s not what you are demonstrating with what you wrote. You don’t know how to be a good friend to yourself!! You line up to be abused, you look for it and then you lay down for it.

Our beliefs and our choices are entwined, meaning that for you, it’s time to see that what you’ve been willing to believe has caused you to suffer. The Divine endowed you with the same inner truth and right to exist as anyone else in this world. It’s time that you honor the Divine by honoring yourself, loving yourself, and stop taking other people’s word that you are a negative person. The lesson here is for you to come to your own defense and really start to trust more in love and light than evil and darkness, especially your own love and light. This will transform your life and lead you to fulfill greater things than you have ever imagined possible.

I hope you will make the change. You are a beautiful being so own it.

Thanks tons, im definetly getting your point, sorry if i sounded arrogant, didnt mean it. Sure im making what you suggest!
Thanks again!

Dear Diana,

I really would appreciate a suggestion on my situation. I am in a terrible financial state and lately my optimism is leaving me. I live in a European country with bad economy and heavy taxation for the last 8 years. I have a morning job and in the afternoons I teach yoga. All my income is going to pay enormous taxes, bank debt from my previous unconscious living and bills. I struggle to buy everyday necessities. This is going on for 4 years now. I have a strong daily spiritual discipline, I do prosperity meditations and I work as much as I can. I know they do work, money is coming in but it goes to pays debts. This is a life without joy. My boyfriend is also unemployed for two years now so I pay everything in the house as well. Is there something I am missing? Is there a dynamic at work that I fail to see? I am so tired of this situation dragging on. Thank you for listening to me.

Hi, Lilly. I simply cannot provide much help in a comment forum. In addition, I receive dozens of comments per day and there are time limitations. I will tell you that you are in an economic boat shared my millions upon millions of other people: and we haven’t seen the worst of it in this world. We face challenges, and it is up to us to decide right here and right now that discouragement/despair is not an option. We may feel we deserve a break, and surely we do…but it doesn’t come and then what? Keep on, keeping on!!

In your situation, however, I detect some self-infliction happening. There are things you can do to change things that you are avoiding. Your debts…there are probably other options. Your boyfriend…now wait a minute! You need to rethink this over very carefully. There are jobs he can get…may not like them…but something he can do to carry his own weight and if this is a real relationship, some of yours. If not, my dear, then it’s time to call a spade, a spade.


I have evidence that my husbabd is using prostitutes.

He lies, is remorseless, and sees nithing wrong with it.

He keeps saying he’s not, but there’s slways evidence.

I am not yet in a position to divorce due to lack of support and finances.

Meanwhile he wants us to continue as if everything is normal.

The deception is destroying me inside as I know his thoughts are impure and continuous, and I sense this constant stream of deception towards me.

Can you offer any tips on how to protect myself from this continous harmful stream of deceit piercing my aura?


Hi Diana, I hope you are well. Sorry to be a bother but lately I just feel like my soul and spirit need to be cleansed of all the negative energy. From work, home life, my in laws, my fiancé and my personal struggles. It’s just a lot. I went through a really rough time the end of July 2015 and have been recovering from it since then. I lost myself more then I could have ever imagined. All I did was cry, no appetite, can you believe for about two months I actually slept less the. 2 hours every night? I really don’t even know how I survived the feelings and thoughts I was going through. Lost, hopeless, drained. It was a real spiritual disturbance. I honestly lost so much of myself throughout that year, that I think it’s almost impossible to get myself back to were I was. The bright spirited, high energy aura that I once had is not anymore. I actually had people approach me sometimes and tell me that as soon as I walked into a room, it just lit up! And the more I think if it I actually feel sad again about how now I just am breathing and walking. Nothing else. No feeling, no real laughter. Just blowing through life. I had a whole plan of going to school and starting a future for myself before I got “sick” and now I’m just working somewhere that o can’t complain about pay but this was a job I would have never come too if it wasn’t for my mom and brother being desperate and sticking me here. I lost my best friend because I blamed her for what emotions I went through (there is a back story about that) but it really wasn’t her fault. Now she hasn’t reached out to me in over a year. And I truly do miss her but my pride is too big and also I don’t know if my family will let me talk to her because what I went through last summer. I love her but her energy isn’t always the best. When she’s in a good mood she’s great, but wow when she’s mad or upset her energy just radiates through my body. I lost a couple of my other friends cause I just withdrew from them. I’m kinda lonely at times and I don’t mind too much cause I’m a home body anyways but sometimes it’s nice and I miss my best friend and other friends. My significant other now is going through similar emotions about life. He’s been depressed, hopeless and just upset about life for the past 3 months. Won’t tell me exactly what is bothering him in his souls core. He blames it on work and “stuff” like that but I’m just not sure. I’m so sorry for this long comment, I thought it wouldn’t have been so long lol but my thoughts just started streaming through. Thank you so much for your time. Blessings on blessings your way

Jay, you survived because you are a Divine Soul housed in a physical body. Nothing about that fact has changed. You are always that, you have always been that. Extreme hardships draws a curtain over our eyes and we are temporarily blinded to the truth, which is a primary cause of our suffering. I recommend counseling and shamanic healing/spiritual extraction, power animal retrieval, and soul retrieval to supplement the psychological healing. For further information on trained and qualified shamanic practitioners in your area, go to Look under the dropdown box for trained people with whom you can seek healing help.

Also follow the suggestions for spiritual connection and energy cleansing provided on this website.

Due to time constraints, with dozens of comments coming my way daily, this is the extent of what I can offer you in this forum. If you will follow through, you will see your life improve and your energy for life blossom once again. Blessings to you.

I’m sorry, I hit reply to “m” instead of replying to you for some reason. Don’t know how I got confused on that one ;/ . But that reply is not for “m” but to you haha. Thank you again for your valuable time. Peace, health, love and light.

im going to bed because its 3 in the morning. but just a quick question, does weed make you more spiritually vulnerable because it opens up your aura. because im guessing that it can kind of goes both ways, like you’re more susceptible to bad energy but also more open to positive energy and i know a positive thought is stronger than negative. also i have some questions about dreams i wish you could answer right now lol.

M, you are not more open to positive energy with weed. Misconception. And yes, you’re correct that a positive thought is much stronger than a negative! See my answers below.

Thank you very much for your valuable time and your response. It is appreciated more then you know! Been checking everyday to see for a response and I even commented earlier thinking I wouldn’t get one because I’m sure there are people reaching out to you and you are busy … But you did respond and I truly appreciate it. Thank you and I will take your suggestion into strong consideration. Financially I might not be able to seek shamanic spiritual healing because I have done my research (I live in NY so everything around here is pretty pricey) but I will try to desperately work on it myself and try my hardest to push down the negative thoughts and become the happy me I was. I hope that works. Thank you again very much.

Thank you, Jay for reaching out. Just one more thing: keep in mind that trying “desperately” is not quite what you’re aiming for. Joy and peace are not gained with desperation (although we can arrive at a good space because of what desperation has taught us), but rather, your healing will be achieved with relaxing into all the goodness you’ve not been noticing. Life is so beautiful, if we pay attention. Count your blessings, connect with Nature daily, undertake that spiritual practice, and laugh more. Gratitude is a good beginning, combined with an allowance for your healing to occur. Life wants so much to help you. Let it…

Pushing down negative feelings only puts them where they can do harm long-term. What you want to do is transform negative thoughts/feelings with corrective thinking, with a realization of the truth that no matter how bad things get, the sun is shining behind the clouds. Remember to avoid self-pity while you genuinely nurture yourself with love.

And, by the way–all things are possible with Spirit, so allow that the healing opportunities you feel you can’t afford will arise as you are able to work on yourself improvement. Even increasing your positivity just a little bit can cause miraculous things to occur.

Love to you.

hey diana, im “m.” im 17. i have a lot of questions and i hope it doesn’t bother you that i don’t have any money, i understand that your time is valuable. first of all id like to say that i really appreciate all of this information that you have posted and it has helped me to gain a new and different perspective on life. thankyou… i have always been aware that there is some kind of “energy” and i know a fair bit about the law of attraction. im young and just begging my life, so any advice is appreciated…. im in an ongoing crisis and its messing with me mentally because i feel like there are things that may be out of my control, its causing me alot of stress and anxiety and i just want to see what you think from your experience. i think someone is doing witchcraft or black magic on me and i have some evidence to show that it isnt just suspicion…..this is a seperate question. and is it possible or even common for someone to put bad and/or controlling thoughts in your head? and why might they do this? even if they appear to be your “friend”. also can weed and cigarettes, harm your energy if you let it? i’ve tried (omitted) a few times too and i feel like that totally opens my mind up… i think i like drugs. ive been (omitted) for like 5 years now and wonder if its still okay, is it up to me to decide? or should i not mess around with it. id like to talk to you privately, or some way we can talk because i feel that the topic is too sensitive.

Hi, “M”…please notice that your comment was edited to protect your privacy. Thank you for reaching out and I’ll help you as best I can within this comment forum. Sessions with me are limited to those who are age 18 or older, so even if you could, I’m not able to consult with you in person. I want you to know, however, that you are a young person with tremendous potential and I’m proud of you for asking questions and being the seeker you were born to be. It’s an honor to assist you as best I can.

Okay, so we have a several different issues, here. Let’s start with “i’m in an ongoing crisis and its messing with me mentally because i feel like there are things that may be out of my control, its causing me alot of stress and anxiety“.

Most people have a lot of stress and anxiety these days. But for you, the answer to this is very plain: Do all that you can to bring stability and balance into your life, while taking into account you are a 17 year old male with a lot of development occurring within your maturing body that naturally and normally creates feelings of chaos and confusion. You will outgrow much of what is happening to you now. In the meantime, willingly and eagerly inject some personal discipline into your life: create a healthy routine for yourself and stick to it. Don’t stay up until 3 AM, go to bed at a healthy time each night, get up in the morning at the same time daily, eat healthy food, get plenty of regular exercise, study and read regularly, make sure that each day has a balance of physical work, study and learning, a safe spiritual practice, and healthy recreation. It’s clear to me that much of what you are choosing to do with your time involves being “out of control” by altering your state of consciousness, and this is most unwise for you. Don’t escape from life: use your time building solid dreams and learn/practice how to cope without “checking out” by using drugs. You are naturally sensitive and imaginative, so direct these gifts in a productive and focused way. Develop a talent, for instance. Come to understand that you gain spiritual power through practical disciplines, as well as earnest study and a daily spiritual practice, such as smudging.

Slow your thoughts down, M. Notice how fast your thoughts jump from one thing to another, and are all over the place. Practice focusing, okay?

Now, about “witchcraft and black magic” being directed at you, which you seem to believe is the cause of feeling stress and out of control: stop going there. Even though you say, “i have some evidence to show that it isnt just suspicion” this thinking does not serve you. This thought injures you and directs you away from a Primary Truth that you need for a personal foundation in your life, which is: You are a Divinely created, sovereign being. You do have control over the energies you allow into your life, if you will recognize your inner goodness and claim your sovereign right to be safe from negative attack. But, there’s more. You cannot choose to do those things that will subject you to negative influences. Mind-altering drug and substance experimentation by the young (and adults as well) certainly subjects you to negative influences, that’s a fact…and that’s that.

Yes, you are correct that you have a choice! If I had but one message for young people, it would be to consider their choices very carefully, looking to the bigger picture of certain consequences of their choices and holding to those things they most wish to achieve in life.

So, M, for those thoughts coming into your head: cleanse yourself with a salt bath, a smudging ritual, and a daily light meditation. I encourage you to read all the articles on this website about spiritual strength and protection, here, here, and here, for instance.

Love yourself, young man, and remember this: Your life is a miracle and a gift, an adventure with limitless horizons if you will answer the call of your heart, and seek to discover your Soul. You build your life one day at a time, by the things you think, do, and act, so think of life as a world you create for yourself, a reality that brings out the best in you and makes life better for others. Thank you for sharing with us, M. and blessings to you!!

Hey !! Sometimes it feels like my friends are trying to get rid of me its like i’m trying to gain their attention n they literally walk off as if i dont exist is it bcoz I’m dumb or I’m spreading bad vibes especially it happens with girls they ignore me n talk to some other guys at times i feel a bit jealous but on other hand i can’t obstain them talking what is my problem i feel very lonely

Time constraints prevent me from giving you a long answer, Rajiv. I can assure you that you’re not dumb or spreading bad vibes, but I do suggest that you’re trying to make friends with the wrong people. Rajiv, finding friends shouldn’t be work, and it shouldn’t be painful. When it is, this is life telling you that you’re trying too hard, and that probably you’ve made a poor choice with the associations you seek. You are trying to find acceptance from people who cannot be your friends because they are not energetically or otherwise suited to you, so instead build your confidence with people who are more open and accepting. We can’t be liked by everyone: no one is, no matter what it looks like and besides…true friends are far and few between. Do you want true friends or do you just want to be popular? I suggest some counseling so you can get helpful feedback and some emotional support while you learn to socialize with more accepting people.


About 6 years ago I was in a physically and mentally abusive relationship.. I am now engaged to a man that would never hurt me and we have a baby but I still cannot get away from my past. I still have dreams about him hurting me and I feel like I just cant get away from it.. So I guess my question is how do I get rid of this past negative energy?

Read the many articles on this website and follow the guidance, such as salt baths, smudging, spiritual practice, etc. Your dreams do reflect psychological influence as well, and Sandra, the damages of abuse can sink deeply, so please make an appointment with a qualified therapist who can help you heal. The very best to you.

Hi Diana, I really need your advise, I am a Ivory intuitive person and believe in bad energy as I’ve been living with my mother in laws bad energy for the past 3 years! She is destroying me and my husbands live as its asking over and I know that this is not me! She has caused a lot of problems through her sarcastic, hurtful comments, unfortunately my husband is not a fighter and she is very manipulative to the point where I think she is definitely narcissistic! I know that the way I feel is not me and have tried reiki, cbt, psychic readings and e conclusion was that I get a lot of her bad energy! Please help me to stop allowing her and my husbands brother to continue with this behaviour and give me all this bad energy as me and my husband love each other very much but it’s destroying us as she doesn’t stop!!

Ane, thanks for commenting. Now I ask you: did you read this article? I suggest you read it again…and again…and take the meaningful steps that are suggested. Please read the article on this page, as well, for further guidance about how to have good energy for yourself, no matter what.

I am sympathetic for the way you feel so trapped…and outnumbered. But you truly need a change of focus in this situation, because your pained emotions are crippling your ability to take positive action with yourself. –I know what you’re thinking, that you aren’t the one being negative here, but can you not see how your desperation works against you?

Ane, you have to back up some, get better distance emotionally, and decide what you can do, and what you can’t. You cannot remold your husband to not be who he is. He has a dynamic with his mother (established long before you were even a twinkle in his eye) that frustrates you even further, which makes matters worse. I understand you are frustrated, and I want you to understand that this frustration works against you. So you have a decision to make. Actually, several.

You can decide you will not argue with your husband about his mother. Turn your focus back on the love you share in your relationship with your husband and build on it, make it stronger by not trying to “show” him how awful his mother is. (–You have done that, haven’t you?) Don’t try to make him take sides. His dynamic with his mother is his alone, and you will have to find a way to live with that. Perhaps, over time and with the strengthening of the love between you, he will begin to see things in a different light. Your decision is whether or not you want a loving marriage. It is not your mother-in-law who is responsible for whether or not that happens so blaming her won’t fix the problem. It will only make matters much worse.

When a person is facing crippling negative circumstances, when one is feeling brought down by the negativity of others, there are two rules we can live by: eliminate or minimize association; and stay true to the inherent goodness within.

She has sucked you in and in so doing, you are contributing to the misery at hand. If you absolutely cannot eliminate your association with her (and your brother-in-law) then minimize it. Keep contact brief, be polite and emotionally withdrawn. Don’t take the bait. Think about other, more pleasant things when she’s saying things that offend you. Play deaf. I know you don’t want to do that, that you want those around you to understand how terrible she is, that you want justice in the form of recognition for the woundedness, but you have to let that go. She is what she is. Accept it. Express love and positive things to your husband and go on with your life. Get out of her head and she will have to get out of yours.

Do you have a daily spiritual protection exercise? Do you visualize, with reverence and humility, a barrier of Divine Light around you? This is a clarion call for your own spiritual growth so answer it. Your life will change and your Soul will rejoice.

Understand that this is a comment column and all contingencies cannot be addressed here. Further guidance requires a personal session with me. Thank you for sharing and I hope you will take the steps to rise above this for by taking control of yourself you will take control of your life.

Hii my brote in law has a bad ver strong Energy. I try not to bee around him but .he always is looking for me.I feel very uncontrolled. He was in a shooting. I need help

Edgar, your comment was edited for privacy reasons.

Read this article and do what it says. Read all of the articles on this website and follow suggestions to get the help you ask for.

Thanks for commenting.

Hi Diana,
There is this lady I will call her mama.
I’ve known her family for almost 20yrs. But only in the last 2 year gotten close with her. She comes off as generous and understanding. But as of lately, I been getting those BAD vibes and I’m having a hard time trusting anyone around me. And sure enough the other night at my sons birthday party, she yells at me and calls me and my family fake, in front of my friends I introduced her to. I left my son’s party immediately. Let me tell you a few things about this lady, she is punchy, she had a very hard life, she isn’t physically loving nor emotional loving…what she is, is MEAN…I need help giving her bad her bad vibes, because I don’t want it. I don’t wanna feel like this, it’s ruining my day…first couple of nights I was good, but today it’s bad…I tried my best to envision peace, but it won’t let me…I’m hurt…I’m did NOTHING wrong to this women but be forever nice to her, even though I knew she had that negative vibe in her..I tried to sooth her irritations, that didn’t work….my fault for trying I guess….

Hi, Phats, what do you mean when you write, “I need help giving her bad vibes”? –Are you meaning that you want to hurt her like she has hurt you? I hope not!!

We can choose our friends and we can choose to realize when our “friendships” have turned the corner, meaning, when it’s not a healthy friendship anymore.You say you knew she was negative, all along. So why, Phats, did you expect anything else from her? Yes, at times she was “generous and understanding”. Perhaps on occasion she helped you in some way. This should teach you that even “bad” people are not “all bad”, but it’s time to learn that people who are not “all bad” are not necessarily good for you, either.

I understand your feelings are hurt: she embarrassed and offended you! You wrote, “…my fault for trying…” and yes, that’s partly true…but not in the self-pitying tone of your words. This experience does not teach you not to try! It gives you valuable experience with human nature, and teaches you to be wise with your expectations and the amount of risk you take with relationships. You must learn not to be “all or nothing” in your superficial relationships, and measure your associations with greater caution and more realistic expectations.

This sounds like a very miserable and tormented person. She certainly doesn’t need any “bad vibe” from you, and giving her that will only make you more like her…not a good choice. Instead, choose to learn from the experience and mature because of it. We all get our feelings hurt…not fun…but this is a part of life we all experience. It’s not what life does to you that matters, it’s what you choose to do with yourself that counts. So be forgiving, back away with grace, and go on with your life. This is in everyone’s best interests.

Hi Diana,
I just wanted to thank you, for this post which started a abundance of good vibes and karma for me…on the road to my own personal success. I have discontinued my friendship with her and her entire family, who i loved so very dearly, but i sent them off in a positive way…i still love them but i know i can no longer be around negativity. This has also helped me feel and see the worth in others i wish to be around…which aint much….i am completely happy now…ive started to meditate..and my life is in a major change! Its amazing!! Thank you!
Aloha! Phats

I’m proud of you! I hope other readers will pay attention to your comment, and learn that it is possible to change one’s life. You made some right decisions and the evidence is manifest by the positive changes within you. I hope you will move forward with an eye to your Soul’s path, and a heart open to continued growth. Thanks for sharing. All blessings to you.

Thank you very much for your insight.
I would very much appreciate some personal advice. I live with my brother who is mentally ill and he copes by being codependent. It’s been a long journey emotionally, physically and spiritually and after almost 2 decades of living together, I’ve been trying to move on with my life but it seems impossible. I’ve moved out more than once but circumstances beyond my control (financial and familial pressure) ensured I had to return.
Living with him is unbearable not just because of his symptoms (he is schizophrenic and has a propensity for rage) but because of the way the atmosphere feels in the home. It’s heavy and oppressive even on his “good days”. What’s worse is, in my dating life I seem to attract men who I come to discover are diagnosed with mentally illnesses or exhibiting disturbingly similar traits. I have tried everything I can physically to improve my circumstances and it’s only gotten more complicated.
I’m at my wits end and need help breaking this cycle. Please advise. Thank you.

Hi, Tori, thanks for commenting.

There are numerous and important facts not available about your situation, so I am going to recommend that you have a session with me. If it weren’t really necessary, I wouldn’t recommend it.
I would love to help you, very much. I hope to hear from you so we can get started digging out. In the meantime, clear your head, have a daily spiritual practice, make a list of what you want to accomplish and every single day take baby steps to achieve your goal. You aren’t beat until you feel beat…so above all else, don’t sag into despair. There are answers.

Hi, Tori, you certainly deserve encouragement! To get in touch with me, select a session option at the right of the page. I will be in touch through email and we’ll go from there.

Hello Diana,
I just looked through your sessions and unfortunately, I can’t afford one right now because of my financial situation. Thanks for taking the time to respond as kindly as you have and I hope that you send positive thoughts/ prayers my way when you can. Blessings.

Of course, absolutely. Please read the articles throughout this website and implement the helpful suggestions in your life. Also, Tori, reach out to Spirit by asking for help, every day. Start each day with the expectation of a miracle, just say to yourself, “Expect a miracle!” and then watch how the help comes from Spirit, often through the hands and hearts of other people…help is all around you, big and small. Love to you…peace, hope, and help. I know your answers arrive.

Hi Diana, I’ve read all of the comments, and interestingly enough, the last comment on your article relates to my situation. I have the challenge of being a caretaker for a mentally challenged adult ( through my husband’s relation) who is very needy intellectually and thus, with no one else to care for her, we have the requirement to do so. There are no surviving relatives and she was never signed up for social services, so she lacks social supports. I have noticed that my mental well being has been impacted by her. She is not our only challenge, but I will say that her depressive moods and behaviors are a significant strain on both me and my husband and our relationship – it’s as if she’s 10 years old and is a mature adult chronologically. Do you have any suggestions about how to deal with a situation where the person who is depressed and mentally challenged is negatively effecting my aura and thus my life? She lives with us full time and it is so draining, I don’t feel the energy to pursue things that I used to do – working full time, having friends and social outlets, etc. I get the paralysis feeling that another person wrote of above me – I sit at home and feel I can’t “do” anything to get us out of this spin, yet I have general health and balance in terms of my abilities and talents. It’s like I freeze at home & so does my husband. I realize these are huge life lessons, but frankly, the lessons are getting “long in the tooth” – LOL! Should I change where she lives, if possible? We’re at wits end sometimes and I think any tips would be helpful. I realize she cannot help her condition and that she is her own soul with her own journey, too. She is a good person. Some advice on this matter? Love to you!

Hi, Sarah, thanks for reaching out. First off, do you have a daily spiritual protection practice? You should.

This is a complicated situation, on the surface. So let’s simplify.

You say she hasn’t been signed up for social services. Why not?? You and your husband need to discuss between yourselves why you took this on. –How did this end up in your lap? Take a look at every reason your gave yourselves and in there somewhere, you’ll discover some assumptions on your part that were good-hearted in the beginning, but that now have become too much to bear.

Perhaps the most difficult reality to deal with…for anyone facing such a situation…is that our society is horrendously neglectful of those millions of people that lawmakers and others in power (who have the authority to make adequate resources available to those in need) consider to be unproductive and disposable. There is a systemic, evil, and criminal neglect of the poor, the aged, and the handicapped. Beautiful and good people who can still feel their Divine souls, such as you and your husband, are compelled to do the just and right thing: help how they can. So truly, bless you for trying.

Having said that…notice I said “how they can“. Just because you are still breathing does not mean that you are able to do this, in other words, your situation has exceeded the “can” element of the equation. So it’s time to make some changes. Certainly, this should not be allowed to adversely effect your marriage, your emotional well-being, or your life expression to the severe extent that it has.

It is difficult to learn the philosophical and emotional difference between the states of “being selfish” and “self-preservation”. You need to think about this. And what you should remind yourself, is that your hearts have been in the right place and you…very admirably…gave it a good go. I know that her Soul thanks you. –But–being a Divine Soul, I can assure you that her Soul does not want to injure you and is willing to take what comes, for this is how Souls develop. It’s often very difficult and sometimes, there is no other way. We know that when we choose to be born here. What matters here, is your motivation and intention. I am certain your heart is in a good place. I go on about this because I know you need to hear it.

Even though there are certainly emotional and physical components to being such a caregiver, there are certainly spiritual ones. So, if you are going to keep her around, you will need to have a daily protection meditation (use often during the day) and I would recommend smudging the house as well as the family, including her. Go here to learn more.

But really, it appears that the choice before you is to reassess the facts. I am certain there are social options, welfare assistance and care homes, available to her. It’s time to make those phone calls.

I hope this has been helpful to you, and I thank you so much for commenting.

Hi Diana,

I would love your advice. I have 2 sons and a loving husband. My problem is my inlaws. They have got my money (whatever i earned before marriage also), have hurt me more than I could count. I havent got a chance to help my parents financially or be with them along with my kids. My question is “What you sow is what you reap” , so should I wait till my in laws move out of my aura or should I do something ? I have quit my job also to take care of kids. My needs are met but my parents feel bad as they need my moral support ,me being the only child for them. My inlaws have used me which I realized very late mainly financially. Will there be god’s way of getting back that in return ? I have so much hatred on them that I feel they should be punished severely.

Well my dear, as a good friend once said to me, that’s a “big wad of bubble gum!” Meaning, you wrote lot of stuff to know (that I don’t know) and to consider (several things going on), served up all at once. So I chewed on those parts that I can gather from your dilemma, to get to the best advice that you’ve asked for.

Let’s start here. You said, “My question is “What you sow is what you reap” , so should I wait till my in laws move out of my aura or should I do something?” These are two unrelated ideas, and neither are exactly accurate as you propose them.

When faced with life’s problems, we have to start by asking the right questions to get the correct answers that can help us! So, slow down…sort out your emotions…learn to recognize when you’re feeling a bit out of control and take the time you need to spiritually re-center yourself.

In your sentence, you reveal your belief that “you sow what you reap”. That would mean that whatever you do (both good and bad) will come back to you, isn’t that right? This concept has roots in the Eastern religions that believe in Karma, also phrased as “What goes around comes around”.

Now in your case, you feel that your in-laws have done something bad to you. But there are some problems, here, with taking a black-and-white position on what you believe to be karmic “law”. This fundamental approach to this particular spiritual belief can cause us to be fixated on the dispensing of justice, which has a very negative effect on us because it prevents us from taking personal responsibility about events we blame others for, leaves us feeling justified in our non-forgiveness, keeps us fixated on resentment, and puts our internal emotions and our spirits into a slow, boiling compressed rage.

Another problem with leaning on this belief too heavily is one of timing… Look around you at all the bad things that people have done in this world and manage to get away with their wrong deeds….so when, then, do people get their comeuppance for “bad doings”? Lots of times, it appears that it just doesn’t happen, at least not when the people who feel injured want it to! Meaning, when we get stubborn about “not getting better” until the bad people get punished, we are sentencing ourselves to a very long time in a prison of self-imposed misery.

Our thoughts and concerns about people being punished for things they’ve done are based on our ideas of justice…human beings want justice…but let’s face it: sometimes our desire for justice is a bit misplaced. Our judgements about who deserves bad things to happen can even be wrong when seen from outside of our own injured eyes. So, not knowing how they got your money, I can only surmise that you had at least some part in making that happen. Whatever the case, you do have some personal responsibility for what happened. (We all have personal responsibility for what happens to us.) Taking this responsibility will shift your negativity and resentment into far more productive thinking, so you can come up with calm and proper solutions for yourself. What has hurt you the most in all this is the hatred that you feel.

Move away from the hatred, even if you can’t stop being angry. This is the only way you can repair and rebuild. My dear, the hatred you feel is not your “in-laws in your aura.” It is your own energy that you are suffering with, brought on by the hatred that you feel, along with the helplessness, the sense of betrayal, the being torn about your own family’s needs, and more. For your own good, turn your focus away from punishing them and focus on healing yourself and building a strong spiritual connection.

I know that you, like many others, feel that if someone who hurt you gets punished, that this will heal you. I’m sorry to say that many good lives have been wasted in this idea. So please don’t waste yours.

Furthermore, Life itself is the Source of all abundance, in all it’s forms. Money is merely a thing, a manifestation of energy and to make it, let the negativity go. Of course money can come back to you!! —But it will be much more difficult if your attitude is negative and you are holding onto resentment.

It would be good for you to get this all out and begin to move ahead with your life, so go see a qualified psychological counselor for yourself and seek marital counseling for your marriage. Although you say your husband is loving, there is considerable confusion in this assertion since these are his parents, and by your description he allowed them to “take” your money, leaving you in this state of mind. There is a disconnect here, and marital counseling is probably called for.

I know that this isn’t the answer you were hoping for, simply because you are hurt and feeling so torn, unable to sort things out. God does not step into our lives and wave a wand to fix things. We have to, while relying on our inborn spiritual connection to the Creator, come to understand the deeply spiritual and loving lessons we are being taught about life. With the right attitude, you will come through this healed, with a better understanding of yourself and others, and back into the beautiful soul you were born to be. Please start to practice gratitude and joy, and begin to let go of what has happened. For this, there is a good saying: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Hi Diana,
First of all thanks for taking time and giving a long reply. There is literally no benefit for you from me but still you took time to understand and reply back. Thats really sweet. Thnx a ton for that. I was surrounded by so many positive people before marriage that I thought there is literally no negative in this world. I was just so dumb and naive. As you have said , yes, I gave the money to my husband so that he can help his parents to get a house. I absolutely had no regret till I was earning, So as you say I should take responsibility for it. I have a regret now as my parents are in need of a house and I am unable to help and I have quit my job to take care of my kids. Husband was not ready to help and Dad feels if it had been a boy child I would have helped as that is how society is in my place (India). Now I am filled with guilt that without doing my duty as a daughter I am useless 🙁 . Now that I have seen that negative people do exist in life I should have taken a better decision before giving my money to my husband. I pray a lot for my parents. I can walk out of my marriage but it is a disgrace for my family back in India. I will not make my parents go through that. This soul, birth, life everything is for my parents as I feel i have given my best to the rest of the people around me (husband, kid, etc). Your reply makes me feel that there is still positive people alive in this world and one day there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I will pray for now. But is there a way that you can do a paid healing for my situation ? Will that help to smooth-en my situation ?
Thanks Much,

Thank you for sharing the necessary details and bless your heart for the goodness within you. As I respond to you, know that I am assuming your parents would like to have a house, not that they are altogether without shelter. So there are two issues here: your feelings about yourself and circumstances and secondly, your parent’s condition in life. So, let’s start with you.

First of all, hindsight–that ability to see things after-the-fact–can sometimes make us feel that we wish we’d done things differently, sometime in the past. All humans beings share this experience at some time or another. Life is a vast expanse of unknowns for everyone. So, we do the best we can do and that is the best we can ask of ourselves. I’d like you to think that over very carefully, for if Divine Spirit is anything, it is fairness, as well as mercy. Show mercy upon yourself, and be fair in your retrospection.

Please don’t be so disappointed in yourself, Shan! I ask that you begin to consider truths greater than the beliefs you were taught, truths greater than the expectations you have heaped upon yourself because of the way your society has conditioned you. These are tremendous moments in your life for profound spiritual growth and personal breakthrough. I see good things happening here.

If you could see the perfect planning of Souls, if you could understand your own parent’s Souls, you would have tremendous peace in the understanding that everything is all right! Their Souls know what they are doing (even if their personalities lean heavily on you for support). This means that your parents are in Divine hands and it truly is not up to you to be a stand-in for God when something you so desire to help them with is not possible for you. Your job is to see them in Divine hands and trust in a greater power at work here. All Souls work out the most meticulous plans for their development in the physical world, including your parents, and this development, of necessity, requires less-than-perfect circumstances at one time or another. You are not expected nor required to step in and “fix” everything. Nor should you feel as if you have to compensate for not being a male child. Again, this is about expanding beyond the limitations of belief into the larger circle that encompasses all of life. That expansion of awareness is often called “finding truth”.

When it comes to asking for a healing for something of this nature, out of caring for you I ask you not to ask people like me for a healing. I know that thousands….who knows how many?…of psychics and gurus and others that say they can provide healing, or charms, or chants or whatever and of course, for a price. I also know that some people seem to “get healed” after someone “does something” for them, but this is not about the “healer”. When it works, it’s because the person somehow believed in it. This discussion ranges deep into metaphysics and belief, and a lot more, but your situation as described does not need a healing by an outside person. You need peace of mind and greater insight, something I am attempting to share via this comment. The strength you need, the help for your parents, and peace in your family will come through your own growth and understanding, your connection to your own divine Soul. So yes, by all means trust in your spiritual practice.

You only need to begin to love and accept yourself, accept the limitations at the moment, and begin to surrender to a deep trust in the Divine to provide for your parents what you cannot provide right now. (Now, Shan, if they are in dire circumstances, such as without shelter or necessities, then you also can mount a collection drive in their behalf or arrange for help from agencies, however, you have not given me the impression that they are destitute.) Remember the quote I shared earlier, and in your pain of heart, know that in this are the seeds of miracles sprouting. This may not be what you think you want, but be sure that blessings and help of the right kind will come to you and to those you love.

Namaste, from my heart to yours.

You are correct. My parents are not in dire need of a house right now. They had the need some 6 months back when water entered our old house due to heavy rains. Though I couldnt give them money God gave them help through my uncle and they got the house and they have a safe shelter now. Yes as you said they are in divine hands. I will believe that miracles and blessings are on the way and will wait for things to unfold. Thanks for the last two lines mainly which are very soothing and comforting. You are an excellent clairvoyant 🙂 Once I get changes in my life I will come back and post again here 🙂

You are not money- minded which is very clear from your reply which is very rare these days. Even though I have asked for a paid healing you have said that is not needed in my case. Since you have done your part in helping me I will do my part in spreading your link to my friends. If possible I will post in FB groups as well 🙂

Thank you, Shan, for contributing here and for sharing your heart. I’m grateful for our interaction. All and every blessing to you.

Hi Diana
I would love your advice. I have living in my home with my 14 year old son for 9 years. 2 years ago my mum and dad built a granny flat on my property and I have not been happy. 3 months ago I had a flooding which has taken me out of the home for the last 2 months and still out. I am not feeling happy returning as I am feeling bullied by my entire family. They have been visiting my parents without acknowledging me and I feel that I want to sell however cannot due to the situatuation with my parents. My mum has also now taken over my cat and dog which I feel very unhappy about. Is there a way to protect around my home so that I can bring back the beautiful energy I once felt on my property.

Hi, Suzette,
Your situation has complexities to it that I can’t address here. Please read the many articles on this site, which give lots of information about how to build beautiful energy. Your family dynamic needs to be somehow separated from your personal sense of self, and it would be good for you to work on one problem at a time and project constructive thought and action into that before going on to the next. The very best to you, and my desire for your success. You may arrange for a session with me if you need more assistance other than what I’ve written here on this website.

Thank you so much for this article! It has explained a lot.
Just today I was serving a customer when I looked into his eyes and felt a heavy aura coming from him trying to attach itself onto me. I felt angry but my gut instinct was telling me to be calm and not be bothered by this guy. (I’ve been having problems with this guy, as he has been bad mouthing me behind my back and all I said to him was ‘morning!’ Whilst being friendly and nice!). I didn’t know that I could feel his energy, but definitely would try the white light when he is around. Thanks you!

Thanks, M., for taking time to share. Just a couple of things to mention, though: Use clear intention when building your auric barrier by visualizing it in your mind and, use golden-white light when you do. (There is an important difference between the frequencies of white and golden-white, or golden. I did not specify in this particular article.) I’m glad you discovered the website and grateful this has helped you!

Thank you for such a wonderful article! I struggle with “energy vampires,” even in just passing, as I am an empath and very sensitive. I was in a bad religious situation growing up, a church of “energy vampires” and narcissists. My family left when I was fourteen, and it took me almost six years till I was able to recover from them (with the help of my family and a new, very loving religious environment). But they still seem to “drain me” and I don’t know how to protect myself. My mom told me she read an article and to envision myself in a ball of white light, and imagine their negative energy is bouncing off of it (I think your article was the one that she had mentioned 🙂 ).
But, I recently had a very bad experience in a class I really looking forward to. Another girl was very negative, continually talked about dark things, casually told the professor that she would go over his head and “report him” if things didn’t go the way she wanted, and she spent the whole class talking about herself. She got us off topic continually and talked about dark writings, in the fiction and short story area; I wouldn’t have minded so much about this specifically, but we were supposed to be learning about poetry and the different forms. We learned almost nothing that day.
But when she did get us off topic, I would sigh, cross my arms and the professor would try to get us back on topic (I felt badly about this later because it’s not his fault that she was acting this way) but she was extremely persistent, almost like she was teaching the class.
I was shaking, had an upset stomach, chills, and I thought I might pass out (I had dots dancing in front of my vision, I was worried that I was going to have a panic attack in class, something that I have a great fear of). And I felt a lot of unnecessary or unexplained anger. I was upset that something I was so looking forward to was defaced in such a way and that she has threatened out professor, but my reaction later was almost a digression to a place I had been almost four years ago.
I need this class for my major, and thankfully, the class only meets once a week, but I’m dreading going to the next meeting. And I don’t feel safe writing about things that are close to me, as I would be making myself vulnerable.
Is there anything I can say or do? I’m not the only one, as other students in the class were sharing “looks” and seemed irritated by it.
How can I protect myself from people like her?
Thank you so much!

Thank you, Eve, for writing.

What’s wrong with standing up? Literally…standing up, saying in front of the class, “This is all quite interesting, but not on my time. I pay good money for my education and in this class, you are not the teacher I paid for.” Then turn to the teacher, “Is is possible that we can get this class back on track?” You can also speak to the teacher and to administration, as well. Sometimes we just have to stand up…this is a lesson in your own personal power and even though you’re scared to say anything, that’s the reason these kind of people take the center stage…intimidate others…and run the world. In this case, a public classroom, you are being called upon to show some leadership. Come from level-headedness, don’t lose control, don’t attack, just assert your right to get your education without disruption.

Love and light around you, courage to be what you need to be.

I ve bee catching alot of negative energy lately and usually i m really good at spotting the source of this bad vibes but lately i ve been wondering how can i recognized their source.
this got me really confused lately so the question is: are this vibes coming from my own fear and unsecurity or is it coming from somewhere or someone else?and if so how should deal with it?

Don’t look for the source!! Why are you doing this? Build your own positive energy!! That counters all negativity. Work on you, all else follows.

Diana, just a questio/thought in reference to safa’s question. I agree it is essential to build your own positive energy, but I also think it is important to understand the source in some instances to be aware of places and people to avoid. This might be helpful in discerning one’s own energy field and what or who affects it.The same umderstanding could be a support for people and places
that are source of light and love. Thoughts?
Thank you

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Yes, I have some thoughts! 🙂

When reading the comments section, it probably good for readers to know that my responses are specific to the person leaving the comment. For this reader, I provided the “short and sweet” answer that can solve the underlying problem: she is feeling bad energy , regardless of where it comes from. Keeping our own aura clean and with boundaries intact is a fail-safe solution. It isn’t productive for us to over-complicate or try to out-think the problem, nor to overreach into areas that muddy the primary issue.

The reader did not say that she practices spiritual protection, and along those lines, I encounter many who “pick up on bad vibes” but who do not have a defensive spiritual practice of their own. –Which is the primary reason why they are “catching” bad vibes!

Now, having said that, you’ve suggested the need for me to further explain my response, which I’ll offer in a future article. For for now, though, a few important “bullet-points” (if that’s even possible) for something that’s not as simple as it seems. At least from where I sit.

You said, ” I also think it is important to understand the source in some instances to be aware of places and people to avoid. This might be helpful in discerning one’s own energy field and what or who affects it.The same understanding could be a support for people and places that are source of light and love”

The most authentic way for us to discern our own energy field is through the heart, by coming to know what we stand for. Human beings are incredibly complex. There are many unseen, unrecognized elements to our awareness, not the least of which include psychologically-embedded factors (such as ego) that serve as undeniable filters through which we perceive reality. When you see through a filter there is a distortion and what you think you’re looking at, is often something other than what you are seeing. What you think you are feeling, is often something other than where you are feeling it from.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to discern energy…in this case, to “scope out” the energies of a person or place or thing…but we should know a lot more about it than we do before we rely too heavily upon our certainties. Countless times, people in New Age, religious, or other similar communities have committed great error in attributing “negative energy” to people who are innocent, and “good energy” to superficialities that stroke their emotions and mislead them.

All this means, is that first and foremost, before we attribute this energy or that energy to someone or something, we need to know ourselves a lot better than we do! These are matters that individuals have to assess for themselves, for in matters of spiritual growth, we have to be flexible and have a high degree of self-honesty.

It is far better to state a simple truth, such as, “I feel this way when I am….” rather than think or say, “This energy is…..” because discerning and assessing spiritual energy in reliable ways is so difficult. Instead of over-reaching, we can start to recognize how much our egos influence our spiritual development. On our spiritual journey, we are meant to learn that over-reaching, using our intellect to assess spiritual reality, and expecting to gain more than we can from looking through the filters we all have…these are the roadblocks that we make for ourselves.

What everyone safely can do, and should do, is to pay attention to their feelings, which is not the same as “reading energy” even though we often use those terms interchangeably. Feelings are an inner guidance about something going on, within them as well as outside of them. Then, we must do what is necessary to establish inner harmony, and use energetic defenses that keep unseen and unwelcome influences out.

So often, the work that we need to do is within us…while we learn to see the outside world as a reflection that has something to teach us. Instead of sensing energies in order to define them as positive or negative, we should instead be learning to stand perfectly centered upon the holy ground of our own Being, regardless of whatever chaos rages beyond the reach of our Light.

This is the ultimate spiritual achievement. In the meantime, be the best you can be in this moment and growing better with the passage of time. The energy that’s “out there” is, what is is. You be who you are, and focus on understanding that, a very big task.

Over time, then, you will be much more capable of reading the energy landscape, knowing how to proceed and who/what to avoid.

That is the way of the spiritual traveler.

Hi Diana, thanks for this very helpful comment. I’ve read the message several times on your blog, but this is the one that makes it most clear to me what the next step is. It’s time to start working on myself, accepting and loving myself and the energies that I feel around me, and find a way to help others. It’s a dramatic change for someone who lived in the rational world most of their live, thinking I couldnt ‘feel’, suppress my sensitive side. I think it’s difficult for a lot of people where to start. For me starting to feel was experiencing physical connections in partner dance.
Thank you so much for your objective clear posts, it’s beautiful how you help many people in this way!

Hi Diana,
Thank you so much for all of your amazing information and insight! My question is this: I’ve begun practicing sending love energy to family and friends at night before I go to bed. I thank the Divine for my many blessings and ask for assistance in sending _______ love, or warmth, or nurturing, or healing, or peace or whatever it is I want to send the person. I then think of the person and ask them if they would like to accept, I’m sending them love. I then envision the beautiful love energy flowing from me to them. When it feels like it’s been sent, I stop. I have noticed that for a specific person, either within minutes or the next morning, I feel depressed or anxious or conflicted… Have I picked up some of their energy? Almost as if they’re angry at me for sending them energy… Should I stop? I thought it was helpful to them, even though they don’t know I’m sending them love. After reading your wonderful insights, I think I may just need to protect myself. Also, I must admit I am also doing this almost as exercise… To strengthen and invite the live in my life. I was thinking the more love I send out, I should attract it too. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Hi, Patricia, well…you should have a session with me. And yes, you should be using energetic protection: are you? Other than that, there are many factors at play and I could only help you further in a private session. In the meantime, don’t do that which makes you feel bad afterward.

Thank you so much for sharing…you are a sweet, good person.

i live in apartment. in my below floor, my downstairs neighbor is walking in my foot print and creating sound from ground floor, and flushing toilet after we flushed our toilet. I am not able to understand why he is doing like this.

Also he is peeping my balcony from my nearest building windows class, which reflect my house balcony and inside my house. Can you please guide me how to safe my family from his negative energies.

Well, R, this isn’t only about what this man is doing: it’s about how you are focusing on it.

The world has a good share of weird and creepy people, doing strange things that startle those around them. What you have is an annoying neighbor that gives you weird feelings. But, as you described, is this a real threat to you? Not really. It’s a head game, and you may be looking a little too hard when you should be keeping yourself and your family upbeat and positive. You are fearful over this and that, more than anything else, makes you vulnerable to negative energies. It seems you are generating some of this yourself.

Since you are in a shared building, you will have to adapt, such as closing your curtains for privacy. If at any time, you think there is a threat or danger from this person, you should report it.

In the meantime, read these articles:

Thank you for taking the time to comment.

I have a negative energy at my front door of my flat, from a living person, the care-taker of this block, who lives on site, down stairs from med. Its a heavy, somewhat nasty kind of energy, stuck there. I do manage to clear it, but it comes back because he is still alive and emitting bad vibes to everyone. I have plants, crystals, incense, etc. My question isn’t How do I clear it, My question is what will eliminate it once and for all and permanently eradicate it. I thought it was just me, but someone who used to live above me, who’s now moved on, talked to me one day about how he sensed the same thing. Short of him actually dying, what needs to be done..

Hello, Claire and thank you for writing!

Your question, just to be clear, is this: “…how to eliminate (this negative energy) once and for all… permanently eradicate it.”

I wish I had a bit more information, such as whether he lives directly below you, what the air flow is like at the front door (Are you within a closed building or does your front door open to the outside air?),
and so on. So, not being fully informed I’ll have to go with your question at face value…and the answer will require that I give you some explanation, first.

One can certainly eradicate bad energy from a house, a location or a tract of land, or an object. We can then render that energy neutral–like a clean slate–readied for reconstruction into a positive state. From what you tell me, you’ve done great things to raise the frequency at your door but it’s being overwhelmed, in spite of that.

Now, unlike locations or objects, when it comes to taking unauthorized action to eradicate bad energy from a person… I’m sorry to say that you can’t. You have to find another way to deal with the situation, and there’s a bottom-line explanation why you cannot.

Human souls, including the caretaker’s, have a unique opportunity given to them by Life to be sovereign beings responsible for their own energy fields. We cannot reach into someone else and get bad energy out without their consent even if we are qualified and trained to do so. In the same manner that you want to clean this man up, wouldn’t we also like to clean up the dark and terrible energies in this world, exuded by the people who do heinous things to other beings? –Wouldn’t we all love to live in a world without any darkness? Those of us who do our best to not be darkness or invite darkness into our lives would jump for joy if we could eradicate it for good!

This is where our ego minds come up against a Cosmic brick wall and our spirits enter into the type of Mastery training for which we were born into the human condition. We need to get the bigger picture, and in this way, negative energy makes us grow. It makes us better for the understanding, self-mastery, and wisdom we acquire from it. And that includes outlasting it, being serene in the face of it, being unmoved because we are so strong within our own Light it has the mere annoyance of a stinging ant hill at our feet. We don’t have to live inside the anthill–that much is given to us–and we are free to side-step and be on our way. Metaphorically, dear Claire, it appears you are staring at the anthill when you should be moving on. While that may seem to be an oversimplification, I assure you it is not far from the truthful resolution you seek.

But there’s more. Created physical worlds in this dimension are held together by opposing forces, which allows matter to exist. We have sunlight and dark, up and down, joy and despair, sickness and health; we have the right amount of rain, then no rain, then floods; there are poisonous spiders and harmless doves…you get the idea. The key is self-protection, placement of self, and where one puts their attentions.

Earth is a “theme-park” for maturing Souls: there is a waiting line for spiritual beings who want to experience dual forces, an experience not widely available in the limitless expanse of multidimensional life. Your training includes the development of wisdom, calm and wary attention of what’s going on around you, and an understanding of the right of forces to exist. Your right is to choose your own alliance, and move ahead within a stream of light while chaos rumbles around you. –All is seeking order and reunion with Source, eventually.

Now the metaphysics of this situation doesn’t make you any happier about your front door, does it? –Or any happier about the existence of someone who is a negative energy generator in your vicinity. I understand. Our present societies present unique problems not encountered by our ancestors: we live in crowed environments and shared buildings, forced into close contact with those we find repellent. Many of us share your circumstances in one way or another. Nevertheless, our task is to adapt, respect all of life (it is wise to not scorn dark energy or “pick a fight” with it), and instead, to focus on the emanation of our own light. Please trust me when I say that when your own frequency elevates to a sufficient pitch of extremely rapid oscillations (created by calm resonance to transcendent Love) the man will exit your stage. In the meantime, keep doing the clearings. You are building your spiritual muscles by lifting the weight of the situation and its important for you to see the positive side of the matter.

–And Claire, please do take a light heart about this. Nothing is forever, so while you have the opportunity, simply observe the presence of those little “stinging ants”. Meantime, you may as well be joyfully, thoughtfully on about your way. There is so much more to discover, much of it good, some of it not…but I am certain you are the right person to handle the Divine work of your Soul! 🙂

Hi some one sent a spell for my spouse it is said that they used both souls to do this spell my kids and I is going through a terrible time dealing with this negative energy. How do I remove or help my spouse from this unwanted energy without him knowing because when demon know that you are trying to get rid of them things can get worse. What can I do for him to get back to his real self.

I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for understanding negative energy from people. It’s nice to read your post and to know what impact negative energy can have on a person. I am currently experiencing negative energy from a person at work. She stinks of the stuff. For the first year of working with this person I was able to be my happy self, it didn’t affect my aura. Now 2 years on its has. It’s like it’s clinging to me n I need a detox badly. I get palpitations going to work that started about a year ago. It’s not my work that has affected me it’s that one person that has. My dreaded fear is ending up like such a person. The person enjoys been sarcastic towards others. Enjoys putting people down and basking in her own joy. I have gone from a happy person to were it feels soul destroying. An ex employee gave one of the reasons was her why he left, I have another employee making a request to not work with her. It’s absolutely mind boggling to me how a person would want to have a personality like this.

Hello, Julie, and thank you for sharing.

You say in your comment that “It’s absolutely mind boggling to me how a person would want to have a personality like this.” Oh, how often I hear statements similar to this! We have a serious problem shared by the good-hearted people of this world: they just don’t understand why all other people are not as harmless or as well-intentioned as they are. As a species, we need to grow beyond our immature hopes that other people “can’t be that bad.” Our tendency to assume that just because we would do the right thing, that everyone else should too, causes us to not assess predators easily and once having spotted a person that we should be wary of…to deal with them accordingly. In your case, this would be to maintain your psychological and psychic defenses while doing your job and liking your work.

Julie, there are all kinds of people in this world, and she is giving you some valuable teachings about life: namely, that not everyone is nice…or sincere…or kind…or loving…or truthful…or harmless.

It may come as a surprise to you, but a person’s personality is not a matter of simple choice. Now, what they DO with the personality they project is their choice, but a personality is is an artificial facade sculpted by genetic make-up, life circumstances, and unseen spiritual factors. While some have the benefit of pleasing personalities, that in no way means that they are “good” people. (Crooked and deceitful politicians liked by the public are a good example of this phenomena.) Likewise, there are people with disagreeable personalities that are good people who just don’t easily demonstrate the value and goodness within them.

Our personalities are not necessarily what we truly are, they are not the “real” us. I say to you that this woman has been a wonderful teacher to you…even if an unpleasant one. It’s easy to accept and forgive people we like…the real test (and spiritual training) comes from having the opportunity to rise above difficult situations like you describe.

Having said that, Julie, you will benefit now from accepting the fact that this woman cannot be your friend: she is what she is and such is life. Don’t spend another minute focused on the faults you find with her. She exists and so do you, both created by Life and each on your own Path. Your continuing thoughts about what she is, or isn’t, can be released. This is something you don’t have to try to understand: the reasons why she is the way she is are not for you to figure out. What you do have to do, is stop allowing it to influence you in a negative way. When we get stuck on trying to understand why “bad” people are “bad” we lose sight of many important facts of life. All that you are responsible for, the only person you have the power to change, is you, so put your focus there. Tell yourself that “It’s not what others do to me, it’s how I react that matters.”

Allowing others to drag us down is a choice. Yes, it is!! Now that you know this, from the very first efforts you make to allow her to be who she is…and get on with being who you are, the negative influence she has had over you will begin to subside.

I also recommend that before going to work every day (as well as every other day of the week) that you have a spiritual practice of visualizing bright sunlight all around yourself, coming from the Source of All Life. Read my article on “Tips & Techniques to Have Positive Energy and a Good Aura No Matter What!”

Blessings to you on your wonderful journey through life.

Thanks Diana. The answer you gave , I hope someone else also gets something out of its explanation. My front door opens up to the fresh air, I get a strong cross breeze passing through my walkway. The care-taker is down stairs from me, just not directly underneath. I love my location where I am, but if I should move address then I will. Also I will look for reading articles, and / or music, on meditations for protection. Thanks for that insight.

I’ll be posting some MP3 meditations very soon, to help you (as well as others) with energy defense and psychic protection. Thank you for reading this website and for sharing with us!!

Dear Diana, I have troubles dealing with anxiety. It doesn’t disrupt my everyday life, only certain triggers set it off. Well it seems to be a person who sets it off. She was a friend but I have learned that she is a trigger for my anxiety and I have learned to keep her at a distance except that I cannot control her motives in my life. Like I cannot control her showing up to my yoga class, and when she does she places her mat front and center with all her focus on me, teaching a yoga class is the last place I want the anxiety placed on me. Yoga is supposed to be calming and relaxing and clear of negative energies but when she comes she throws my entire energy off. I can literally feel warm heat , pressure coming from her. I get anxiety and mess up the entire class and after class she gives me a smirk and walks out. I know that I can teach a good yoga class but it seems when ever she shows up I get so anxious the whole class gets screwed up. I have even went to one of her yoga classes and sat in the back and expirence the same anxious tension, and leave the class more up tight than what I was before . How can I clear my emotions from her , around myself so that I cannot be effected by her energy ?? I need some advice, thank you .

Hello, Susan. Thank you for taking the time to comment. You would greatly benefit from a session with me, as a comment section is not the place to address this issue competently. Quickly, there are a couple of issues: lack of self-confidence and poor aura protection. I suggest you begin here: Pay particular attention to the section that explains why things happen to you, and begin your education about how spiritual energy works, how it is that you are impinged upon, and how to build a solid defensive barrier against outside energies. Yoga, done properly, is a form of meditative practice and it opens one to spiritual forces that most people do not understand. As far as self-confidence is concerned, you will gain more of that through spiritual education and a deeper connection to your own Soul energy. And please make an appointment if there is further need.

Hi. Ever since my dad left for his holiday to see my trailer trash older brother for a week, I have been getting that ratty and nervous feeling again. I been overly exhausted and tired, and feels like my entire body is on fire, especially in my head, and forehead, with red skin rashes on my face, and my eyes go in and out of focus, or cross-eyed, as I’m staring at the computer screen. I don’t know if I’m overly sensitive to all the radiation emanating from all my electrical appliances, or if I need glasses, or if it’s a form of spiritual awakening, or opening of the third eye, or alchemical fire, which I doubt, because I stopped meditation long ago as an experiment to see if the fire would go away but it hasn’t, or if it’s psychic hatred and jealousy energy, emanating from my psychopathic brother, because he missed out on a sizable inheritance over 5 years ago, and the reason why he kicked my dad out of his caravan in the middle of the night, cutting his 2 week holiday short.

I’m trying to nail down why I always receive all these strange physical reactions and symptoms when I don’t drink, don’t smoke, no drugs, no prescription medications. I drink distilled water, no fluoride, no chlorine, I eat raw and cooked organic foods, and wash it all down with Bentonite Clay. Yet these strange feelings persist, especially around the full moon months. I’m right in the middle of buying an EMF Meter to see if there is too much radiation in my bedroom. I’m going to keep nailing it down until I discover the root cause of these symptoms, because I want to feel 100% healthy and I’m not getting it.

When I used to socialise with people, they were so easy to read, I didn’t like what I was receiving back, so I dumped all me mates, and feel so much happier now that I’m a recluse. But getting rid of family members isn’t as easy. For many years I could already sense a growing agitation in my brother wanting inheritance, until one day he got drunk, and pretty much spilled the beans, confirming what I always believed. I even sensed that he was subconsciously hoping that I would touch his kids – which would give him a better reason to hate me, and use it to convince others I’m not worthy to receive inheritance. To use his own kids like that, hurt me to the core, which propelled me to write several poems about him, and his no good greedy wife, then I threw them up on my Facebook page, knowing he would read them.

15 years ago I received a $20,000 inheritance from my grandma, and my brother received nothing, and only found out about it 5 years ago, and ever since, has been stewing over it, and no doubt thinking of all the hateful things he would love to do to me and this property, especially when he discovers at the last moment, the house is going to me and my younger sister.

I was going to write more, but it might be too personal to write it here, so I will shut up now. But anyway. What I am trying to get at here – I wonder if I am feeling his vengeful wrath energy 1000km’s away.

Like, what are the symptoms of someone thinking hateful, revengeful, jealous thoughts about you from a 1000 miles away?

Should I encapsulate myself in golden energy each day to try block out his constant barrage of hateful thoughts? It’s just ridiculous isn’t it? This is why I hate being around people. Most people are scum, except for my immediate family and animals whom I love deeply, but I never want nothing to do with this world and all the fear mongering you hear when you turn on the TV sickens me to the core.

But I’m happy. I feel free, and loved, and at the end of the day that is all that matters really.

Mark, read this article again and again until you have it memorized. Then DO… and stop dwelling on the faults of other human beings. These people are your greatest teachers about the shadow within yourself, which must be acknowledged before you can further mature and develop spiritually.


There is one person I visit and the two times I have visted this person in this persons house I have gotten sick. while I ate I felt the worst vibes from that one person I could feel the dirty looks I didn’t even have to see that person in the face. Please email me with your response

Hi Diana
I am very confused about this person. He was my boss now I quit working for him. He really cares for me and he is about 15 year older than me. He is widow and I am married and love my family very much.
This guys love me even after I told him I have no feeling for him. He try to take of all my needs even though I don’t want him to. But on my side I hate to be around him. I get irritate when he message me or call me. I hate to hear his voice or answer his call. He have not done anything bad to me but I just can’t stand him. He is saying he do not expect anything from me but just want to see me once in while for 5 minuts. I don’t understand how to deal with this situation. Ido t want to be mean to him but I get so irritate from his name even. What kind of energy he have. I hope you have answer for me. Thanks

To help you, this requires a session with me. Thanks for reading the blog and taking the time to comment.

How does one, myself, who is a friend of someone who has taken on some negative energy from a group she was working with, help her? Is there anything I can do as a friend to this person to help them, comfort them, through this really hard time, as they are trying to “get back what was taken from them”?

I just received a hug from a person in the office, and felt sudden bad feeling, and coldness, and like something else negative. He was well intentioned, but I am afraid I am feeling his negative vibes. How do I get rid of it? I don’t want his energies in my immediate field. I am so mad I hugged him!!

Thanks for sharing! I have to say that feeling “afraid” and “mad” are negative vibes all by themselves, so instead of feeling negative about what happened, learn from it and let it go!

We live in a world with negativity all around us, and the last thing we want is to generate it ourselves. Life is constantly teaching us something: this was a good lesson that prepares you to learn aura cleansing. We all need to clean our auras regularly, even when we haven’t been touched by someone with cold and unpleasant energy. I have written about how to clean your aura of negative energy all through this website. Start with these articles:

As for being mad you hugged him: did he make the move to hug you, or did you offer one? My dear, go easy on yourself. In our society, one does not want to appear to offend because we are trained to comply and conform. We act out of impulse many times, doing what others do, without question. Now, you are aware, and what’s next is to work on the development of your personal boundaries. And practice all those ways you can deflect an unwanted embrace: stepping back, putting your arm out in front of you, turning away to do something, etc. You may also just say, “I don’t do hugs, but thank you, anyway.”

Thanks for this great information. When I am around certain family members I am overcome with a sense of inertia. I don’t sense any “negativity,” but I am just unable to tackle chores or projects in their presence and feel almost paralyzed –when I’m by myself I’m very motivated and active. I’ll try the light bubble to see if this will energize me!

Your description of your energy when around these people is diagnostic of what their energy does to you. Definitely use the Light protection!! And be aware of your reactions and energy levels when around them…it is probable you are forgetting to be fully yourself and instead, are deferring to their energies. You were trained to be this way, they expect you to defer, but oh, so sorry…too bad…they will have to accept you for what you are…or not. Emanate your own Light but do not absorb theirs.

Thanks so much for your comment.

Thankyou for your consice and helpful techniques for energy shielding! I have been trying to improve these skills for a long time and these are the first methods that have really clicked. I am dealing with a family who carries their stress deeply and copes using distraction and substance abuse. I am a very sensitive person and feel that they regularly discharge their stress and negative thought forms on me, unintentionally. I wish to resolve our relationship, and am wondering if you have any advice on how to approach the conversation/situation.

Without having a private session with you, I can’t answer this definitively. I will remind you that addictive personalities often will project blame rather than take responsibility, thus…preventing recovery and healing. You love and want to help, naturally. But stand back: take stock. Does this person want help? Ask you for help? If not, understand you cannot heal or help someone who doesn’t want/ask for it. The only resolution is going to be on your end: don’t expect them to understand you, as dysfunctional people are not functioning normally! A simple, firm but kind statement such as, “Abuse is not welcome with me and if this continues I cannot have a relationship with you until such a time you can (fill in the blanks, such as ‘respect me’).” Negotiation is not an option with addicts, all of whom use manipulation in relationships. You have to state your terms and follow through. Say what you mean and mean what you say. “Tough love” is not mean. It’s often necessary and wise.

I am hoping someone is still on this site. I came across this page while trying to find out how to get rid of this “bad” thing on me! I was trying to help a neighbor and she asked me to see if I could ‘feel’ anything evil in her-so we held hands and WOW I was blasted with something NOT good….I thought I kicked it out right away, but this is 3 weeks now that my heart is beating 135 bpm a headache that wont go away and doctors want to run loads of tests because they cant find what is ‘wrong’ with me…please help me put this ill energy back to the earth or anywhere else but the body I live in! thank you…

Lisa, I’m sorry you are suffering so much! This was a difficult experience and a life lesson about wisdom. I hope other readers who are also prone to leap before they look will learn from your experience. We should not jump into things we are not trained for or not prepared to deal with.You describe an energy attachment to your aura, and there are ways to deal with this. First, your aura was vulnerable (open and unprotected) when you willingly took her hand to “feel” if she had “evil” in her. –Why would you do that? What did you think you could do to help her? Now that the deed is done, follow the links in my replies to other readers in this comment section and read the articles on how to clean your aura and get your energy strong again. This should take care of it. You can also contact me for an appointment.

I wanted to take the time and thank you for your blog posts.

I came about your web site by accident as I was searching for ways to rid myself of bad thoughts, energy, feelings etc. Over the past few months I have harboured bad feeling towards a family member through marriage. Our once tight knit family, or so I thought has been fractured by someone who has managed to manipulate by brother beyond belief. We are now outsiders looking in; we are trying to keep the line of commutation open in order to see grandkids/niece & nephew but get the standard line of they’re not feeling well.

This has resulted in some very hurt feelings for me and my mother. We (my mother & I) had picked up a bad vibe from her right from the start of their dating; however we wanted to show support and since my brother liked her we accepted her and put our doubts to the side. Over the years we began to notice a gradual pull back from my brother becoming argumentative, quieter and more closed with his life… which I can understand as not everything is shared with your family. The final nail in the relationship was this summer; with the both of them totally ignore calls or not calling back after messages left on the phone.

Anyhow, this has left me very bad thoughts, feeling and wishes towards them; which I know is bad in itself as what you wish on others can and will come back on you. I have found all your blog posts very helpful, insightful and will try my best to follow them. A good cleansing is in order. Thanks.

Thank you for taking the time to share your challenge with our readers as so many people will relate to what’s been going on in your family. I’m so glad you’ve come to realize that there’s a better way to deal with the situation because this will free you so you can return to your beautiful, loving heart. It’s very hard to see the ones we love pull away…and in this case, apparently influenced by the company he has chosen for his life. These are very Soulful lessons…lessons about life, unconditional love, respect for another’s choices, and forgiveness. It’s also very much about self-love and looking deeper into the family dynamics we get stuck in. This has been a big spiritual lesson and I’m so very thankful you are taking the high road on this one; learning, seeking, and recognizing a need for purification from the things that have dragged you down.

In so doing, you stand the greatest chance of helping your dear brother and other family members at some point down the road. Love heals: whether you see the evidence of that in the here-and-now is irrelevant: he is an eternal being and love (your genuine, forgiving love) will do him great good. And, isn’t this what love is all about? 🙂 You are taking love to a new level: you can let go, go on, and love him from a distance. Healing takes time, and lots of self-understanding, but I’m very confident you will see your way through this.

I give you a joyful embrace of support in your endeavor. Thank you for being you.

I am constantly drained of entergy. I have always been a positive person but for some reason I got down and can’t get back up. I am thankful for what I have. I don’t get to see my children much and it has caused intensr grief. I try to remain strong though . I can’t hardly go in public. I have always been adventurous and went everywhere with no problem. Everything negetive. Help! Need to be helping others. Its a waste.

Hi, Jenn, thanks for commenting and for sharing. Bless your heart, I’m sorry you’re having a tough time. The fact that you want to help others is a testament to your inner strength, your Light, and your beautiful Spirit. What you are describing is a complicated dynamic, energetically and emotionally. Everybody gets down, but you’re telling me you’re having a hard time pulling out of it. On a public forum, there isn’t much I can say, except tp ask you to make an appointment with me so we can discuss these things in private.

There are solutions and help is all around you, Jenn. I know you’ve been a strong and positive person in your life, and inside you still are! What you’re feeling now doesn’t have to be “permanent.” You are worn down and confused about what can be done to feel better and get more energy again. For now, I suggest that each day, you find three beautiful things. That’s right! 🙂 Find three beautiful things each day and focus on them. You will discover that by noticing beauty around you, by connecting to that beauty and taking the time to appreciate it, your mood will lift. Play uplifting music, and please, please, do something you like to do…maybe you don’t feel like it, maybe you’re not interested in anything, but to improve you have to push forward and expand what you love, in your life. It’s hard to be apart from your children, but it’s for a reason. It’s time to enlarge the circle of what you love in your life, and connect your beautiful heart to things and people around you.

I hope I hear from you soon, and we can get started on specific steps…practical and spiritual…to get you through the trials and into your purpose. Feel comforted. You are loved. Ask Spirit to help, and take baby steps to fall in love with life again.

And Jenn, please read my articles on how to have positive energy here: as well as how to overcome fear (a common cause of low energy) how to clean your spiritual body for better energy: and how to use spiritual ceremony (cleansing with sage) to improve your energy, here:

Also, please read my article on how to connect to Divine Spirit on a daily basis (the best way to feel better and get stronger when you’re down and can’t pull out!) right here:

You can do it! It’s YOUR time to be alive and to know joy. Let’s make good stuff happen!!

II always felt energy when i was a younger girl im 17 now. I havent lived my life yet fully but somehow i always felt low. I’m actually high spirited bubbly but living with people who are terribly miserably and getting worse It does take a toll on me as it would to anyone. I live with parents that arent mine but i look at them as such. There are a numerous of aspects to one situation but overall I trying slowly to get my spirit back because now its done taking a mental toll but a physical one too. But in some cases i feel really spiritually sensitve. Im not too sure and i never have anyone to talk to about such things.


Thank you for sharing. You’re very special and I hope you know that. You ARE spiritual and you need to have friends that understand you and respect you. Connect to metaphysical groups, take a class in spirituality, energy healing, and read books on these topics. Learn about the “old ways” such as shamanism and earth-centered wisdoms. Your energetic spirit is to get you through life, so protect it. Don’t let others drain you of what life force you were born with. They don’t know better and can’t help you find your authentic self, but now is the time to get involved in constructive learning: things that excite you!”Women Who Run With the Wolves” by Claressa Pinkola Estes is a good book for you…it will help you see that being different and “high spirited” is a very good thing. Blessings on your life path, Jae.

With this has come the realization that all the negative stuff I’d felt my whole life was there for a reason. It was a result of things that had happened, a natural outcome of some very horrific circumstances. Having negative energy within myself didn’t make me a bad person. It really wasn’t a negative or positive judgment on myself (or anyone else) at all; it was simply being aware of what was there.

I’m glad this article has helped you and your point about the awareness of the energy that’s “out there” is very wise. May you continue to discover the brilliant Light that you are and find joy in each of your days, for Joy is what you are, deep down inside.

I live with my mother who is draining the life out of me. I am on financial assistance and do not have the mental faculties of a normal adult to leave. There is no person I can call for help. I feel horrible that I may also be draining others as I am experiencing energies that discourage sleep for weeks on end. I feel energies swirling around my body and I feel vulnerable. I feel that I cannot leave this tiny apartment with my mother who, God bless her, I cannot stand. I want to move into a new environment, she does not need to change although the apartment is crumbling from age. It is not home to me. People tell me to do this or to do that but not only am I physically weak but have no innate ability to survive in the adult world as an adult. How does one protect their aura in a situation like this?

Michelle, thank you for commenting and for your question. My heart goes to you for the suffering you are going through! While there are no in-depth answers that can be given in a comment, there are some suggestions that can greatly help if you will follow them.

Protecting your aura is also about warding off discouragement and despair. What you are asking is about how to stay positive and make changes in your life when it seems there is no way out, when you feel too drained and exhausted to do anything.

There are certainly situations that make us feel so trapped and overwhelmed that we scarcely know what to do. First, it’s really very important to do whatever you can to move beyond the immediate sense of hopelessness. Think about the bigger picture: realize that you are a Divine Spiritual Being in physical form going through great trials, so common to physical existence. As bad as things are, you’re here for a purpose! Don’t let this confuse you, or frustrate you if you can’t figure it all out right now because when in distress we cannot achieve clarity.

The obvious first step is to find calm and peace in your situation. This is where you are: please don’t resist and find a way within yourself to simply accept what it is for the time being. Change will occur and new opportunities will come, but you have to trust life and begin to work with it, starting where you are today.

When things get this difficult, don’t ask “why me” but begin to count the ways in which you have things to be thankful for. I understand you dislike being there, but please stop for a moment and think about how many people don’t have any place to live…you do, even though it’s not where you want to be right now…and be thankful for the shelter that you do have. There are many things we can all be thankful for if we will stop focusing on the things we dislike or don’t want. Yes, it’s very difficult, I know that, but you are the only one who can change your circumstance by first changing your viewpoint.

We all suffer more when we argue with what is: when we argue with reality. Things happen for a reason and life is our teacher, so remind yourself that this hardship will pass. For now, it’s needful to accept what is. This does not mean you are giving up or consenting to be miserable: it means you are finding whatever goodness is around you. It means you are determined to have a a more peaceful state of mind so you can begin to build a better life.

What is true today may not be true tomorrow. You say you have no ability to survive in the adult world, but as sure as the sun rises, your life will undergo change that you cannot yet foresee. Accept that you will be provided for and even allow that you will one day be able to be independent!! This is a dream and a goal, is it not? So whether you one day live with someone else or on your own, know that by finding peace within yourself today, you are on your way to creating a future that nurtures you.

Positive attitudes make a positive aura. Please read and also for easy steps you can take to feel better. Also, please consider having a daily spiritual practice:

Lastly, spend time outside with nature. Make your own private space as pretty and pleasing as you can. Take care of your body as best you can. Smile; love; laugh more. Life loves you. Love life back, no matter what’s going on in your life. These are steps and although they may seem difficult, go ahead. Take the steps. You will see amazing and wonderful things occur.For now, here’s a special hug just for you: may you find the strength to take these steps and may peace and joy be with you.

Thank you for your tips on how to deal with the negative energy of another person and looking for signs there is a need to walk away. But what if we are unable to do this because the person has mental health issues and is a mother in law? Point 2 above and point 6 struck particular resonance with me. Those are all she speaks about. Itis exhausting being in her prescence. , As a mother myself I can see our twice a month visits to her, are now also making my eldest son slightly uncomfortable. My other child is too young to notice. When I leave her prescence I have a head ache, feel very unsociable and disturbed for up to a week. In the past year my symptoms from being near her have increased I don’t want my children to not see their grandmother. I dread visiting her and how awful I feel after. I will try the technique of creating a bubble around me, thank you.

I’m so glad I could help, Sarah! You will get relief with your efforts, so be strong in your visualization of the Light around you and through you. Mental health issues or not, given your symptoms after being around her, your mother-in-law is an energy vampire.No mistake!

But one more thing, Sarah: observe your dynamic with your mother-in-law and begin to change it. For example, she draws energy from you by demanding your attention and your interaction, so don’t get drawn in to what she is saying. In situations like this, it’s more than acceptable to NOT pay attention. Don’t let her emotions or her words in. Think about something positive when she is being negative…let her voice trail away; nod once in awhile and change the subject often. Take control of the conversation. Cut off her negative words. Don’t let her dominate the conversation and when she does, be disinterested. This will disconnect the energy exchange that goes on when she locks into your aura and begins to drain it. She can’t catch and latch onto the energy you deflect, so don’t make yourself a target by paying close attention to her.

After your visit with her, get a little exercise to re-invigorate your energy, take a salt bath or shower, change your clothes, and unplug your thoughts from her.

As for your children, you need to know they are particularly vulnerable. I suggest that you limit their time in her presence; give them something to do around her house instead of sitting at her feet, so to speak. Make your visits very brief. Given the description of your symptoms, it’s an easy decision: you and your children’s welfare, versus her energy appetite.

We are trained from the time we are young to honor family “obligations” and to be “polite” even when it’s harmful to us, but this is not a cosmic law. It’s society’s unspoken expectation and all-too-often, we end up doing what we think we should do instead of what we really should do. Don’t put her welfare first, under the circumstances, and know you are free to reconsider your idea about your children needing a forced relationship with a grandmother who may not be good for them.

Really, the way you are feeling is telling you that this is not a healthy relationship. Managing your energy is all about taking control of your choices and who you associate with; I know you are a good person but that does not mean you must go through the motions of “doing the right thing” when it’s genuinely harmful to you and your children.

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