Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

An Inside Peek: Behind the Eye of a Clairvoyant

A clairvoyant is sometimes called a psychic, but these are not interchangeable terms. A psychic is not often a clairvoyant, although the term is used about as often as “closeout” is used in selling cars! In the truest sense, clairvoyants have clairvoyance, or “clear-seeing.” This is nothing like the perfect 20-20 vision of the physical eyes, for it is a spiritual faculty that views the spiritual reality through which our material existence has taken the appearance of form.

In order to “clear see” a clairvoyant utilizes the “eye behind the eyes,” called the Third Eye in the mystical traditions. This is an energetic eye that is able to envision unseen energies that interpenetrate the physical world.

It is absolutely and utterly true that everything is made up of energy and in fact, what we perceive and believe to be a material thing is not solid at all! (More on that in upcoming posts.) To explain unseen spiritual energy,  picture for a moment an ordinary table lamp.

The electricity, or energy, that gives the lamp its light is invisible. The light that happens when you turn it on is not the electricity itself, but the evidence of it. While we don’t question the invisible realms of electricity or radar or microwave or infrared, we aren’t well informed about other energies that are the basis for all matter. Times, however, are changing and it’s a good thing to catch up with new science, which supports the truth that everything is energy. A clairvoyant can see some of that…each clairvoyant will have different abilities and a range of (limited) frequencies that can be accessed.

Clairvoyant sight does not make the one who has it infallible, nor does it make them special. Everyone has a Third Eye even though most don’t know about it, let alone how to use it. Like any ability, it is developed with intention, discipline, and to put it to proper use, a commitment to serve Divine potential.

I can tell you that the awe of seeing the energetic matrix, or web, of life never leaves me, for the Light of spirit is more beautiful than anything in this world! Upon that energy and light, all matter is brought into being. It is amazing, for instance, to witness a thought form…that energetic, often geometric, construct we create each time we think. The more focused and uplifting the thought, the more fabulous and beautiful the thought form…and the more incredible the reality it makes.

It is a privilege and a responsibility to have the gift of sight in this way, but most of all it is an incredible amazement and joy.

At one time in our very ancient history, people were commonly clairvoyant. In those times, it was impossible to tell a lie!!! –Can you imagine what the world would be like today, if the habit of lying were useless? If you can envision Utopia, perfection, or the proverbial Garden of Eden, you got it right!

As we build our spiritual connections and grow in understanding and ability, we can develop some degree of clairvoyance. Like all gifts, there are the minimally talented and the maestros…but everyone has a Third Eye and everyone can be developed to use it, under the proper circumstances.

We teach the development of the Third Eye here at My Spirit Care. For us, the greatest thing in this world that we can do is to help you achieve your greatest potential, to get you started on your personal path to seeing what you are meant to see. We know that you no longer have to “walk in the dark” when you learn to see in the dark.

Namaste, and blessings.

5 replies on “An Inside Peek: Behind the Eye of a Clairvoyant”

I was blessed to have walked with my grandmother yesterday as she crossed over to the other side. I did not understand the 3rd eye until yesterday. As I seen my grandmother walk through her life and was able to relay what I was seeing to family memebers gave them comfort in knowing it was going to be ok. I felt like I was floating and someone else was driving. I witnessed events 40 years prior to my birth and I have no idea how or why I could see them but I am blessed my grandmother chose me. Or maybe I chose her.

Thank you so much for sharing, Mary. You have experienced something very special. Love is the tie that endures physical life. Blessings to you.

it does little to benefit the soul when vaguely informing the public on what the psychic world is all about, and more specifically, what clairvoyance is, or for that matter, the spiritual plane where a rare number of genuinely gifted individuals-of which none are American-born or raised-tap into in order to peacefully channel their controlled energies, to improve upon Earth’s evolutionary progress, and where the beneficiaries openly receive unwritten wisdom, for the sole purpose of INDIVIDUAL PROSPERITY and PEACE OF MIND. These beneficiaries are at all times, responsibly and less frequently selected. /\/\/\ By requesting donations, your well-intentioned efforts have inherently taken from the universal soul. GUIDELINE: Genuine wealth requires the TRUEself to consciously, and more importantly, unconscoiusly teach the TRUEself to be free of dependence on institutions and individuals…
Take especially good care of yourself, and all the very best in health and every future successful endeavour in a prosperous career path that is eagerly awaiting you in a distant land, in the southern hemisphere.

This is a website meant to assist others but it is not an encyclopedia and I understand that you scorn Americans. As for the rest, despite your embedded link, you are no way an expert on clairvoyance, although you have a sacred right to see reality any way you wish. Divinity is infinitely abundant and the Universal Soul celebrates the dissemination of loving, non-exclusive truth. This is not a prosperous career path: it is a humble soul calling forged in the fires of trial and long years of sacrifice and service. There are no distant lands, “One”, for if you understood your moniker as well as spiritual matters you herein bizarrely expound on, as being one of the “chosen channels” you would already know that.

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