Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

How to Develop Psychic Ability & Communicate with Divine Spirit: Getting Your Head Ready for the Journey

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleSpiritual reality is a vast, infinite, mysterious realm. It is literally a territory largely unknown and unexplored by human beings. And while many people want to learn how to communicate with their Guides, about how to be a spiritual medium or a channeler, an aura reader, an energy healer, a mystic or “master” by learning through videos, articles, books, teachers, and classes, few wonder if they should attempt to cross into unknown spiritual territory without having in hand the information and preparation so necessary for their safety and success.

An overwhelming majority of articles you can read on the Internet address the subjects of Spirit Guides and psychic development in a superficial manner. It’s a barrage of amateur fluff that has no substance, often written by people (or bots) who get their information from what they’ve read by authors who wrote those books from what they read…and so on. It’s a repeat of a repeat, with original information that wasn’t substantive to start with. Further, many popular books written on the subject aren’t much better because the authors are often eager, aspiring “experts” who are not truly ready to teach.

Reliable information for your journey into unknown spiritual territory is scarce, indeed.This absence of wise information can make an expedition into the Spiritual Unknown uncomforable and risky. When it comes to spiritual communication, you have to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, who is over there, and how to find your way back…or you shouldn’t head out in the first place.

To Begin an Exploration of Spiritual Territory, Unlearn What You Think You Know

So let’s get down to some first facts. Before you can learn to communicate with Angels and Spirit Guides, your Higher Self and Greater Knowing, you will almost certainly have to unlearn at least some of what you think you already know. There’s nothing difficult about it once you learn to get out of your own way; and to do that, you have to start with a clean slate in your head. Clear the obstacles. Begin your preparation for this amazing journey by asking yourself if your present beliefs in a greater reality are doubtful, or if your motivations for getting into this are adversarial, such as with those people who want to “prove” none of it’s real. If you are out to prove that none of this is real, then congratulations! You’ve succeeded already because if that is your mindset, psychic ability and spiritual communication will never be real for you. And if you’re a habitual, entrenched doubter, the same applies.

Starting with a clean slate in your head means that you are open to new possibilities. You don’t have to believe, but you do have to be open to the prospect that there is a non-physical reality, filled with spiritual beings, and that a few of those countless Beings are appointed to help you in your life.

Crossing the Territorial Lines: It’s Time to Challenge Consensus Reality

That’s just the start of clearing your mind. The next phase of mental housecleaning can be quite the struggle: religious programming that has implanted fear and suspicion about spiritual communication is somethng that has to be unlearned, as well. You have to be at least willing to consider that churches and their religions want control of your spiritual welfare; they make it their business to stand in the way of your direct experience of the Divine. They have appointed “authorities” to pretend to do that in your behalf and to support this construct of a middle-man to know God, they have indoctrinated their congregations with a belief that exploration into spiritual territory is “forbidden”. They have posted frightening signs along the perimeter of their proclaimed reality to keep explorers out, with warnings of apostacy and damnation for those who dare to walk over the lines they have drawn. Again, this is not because it’s forbidden by any Higher Power but because if people had direct spiritual contact and spiritual knowledge for themselves, churches would cease to exist.

That would be a lot of jobs lost and an unfathomable amount of money lost. For instance, according to one report, the Vatican released information in February 2011 which said that there were 410,593 Catholic priests alone, around the world in 2009. And an article out of Germany  speculates that for the nation of Germany alone, the “cash assets of the church’s legal entities” are valued “at about €50 billion”, with preliminary financial scandals revealed and hidden wealth to be uncovered. Now, it’s obvious that in the world there are a great many more religions and their churches beside the Roman Catholic Church, and there are many more nations than the little country of Germany. I don’t suppose there is a calculator you could afford to buy that would have the capacity to tally up the money owned by all religious entities, who get a substantial portion of their wealth from obedient believers. (Fact is, religion is the biggest business of all and fact is, God doesn’t need your money–and never needed your money—but alas, I get ahead of myself!)

Even more important than a loss of money, the loss of believers who depend on churches for intercession with God would mean that religion would lose its power over most of the people on this planet. No wonder those with religious “authority” don’t want the “common person” to learn they can have direct communication/direct revelation from the Divine! Once you realize that you don’t need religion but that religion needs fearful people in order to survive, and once you begin to implement your Divine right to know truth for yourself, you will not need, nor want, an intermediary to stand between you and Divine Spirit. Imagine, for a moment, what would happen in this world if everyone knew the truth about that.

But wait, there’s more! Clairvoyant psychics like myself would no longer be needed, and I’m fine with that! Assuredly, governments could topple. Deceptions would be revealed. Wars would cease, elitist financial markets would take a hit, wealth would equalize across the planet and oh…did I forget to mention? People would start to heal themselves and this profoundly suffering planet would be restored to balance.

Yes, a lot of privileged, “chosen” people would be out of work, but the vast majority of beings on this planet would know peace; prosperity; love; enlightenment; physical, emotional and mental healing; and all else that goes with those wonderful states of being.

Further, considering the immense improvement that would happen if people communicated personally and directly with the Divine, instead of relying on moneyed religion for their answers about life—the question arises: if God and peace and goodness isn’t more present on the planet because of all the money acquired by religion to sustain itself, then who, in fact, really needs all that money? Ah, could it be? Could it be…considering the terrible shape the world is in, with more money going into more churches, fueled even further by the dire and desperate situations on all fronts…could it be that “God” doesn’t need your money, but the “Devil” can’t live without it?


Join me next time, as we continue our safely-mapped explorations into Spiritual Territory together. Until then, may you have peace of mind and heart, for you do not walk this earth path alone and right now, Spirit calls you to find the truth that will set your mind free. What an incredible adventure awaits you!

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Spirit Guides in the Great Circle of Life

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleMany people don’t know about Spirit Guides but almost everyone knows about angels.  Studies done within the past several years indicate that 50-70% of Americans believe angels are real…a belief also held by those who do not consider themselves to be religious. Human beings, religious or not, need hope in their lives and some sense of a gentle spiritual connection: angels are easy to believe in because they often seen as less threatening and more understanding than a god that dispenses judgment and punishment.

For several hundred years at least, since the Christian doctrine of angels began to evolve, adherents to Judeo-Christian theology have looked to angels as the only messengers of a “one true god.” They have viewed angels as critical intermediaries and messengers who exist along an upward pipeline that leads to the Divine. These beings are believed by some to come…and then go…with information or protection, much like a phone that rings for a brief time and then goes silent.

Other cultures around the globe, that are not Judeo-Christian, have had ancient beliefs of spiritual guidance that comes from within a person’s heart and from the Spirit Guides who help and protect humanity. These are spiritual beings who bring good guidance from Great Spirit, the All-That-Is, and who guide us from everywhere, all at once and are always present.

Here’s a rough and simple diagram that illustrates these two different viewpoints about God, Great Spirit, Angels and Spirit Guides:

Circle Ladder

These two paradigms, or belief systems, view Reality in substantially different ways.

The Chain of Command Paradigm

The “God, angels, humans” viewpoint is a linear view of existence; meaning, it believes that our connection to God happens upward on a ladder-like straight line. Along this upward line there is a hierarchy of spiritual authority, like a chain of command, with angels standing between men and God. This worldview believes that humans are separate from, and far beneath, the Divine.

This same viewpoint also sees human beings as God’s chosen creation, with a distinct inequality between man and nature. Humans are believed to have been given dominion over the “soul-less” world of nature by a God who created the world for mankind. This undeniably ego-centric viewpoint does not make room for the value of unlimited life, with ensouled Consciousness all around us, in us, and through us.

Many times, what people believe to have been angelic intervention is actually something done for them by a Spirit Guide and not an angel. In the truest sense, angels are enormous cosmic beings that exist on another level of reality who “do their own thing” while sometimes also serving, in a limited capacity, as Spirit Guides to human beings.

The Great Circle of Life Paradigm

The “Great Circle of Life” viewpoint is not a ladder or a line, but instead, it accepts that life is an all-inclusive circle where everything is connected to the Divine at the center of existence. It sees that all things are part of the Divine because everything is interconnected, from the outer world to the inner world and from the inner world to the outer one. This worldview says that humans are not separate from God and further, that God is present in all things.

In terms of human history, modern Christianity is very new to this planet and has been largely confined to Western culture. When we look at ancient, Eastern, mystical, and indigenous traditions–all of which are much older than the “Yahweh” religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism–we find a common belief that all things are seen as connected to Great Spirit and to each other and to all other created things…even rocks. These are viewpoints that tie man and nature closely together; that reverence the planet as a divine being in its own right. Native Americans, for example, use the terms, “Mother Earth” and “All my relations.” This speaks of the greater family of created beings we are all a part of, and of their deep reverence for the Earth which gives life to everything here.

In this circular order of life, there is no separation between beings on a supraluminal level; and importantly, spiritual help can and does comes from many different energies–not only from “up there” on that spiritual ladder of power. The human and non-human Spirit Guides from these supraluminal realms…the Greater Unseen Reality…serve God/Great Spirit, along with providing vital help to their human family. It’s very comforting to know that we are never truly alone and that along with higher beings that we have come to call angels, there are many other wonderful Beings that stand ready and willing to assist us in our mortal life.

Spirit Guides for Every Person 

The spiritual realms of the Greater Reality are teeming with conscious life. Everything has a spiritual form before it has a physical one: you existed as a spiritual being before you were born and you will continue on as a spiritual being when this life is over.  Indeed you are a Soul first, and a body, second. In your pre-life existence you laid out a plan, with help from your Spirit Guides, about who your parents would be; your genetic potential; your life path, and the fundamental purpose for this lifetime. It was in this pre-earth planning stage that you also decided upon, and contracted with, the Spirit Guides who serve you in this physical incarnation. 

Every person is born with divinely appointed spiritual beings that watch over them, their Spirit Guides. There are differing opinions about the number of Guides each person has, but since human beings claim to do the counting, it’s best not to work yourself up over how many you have. Suffice it to say, you have exactly the number of Guides that you need, at any given time.

Spirit Guides are present to help you with specific life tasks. They also guide you to make decisions and to understand personal truth.  Most of the time they work behind the scene and go unrecognized, but they are ever-present to help, teach, and protect you.

Multiple Spirit Guides for Every Need 

There are many kinds of Spirit Guides. Some Spirit Guides have a human spiritual form because they have lived lifetimes as a human being. Other Guides have never lived a life on earth, but may have a human-like spiritual form because the humanoid animal is not exclusive to planet Earth: other planets in the universe also have human life forms. Guides that have lived lives as human beings are especially equipped to help you in your life because they know full well the challenges of human existence. Whatever your Guide’s personal background while they were once in a body, they are with you now for a specific purpose related to your life’s mission and Soul purpose.

Spirit Guides can also be ancestral spirits, or those people who are in your genetic lineage who lived good lives and have had good deaths, who have elected to watch over you during your earthly walk. There is a caveat to this family arrangement, however: not every relative that you love who has crossed over is going to be your Guide. Chances are, if you’ve lived a lifetime with someone here, they will not be a Spirit Guide to you when they cross over. (Deceased relatives, however, may try to help you from the Other Side, if given permission and oversight from your Spirit Guides.)

A few of you reading this article have actually been a Spirit Guide to others during your existence between lives! While this may surprise you, just know that as friends help each other in the physical incarnation, we can also help those in our spiritual family when we are not in our bodies.

Some Spirit Guides are of cosmic origin. While it is unusual to encounter such Guides, having one does not make you more special than anyone else. There is always a karmic reason why you have a certain Guide, so be careful about feeling proud of yourself for having some Guide that seems “higher” than another. There is no such thing as “higher” or “better” or “more powerful” when it comes to Spirit Guides! One is not “better” than another and when we get ourselves into the murky area of “specialness” we have wandered out of Divine territory and gotten ourselves into the darker aspects of existence. The Divine is absolutely “no respecter of persons.” Never forget that because it’s a truth that never changes and there are no exceptions.

Other Spirit Guides can take the form of animal or plant spirits and they often do. These spiritual volunteers offer themselves to share their particular gifts and insights at those times in your life when you need to develop certain qualities to get through a situation.  You have at least several Animal Spirit Guides present with you at birth and they stand at the ready to help you when you call upon them for spiritual strength, wisdom, and protection.  Like other Spirit Guides, some of the Animal Guides will come and go throughout your life according to your need but the ones who come in with you at birth are there for the duration of your life.

What Spirit Guides Will…and Will Not…Do

Even among people who believe in Spirit Guides, there is considerable confusion and misperception about what Spirit Guides will and will not do for their human charge. Spirit Guides care about the big cosmic picture and the journey of your Soul through time.  They are not so concerned about giving you winning lotto numbers or finding a parking place for you every time you’re in a hurry. They are not our servants, even though they serve us. The many people who look at their Guides as giving them “a leg up” on the world often miss the deeper spiritual connections to their Guides that would result in true personal growth.

Guides use our thoughts and feelings to communicate with us. Although less frequent, Guides can certainly influence physical reality in order to help us if need be.

Some examples of what Spirit Guides do for us: 

1. Protect your body and protect your energy field;

2.  Encourage life change when it’s needed;

3.  Help connect you to important people or situations in your life that are in alignment with your purpose and mission;

4.  Prompt you, and whisper thoughts of encouragement, comfort, and positive direction. They support and help you in times of sorrow and illness;

5.  Warn of danger or a bad decision;

6.  Inspire your thoughts, motivate you, and bring out latent talent or improvement of existing talents.

7.  Give you answers and truth that you seek, through thoughts and feelings, while occasionally giving signs and signals in the physical world.

What Spirit Guides will never do: 

1.   Make decisions for you, or order you around;

2.   Tell you to do something harmful to another being or to yourself;

3.   Give you negative thoughts, make you feel anxious or worried, or say negative things about another person;

4.   Tell you a lie or ask you to lie; anything related to a deception is not from a Spirit Guide;

5.   Speak nonsense and/or use wordy and elaborate language;

6.   Brag about themselves or otherwise inflate themselves;

7.   Flatter you or inflate your importance. As an example, Spirit Guides will not tell you are a Christ or something similar.  These kinds of messages come from the darker side of existence, including the shadow side of the human psyche, but they do not come from Goodness.

As a clairvoyant who works with Spirit Guides every day, I can tell you that we arose from a cosmic sea of love, and on this very difficult journey through time we are attended to by the most beautiful and loving beings imaginable. These amazing beings are spiritual entities that are wise and loving and loyal. They never tire of helping us. We are never without them and we are never alone. Spirit Guides are the mighty allies that get us through when we think we won’t make it. They are an army of Light that parts the darkness when we lose our way, because they have promised to keep us close to the Divine Light in our own hearts. Remember to thank them, listen for that “still, small, voice” of goodness, strength, and encouragement from within yourself, for it is them holding you near, because they love you without limit…they always have and they always will.

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Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

The Road of Reality is a Head Trip: Are You Sure You Know Where You’re Going?

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.” Albert Einstein

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleOn this third installment of On Telephones, UFOs, and Spirit Guides: Close Communications of the Spiritual Kind, we’re going to look beyond our “mechanical universe” ideas that have us hooked on our five senses and have given us incorrect ideas about the nature of reality and spiritual communication. The higher dimensions of Spirit are not bound by physicality or by time and because most of us don’t understand this, we limit our access to the truths of life.

So, tell me…is your Spirit real? Well, yes, you may believe it, but can you prove it with your five senses? Ahhh! Therein lurks the ever-gnawing doubt that most people struggle with!

How about the air you breathe? You can’t see it, either…but, you believe it’s real. That’s because when you don’t have invisible air to breathe your body will tell you! You experience air as being something real, but you can’t feel it in your hands. Nevertheless, it’s everywhere all at once and it’s invisible. Despite the fact you can’t see it, no doubt we accept, for a fact, that air is a reality.

So then–why is it okay to accept some invisible, incorporeal things as real…but not others?  Why is it that people have such a difficult time believing in a Spiritual reality that is everywhere at once and can’t be seen with physical eyes but can be experienced in the same way that you experience air? The answer can be found in the content of one’s education and subsequently, our beliefs about what is—and what is not—real.

So, what is reality, to you? Is it your car that you can see and get inside of? Is it the computer keyboard in front of you that you can touch? Is it the food on the stove that you can smell and taste? Is it the chair you sit in, that you can feel?

What about your thoughts? You can’t see, smell, taste, touch, or otherwise validate their independent existence. Are your thoughts, real, then?

When you really think about it, reality is a head trip. In every way imaginable.

Humanity’s Enslavement to Materialism and Time: a Prison of Our Own Making

Until humanity can expand its awareness of what is real, we will remain spirits trapped in bodies, unaware of our spiritual nature, our spiritual power, our place in existence, and what life is about. We will remain lost, bound to believe we are hunks of flesh that die along a certain point within the relentless passage of time: marching numbly, inexorably to “the end”, “finis”.

Time is a whip-yielding slave-driver in today’s world: you know that as much as anybody. Work schedules, appointments, due dates, holiday mayhem, closings, openings, traffic jams, alarms, calendars, hairless heads and bald tires, wrinkles, bad joints, sags, bags, rust, breakage, stress, pressure and the deterioration of everything…these are the gifts that time gives to you.

Now imagine, for a moment, what it would be like without all that slavery to time. Go into your mind and imagine an earlier time when people got up at dawn and went to bed at dark. And there was no living by the clock, no panic about being late, and no worry about what will happen tomorrow, just being with the day, in the rhythm of the planet. Now that’s what people like to do on their vacations but it used to be a way of life, when humans were not ab-so-freaking-lutely obsessed with time.

Fortunately, sanity has not taken a total exit from the world stage: there are still remnants of aboriginal cultures that don’t define time like modern people do. Native cultures have what they call Dream Time, or simply the Now. Their understanding of time is closely connected to their non-linear spirituality and a sense of oneness with what they call “Great Spirit” and “all our relations.”

This is the Fourth Dimension, Not the Third—And Time is Not Your Jailer, You Are

Just as reality is not mechanical and as I am soon to explain, not solid, we need to know that time is not an all-powerful master that limits our existence and signals our end. The Greater Spiritual Reality is not bound by physicality, third dimensional configurations or by time. As spiritual beings, neither are we.

This is not the stuff we were taught about in school (a social system that doesn’t educate as much as it engineers the mind to embrace mediocrity and to parrot accepted factoids). So, according to two thousand-year-old Euclidian geometry, we were taught we live in a three dimensional reality where objects consist of length, width, and depth (or height.) Euclid was a Greek mathematician whose discoveries–and those of others, including Newton’s theories of a clock-work universe–has led people to believe that everything in the universe has only three dimensions, is made of matter, and functions like a machine. Most people also view time as a progression of events along a forward/backward line, a constant and independent reality that’s separate from 3rd dimensional space.

While we perceive reality in this antiquated manner, this viewpoint is not an accurate reflection of what reality is. As briefly mentioned in the last post about why millions of people deny spiritual reality, Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity discovered that time and space combines to form the Fourth Dimension, or “the space-time continuum”.

Einstein discovered that physical human beings are residents of the Fourth Dimension, not the Third because the 4th dimension of Time and 3-dimensional space go together. Time is not a self-existent constant in the universe: there is no big clockwork in the sky that marks the passage of time. In fact, the so-called passage of time on other planets (as we choose to measure it here on earth) is influenced by their particular gravitational forces and thus interplanetary time is different from earth time…even very different.

In addition, we have learned that the passage of time is relative in every possible way. It is relative to space, and it is relative to the one who experiences it.

What does that mean, exactly?

It means that time is a relative experience because although, you, as a person, can experience time, time itself does not exist outside of your perception of it. Although we ride time like a train through our life experience, and although it seems to take us from past to present to future, time is a servant of the human experience. It is not our master. Time is a tool that enables us to process the physical journey we’re experiencing. And like all tools, we can put it down once in awhile and live without it. We can use our Consciousness to go back in time, forward in time, or experience non-time, which is what we do when we become spiritually aware.

You experience the relativity of time every time you lose track of it, when it slows down on a bad day and speeds up while you are having fun. During periods of psychic insight or spiritual communication time is suspended, because in the Greater Reality, the past, present, and future are all happening NOW. This is absolutely an imperative understanding when you try to heal your life from past wounds, or have a spiritual healing for your body and create good experiences in your life. All connection to the Divine occurs in the NOW, because the NOW is all there is. The NOW is All-That-Is. The NOW is where you connect to the Divine Source (which is just another man-made name for what many people believe they’re talking about, when they say “God”).

I’ve figured out a way to help you understand the relativity of time by asking you a question.

When you look at yourself in the mirror and see new wrinkles or physical signs of aging, have you ever felt shocked?

Now I know that young readers will have to wait for the illusory passage of time to have that experience, but mature readers are going to know what I’m referring to. People sometimes feel shocked when they see the signs of aging in the mirror. That’s because inside of ourselves, we are timeless. Inside of ourselves, our perception of ourselves is unchanging. We’re as old as existence itself and spiritually we exist within the dimensions of cosmic non-time. Our internal, spiritual selves still feel the same as they always have despite what the calendar says. We feel, inside, like we are suspended in constancy outside of time. And that’s because we are.

We are all ageless, eternal beings, unbound by time. In Reality, there is only the Now. In cosmic truth, everything is happening at once. Since trying to process infinite happenings with our physical brains would give us a very bad case of synaptic overload and massive schizophrenia on steroids, we experience All-That-Is in micro-bites. So we can make sense of our life experience, the instantaneous Whole of reality is filtered through our faculty of perception and broken into infinitesimal, linear segments that we call time.

Think of how an entire movie is made, frame by frame. We experience the cosmic movie of life in that way, frame by frame, perceiving the frames in our personal movie as time. Our experience of time is nothing more than a slow motion thought in the Mind of God.

–Which brings me to the hummingbird. Did you know that they move so fast that when they see us, we appear to them to be moving in slow motion? Hummingbirds perceive and experience time very differently than we do.

Then there’s the dog: in one year of our time, they live seven. Do you think that your dog perceives a year the same way you do? You’re gone for 8 hours at work and the dog is hysterically, slobbery joyful to see you. That’s because in your dog’s perception, the eight hours that you’ve been gone has been over two days!

And let’s not ignore the mayfly: poor thing lives 24 hours. Gets born, has a few dozen weddings, a few thousand babies, retires from its job at the pond and in 24 hours, it’s “curtains” for the mayfly. What the mayfly perceives as a lifetime…is about a day to you.

So as you can see, time is a persistent illusion that is experienced in a wholly relative way. This understanding is necessary to expand your mind to the greater possibilities of your existence. This helps you become spiritually aware of the Greater Reality that you cannot see, but that you are an inseparable part of.

For instance, you may have psychic ability, but there is no way you can consistently access and use your gift unless you understand that something doesn’t have to concrete or immediate to be real. You may be seeking a greater spiritual connection in your life: again, without understanding that time does not exist in the spiritual dimensions and that here, in your body, time is a perception and not a hard fact, you will meet with serious obstacles in your pursuit. Perhaps you want to be better at meditation, maybe you want to become a qualified spiritual medium, an energy healer, a spiritual leader/teacher, or to receive personal spiritual guidance in your life. All of these efforts at accessing the spiritual dimension of your life cannot be attained without understanding that reality is not limited by time or physical senses. When we realize that, we unlock the door of our spiritual prison and take the first step into a new world of astonishing possibilities.

The Quantum You: Very Small, but Oh, So Mighty!

Now that you understand all that, it’s time for your diploma (it’s in the mail!) and to be informed about an even deeper layer of physics, which is the quantum level of reality.

From its discovery of atoms as the “building blocks of matter,” science has gone on to discover subatomic properties of light, called particles and waves. It has been learned that light is not either a particle or a wave (the either/or clockwork model of reality), but that light is both a particle and a wave. This opened our realizations to an inclusive reality that is altered by the expectations of the observer.

As the probing into matter continued, we then discovered that instead of atomic building blocks as the elemental structure of creation, there were so many smaller particles that the term “elementary” had lost its meaning. Experimentation showed that matter was entirely changeable, that all particles are created from energy and can transmute into other particles. In other words, reality is not a solid construct made of matter, but reality is an interconnected web of energy that responds to the one who observes it.

And that’s not all. Particles are also waves because they are probabilities—unlike physical matter, such as an ocean wave. As probabilities, they do not represent the potential to become things, but rather, they exist as potential events.

Whew! Well, this means that there is no such thing as a thing, but rather, all things (I can’t refrain from using the word, even though things don’t exist!) are events, or interconnected, interchangeable paths that take form in manifest reality as events.

This interconnectedness of all things is exemplified by your body and all things in nature. Just as a cell within your body contains the encoding to make a new body, and just as a seed contains the entire tree, so it is that any one part of the universe contains the Whole. These are examples of the holographic model of existence, which arises from interconnectedness and was proposed by the physicist David Bohm. He theorized that the reality we experience arises from the undivided Whole of existence, which he calls the implicate order. The implicate order is a sea of interconnected energy…kind of a cosmic soup…and from this energetic soup arises our manifest, physical reality, or explicate order. This scientific thought is certainly paralleled in Eastern spiritual traditions and belies our Western mechanical concept of dualism, of “you” and “I”, of “us” and “them.”

―Which brings us back down to earth. There is an Ultimate Reality where the explicate part is not separate from the implicate Whole…and then there is the dual, physical reality that we have come to identify with while in explicate human form. These states of being—the Whole and the part—appear to be irreconcilable but in fact, they do not oppose each other.

Existence is not an either/or proposition, but an inclusive, complimentary state of being both. We are physical and we are spiritual; we are living inside of time and outside of it. We are mortal and immortal; as an individual entity we are apart from the Source and are inseparably one with it. We are the created event and the creator of the event, both the observed and the observer. Life is one huge paradox. It is an endless series of ands.

Reality does not consist of separate pieces of matter suspended against a void of dead nothing, all separated by membranes of skin or surface. Instead of being like a bubble floating on the water’s surface, you are both bubble and water. The form of the bubble is a temporary, explicate manifestation of the implicate order that is the water. And in a very real way, we are our brother’s keeper because we are each an explicate manifestation—an event!—arising out of the undivided order that is a unified field of Universal Consciousness.

 We are all One. The explicate manifestations of the physical realm are actually frequencies of existence in the transient form of matter. All of life is a vibration, or frequency emanating from this universal magnetic field; which many call God.

In reality, that so-called “heaven” you were told about is not a “place.” All states of being are a frequency! When you want to feel connected to the divine in your life, you simply have to deeply connect to the right frequency, which is the Divine love in your own heart.

You Have to Know Where You’re Going to Get There!

And guess what else? When Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” he already knew about what we now call quantum Reality, he knew about frequency and about your unbreakable connection to the Divine. He knew you didn’t need anyone to lead you to God or to reconcile you to God, because there has never been a separation from God to begin with. The Unified Field is a Unified Existence between everything.

This is an accurate model of reality, but is a very foreign worldview to many people who remain trapped in old ideas and thus, stay confined within their spiritual jails.It is great irony that in a “modern” world where people take such great pride in their supposed knowledge that they are way behind the ancient and aboriginal peoples–whom they deem to be primitive–in their knowledge of reality as it truly is…and always has been.

Fortunately, there have been great minds who have tapped into spiritual guidance and higher awareness to develop great inventions when it was not looked upon favorably or with proper curiosity by the masses of ignorant people who professed to know. Mahlon Loomis, (see Part One of this series) was one of those rare and gifted individuals who was far ahead of his time.His invention of wireless communication was a first peek into the realm of interactive, unseen energies and a very early forerunner of modern discoveries in advanced physics.

So on those occasions that you hear someone make fun of all things that are “different” to what they think they know, or to all things spiritual (sometimes in the name of all things religious!) you are free to have an open mind and a loving heart. Because now, you know that Reality is far more than most people see because they have their eyes wide shut.

Spiritual communication, psychic ability, inspired inventions, energetic healing, Spirit Guides, alternate realities, and a host of other spiritually-connected experiences are not only possible, they are inevitable. Spirit, frequency, energy…this is the substance and foundation of material life. Now, you know!  With eyes wide open, you can walk your path in life with power and purpose. All you have to do is choose it.

In the words of our Lakota brothers and sisters, “May you walk the white road of the good heart”, and may you come to know the truths that have been hidden from you for so long. Only when you walk in your own truth and from your own heart, can you really know where you are going. Then, this amazing and sacred journey of life will truly belong to you.

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

On Telephones, UFO’s and Spirit Guides: Close Communications of the Spiritual Kind

My Spirit Care, 25 Years of Psychic and Spiritual Advice for Thousands of PeopleWhen your telephone rings or your cell phone sings, someone is at the other end of the light pipe, wanting to communicate with you. When you want to talk to someone at a distance, all you have to do is dial their phone number and wait a few seconds for them to answer. If they don’t answer, you can leave a voice message. Nifty, huh?

Of course it hasn’t always been this easy. In your progenitor’s day, the Pony Express and the telegraph revolutionized the world of communications. What was a miraculous invention for our forebears would be torturously slow to us! Our lives are entirely structured around high speed communications. We are so dependent on advancing technologies,  society would unravel without it. ―Remember that huge panic a few years back when the Blackberry fell off its wireless vine?

And I’ll bet you don’t know who invented wireless technology…the person who gifted you with instant communication. And once you find out the real truth about this person unnamed in history books, you’ll also discover some fascinating facts about the spirit world, as well.

As you are about to discover, communications, consciousness, light, the brain, Spirit, and the Spirit World all share a common gateway, a port of connectedness that is constantly interacting with our daily lives. More than any technology we believe we need, this Life Force energy is what holds everything together, and we truly could not exist without it.

But first…let’s travel back in time for a secret fact and an amazing story…

Marconi Didn’t, so Don’t Say He Did

The year was 1866. In a small West Virginia mountain town, a dentist and ingenious inventor
named Mahlon Loomis was very busy stringing copper wire in trees and other unlikely places. Dr. Loomis was the first and true inventor of wireless communication, before G. Marconi (the credited inventor) was even born. While that’s another historical fact that needs to be set right and another historical deception where attribution was given to the wrong person, suffice it to say that Dr. Loomis was the brilliant inventive genius way ahead of his time and the true inventor of wireless communication.

But that’s not the most fascinating fact about Mahlon Loomis. Things get very interesting when we also consider that his scientific discoveries were tangentially connected to otherworldly and off-planet communications. Dr. Loomis gathered his inventive information by speaking with a Spirit Guide named Francis. Further, his inventions touch upon time travel and even…UFO entry into our 3rd dimensional space. Not surprisingly, his invention was high-jacked by the U.S. Navy for military use and Dr. Loomis was never credited for his invention, nor was he financially compensated. Only a few insignificant items that belonged to Loomis remain with the Smithsonian. Most all of his equipment and documentation about his work vanished without a trace, including his diary in which he documented not only his scientific findings, but the metaphysical perspective he gained through contact with his Spirit Guide.

Those of you who read these posts are spiritual seekers. You are open-minded individuals who may even be closet-believers in things spiritual, not religious. But for the mainstream of society, contact with spirit guides is derided as “fringe” behavior and a belief in spirit guides as a fringe belief. All the while, these same people benefit from communication technologies that only fifty years ago would have been considered impossible. Why is it so hard, then, for these same people to consider that there might be a spiritual technology that they, themselves, find unbelievable and fantastic because they have not yet discovered it?

Fast to Condemn, Slow to Change

The subject of human resistance to changing belief paradigms is a post unto itself. For the moment, it’s sufficient to point  out that entrenched beliefs and widespread ignorance parade across the stage of human history, all dressed up in the robes of arrogant “knowing”.

–Which brings me briefly to Galileo. In 1633 Galileo was persecuted by the Catholic Church for his discovery that the earth revolves around the sun. Church leaders condemning him said, “The doctrine that the earth is neither the center of the universe nor immovable, but moves even with a daily rotation, is absurd, and both psychologically and theologically false, and at the least an error of faith.” Having been convicted of heresy and under threat of horrendous torture before being executed, Galileo recanted his scientific findings. While his decision to deny the truth spared his life, the Church imprisoned him in solitary confinement for the remainder of his days. Two hundred years passed, and in 1835 the Catholic Church finally took the writings by Galileo from its banned book list, long after his orbiting earth theory had been proven correct by Issac Newton. It took about 360 years for the Church to fully admit its error: in 1992 Pope John Paul begrudgingly apologized for Galileo’s wicked persecution.

Now, let’s get back to Mahlon Loomis.

Many of us know that the most innovative technology has a history of being snapped up by the powerful interests rather than being made available to the population-at-large. Long after Dr. Loomis’ records came up missing, it is most intriguing that the U.S. government utilizes practically the same location for satellite transmissions that Dr. Loomis used when he launched the world’s first wireless communication from a West Virginia mountaintop. The Etam satellite communication station in Etam, West Virginia processes over half of all international satellite communications and functioned as the world’s first earth-based communications relay system that gathered the signals from America’s first space craft and their astronauts before relaying them to Ground Control in Houston.

So while Dr. Loomis was maligned as a crackpot by many in his time, it turns out that in our day the same geographic area in which he conducted his wireless experiments is now used as a ground station for off-planet communications.

And all of this–our modern wireless and satellite communications– started with a genius inventor and a Spirit Guide named Francis.

Yes, We Can (And Do) Communicate with Spirit!

How is communication with Spirit possible? Are there energetic portals that connect us to other-worldly beings? Are there portals to other times and even, to other dimensions?

One needs only to open themselves to either ancient metaphysical teachings or modern quantum physics to get some answers to those very important questions.

In our next post, we will explain the physics of spirit communication and take a peek into the realm of spiritual science. Stay tuned and keep your antennae right here, on MySpiritCare!

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Clairvoyant Sight into the Spirit World

In my years of work as a clairvoyant, my clients ask me what “The Other Side” is really like. Most are surprised to learn that the Spirit World is very much like our own, except that truth and love reign supreme and reality is created at the speed of thought.

A consultation I gave for a client years ago is an excellent example of the parallels between the spirit world and this one. When I was clairvoyant viewing for this client, a twelve-year-old girl came to me, accompanied by her Spirit Guide. The little girl was very excited to talk to me, wanting to let her mother know that she liked it over there very much, that she was in school, had many friends and a former family dog. But most of all…most of all…she smiled for me very big, revealing the braces on her teeth. Her message was most urgent: “Be sure to tell Mommy that I got my braces!!”

The woman for whom I was reading broke down immediately in ecstatic tears. Although I had absolutely no prior knowledge of her daughter before the session began, her mother told me that this child was killed in a car accident while going to the orthodontist, on her way to a brace-fitting appointment.

Now, a rational person could ask me, “Why would she go to school in the Spirit World? Without a physical body, why would she have braces?”

Before I answer that, let’s peek behind the veil at what the Spirit World looks like and what people who have crossed over do to “entertain” themselves. Since they don’t sit on clouds and play the harp, then what do they do with their “time?”

It’s hard for us in this world to understand, but there is no time in the spirit world; or any clocks, calendars, or dates. This is a timeless dimension. Spirits do not contend with issues of time and all but the most advanced do not even understand it anymore. Many of the facets of earthly life have become like a dream to them.

Speaking of spiritual dreams, the way for you to begin to understand timelessness is by recalling your physical dreams. Time, during dreaming events, is often blurred and nonsensical. Example: In a dream, you can be in one certain place and another place a thousand miles away in a mere instant. And, you can be in the year 2011 and suddenly find yourself dreaming you are in another time period, without any sequence of time happening.  This happens because in dreamtime, you can tap into the Reality outside of linear time, where time does not exist and all potentialities exist together. As in your dreams, the Greater Reality–the spiritual foundation of our existence–operates with thought or the expression of Consciousness and all events that occur in a physical timeline happen at once in an instant.

Even though there is no time on the Other Side, no schedules, no limits, there is an infinite array of things to do, to be, and to experience. How this plays out for the individual who crosses over will depend on the level of his/her consciousness and the entrenched beliefs that splay from the root of that person’s awareness and their spiritual development achieved during the physical lifetime.

In the Spirit World, what we believe and what we expect is what we will get. Consciousness, and the beliefs that give rise to perceptions and experience, are the builders of reality in the Spirit World.

The child with braces on her teeth needed a seamless transition in order to adjust to the sudden shock of crossing. Her consciousness was focused on receiving braces at the moment of her passing. Her Guides, ever loving and immensely wise, assisted her with the construction of a reality that was comfortable and familiar for her upon her sudden transition and separation from the physical reality. Her personalized Spirit reality also assisted her mother, at her level of consciousness; to have the assurance her daughter was perfectly happy and well-cared for.

In the Spirit World there are vistas of indescribable beauty. The colors are alive with light and vibrant to an exquisite degree. People go fishing (if they loved to do so in physical life) and they walk their beloved dogs who crossed over before. They eat wonderful food, can make love and create music; because, this is the Paradise of lore. People generally assume the appearance of a physical age where they were the most comfortable and happy during their physical life, or to be recognized most easily by loved ones on earth.

Because consciousness and personal development shape the reality one experiences when crossing over, those with a more negative consciousness will experience situations that reflect their mindset and the energy emissions that were prevalent in earthly life. Some might call this Hell, although there is no such place taught by religions about eternal suffering in fire and brimstone. While these can be very unpleasant experiences, once the inner Light and the love of their being is recognized, the negative, frightening, and darker side of spiritual existence will evaporate and those persons are then lifted by their Spirit Guides into the higher frequency of proverbial Paradise.

The state of a person’s consciousness or the purity of their aura will determine their initial experience when crossing over. Some will experience Jesus, or Buddha, or the Virgin Mary: some will see Joseph Smith, Apollo, Shiva, or any other representation of their religious/philosophical convictions when they first arrive on the Other side. The early stages of spiritual existence are keyed to what we believe to be true. And no matter what people believe to be real; whether they see a red devil with a pitchfork, Biblical scenes, Muslim virgins, or a foggy “nothing,” every person that crosses over to the Other Side will share the common reality of a Life Review.

In the Life Review, one experiences–first person–the emotions, effects, and experiences that their actions caused other people to feel and experience during their physical life. Based on the intentions and actions of their lifetime, this can either be a hellish or illuminating experience. Most people experience a mixture of happiness and pain, as average people are neither “saints” nor “sinners,” exclusively.

Heaven is the Other Side. Everyone goes there on physical death. This is the place where the truth about one’s self becomes glaringly evident and for those who suffer from darkened consciousness, it can seem like less than Heaven until their awareness shifts into a realization of love: self-love and love for others. In the state of unconditional Divine Love, we are destined to know great peace, joy, and overflowing love while we are prepared to undertake yet another life, wherein our spiritual quest for full Spiritual Awakening and enlightenment will continue.

At MySpiritCare, you can gain spiritual insight into the purpose of your life. We can help you on your path!




Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

My Spirit Care: Your Psychic Reading is a Psychic Partnership

When you call My Spirit Care for a psychic reading, we form a partnership to get to the bottom of what concerns you. You will find the experience to be relaxed and comfortable, like being with a good friend.

I do this work from a personal devotion to serving others. Expressing love is what I do best and because this is the energy that I put into psychic readings and all of my other services, this is the energy that comes out of it. You can be assured of an uplifting and truly meaningful experience or you don’t pay…no hard feelings because we are dedicated to what’s best for you.

This intention and philosophy stands out in a world where loving helpers are very hard to come by. We begin all our services, and psychic readings, with the component of mutual cooperation…mutual trust… and our genuine concern for your highest welfare. What’s really cool is that during your psychic reading, your Divine Guides, my Divine Guides, you and us…all form a circle of support around your life and issues. You are surrounded by beings who are truly “pulling for you.” It doesn’t get any better than that!

So why do we care so much? We know who you really are: a good, loving, Divine Being having a challenging earthly experience. Life on Earth is the “A” Ticket Ride of the cosmos…thrills and chills, joy and despair, pleasure and pain, sunsets and cheeseburgers and crocus in the Spring. Life on Earth is chock-full of purpose, meaning, tremendous challenge and sometimes, overwhelming confusion and difficulty. The hardest part is that we weren’t born with a handbook and at times we don’t know where to turn for the answers. With eyes trained to see in the dark, I will help you know which steps can be taken to make this life the best it can possibly be.

So then, are you ready for a more happy and purposeful life? I’m ready when you are!! 🙂

Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Angels & Guides: What the Retail Myth Does Not Reveal

Angels! What a beautiful word for the most wondrous, powerful and sacred of Beings!

I have to be straight with you about angels because of the deep reverence I hold for them…what I will write here is not the retail angel information you’ve heard elsewhere. Writers, publishers, “teachers” and others have popularized angels in our spiritually hungry culture. Many people who claim to know a great deal about angels are recognized by those with clairvoyant sight to not be the experts they profess to be. Money talks, and since the sight of an angel is not readily available, it’s easy to profit by claiming to know all about them, building entire careers on peppy, feel-good angel mythology.

Angel experiences are profoundly sacred, highly personal and…I speak frankly… very unique to the individual. Mainstream angel dogma presents us with an image of angels that look like gorgeous human females in “way beautiful” gowns who live in the clouds and model makeup for Mabelline.

I’m sorry, but the princess/fairy/angel/archetype is not accurate. We can choose to believe it because it’s fun, or just because we are products of a society that sadly equates physical beauty with goodness. We even may experience seeing something that appears like a limited edition angel something-or-other, but one must come to understand that spiritual experiences—human interaction with the cosmic energy soup—is shaped by human belief and what we expect to see.

Angels are a vast order of immense energy Beings that uphold Divine Intention throughout existence…and stand at the ready to help other beings achieve a state of Grace and Protection in times of great and exceptional need. When truly needed, they do respond and do so instantly.

Angels are cosmic servants of incalculable inter-dimensional responsibility, not solely concerned with our planet and its life forms. And truly, angels don’t have human names…they have a tone, a frequency as an identifier.

Although often confused with personal spiritual Guides and despite what some claim, angels are not really there to manage every second of your life, like getting you a parking place. Despite what humans crave to believe, the entire cosmos does not revolve around us and our egotistical needs. Fact is, when we finally get that, when we finally understand the Divinity within that we are meant to step into…that is when higher frequency beings of existence begin to mentor and assist us as we dedicate our lives to the service of others. Only when we learn the purpose of life is not about the little self, can we hope to resonate with the frequencies of service that angels abide.

Although many will claim they have a famous angel as their personal guide, did you know that when it comes to Divine guidance, it’s not the title or name that counts? It’s the quality and truth of the guidance that reveals what’s behind it. Divine angels don’t have an egotistic interest in throwing their “names” around and they don’t try to get credit for helping us. They are most discreet. The Energy that we humans call Archangel Michael is very real and is a mighty cosmic protector who loves us all…but has no interest in impressing us with lofty words.

As I sometimes need to explain during readings as a psychic clairvoyant at My Spirit Care, many beings from the spiritual side of existence are often mistaken for angels. When it comes to the real helpers, though, your daily protection and moment-to-moment existence is managed from the other side of this life by what is known in metaphysical shop talk as “Spirit Guides.”

Divine Spirit Guides assist you from the realm of a spiritual reality nearer to the frequency of the physical world than angels. They are beings with whom you have consented to their help during this lifetime and it is a Divine contract that you have with them.  Many Guides have lived as humans before and they fully understand what it’s like to be in this plane of existence. They know your path in this lifetime. Often their guidance comes through thought, an idea, a gut feeling or a quick impulse that averts you from danger or a poor choice.

It’s important to know that when any human has a connection to non-human intelligence, and this includes Spirit guidance, the person must evaluate the guidance with discernment. Like angels, Divine Guides are never egotistical and they will never prompt you to injure another being in any way. Although there are spiritual intelligences that will lead you down a hurtful path, or flatter and expertly deceive, your Divine Guides never will. They will give you feelings of love, peace and comfort.  They are present to lift you up and teach you the lessons of love, humility, self-empowerment and truth.

That which is Divine, is Simple Truth. Peace. Love. Hope. Protection for all. Your Divine Guides are the ones who watch over you every second! So, even though the cosmic order of angels may not be at your beck and call, your Divine Guides are. Because of their abiding presence, you can know that no matter what, you are perfectly loved and you are never alone.