Diana's Spirit Care Blog Articles

Tips & Techniques to Have Positive Energy and a Good Aura, No Matter What!

As you may have discovered, it is far easier to “be spiritual” when things are going your way. But when life gets tough, it can be very difficult to be spiritually connected and maintain positive energy.

Be like the butterfly with the perfect auraFor many people right now, creating a good aura and positive energy around them can be difficult. Although there are people who are doing fine financially, who have great careers and good health and all the marvelous amenities modern life can offer, there is a rapidly expanding gulf between the “haves” and the “have nots.” As you may have discovered, it is far easier to “be spiritual” when things are going your way. But when life gets tough, it can be very difficult to be spiritually connected and maintain positive energy.

Tough Times and Heavy Hearts

Increasing numbers are suffering greatly in body, mind and spirit. Sadly, the collective sense of social mercy and justice has left the nation: millions of people go without health care, jobs, homes, or a social safety net. Added to their immense suffering is an impersonal, self-serving social system that purports to help (in order to justify its tax burdensome existence) but does not. Millions of people live on the edge and are falling into an abyss.

The material reality is utterly heartless for precious beings, human and non. Likewise, emotional realities fair no better. Tough economies and political decay translate into shattered social connections so essential to human health and happiness. Although there are people who are happily attached to a romantic partner or enjoy a strong sense of family security and connection to others, many more find themselves without a partner of any kind, have broken family ties, or feel essentially friendless.  Epidemic isolation of people from one another is the worst kind of curse to the human spirit. Not only are we social animals who are wired to connect with one another, we are spiritual beings who long to give and receive love.

Around the globe, wars rage and diplomats arrogantly play with human life over intellectual absurdities and outright lies. Deception is the rule–not the exception. Moral and ethical decay has corroded all of our social systems: government, politics, religion, education, finance, business, media–if you can name it, you can find a lie. This creates dissonance and confusion within the human psyche, leading to mental lock-up, indecision, and despair.

You’re Not Going Crazy…The World Has Gone Crazy!

Many innocent, loving souls who strive to do good tell me that they are growing weary. They feel alienated from a world that makes no sense to them. Some think they’re going crazy because they see the world as upside down. If you feel that way, know that you are not crazy and you are correct: the world makes no sense. The insanity all around us can only make sense to the insane, who have shaped the world into what it is today.

National and global turmoil, psychopathology, and spiritual darkness are negative energies that people battle with. Every day, people are pressed upon by negative energy–whether they know it or not.

What can be done about it? How can you overcome?

Truths and Techniques to Keep Your Energy Positive

Buddha taught that the the path to liberation from suffering is Truth. What many do not realize is that dogma is not the same as Truth. Dogma will let you down at some point in your life. When you no longer know what to believe or hold onto, the following Truths, and Techniques, will get you through.

Six Truths to Know:

  • You are an immortal, indestructible Spirit housed in a temporary physical form. The real, eternal you cannot die and you cannot be destroyed.
  • You were born free. You are free. Whatever enslaves you, you  have given your consent. You can revoke your contracts of bondage. Be the free spirit that is your Divine Birthright.
  • You are unconditionally loved by Life…the Infinite Creator of Life…and Love is the energy you are made of. You are never without love, even when others are unloving to you!
  • Things, being what they are, are not what they seem to be! What you see, what you believe, what you think, what you’ve been taught are not absolutes: every intellectual certainty you own is destined for correction.
  • The rock foundation of your life comes from knowing who you truly are and loving yourself, first.  Jesus taught, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” but almost all people fail to get the “thyself” part. Seeking love from others in order to feel loved is building your house of life upon shifting sands. Know who you are. You are worthy of love, yes, you are! So love yourself.
  • There is humor in the absurd. When you rise above the unrelenting trial, the excruciating injustice, you will find your smile again. Don’t get stuck in the mire of resentment, revenge, and hatred. The cosmos rolls on. What is horrible now, will be remade. Don’t sacrifice yourself to darkness. That’s what it wants you to do. If you want to get even, keep your smile.
Seven Techniques that Work:
  • Master your thoughts. While how you feel influences your thoughts, your thoughts influence your actions. Realize your thoughts fuel your emotions. Emotions change for the better, but not when you are locked into negative thinking! Break that debilitating loop by disciplining yourself to keep your thoughts positive. Look at the proverbial glass as “Half full” instead of “Half empty.” You are forging a doorway out of your misery.
  • Follow a daily spiritual practice. There is no option for you not to do this. There is no other way, if you want to change your life.
  • Do things that are hard to do: discipline is a necessary part of a successful life. The easy way out is for losers. Life will not coddle you out of your troubles, so don’t waste yourself in complaining and whining. Want some examples of discipline? Master your thoughts and have a spiritual practice! 🙂 These take discipline at first, but they become something you love to do because they work.
  • Serve others. Do something nice for somebody. Reach out. Give of yourself. Make the world better with your caring.
  • Love beauty and be curious. The world is incredible even if we’ve messed it up! Listen to uplifting music and read uplifting books. Create something. Learn something new.
  • Take care of your body. Don’t eat junk. Drink pure water without chlorine and fluoride. Get adequate sleep. Have a stress elimination routine (like a daily spiritual practice!!) and get exercise.
  • Spend time in nature. You need nature because you came from nature
I support your happiness, health, and spiritual empowerment! If you need to talk to me for a clairvoyant psychic reading, an auric energy reading, or spiritual coaching, make your purchase from the right-hand column and I’ll schedule an appointment with you. Namaste, dear friends.

18 replies on “Tips & Techniques to Have Positive Energy and a Good Aura, No Matter What!”

I really love your suggestions and Outlook on life. I see aruas since I was alittle girl. I feel energies and it can be stressful sometimes, almost consuming me. I don’t see my arua tho. The real reason I only found your page was because I was searching for a way to seek positivity. I have a battle going on inside me and it’s effecting me and my life and those around me. I really don’t know where to start. I’d love a reading and some answers or hope but I’m affraid. I’m working on my spirituality and have meditating but this negative energy just won’t go away.

Amber, thanks for reaching out. I’m sure you understand that there’s little I can do for you in a comment forum. But I can say that it would be excellent to not give into your fear!! You do know where to start…but will you do it? There is help…will you let yourself have it? I’m so glad you’re working on your spirituality!! Fantastic! You have to know, however, that there isn’t a magic pill to make everything perfect, right? It can take some time to figure things out, to overcome the internal battles, so be patient with yourself and let yourself get calm. There are transpersonal therapists that can help you, and if you’d like a clairvoyant teaching session with me just look in the right-hand column. In the meantime, dear Amber, take a deep breath. This struggle is temporary…you’ll work it out!! Know that, and in spite of the turmoil inside, take a good long look at the beauty of nature around you, feel the warmth of the sun, hear the song of the birds, feel your own heart within and don’t let turmoil crowd out your natural state of love, hope, and sweetness. Everything will be okay…but you do have to make a choice. Choose positive action that will help you and don’t let fear get in your way. All blessings and thanks for writing.

Really? (What does that have to do with this article?) You can talk to anyone or anything you choose, but that doesn’t mean you should. –And considering the appearance, formulation, and location of your comment, I’d advise against it. You are better off spending your time and energy improving your life, here and now. Stay away from ghosts, they would not be good for you.

Very true about aura
Recently I got influenced by some body’s aura so much that I too want to create a influencing aura all around me. Positovity has lots of energy.

Hi…um…i’m searching about aura thing and i found this article. Recently, my friends and I had a fight and misunderstandings due to my stress aura. They said that i always have that aura since last year that I had became grade concious. Then they always tell me that i have that kind of aura. Due to this aura i’ve been causing a lot of trouble to them because unconciously I had became selfish and immature. Now, even if i am with my friends…i am silent because I dont know what to say to them and it’s making me sad. Please help me.

Hi, Nica,
I’m sorry you are taking the blame for what your friends are calling a “stress aura”. Why do you believe they are qualified to pass such a judgment? Are they experienced professional clairvoyants who can even see an aura? I doubt that. They don’t really know what an aura is…even if they have read about it somewhere. What’s going on is that they are taking advantage of your lack of self-confidence and insecurity in your relationship, showing off a false knowledge, and you would do well to not let them do that to you.

While those closest to us can have useful feedback sometimes, that does not mean that all feedback from friends is valid. If you had a freckle on your arm and your friend said it was the plague…would you believe that, too?

If you are showing signs of stress, it would be one thing if your friends pointed that out, because that is something that many people can relate to. Most people have experience with stress. And while that feed back may not be true, it would be worth more to consider it, as the signs of that is a common bit of knowledge shared by many people. Auras, on the other hand, are extremely specialized and there are only a relative handful of people who are qualified to comment on them. So, please, stop beating yourself up for having a “stress aura” because frankly there is no such simple diagnosis and they aren’t qualified to say that anyway.

Even if that were true, even IF you had a “stress aura”, well…so what???? Really, Nica, so what??? Do you think you have to be a perfect person who never gets stressed so that really silly people will like you? Are they not human and perfect? Are they never selfish? Oh, and the “immature” label, the “causing a lot of trouble to them” part: it’s time to find some new friends. People that run you down and blame you like that are not your friends. People who make you fall silent because you are afraid of saying anything are not your friends. Stop trying to fit in, clear your head of nonsense and have the self-respect to choose understanding, caring, tolerant, mature, accepting real friends.

Maybe you are stressed. That’s not a crime and it’s no reason for your “friends” to condemn you. Work on becoming less stressed but not for them. Do it for YOU.

You are a very caring and conscientious person. Give yourself credit. Like yourself. And remember to tell yourself the truth, which is, “What other people think of me is their problem.” The sadness you feel about this should show you it’s time to stop allowing others to regulate your self-esteem. If you do not make changes now, if you do not begin to stand up for yourself and choose better companions now, you will experience much unhappiness in your life that is totally unnecessary.

The only people worthy to be in your life are the ones that help you through the hard times and laugh with you after the hard times pass.

Take up daily meditation, join a spiritual community to meet kind and sensible people and get help for your stress from those who are qualified to help you. Love yourself. You are a beautiful person. There’s the truth. Now believe it!

i am an in need of help.i fail to make friends and fell lonely always i want to learn how to adjust to my surrounding people and get along with them but i fail always and cry even for silly things i couldnt concentrate on my studies i want to learn to make friends and to communicate well without fear please give me a solution for this

I’m sorry you’re feeling like a failure…we all need to feel loved and have meaningful relationships in our lives…but there are times–in everyone’s lives–when this desire doesn’t seem to be met. You describe crying and lack of concentration, which are symptoms of depression and for that, I recommend professional counseling. The solution you ask for isn’t like a pill you can take, but a process of healing and learning to understand the importance of self love. If you have to adjust yourself to make people like you, then you are trying to make friends with the wrong people! I am available for a consultation to discuss energetic and spiritual matters, but I can’t provide further help in a comments section. Thank you for writing, and please…start counting all the good things in your life. Don’t try so hard to please others, and get some counseling for the stress and depression it appears you are having right now.

I have autism and get into weird routines which makes me friendless. Thanks for you’re article as I was looking for ways to improve my aura to attract the truth and positivity. You cannot have one without the other!

I personally do not see auras *probably due to my birth defects* but I can still sense them even though I do not have a sixth sense on other things.

I can tell when someone is stressed or happy without thinking about it or them even knowing they harbor sadness and if I point someone out and they deny it the truth usually comes out sometime the next 24 hours when I least expect it!

It has happened more times then I can count. At least a dozen.

Thank you for sharing. I want to emphasize that you do have spiritual gifts, and I’d like to see you disown the arbitrary label of autism…instead, see yourself as beautifully unique,and not what the world says you are. You don’t have defects, any more than the rest of the human race anyway, but you do have opportunities others may be missing. So celebrate your life and the wonderful expression your Divine Soul chose for this incarnation! Improving one’s aura begins with a love and acceptance of self.

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