Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

How to Overcome Fear with Spiritual Power

Continued from Fear: A Useful Emotion or Negative State of Mind?

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleNearly all people instinctively fear the unknown. (Okay, so maybe you shouldn’t go into that unexplored cave without being fully prepared! Until they learned better, some of our ancestors who did that either got eaten or fell into an abyss and never came out.) Your racial memory within your cells is telling you to be careful of the unseen, but when the fear of the unknown becomes reactive and entrenched, we turn into bigots who don’t like “others” because they are different. We become zealots who can’t believe anything outside of our established ideas because our certainties have become the antidote for our primal fear of the unknown. We wither into timid followers who haven’t the courage to challenge anything or anyone, let alone think for ourselves, because the fear which initially led us to be cautious turned into a terrible fear of standing up, of being ridiculed or punished.

A Continued State of Fear Has Devastating Spiritual & Social Consequences

If we don’t understand the authentic purpose of fear and how it can get blown way out of proportion, it will have a very powerful instinctual control over our lives. Instinct has no reason: it does not think, take time to think, or want to think. Instinct reacts; it is automatic, and most fear arises out of us in just that way. Being automatic in most people, many do not recognize when they are acting out of fear. It becomes a part of them, a seamless connection to their consciousness that often goes unrecognized. Knowing when we are fearful for inappropriate reasons is important, because if fear is not directed as an appropriate survival protection, it will take over the world.

And it has!

Fear is the savage beast that inhibits the spiritual and physical progress of billions of people. Winston Churchill recognized this when he said, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Indeed, fear that dominates is a serious threat to all of us.

Unconscious fear expresses itself as apathy on one end and violence on the other; as broken relationships, bigotry, intolerance, fanaticism, addiction, cruelty, fascist governments, entrenched ignorance, corruption and political/social oppression. Mental, physical, and spiritual sicknesses are often rooted in fear and its many associated states.

Crippling states of fear are called phobias. Agoraphobia, claustrophobia, androphobia, chronophobia, erotophobia, and a thousand other fears are irrational states of mind that occur when fear has rocketed out of control. It is a miserable experience, for sure, but a spiritual opportunity for personal growth as well. When fear becomes paralyzing it forces people to deal with it and learn to conquer their many other personal fears, as well.

Fact is, we learn courage by facing and overcoming our fears. It’s the only way to learn bravery. As we all become collectively stronger and not dominated by our assorted fears, humanity will reach a new level of potential and our lives will change for the better.

Spiritually-Centered Love is the Antidote to All Forms of Fear

Fear, worry, anxiety, and insecurity are intertwined. Feelings of insecurity, helplessness, doom, and similar feelings have their root in feeling threatened or feeling vulnerable to being hurt in some way. The self perceives a chance of injury and autonomic fear arises to defend. But we seldom need to be defended or rescued by fear. When a situation is not one of genuine physical threat, fear is likely to be a psychological and spiritual roadblock in your life.

Once you understand that you are an Immortal Consciousness that does not die, that you are not your body, that nothing can truly injure the real you and that there is no punishment from a vengeful Creator, (the Hand that made you will not strike you down, in other words!) this truth will begin to set you free from deep-seated fears. As you learn to love yourself, love life, and love others, fear will have less and less hold over you. It was Jesus who said, “Perfect love casts out fear.” He told us plainly and it’s very true.

When you are afraid of the things in this world and afraid of life; when you are afraid of loss, destruction, failure, or being hurt; the answer is to find the love within your own being. Love makes you brave! Connect to feelings of love and the divine Consciousness you are made of. When you feel the love deep inside yourself, you will know everything is all right. This positive energy opens the way for miraculous change and indomitable strength in the face of temporary worldly adversity. In the face of strong spiritual love, fear disappears like a depressing fog evaporates beneath the morning sun, and the roadblocks it causes disappear, as well.

When you have a decision to make and you are afraid, hold up. Wait. Don’t act from your fear. Get connected to love, and make your decision based on that.

From us here at MySpiritCare, may you know courage and conquer fear. May you be blessed in the trying times upon the world just ahead, by finding the love in your own heart that is truly Divine. As humanity overcomes its slavery to fear and the darkness it brings, the whole world will be born anew. Now that’s something we can put our hearts into!

And know this: if you need further help to overcome fearful feelings, it’s time to talk! You can schedule an appointment with me by purchasing your appointment today. Just click the “Buy Now” button on the right and I will then contact you to schedule a time for your reading. The problem that you have today paves the way for your peace and healing tomorrow!

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Stepping Above Guided Meditation: 5 Steps to a Daily Spiritual Practice

Okay, guided meditation is a cool thing, no doubt. It’s used for all kinds of reasons, with good results.

But what about the spiritual aspect of our lives? What about getting familiar with who we really are, without needing a CD or technology to try to do that? What about…just you, and Life…becoming one, moving together smoothly the way a dolphin is one with the sea or a rainbow trout is one with the river? Becoming one with Life and all things is the most ancient spiritual wisdom; shamans from the dawn of history have known and taught the greatest of all truths that everything is interconnected.

Once you learn how to relax and let go, once you learn that imagination is NOT “imaginary,” it may be time to just be with yourself and the silence. Why? Because when it gets right down to it, guided meditation is a beginning for some, but then what? To mature spiritually we will have to sometime surrender the training wheels.

Most people want to be spiritually connected. Those on the spiritual path want to ascend, for crying out loud! We tell ourselves we “should” meditate, we “should” pray, we “should” and “should”…and (sigh) let’s change the subject! So, how’s work coming along?

Yep, for many people on the spiritual path that’s about the size of it. We don’t have a spiritual practice once a week, let alone once a day. I bet some of you felt a twinge of guilt when you read the title to this article. (Some of your friends may have skipped it altogether.) See! I can read your mind!

Actually, if you don’t have a dedicated spiritual practice you would be in the majority and so my guess is merely “playing the odds.” Most people just don’t make the time to connect spiritually. Many people don’t even think about it, or even dare to hope it’s possible. Others don’t find it at all important and even more people leave this up to churches and clergy to “do it” for them!

But all of the above probably isn’t you, either. This is a spiritual site and you’re here for a reason, so for those who are open to the path to enlightenment but can’t get in the groove, maybe it’s time to make it happen for yourself.

In order to get motivated, it helps to understand how an intimate, living spiritual practice can make a difference in your life, and what that entails, exactly.

A personal, dedicated spiritual practice will lead to a sense of connection to the Divine, and to an inner strength that comes from knowing your life has a unique purpose. You will develop your own psychic awareness. You will gain clarity, wisdom, knowledge, foresight…and if you are truly successful, you will become a more loving being.

Here are a few short suggestions on how to get started:

Want to make the connection: you have to want to know what you are all about, under your skin. People with a Christian background will recall that Jesus taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. To advance spiritually, we must first know ourselves.

How you decide to have a spiritual connection is completely individual. There are no rules, only guidelines. Find a personal system, or a composite of modalities, that work best for you. So here are 5 steps to get you past “I should” to “I do!”

  • Remember, you have to want to improve your life and be willing to explore for greater truth.
  • Turn off the phone, and eliminate external distractions. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door if others in the house are used to summoning you at their fancy. Let others know this is YOUR private time.
  • Set aside 15 uninterrupted minutes, the same time each day. Why the same time? …A little discipline is needed to develop good habits, and setting the same time establishes a basis for sacred ritual, which enriches the experience over time. (If you should miss your appointment with the Divine, don’t skip that day. Find the 15 minutes somewhere else in your day before you go to bed and give that spiritual time your full, surrendered attention.)
  • Prepare to share. A relationship with the Divine, whether the Creator of All-That-Is or your own Higher Self, is a two-way street that involves expression of your feelings or intention and the reception of insight or guidance.
  • Listen. Don’t run out on yourself…allow time to just listen in quiet for the guidance from within.

Try not to think of this as work…it’s not. It’s joyful self-development! It’s an awesome experience to be on the right track, gaining solid inner guidance. Higher insight, or personal psychic connectedness, is worth more than anything in this world that money can buy.

Don’t be surprised if you realize, during your spiritual connections, that you are not alone in this world. Opening your heart in this way is to go through that “straight and narrow” Gate to Infinite Consciousness, which is your true and perfect Home. Heaven, you will find, is in your own heart and is with you all the time, right where you are, right now. 🙂